Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 729: Divine Fusion

Lin Fan once thought that the elemental gods followed the route of long-range mages.

After all, manipulating the elements to release divine spells is like throwing skills one by one mage.

But the chariot in front of him let him know that it turned out that the mage and the melee mage said that...

Seeing that Che Kui lowered his head and didn't speak, Lin Fan slammed his mouth: "Speaking of which, I should thank you, but this battle should end here, your earth magic and fire magic have no effect on me. "

"I can't beat me in melee combat, and this training should be stopped."


The voice fell.

Che Chang suddenly raised his head and stared at Lin Fan.

"The warm-up just now was very good." The two ponytails of different colors floated up at the same time behind Che Chang.

"Huh?" Lin Fan was slightly taken aback.

In this girl's eyes, just now... it was just a warm-up?

For a while, Lin Fan suddenly had an ominous feeling.

"You're right, my earth magic and fire magic have no effect on you." Che Chang's yellow and red eyes lit up at the same time. At this moment, two completely different divine powers surged in her body at the same time. move!

"But in the end, it's just my most basic performance. Every time I use it, it's just a single priesthood."

"Do you know what the scariest thing about dual priesthood is?"

Che Yu suddenly asked such an inexplicable question.

Lin Fan subconsciously replied: "Isn't it just two priesthoods, one more priesthood than ordinary single priesthood gods, of course it's amazing."

Che Kui rubbed her aching right hand and smiled at the corner of her mouth: "Haha, that's right."

"But the scariest thing about dual priesthood is not just having two priesthoods."

"It's when the two different priesthoods are used at the same time, and the two kinds of divine powers blend with each other... The superposition of power is not one plus one equals two, the combination of two elemental divine powers often results in a third or even third The four elements..."

Speaking of which.

Chess took a deep breath.

"Now, I admit, you have the strength to let me go all out."

"Then I can do my best."

The next moment, under Lin Fan's stunned gaze.

Che Yu's two pupils with different colors were like two swirling vortexes at this moment. During the rotation of the pupils, the yellow left eye had a tinge of fiery red, while the fiery red right eye had a tinge of yellow light.

At this moment, Che Yu's hair, which had completely different colors on both sides, also changed strangely. The two colors of left, yellow and right red were fused together like flowing ink.

Chesun untied the rubber bands on her ponytails, and her long hair floated in the air.

The two different colors of hair that were originally distinct, at this time, it was difficult to distinguish the original color. Each hair in the long hair had a yellow tip, and then the color gradually changed, and finally became a fiery red at the tip.

At the same time, Che Kui gritted her teeth fiercely and let out a suppressed roar, her delicate little face flushed red, and two blue veins burst out on her neck, as if she was in great pain.

Her right hand was burning with fire.

In her left hand, mud surging.

Left and right fire!

But at this time, these two hands that exude completely different divine powers are slowly coming together.

A slight shattering sound came from her body, as if something broke at this moment.

It was the barrier she opened up in her body to isolate the two divine powers.

The barrier shattered, and the two distinct divine powers, each occupying half of the body, collided with one another.

Two completely different divine powers collided in her body, and the terrifying fluctuation almost tore her body from the inside out.

Two kinds of divine power exist in the body at the same time, which is a kind of talent and a curse.

The dual priesthood is not only difficult to advance in strength and slow growth due to the cultivation of two kinds of divine fire at the same time, but also the existence of two completely different divine powers in the body at the same time. died.

If it weren't for the fact that he wanted to defeat Lin Fan too much, Che Chang would not have taken such a risk at all!

"This girl seems to be really angry, and she has come this far." Zhang Chengfeng couldn't help frowning when he saw this scene on the screen, but then he exhaled: "It's just right, I can make Lin Fan that Boy, see how the real dual priesthood fights."

And right now.

"Mr. Zhang," Yun Zheyue suddenly asked in a low voice, "I heard that even if you have dual priesthoods, it's very difficult to hold two kinds of divine powers in your body, isn't it?"

Zhang Chengfeng also had a good impression of Yun Zheyue, a top student, and nodded: "Yeah. This car is quite good. There is no essential conflict between the divine power of the earth and the divine power of the fire. If they are against the divine power... as far as I know. , and only that fire like a dragon can do it."

"But..." Yun Zheyue frowned and said with a puzzled look: "I remember Lin Fan seems to be the four priests, right? The **** of the earth, the **** of wind, the **** of yellow sand, and the **** of ice..."

When talking about the God of Frost, Yun Zheyue's face was strange. After all, the fire of ice in Lin Fan's body was forcibly separated from his failure in the gambling battle.

But Yun Zheyue didn't bother about this, but went straight to the topic and said, "Then why is Lin Fan able to use the four elements at will, and it's not painful at all?"

After all, on the screen, Che Yu's expression was so painful that her fingernails were deeply embedded in her palm.

This is still the pain of the fusion of two divine powers.

If the four divine powers coexist, it will definitely be more difficult.

Zhang Chengfeng was slightly taken aback when he heard this question.

In fact, Zhang Chengfeng knew that Lin Fan was not just four priests.

What Yun Zheyue said was only exposed by Lin Fan, and it was the four kinds of priesthoods that were easily recognized.

Zhang Chengfeng was quite sure that Lin Fan was still a **** of space, with the fire of space and the fire of the sword **** in his body.

It's just that Lin Fan hasn't performed the song in public, and although he has used the space magic a few times, it's hard for people to believe that a high school student has the space magic fire.

If it doesn't work, Lin Fan has more magic fires, but he just doesn't know it.

In fact, Zhang Chengfeng couldn't understand this. When he accepted Lin Fan as his apprentice, he saw Lin Fan's strange physique with various priesthoods and perfectly accommodated various divine powers.

"Is this the legendary eternity?"

"Speaking of which, his father is Lin Weimao, the **** of light, then his mother is darkness..." Zhang Chengfeng's eyes shook when he thought of this.

Although he had guessed, but now that he has learned the true identities of Lin Fan's parents, he can't help but be shocked!

Darkness emerges from light, and the junction is eternity.

This is the first sentence recorded on the Destiny scarf, which is widely circulated in the God Realm. It is said that it was spoken by the God of Creation and recorded by the first Destiny Lord God of the Temple of Destiny.

A body that perfectly accommodates any divine power, is that the definition of eternity?

"This kid..." Zhang Chengfeng looked at Lin Fan on the screen and said softly, "I hope it won't disappoint me."

He wanted Lin Fan to learn the true multi-clerical fighting style.

in the training hall.

Chess took a deep breath.

The originally painful expression suddenly calmed down, opened his eyes and looked at Lin Fan.

At this moment, two completely different divine powers in her body are perfectly intertwined, blending with each other, completely indistinguishable from you and me.

The armor of earth and the armor of fire, which originally took up half of the body, fused together strangely at this moment. The raging fire blended with the soil wrapped in mineral fragments, turning into a layer of scorching and dazzling lava, which flowed on her like armor.

The hair and eyes also changed color at this moment, and the yellow and red blended together perfectly.

The whole person has the weight of the earth and the heat of the fire.

At the moment when the hands were put together, the soil was enveloped in flames and turned into molten slurry in the absolute heat.

"Lin Fan," Che Kui smiled, "Do you know what a true dual priesthood is?"

"I admit, you really have four priesthoods, just like the rumors."

"But the so-called four priesthoods, in your hands, are no different from single priesthoods, and you will only use one of them at a time."

"Now, let me teach you the true power of multi-clergy!"

Without saying a word, Lin Fan pulled the trigger directly!

The bullets with the added damage skills shredded the air instantly and shot, but Che Chang didn't have any evasion at all, because she knew that those bullets couldn't be avoided.

But the weird thing was that she just stood there and watched those bullets come at her with a blank face.



The bullets with huge force hit her. Although there was no control effect, the bullets that were still enough to injure the seventh-order gods failed to cause any damage to the chariot!

Che Shou didn't even frown.

Those warheads were embedded in her lava armor, melted into liquid metal by high temperature, and became part of the lava armor.

Lin Fan's face suddenly became solemn.

Through the playback of the battle glasses, he could clearly see that the moment the bullet hit the viscous lava armor, the impact force that was enough to seriously injure the seventh-order **** instantly caused ripples in the scalding lava.

But it only caused fluctuations, and the thick and thick lava armor directly transmitted the fluctuations to the ground, perfectly transferring the damage. And the chariot wrapped in the lava armor was completely unattended.

The warhead penetrated only a few centimeters in the thick and viscous melt, and it was completely stuck and turned into a liquid, which did not harm Che Chang's body at all.

This kind of defense... far surpasses the simple armor of the earth and the armor of fire.

This is the boost that comes from combining the two elements.

The Che Gu at this moment, suddenly reminded Lin Fan of Kemisi after facing the old man Chun and walking the path of divine experience.

Although the previous Kemisi could transform body elements at will, it could only transform into a single element.

And Kemisi, who had walked the road of divine experience and fought with the old man Chun again, was covered with flames, and under the flames was a body transformed into a divine weapon, and his skin had also changed into molten metal like molten lava.

At that time, Kemisi used flames to melt the ice of Mr. Chun, and cut open Mr. Chun's body with the palm of his artifact, forcing Mr. Chun to sacrifice himself.

Obviously, at that time, Kemisi was able to turn his body into two elements at the same time, a combination of the two elements.

When Lin Fan thought of this, he was interrupted by the voice of Che Yu.

"You better be careful."

"The me now is not the same as before."

Che Kui pressed her hands on the ground, and at this moment, two kinds of divine powers in her body rushed into the ground!

"Since you are also the **** of the earth, do you know what is in the depths of the earth?"

Che Yu suddenly asked.

The next moment, divine power surges!

[Primary Magic: Molten Burst]!

The ground in front of Che Chang cracked in an instant, but it didn't raise a wall of earth to shoot at Lin Fan.

Under Lin Fan's stunned gaze, the terrifying lava roared and spewed out like waves, like a volcano erupting!

The depths of the earth are flowing flames!

Many people think that the two priesthoods of the God of the Earth and the God of Fire have nothing to do with it, but in fact, what is hidden in the depths of the earth is lava!

That is the real, hidden power in the depths of the earth.

It was a combination of fire and rock.

At this moment, Che Gu is like the ruler of this party. In front of her, rolling molten lava spews out from the depths of the ground. It is the power from the depths of the ground that she summoned through the divine power of fire and the earth at the same time!

The thick lava was like a tide, rushing towards Lin Fan endlessly!

like a flowing flame.

Even the dazzling and hot thick molten slurry set off a huge wave of 100 meters, like a giant palm emitting a red glow, slamming into Lin Fan!

this moment.

Looking around, there are red awns everywhere.

This is an ocean of lava!

Lin Fan only felt a scorching heat coming towards him. He didn't have time to think about it. He stomped on the ground under his feet and called out a wall of earth to try to block the molten slurry.


At the moment when the earth shield appeared, the rolling molten slurry directly melted the earth wall, and the originally wet soil was instantly burned into a liquid state and added into it as molten slurry.


Lin Fan subconsciously wanted to crack the ground in front of him and devour the melt.

But then I thought about it, once I cracked the earth, if the molten slurry was sprayed out again, then I obviously helped Cheshou open an outlet for the molten slurry.

Lin Fan tried to use the power of the earth to forcibly manipulate the molten lava, but the rock lava, which had become liquid and filled with the element of fire, could not be controlled by the power of the earth alone.

It's a combination of two elements!

They are only controlled for the dual priesthood of Chess.

As for blowing with strong winds... These thick molten slurries coming from all directions cannot be blown back by strong winds.

And even if Feng Nu's [Hurricane Whistling] can blow away the molten lava for a short time, there will be a cooling time afterwards!

At this moment, there were only two paths in front of Lin Fan.

Either you don't hide the vocation of the God of the Sea, directly condense a large amount of water elements, and force the lava to cool down.

Or, get off the ground.

Lin Fan chose the latter.

After all, the priesthood of the God of the Sea would be his trump card in the Sea of ​​Death, and Lin Fan didn't want to expose it in advance.

The gust of wind surged under Lin Fan's feet, and at the moment when the wave of molten lava was about to engulf Lin Fan's feet, the young man's figure rose into the sky, leaving the ground, and even better avoided the wave of molten lava!

But Lin Fan's expression was not relaxed.

Because although the gods can fight in the air, moving in the air with divine power is far less flexible than on the ground.

The words "power from the ground" are not just words.

Even though Lin Fan is the **** of strong winds, he can manipulate the air flow and move the air faster than ordinary gods using divine power to move the air in the air, but he still doesn't have the speed and flexibility of running down-to-earth on the ground.

Che Chang stood on the sea of ​​lava that covered the training ground, looked up at Lin Fan, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, do you like to avoid?"

"I want to see how you dodge!"

next moment.

Chess raised his hands, palms up.

The lava beside her boiled instantly, and thousands of drops of lava roared into her palm. In an instant, it condensed into a tens of meters of lava fire.

Like a burning water mass, the flow exudes dazzling light and incomparable heat.


The chariot said softly.

【Combination Magic·Meteor Fire Shower】.

In an instant, the huge mass of molten lava exploded, and thousands of tiny molten lava, like meteors, streaked across the air and rushed towards Lin Fan.

There is no way to avoid it!

Seeing the meteor-like lava raindrops coming towards him, Lin Fan took a deep breath and stretched out a hand.

"Glacier storm."

Ice Crystal Phoenix R skill.

In Lin Fan's palm, a snowflake slowly condensed.

The cold breath dissipated instantly, the elements of winter were forcibly condensed, and the surrounding temperature dropped instantly.

Snow and ice danced in the air.

In an instant, those molten raindrops were frozen, but they still hit Lin Fan, and Lin Fan suddenly made a "sizzling" sound.

Only the surface layer is frozen, and the inside of those molten raindrops is still hot lava!

after all.

The molten lava is not like a simple flame, it is extinguished when it is extinguished.

Simply cold, it is difficult to completely cool the molten lava.

In an instant, Lin Fan's entire body was scalded into white. If Lin Fan threw a tornado and swept away the molten particles that followed, he would have already reached maturity.

But even so, a large area of ​​Lin Fan's skin was scalded.

Che Chang also seemed to feel that she was a little too much. After all, it was just a training course, and she frowned at the moment: "Why don't you admit defeat..."

But at the next moment, there was a hint of stunnedness in Che Yu's eyes.

I saw that Lin Fan's scalded skin actually fell off, and a new layer of skin grew rapidly on the wound.

Tam e skill, [thick skin].

He can quickly recover most of his injuries, and coupled with Garen's passive [Toughness], Lin Fan's scalded injuries can quickly recover.

Lin Fan frowned slightly as he looked at the lava under his feet.

"As expected of the combination of the two elements, the pure cold is no longer able to completely freeze these melts."


Lin Fan stretched out his hands.

In his hands, two kinds of divine power surged.

That is the supernatural power of the wind and the supernatural power of the yellow sand.

"I have a lot of priesthood too."

"Heh, it doesn't seem to give up." Seeing that Lin Fan wasn't seriously injured, Che Kui was relieved and shot again.

Thousands of drops of molten slurry rushed towards Lin Fan again!

Lin Fan's hands that exuded different divine powers suddenly joined together. At this moment, two completely different divine powers instantly merged.

Seeing the molten lava pouring out from the sky, Lin Fan suddenly released his hands.

[Combination Magic: Sand in the Wind].

In an instant, rolling yellow sand poured out from Lin Fan's hands, like a river, and there was even a gust of wind.

Countless grains of yellow sand were wrapped in the gust of wind, whistling like bullets towards the gushing molten raindrops!

The rolling sand river turned into an endless rain of bullets.



Under the wind, the billowing yellow sand directly knocked the raindrops of molten lava back into the sea of ​​lava on the ground, and not a single drop could touch Lin Fan's body.


The next moment, those yellow sand melted into liquid glass in the molten slurry and became part of the molten slurry.

"Elemental restraint..." Lin Fan frowned slightly.

I really didn't expect that the yellow sand that I condensed barely blocked those molten raindrops, but it actually became a part of the molten slurry...

Speaking of which, Lin Fan didn't have a deep understanding of various elements. This was almost shooting himself in the foot, and he made a move that was almost like adding fuel to the fire.

But Che Kui looked at Lin Fan in shock at this time.

She had heard that Lin Fan had four kinds of priesthoods, and in previous battles, she had seen Lin Fan use four kinds of priesthoods in turn.

But she never took it to heart, because Lin Fan would never use the two divine powers together.

But never expected.

This guy just saw that he fused the two divine powers, and then directly learned the fusion of the two divine powers!

The river of yellow sand released by the God of Yellow Sand can at most drown the enemy and devour the enemy, but he did not expect that under the gust of wind, the fine sand became like a bullet.

The sand in the wind, if it wasn't for her covering herself with lava, relying on elemental restraint to melt the sand blown by the wind, if it really hits hard, I'm afraid it would have been beaten by the sand. sieve!

This is... a perfect combination of magic!

Combination magic has always been extraordinarily powerful.

The combination of the two elements often produces a powerful effect.

I heard that there are two guardian deities, who once directly cut off Lucifer's right arm with a combination of magic.

But it is also very troublesome to use, because two elements are used, so most of them need two single-ranked gods to cooperate, and they also need to be extra tacit and shoot at the same time.

As for the dual clergy gods, one person can release combined magic.

This is the horror of dual priesthood.

However, it is often extremely difficult to completely integrate the two divine powers. Even Che Chang can't maintain a perfect fusion all the time. That's why he came up with a way to let the two elements occupy half of his body. Only in real battles will the two be fused. kind of divine power.

But the young man in front of him... He has four kinds of divine vocations, and it is incredible that he can easily combine two kinds of divine power without any pain?


Che Yu's face was full of disbelief.

At this time, Lin Fan, who was standing in the air, seemed to have opened up a new continent. Various elements continued to emerge in his hands and then closed together, chanting words in his mouth.

"The power of the wind and the power of the earth..."


The ground beneath Lin Fan cracked, and the crack in the ground did not spew out molten lava, but spurted a gust of wind from the bottom to the top.

Like the breath of the earth.

This strong wind has a sixth-order strength!

Although it doesn't sound very good, Lin Fan at this time is only half a step to the sixth rank!

"Let's call this divine art [Earth Breath] first. Then the divine power of the earth and the divine power of ice are combined together..."

Lin Fan continued to curiously stretch out his hands and fuse them together.

An earth wall rose from the ground, but this time the earth wall was extremely hard, the originally wet earth was completely frozen at this moment, and the water inside it was frozen into ice, with an incomparably cold, just like an ice wall!

In terms of defensive power, it is far more powerful than a wall of earth. Just like the difference between frozen soil and soil, it is the cold surging underground.

The permafrost above the snow field, even the **** of the earth will be trapped in it. After all, the old man Chun had frozen the ground to trap Zhang Chengfeng. At this time, with the fusion of the two divine powers, Lin Fan could easily condense the frozen ground and manipulate the frozen ground.

Although this frozen earth wall was still melted by the sea of ​​lava on the ground, it persisted for two minutes, and the earth wall that Lin Fan had condensed before became part of the lava in just ten seconds.

Lin Fan even had a feeling.

If you are a seventh-order like Chesun, then the wall of permafrost that you have condensed may be able to compete with these lava and truly resist the erosion of Then, the wind and the ice..."

An extremely cold gust of wind gusted out beside Lin Fan, which directly froze the molten lava below into a thick hard shell.

The cold carried by the wind is more penetrating and easier to spread than pure cold. Even the gust of wind was mixed with a mighty ice gun.

If someone faces this cold wind, not only will they be hindered by the strong wind, but also because of the cold, their movements will be slightly slower, their body will be slightly paralyzed, and they will have to face the ice gun that is wrapped in the wind.

The power is also doubled.

During the whole process, Che Kui did not continue to attack Lin Fan.

Instead, he looked up at Lin Fan with a complicated expression on his face as he experimented in the air... I had never seen such a scene before.

After Lin Fan experimented a few times, he suddenly had a whim, what would happen if the three divine powers merged?

But after trying several times, he couldn't fuse the three divine powers at the same time to release the divine art.

That kind of balance is difficult to grasp. Lin Fan cannot achieve the fusion of the three divine powers for the time being. Not only does he need practice, but he also needs stronger strength to support him.

As of now, Lin Fan couldn't perfectly activate the three divine powers at the same time.

Lin Fan simply concentrated on experimenting with the two kinds of divine powers, while Che Wei looked up at Lin Fan with a confused look and used the two kinds of divine powers to fuse them together again and again, as if he was looking up to a big guy to show his operations.

But in the next moment.

Lin Fan suddenly stopped.

He bowed his head and smiled at the woman standing in the sea of ​​lava, "I seem to know how to deal with your lava."

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