Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 682: This family is ruthless

Zhang Chengfeng just held the bead in his hand, and he could feel the bead trembling in his palm, as if he couldn't wait to merge into his own flesh and blood.

Even Zhang Chengfeng's body seemed to feel the attraction of the beads, and there was an instinctive desire.

If Zhang Chengfeng hadn't known that this path of divine experience was related to Lin Weimao's life, he would have instinctively cut the skin in the palm of his hand and pressed the bead into it.

This bead is by no means a contaminated path to divine experience!

Rather, it is a real path to divine experience.

Otherwise, you will not let this instinctive desire appear in your body, which is the instinctive pursuit of life for evolution.

Whether the path of divine experience is polluted is an easy criterion to judge, but any body that can rely on the path of divine experience to evolve will react instinctively to it.


For a while, Zhang Chengfeng looked at Lin Fan with extremely complicated eyes.

Unless that body has been unable to rely on the path of divine experience to evolve, it will not be able to feel the attraction of this path of divine experience, nor will it be able to use the path of divine experience.

in other words.

If a person has already taken the path of divine experience, he cannot use the second divine path at the same time.

"This kid Lin Fan... opened the road to divine experience?"

This idea suddenly appeared in Zhang Chengfeng's mind.

But then, Zhang Chengfeng dismissed this speculation by himself.

Because when the road to divine experience was opened, it was full of pain and hope. It was a new life in a dead place, and it would definitely be noticed by myself at that moment.

It was as if there was a sudden increase in his body, and of course he would notice it.

But this kid Lin Fan looked like he didn't even know that he had opened the road to divine experience. didn't look like he had opened the road to divine experience.

Unless someone else opened up a path of divine experience in his body without his knowledge. But I don't know how to do it at all...

Zhang Chengfeng was extremely confused.

"Master, don't stare at me like this..." Lin Fan's face was flushed by Zhang Chengfeng's gaze, and he just felt uncomfortable.

"Cough," Zhang Chengfeng retracted his gaze, suppressed the doubts in his heart, and immediately put the leaf and the road of divine experience that contained huge vitality into his arms, and said solemnly: "I will go out and come back soon. You Take a rest here and wait for me for twenty minutes."

After speaking, Zhang Chengfeng pushed open the door of the office and walked out of the teaching building. The moment he stepped on the ground, the divine power of the earth surged, and the whole person disappeared on the ground like sinking into the water.

As the **** of the earth, Zhang Chengfeng travels underground faster than flying.


in the first hospital.

The red knight who originally stared at Hera, the fifteenth-order **** of life, glanced down at the news on the bracelet, and took away the trembling Hera.

Being able to grow up to the 15th-order **** of life, Hera is not a fool. Of course she knew what the red knight had in mind, and ran out of the hospital without looking back.

"Teacher," the red knight looked at Zhang Chengfeng who had entered the intensive care unit, cut off the power supply of the monitoring equipment with a divine power, got up to meet him, and said solemnly: "Is what you said in the communication true? Is there a way to save him?"

"Why don't I catch Hera back and force her..." Cao Deshuang was still a little worried.

After all, without the help of the wind of resuscitation, if there is no other treatment, Lin Weimao may die at any time.

Zhang Chengfeng didn't care to wipe the sweat on his forehead, and took out the two things from his arms.

"The Road to Divine Experience!"

"There is also a leaf of life that is condensed with huge vitality!"

Seeing these two things, and feeling the huge vitality condensed on the leaves, Cao Deshuang couldn't help but froze for a moment under the mask, and his originally nervous mind finally relaxed.

Zhang Chengfeng didn't say much. He walked quickly to the hospital bed and saw that Lin Weimao's originally burly body was now skinny, thin and withered, and his long black hair had completely turned white. distressed.

next moment.

Zhang Chengfeng glanced at Cao Deshuang.

Cao Deshuang suddenly understood, the blood vessels in his body vibrated, and the moment when the huge divine power poured out, his right hand instantly turned into a huge dragon claw.


The sharp dragon claws swept past, and the sharp cold light shredded the air, and even shattered the space at this moment!

No one knows where the red knight with the strongest bloodline got his terrible bloodline. Although he is the body of a god, under the manifestation of the bloodline, his body is stronger than those purebred dragons.

After waving the dragon claw, Lin Weimao's shirt was completely shattered, revealing his withered body.

The fragile skin on the chest was cut three inches apart, and the flesh was split open, but no blood flowed out. At this time, Lin Weimao's whole person was like a mummified corpse, and even the flesh and blood at the wound showed a lifeless gray.

Zhang Chengfeng took a deep breath and hurriedly placed the bead containing the path of divine experience on the wound.

At the moment of contact with the flesh and blood, the bead melted instantly and disappeared into the wound, and a stream of white gas penetrated into Lin Weimao's body. At this moment, Lin Weimao's body trembled violently.

That lifeless body can no longer withstand the coming of the road of divine experience!

Without any hesitation, Zhang Chengfeng put the green leaf on the wound on Lin Weimao's chest, and in an instant, the green leaf that was flowing with brilliance began to melt, turning into huge strands of life energy.

At this moment, the originally gray flesh and blood were surging and rolling, greedily sucking this huge vitality.

What a huge amount of life energy this is!

Before that, Meng Shengli not only absorbed Lin Weimao's life energy, but also absorbed 5,000 middle-level gods, and even absorbed an unknown amount of life energy from Cao Deshuang.

This is the limit that a fifteenth-order **** can endure!

In an instant, Lin Weimao's body was like a dead tree in spring, and it burst into life again. The atrophied muscles were full again, and the thin body became more and more burly, even surpassing the previous strength.

The wrinkled skin becomes smooth and the wound on the chest heals quickly!

Even the body seems to have undergone miraculous changes.

Zhang Chengfeng was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but quietly lifted Lin Weimao's white mask and glanced at it. When he saw that handsome and young face, Zhang Chengfeng took a breath!

Although his hair is still pure white, Lin Weimao at this time has returned from his prime to his youth!

Like a twenty-seven or eight-year-old youth, his face lost a few traces of vicissitudes, but instead he looked full of vigor, exactly the same as the young Lin Weimao he remembered.

Although the hair is still white, it is not the withered white that exudes dead gray before, but the gorgeous white hair shimmering with a little light, like a galaxy weaving, making people unable to take their eyes off.

This young man's appearance is combined with the mature aura that the young man does not have and his evil white hair. At this time, Lin Weimao looks very handsome.

And after accepting such a huge vitality, Lin Weimao's body that could not bear the road of divine experience calmed down instantly, and easily integrated the road of divine experience.


At the center of Lin Weimao's eyebrows, the phantom of the Temple of Light, which was broken into two halves, roared up and merged into one again!

The broken soul is reshaped at this moment!

A dazzling light erupted from Lin Weimao's body, and the vast divine power directly broke through the ceiling, all the way up and into the sky.

That pure light is like a sharp sword, piercing through the night from top to bottom, illuminating the sky!

This is the announcement of the return of light.

Or rather, a celebration of light.

A stair rises vaguely in the sky-piercing beam of light, reaching the sky!

The light and divine power in Lin Weimao's body was surging and boiling at this moment, as if to celebrate the loss and recovery of the road to divine experience.

After Lin Weimao's breath became steady again and the beam of light disappeared, Zhang Chengfeng looked at Lin Weimao, who was breathing evenly and seemed to be sleeping and snoring.

Although his tone was helpless, there was undisguised happiness in his expression.

Cao Deshuang, who was beside him, also scratched his head: "The Road to Divine Flame has been lost and found... This guy, I really don't know what will become. If the God of Light is promoted again, the ghost knows what it will be."

"Maybe at that time, I have to be bullied by him."

Cao Deshuang is not just talking nonsense. The strength of the God of Light is exceptionally strong. Although he has never gone through the path of divine experience, Lin Weimao almost became the ninth Paladin of the Holy Court back then. If we really want to fight, no Paladin of the Holy Court dares to say that he can win against Lin Weimao. .

The reason why Lin Weimao was seriously injured by that guy this time was because he was too restrained. If Lin Weimao wanted to run away to protect Leng Cuicheng, then Meng Shengli would not be able to stop a beam of light!

Even Lin Weimao can hide under the light, quietly looking for the opportunity to shoot, instead of rushing to shoot.

But there is no way, who let the battle take place above Lengcui City, once Lin Weimao stops attacking, Meng Shengli will definitely use his mutant power to wash Lengcui City. Lin Weimao could only confront Na Meng Shengli head-on, and was seized by the opponent again and again.

And now.

Cao Deshuang can be sure that Lin Weimao, who has embarked on the road of divine experience, will become an absolutely powerful Paladin in the future as long as he does not lose his way and fall on the road to divine experience.

Cao Deshuang couldn't wait to know what was above the God of Light.

He can feel that Lin Weimao, who has returned to the peak and once again has the road to divine experience, has more and more vitality. At this time, the aura in his body is more tyrannical than before, and he only needs an opportunity to advance to the sixteenth order!

Among the higher gods, the improvement of each rank not only means a huge improvement in strength, but also means a powerful divine art!

But then.

A cold hum interrupted Cao Deshuang's words.

"It seems," Zhang Chengfeng looked at Lin Weimao's chest with a complicated expression, and said coldly, "You and Lin Weimao are hiding a lot of things from me."

On Lin Weimao's chest, there is a wound that was just opened by Cao Deshuang's dragon claw and has just healed.

And near this wound, there is another wound with the same trace, and the hideous dragon claw print has obviously been around for a long time, right in Lin Weimao's heart.

Under the mask, the smile on Cao Deshuang's face instantly solidified.

"If I guessed correctly," Zhang Chengfeng said with an ugly face, "it should have been you who helped Lin Weimao take out his path to divine experience."

"I said why Lin Weimao originally had a road to divine experience, but then somehow disappeared."

"Oh, I don't believe that you robbed Lin Weimao of his divine experience. But... tell me, why?"

Cao Deshuang swallowed.

It's a secret.

A secret that can't be told to death.


"Even if you don't tell me, I know." Zhang Chengfeng suddenly sighed, "Is it actually for Lin Fan?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Cao Deshuang's face suddenly paled: "You, you already know."

Zhang Chengfeng's body froze slightly, his pupils shrank suddenly!

He wasn't really sure before.

But now it seems...

Is it Lin Fan? !

Zhang Chengfeng is not a fool, on the contrary, as a scholar for many years, his mind is extraordinarily meticulous.

Lin Fan has a spiritual path in his body, but he doesn't know it.

The most terrifying thing is that this kid Lin Fan doesn't even know how many priesthoods there are, and he is far superior to his peers.

Even the fire of death can be mastered by him, becoming the **** of death among the three secret priesthoods.

This ability... just unheard of!

You must know that it is the God of Death, the three secret priesthoods, the self-proclaimed bystander of the God Realm, and the executor of the will of the God of Creation.

How could such a priesthood appear casually?

This made Zhang Chengfeng couldn't help but think of a sentence.

Darkness emerges from light, and the junction is eternity.


Those are words that even the creator gods pursue.

If Lin Fan is really that kind of eternity, then no matter how much priesthood he holds, it seems to be justified.

But there is no eternity in the world, and Lin Weimao is not the first **** of light to combine with the **** of darkness.

In the ancient gods, there were some kingdoms of gods who had listened to this sentence. In order to create the legendary eternity, they did not hesitate to seize the **** of light and the **** of darkness to force them to combine.

But all the children born died, that is, the Temple of Death, which was destined to not allow this kind of life to exist, personally took action and drained their vitality.

Not only the physical death, but the soul shattered into countless pieces when it was just born. After all, it is impossible for light and darkness to merge.

This is regarded as divine punishment by the God Realm, and it is the God of Creation punishing these gods who dare to try to control eternity.

Since then, the combination of the **** of light and the **** of darkness has become a taboo for the gods.

But the moment he saw the traces on Lin Weimao's chest.

Zhang Chengfeng suddenly thought that the road to divine experience has the function of fusing broken souls!

Combined with the appearance of Lin Fan's spiritual experience, but he didn't know it himself, plus the similarity of the big and small names, and Lin Weimao's partiality and concern for Lin Fan, in an instant, everything changed. In Zhang Chengfeng's mind, the electric light and flint were connected in series.

This Lin Fan could be the child secretly born by Lin Weimao and Long Yitong!

But Zhang Chengfeng was still not sure, so he cheated Cao Deshuang.

I didn't expect...

"It really is!"

At this moment, Zhang Chengfeng's heart turned upside down, this Lin Fan turned out to be a combination of light and darkness!

"Lin Weimao, you are really generous." Zhang Chengfeng took a deep breath and couldn't help but be moved by Lin Weimao's courage, "In order to create an eternity, he was able to dig out his own path to divine experience."

"Cao Deshuang, you didn't stop him at the time, so why did you help him? Don't you know how dangerous it is to forcibly take out the road to divine experience?"

"The Divine Realm will be shattered at light level, or die on the spot in the worst case."

"Also, once Lin Fan's identity is known to others, do you know what will happen to Lin Weimao and you and me? Don't talk about protecting you, I'm afraid even I will be arrested! Even the fifth-level Divine Kingdom will take action in person! "

Zhang Chengfeng turned to look at Cao Deshuang with a complicated voice.

"You, did you deceive me just now?" Cao Deshuang also reacted at this time, and he was speechless, but there is nothing he can do now, after all, the old man already knows...

Cao Deshuang simply took off his mask and scratched his head awkwardly: "Actually, Lin Weimao doesn't want to create any eternity, he just wants to have a child with Long Yitong."

"Teacher, you can't wrong me, I also refused. As a result, he bothered me every day at that time, and finally I shied away from him, saying that Lucifer brought a group of demons to fight with us on the battlefield on our side. , if something happens to you, then we won't be able to fight."

"As a result, the next day, the couple cut off Lucifer's right arm, almost took back the first blade, and killed two Knights of the Apocalypse... I swear I didn't mean that, They misunderstood!"

"But there's no other way, I've said it all, and they have also cut Lucifer over, so I can only help these two couples..."

When Cao Deshuang said it, he was also confused. He didn't know what the brain circuit of the two couples was back then.

Don't you understand that I'm politely rejecting?

The ghost knows what happened to Lucifer. Even Cao Deshuang often guessed that if the arrogant original sin Lucifer himself knew that he broke his right arm because of his casual refusal, what a wonderful expression would it be... Cao Deshuang even felt a little guilty for the devil!

It's not my fault, Cao Deshuang, who knew that the couple were so fierce!

I heard that Lin Weimao told Long Yitong about his evasive words at that time, and expressed his idea of ​​going to cut Lucifer, Long Yitong's mother-in-law not only did not stop him, but took the lead in drawing a sword and riding the dragon of darkness. On the battlefield, Lin Weimao couldn't stop it...

A pair of cruel people!

Cao Deshuang was even a little scared, but fortunately he didn't say anything at the time, "Lieyang God has not unified the God Realm, so he has no intention to help", otherwise, I am afraid that the entire God Realm will be renamed now...

"Then what?" Zhang Chengfeng smashed his teeth when he heard it.

"Then... you also know that my dragon claws are very fast and sharp, better than any scalpel, and it really didn't hurt Lin Weimao's life, helped him take out the road of divine experience from his heart, and was cut open. The heart can still stick together, as if it didn't know that he was cut open and continued to beat until it healed, but Lin Weimao's foundation was still cut off because of this, and he could only maintain the fifteenth order for life."

Cao Deshuang, like a primary school student who explained his mistakes to his teacher, bit his head and said, "But the couple are still very happy..."

"When Lin Fan was born, I secretly helped them deliver the baby... You can also understand that you can't send them to the hospital to say that these two have given birth to a child, and the Lieyang Divine Kingdom will be turned upside down."

"At the moment Lin Fan was born, Lin Weimao cut Lin Fan's palm open and put the road to divine experience on him, and he actually stabilized the shattering of the divine soul... And to be honest, that child can withstand the gods. The road to experience is also beyond my imagination, it should be Lin Weimao who prepared other means, and he has always kept a lot of secrets."

"And I don't know why, the Temple of Death didn't take action. Otherwise, even if he stabilized his soul, Lin Fan would have to be drained of his life by the God of Death and died on the spot. I guessed later that Lin Weimao did not know how to hide the Temple of Death. , or... let some powerful person or organization stop the Temple of Death."

When Cao Deshuang said this, his voice trembled slightly.

Either way, after all, is incredibly incredible.

Especially the second one, who can stop the Temple of Death? That is the death temple of the three secret priesthoods! The stronghold of the **** of death!

How many secrets is this Lin Weimao hiding?

"In order to create an eternity, it is really painstaking." Zhang Chengfeng couldn't help sighing.

"Teacher, in fact, Lin Weimao didn't think about eternity. He just wanted to have a child with Long Yitong." Cao Deshuang, who was on the side, said awkwardly, "Although the road to divine experience has stabilized Lin Fan's spirit, in fact, Lin Fan's soul is still missing a small piece, I don't know which plane it went to."

"As a result, Lin Fan has always been mediocre, no different from other children."

"I thought at first that Lin Weimao's plan to create eternity failed. But I found that Lin Weimao and his wife were happier. I only realized later... what they originally wanted was actually just one Ordinary children, not some eternity."

"They only want Lin Fan, not an eternity born of light and darkness. For them, it doesn't matter whether Lin Fan is strong or not. On the contrary, as long as he can live in peace, it's fine."

"It just so happens that I am the Holy Court Paladin in charge of the top-secret personnel information of the Lieyang Divine Kingdom. I have kept the identities of Lin Fan, Lin Weimao and Long Yitong confidential, and there is no Lin Fan in their files. This child, if I don't tell it, no one will know about it. In fact, it can be safe and sound all the time. "

"But recently, you also know that something has changed in Lin Fan, and his strength is far superior to his peers."

"I guess it should be the little piece of the lost soul that has returned."

"I thought Lin Weimao would be very happy. After all, everyone wants their children to be as good as possible. But most of them have been sighing when I have seen him recently. He also noticed... Lin Fan seems to be in some danger."

Cao Deshuang looked at Lin Weimao who was still sleeping with complicated eyes, and sighed: "Lin Weimao also told me privately that he noticed some changes in Lin Fan, as if he had changed a person... Although the difference is very subtle, but For a qualified father, he can still see it at a glance."

"But Lin Weimao doesn't mind. After all, the current Lin Fan is his complete child. No matter how Lin Fan changes, he is still his child."

"Sometimes it's hard to think about it. On the one hand, it is a child who is incomplete but unremarkable, but can live a stable life. On the other hand, it is a child who is full of glory but finds danger."

"Teacher, you say, why does Lin Weimao know that there is no result, but he has to be with a **** of darkness?"

"And since you know that there is no result, why do you have to spend so much effort and take such a big risk to have a child?"

Cao Deshuang looked at Zhang Chengfeng, a little confused: "Otherwise, he is now a holy paladin who has already completed the path of divine experience. With his talent, his strength is afraid that he will crush me. It's not impossible to step up."

after all.

Even if he is dug out of the road to divine experience, Lin Weimao's strength is still not to be underestimated. If Lin Weimao, who was still a teenager, hadn't experienced those things, he would have known what he would have grown up to.

Zhang Chengfeng looked at Lin Weimao, who was still asleep and returned to youth, with complicated eyes.

He remembered what Lin Weimao had said.

"As a light, I, Lin Weimao, do not need to experience the way of the gods! Thousands of years later, I will illuminate the world of gods!"

This is a arrogant and arrogant remark that can be said by a young Zhang Chengfeng suddenly laughed: "This kid, just like in the past, refuses to accept his fate."

Zhang Chengfeng suddenly had a feeling.

At this time, Lin Weimao, who has returned to the youth, once again has the road to divine experience, and supplemented his foundation, may have just begun his life, and his future may not be inferior to Lin Fan!

If it doesn't work, Lin Fan's ruthlessness is inherited from Lin Weimao and Long Yitong.

Zhang Chengfeng rubbed his face and muttered a little complicatedly: "This family is ruthless, whoever will cause bad luck in the future."

After speaking, Zhang Chengfeng turned around and left.

He has to go back to teach Lin Fan a lesson.

There is a lot to explain in this journey of divine experience.

As a result, before he could take a step, his foot was hanging in the air.

Zhang Chengfeng turned his head to look expressionlessly, only to see Cao Deshuang grabbing his clothes tightly with his powerful dragon claws, and pleadingly said, "Teacher, you can't talk about this..."

"Do you want to tell me?!" Zhang Chengfeng was trembling with anger, he didn't care about the difference in strength between the two, and slapped Cao Deshuang on the head: "It's not a good thing you and Lin Weimao did, now it's fine, I Dare to speak out? If I speak out, let alone you, my old man will be executed by Lieyang Divine Kingdom. Even if I have many students, the fifth-level Divine Kingdom will take action, and even the major temples will also take action! Even death The temple has to be killed directly!"

"Get out of here, I'm annoyed when I see you now!"

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