Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 728: Learn and transcend

The hot flames made the surrounding air expand rapidly, and the expanding air gave her arm a huge reaction force.

Wrapped in the huge reaction force, Che Yu's arm was like a rocket, and instantly burst out with power beyond what she should have, and the speed increased several times in an instant!

It was as if a thruster had been attached to the elbow joint.

"No wonder that so powerful." Lin Fan still had lingering fears when he thought about that punch.

Now that I understand this detail, it is no wonder that the opponent can knock down all his shields with one punch when he activates the damage reduction skill.

Although Lin Fan's body is strong, when he fights with this girl, he relies on the brute force of his body, but this girl will not only use the strength of the body, but also the strength from two elements.

Just like a leverage effect, the effective use of those two elements is enough to increase her own strength several times.

This is a melee skill belonging to the gods.

It has to be said that Che Ku is worthy of coming out of the Divine Kingdom No. 1 Middle School. If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, Lin Fan would not have known that the elemental gods could be so powerful in melee combat. Of course, doing this requires a nuanced application of both elements.

"As for why she wasn't hurt much, do you understand?" Yi's voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, then looked at the slowly flowing pictures in front of him.

His fist hit the left shoulder of Che Yu.

To be precise, it hit the armor of the earth on the left shoulder of Cheshou...

"The armor of the earth." Lin Fan immediately understood.

The protective power of the seventh-order earth armor is strong enough to resist any seventh-order attack, and although Che Shu is an elemental god, the earth **** is famous among the elemental gods with rough skin and thick flesh, that is the element attribute to them.

And the divine power of fire gave Che Chang's right half a powerful explosive force.

The bizarre simultaneous appearance of the two elements made Che Kui possess an attack and defense power far exceeding that of the elemental gods of the same rank.

"Next time, throw a left fist." Yi said the results of his analysis, "Sometimes the fist that the opponent uses to attack is the most vulnerable."

Lin Fan nodded.

Lin Fan raised his head and looked at the lady who was standing in front of him. He had already analyzed everything before.

But Che Kui still frowned and looked confused, as if she didn't understand why she didn't dodge Lin Fan's punch...

"Almost?" Lin Fan smiled.

"Hmph, even if I can't figure it out clearly, but if I keep fighting like this, it's still me who wins!" Che Yu no longer wondered why he didn't dodge the punch. combustion.

With the subtle manipulation of the two elements, she did not believe that she would lose to Lin Fan in close combat!

But at the next moment, the smile on Che Yu's face suddenly solidified, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

The ground beneath Lin Fan's feet suddenly began to rise and fall with Lin Fan's breathing.

"Did he learn it so quickly?"

Che Kui looked at all this in shock, she couldn't believe it, Lin Fan actually discovered the details of his battle and learned to use the undulations of the earth to help him.

The battle is only a momentary effort, and at that time, everyone will be highly concentrated due to the secretion of adrenaline, and it is difficult to pay attention to the attacks launched by the opponent, and it is difficult to notice the details of the battle.

But Lin Fan not only noticed the way he used the earth to help him, he even imitated it!

Even more than that.

The soil under Lin Fan's feet also began to tumble. The fine soil was wrapped in various hard mineral fragments like a stream of water, slowly rushing upwards along Lin Fan's legs, wrapping his body and forming a khaki-colored armor.

At this moment, Lin Fan's whole body exuded a heavy meaning.

Like a rock!

Armor of the Earth!

"I learned from your appearance and also condensed a set of armor... In other words, this should be the armor of the earth, right?" Lin Fan laughed: "I feel that this armor has a good defense, not only does it have mineral crystals to provide strength, Those soft soils also have a cushioning effect.”

"Hmph, even so, you can beat me?"

Che Kui snorted coldly. Although she was also surprised by Lin Fan's observation ability, to be honest, this alone is not enough!

Chess no longer talks nonsense.

He rushed to Lin Fan again, the ground rose and fell with her footsteps, and the ground under her feet rose instantly every time she dropped the soles of her feet, as if throwing her up, giving her a terrifying impact.

This is the power from the depths of the earth!

As for Lin Fan, who was charging towards the chariot, the ground beneath his feet was undulating, exactly the same as the chariot, and he also used the power of the depths of the earth as his own impact force!

"This guy really learned!"

Seeing this scene, Che Yu was even more shocked.

But Che Yu was not panicked, because she still had control over the flames!

All of a sudden, the two of them have rushed to ten meters in front!

The chariot stomped on the ground violently, her legs exerted force, and the ground under her feet lifted instantly under the control of the divine power of the earth, giving the chariot a greater impact.


The chariot, who should have jumped up at a terrifying speed, not only did not feel the help from the earth, but felt soft under her feet!

Chess looked down.

I don't know when the fine yellow sand appeared under my feet, spinning like a vortex of quicksand, and stepping on it was like falling into a quagmire!

Due to an unexpected change, the speed of the chariot's rushing forward dissipated most of the time, and the whole person just barely jumped up.


"This..." Che Kui couldn't believe why this strange yellow sand appeared on the ground, but the next moment, she suddenly raised her head, looked at the man who jumped high under the support of the earth, and threw her fist at herself. Lin Fan was smashed.

Lin Fan's body was flowing with fine yellow sand, and the fine yellow sand formed quicksand on the ground under the pull of divine power!

"This guy, or the God of Yellow Sand?"

"And in such a short time, he set a trap for me with yellow sand!"

Between the electric light and flint, Che Kui was inexplicably shocked.

Did this guy learn so thoroughly? Even learned to use elements to fight?

And also ingeniously used the means of the God of Yellow Sand to quietly lay quicksand traps?


"That's it, just a little bit!"

Looking at Lin Fan who was throwing his fist at him, Che Kui took a deep breath, raised his arm, and punched his right fist in an instant!

There was a burst of flame behind her elbow, and the entire right arm was like a rocket, and the reaction force brought by the expansion of the air turned into a terrifying acceleration.

The flame power of the right arm also exploded instantly, bringing explosive power!

On the front of the fist, there is a blade made of flame.

At this moment, Che Yu's right fist slammed into Lin Fan under the blessing of the flame element.

A series of applications of the flame element is like a leverage effect, magnifying her original burst of power several times!

Even an eighth-order **** can only dodge under this punch.

And the armor of the earth on her left body became thicker and thicker, ready to resist Lin Fan's next unavoidable punch.

"bring it on!"

Che Kui punched Lin Fan fiercely.

The figures of the two collided, but at the moment when the fist slammed down, something unexpected happened!

Just as the fist slammed on Lin Fan's body, Che Yu suddenly felt a burst of weakness. The flame blade on the fist and the flame sprayed from the back of the elbow suddenly became much smaller. The power of this punch was greatly reduced!

In an instant, the chariot reacted.

Lin Fan took advantage of the **** of the wind to take the air out of the burning!

In this case, the combustion reaction cannot proceed, and the divine power of the fire cannot be turned into flames.

Of course, Lin Fan still couldn't pull out all the air in an instant to form a vacuum, but even so, the thin air couldn't make the flames burn fiercely, and the power of this punch was instantly reduced by half!

"You bastard!" Che Ku gritted her teeth fiercely, her right fist continued to exert force, and she was ready to use the armor of the earth on her left shoulder to resist Lin Fan's punch.


Under the surprised eyes of Che Kui, Lin Fan's right fist that had been stretched out suddenly retracted!

"Fake attack?"

Before Che Chang could react, he saw Lin Fan's left fist slamming out!

The moment Lin Fan threw his left fist, the air behind Lin Fan's left arm roared with a blasting sound, and then a gust of wind surged in an instant, and the elements of the wind overflowed.

The terrifying gust of wind made Lin Fan's figure faster and faster, and it was as if a thruster had been pressed on Lin Fan's left arm.

"God of the wind!"

The chariot reacted instantly.

This guy Lin Fan is obviously also learning to use flame jets as a means of assistance, and learning to use strong winds as his assistance!

The wind gods seem to be manipulating the wind, but in fact, they are manipulating the density of the air, and then use the change in the density of the air to cause the air to flow and form the wind.

This guy used his divine power to condense a high-density, high-pressure air mass behind his elbow. The moment he punched, the divine power was released, and the compressed air mass with extremely high air pressure would explode in an instant. Come.

The terrifying air flow burst out in an instant, and the highly condensed air rushed forward, all impacted on Lin Fan's left elbow under the pull of Lin Fan's divine power, becoming a boost to this punch!

This method is more direct than Chesun's use of flame to induce air expansion to obtain reaction force!

It even comes with a variety of skills to increase the basic attack, as well as the blessing of equipment. Although there is not much left for the dog-headed [Draining Soul Blow] because of the two consecutive resurrection of the believers, there is no doubt that this will be Lin Fan's hit so far. The hardest punch ever!

The fire of power is burning.

The werewolf gene that was not fully released in the body vibrated violently, and Lin Fan's pupils became narrow and long at this moment, like the eyes of a werewolf!

this moment,

Lin Fan's left fist was like a long spear wrapped in a gust of wind. He could not avoid it, and directly bombarded Che Yu's right fist.

fist bump!

The collision of wind and fire!



The whole person flew out, and the right hand made a sound of cracking bones. Although it was subtle, it was especially clear.

The chariot flew out a dozen meters away, and fell to the ground, then staggered to his feet, panting heavily, and stared at Lin Fan.

Her right hand trembled slightly, and a piercing pain pierced through. There was no doubt that the bones had been cracked because of the punch.

Che Kui originally had a punch that combined the power of two elements, but because of the quicksand trap that Lin Fan laid, the impact force she had accumulated using the power of the earth was reduced by half, and the sudden thin air made Che Ku's flame jet stronger. The effect of punching power was also reduced by nine out of ten.

But that's not the main thing.


Lin Fan switched to his left fist at the last minute!

Although Che Kui is known as a dual priesthood with two elements coexisting, but to completely integrate the two elements into one, it must cost a lot of money, so Che Ku cleverly stores the power of the earth in the left half of the body, and the fire The divine power is stored in the right half of the body, maintaining a delicate balance.


Due to the blessing of the earth element, the left half of her body has an amazing defense, and the armor of the earth increases the defense.

The right half of the body contains a terrifying explosive power due to the blessing of the divine power of fire, and there is also a fire armor to increase the lethality.

This is a spear and a shield, blooming in both directions.

But the shortcomings are also obvious. The spear is just a spear, and the shield is just a shield. The left and right sides of the body either have amazing defense, or mainly kill and light defense.

Once someone attacks the spear against this feature, no matter how strong the shield is, it is useless.

But Che Kui has never suffered a loss until now. On the one hand, few people know about this feature. On the other hand, most people's dominant hand is the natural right hand. In the process of growth, with the continuous use of the right hand, the right hand will also replace the left hand as the dominant hand with greater strength.

Therefore, whenever the enemy Che Yu faces, subconsciously, he will use his right hand to launch the strongest attack.

And the left half of Che's body happened to have amazing defensive power due to the blessing of the earth's divine power, as well as the assistance of the earth's armor. This strongest attack, on the contrary, poses little threat to Che Ku.

But he never expected that Lin Fan would feign attack with his right hand, but hit his fist directly with his left!

This is simply not the thinking of a normal person. After all, in the face of a fist that hits him, a normal person would not even think about hitting a hard punch, either dodging or counterattacking at key parts of the opponent's body.


"This guy has insight into my weakness."

Che Yu looked at Lin Fan with an ugly face.

The right half of her body is extremely explosive due to the blessing of the fire, but the defensive power is far inferior to the left half of her body, which is blessed by the divine power of the earth.

With countless skills attached to Lin Fan, as well as a punch with the enhancement of the fire of the earth and the hidden werewolf gene, under the blessing of the strong wind, two of her phalanges were directly cracked.

Although not broken.

But it won't be able to fight again for a while.

This kind of power makes it hard for Che Yu to believe that the real strength of this young man is only fifth-order!

And it was shot by the boy's left hand. If it was replaced by a stronger right hand... Wouldn't it be...

Thinking of this, Che Yu's face became more and more ugly.

And in fact.

Lin Fan changed his right hand, and he still dealt this damage... After all, in lol's setting, the attack power does not change according to the left and right hand attacks. As long as it is a normal attack, it is the maximum attack power.

On this point, Che Yu thought too much, and she was purely frightening herself.

"How's it going?" Lin Fan raised his rifle with a smile, "Are you going to continue? If you don't continue, you should throw it now, or I'll shoot."

Lin Fan is in a good mood now.

I really didn't expect that I could learn so much from this Che Kui, and it is indeed a sparring trainer that the teacher specially found for me.

And outside the rehearsal hall.

Witnessing the means that Lin Fan used just now, Zhang Chengfeng frowned and seemed to reproach: "I asked you to learn, but I didn't let you surpass..."

But the tone was reproach though.

There was a satisfied smile on the old face.

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