Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 681: This bead is not contaminated.

Lin Fan rode the Shadow of War and ran to Lengcui City along the way he came.

Originally, I wanted to ask Mr. Ji if he wanted Meng Shengli's corpse, but after thinking about it, it was all mummified... What Mr. Ji wanted was alive, so he could only do it.

Under the moonlight, Lin Fan rode a ghostly undead knight, and his figure almost melted into the night under the shroud of shadows and fog.

Lin Fan is a teenager who is good at reflecting on and summarizing past battles.

In the previous battle, to be honest, I picked up a lot of money.

That Meng Shengli first had a fight with the guardian god, not to mention, he was severely injured by the red knight, and his body was almost burst, which made it possible for him to kill this high-level god.

And fortunately, he has the fire of death in his body, which perfectly restrains Meng Shengli. Otherwise, let alone himself, even if he replaces those middle-level gods who are often in the 12th or 3rd order, he will be consumed alive!

That is a **** of life that has been transformed into a **** of death!

Lin Fan even felt that even if he threw out the space picture scroll frozen with a terrifying explosion, he would not be able to kill Meng Shengli at all. After all, the guardian deity at that time had chopped Meng Shengli into tens of millions of pieces, but in the end, he only divided Meng Shengli into tens of millions of bodies.

The explosion that was enough to kill the sixteenth-order gods, in the final analysis, was nothing more than blowing Meng Shengli another ten million pieces, and there was no pressure at all to recover.

"But the biggest gain," Lin Fan looked at his hands, there was a faint black flame beating on his fingertips, "I learned how to use the divine power of death."

Lin Fan recalled the feeling of the majestic vitality swept in, and a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

What a wonderful feeling that is.

The vitality from other lives is so warm and soft, as if he has been reborn, as if his body is blown by the spring breeze.

Although it sounds a bit perverted.

But I have to say, the feeling of taking life is really wonderful.

It was as if even if he was pierced through his heart and cut into two pieces, he could recover again with the vitality he had taken.

The power of the God of Death is indeed terrifying, and it deserves to be one of the three secret priesthoods.

For a while, Lin Fan actually vaguely understood Meng Shengli, a trace of greed flashed in his clear eyes, and the black fire of death rolled and swept through his body, as if he was about to rush out of the body at any time, absorbing all life within a mile.

This feeling of taking life and growing myself...

This kind of power that decides life and death...

Lin Fan's breathing was slightly disordered.

The King of Hell was right. Whether he admits it or not, there is still unsightly greed and selfishness in the soul of a god.

And right now.

"Lin Fan," a figure suddenly rushed towards Lin Fan, interrupting Lin Fan's thoughts.

Lin Fan quickly stopped Shadow of War, and then looked at the woman in front of him in surprise: "Yin Qingyue? Why are you here?"

Yin Qingyue held one hand for an hour, and every time she stepped out, it seemed like she was walking normally, but it was like distorting space. She appeared 100 meters away in one step, and walked in front of Lin Fan in two steps, looking at the uninjured Lin Fan then exhaled: "I feel that you are in danger."

"Anyway, you are my main god. If you die, I will not benefit."

Seeing that Lin Fan was safe and sound, Yin Qingyue was relieved, but then her face suddenly turned ugly, as if she had discovered something, she leaned closer to Lin Fan's body and smelled desperately.

"What are you... smelling?"

Lin Fan looked complicated.

"It smells so bad..." Yin Qingyue wrinkled her nose and took a few steps back, looking at Lin Fan with an ugly face: "Why do you smell like death?"

"What were you doing just now? That smells of the fire of death."

"Could it be... is there someone coming from the Temple of Death?"

When Yin Qingyue said this, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.

After all, she was seriously injured and dying after fighting with a **** of death. It is estimated that both her and Lin Fan's names have been recorded in the book by the Temple of Death.

"No." Lin Fan smiled, stretched out a hand, and the black flame jumped and burned at his fingertips.

Lin Fan stroked the leaves beside him, and the black flame instantly rushed to the lush tree, grabbing the vitality of the tree like a wolf.

Just momentarily.

The originally emerald green tree withered and withered, turning into dead wood, and even the surrounding weeds were completely withered, turning a dead grayish yellow.

"You..." Yin Qingyue stared at the scene in front of her in amazement.

"I learned the basic usage of the divine power of death from someone." Lin Fan savored the vitality that poured into his body again, and while trying to use the vitality to speed up the resurrection of believers, he smiled, "It turns out that the divine power of death is so powerful."

Yin Qingyue looked at the dead tree.

Look at Lin Fan's satisfied smile under the moonlight and shrouded in darkness.

A layer of coldness suddenly appeared in my heart, and after a long silence, Yin Qingyue said word by word: "Lin Fan, I hope you don't use the divine power of death again."

"Why?" Lin Fan looked at Yin Qingyue with a puzzled look, "This divine power of death is so powerful, with it, I will hardly be killed by anyone, with it, I can kill them by fighting against any gods. ."

"Because..." Yin Qingyue was silent for a long time, "I'm afraid that you will be controlled by this kind of power and become a puppet who only knows **** and spread death everywhere."

"What?" Lin Fan was stunned.

"Don't you feel that your state is very wrong now?" Yin Qingyue's face was complicated, "As the three secret priests, for us, it is not the most important thing to strengthen our own power, the most important thing is to learn How to control your abilities, not be controlled by your abilities.”

"Only by accepting the complete inheritance of our three temples can we perfectly harness this power."

"Otherwise... I can use space as a weapon, so to speak, the more space I freeze, the better, it is best to freeze all the space I go, and put all the low-level planes in my pocket inside."

"That's why I don't want to teach you how to use space power. Sometimes, too powerful power should not be used by people, even gods."

Lin Fan suddenly woke up.

Just now, there was indeed a kind of perverted greed in his heart, wanting to turn all the surrounding vegetation into life, even going to some gods...

That kind of thing.

What is the difference between yourself and Meng Shengli?

Lin Fan broke out in cold sweat behind him, and took a deep breath in fear. At this moment, he suddenly understood why Meng Shengli was lost on the road to divine experience.

Sometimes, having too much power is not necessarily a good thing.

"I promise you, as long as there is no way out in the future, I will not easily use the power of death." Lin Fan nodded solemnly, at this time he had woken up from that greed and desire.

Yin Qingyue nodded, as if to comfort Lin Fan: "When I return to the Space Temple, I will try my best to let the Space Lord give you the opportunity to accept space inheritance. At that time, you can learn regular space magic. You can also learn how to master power.”

"However..." Lin Fan was suddenly curious, "Since the God of Death is so powerful, it is almost impossible to kill him, how did you fight to the death of a God of Death in the first place?"

Yin Qingyue said indifferently: "That's very simple, I just threw a few stones."

"How many stones?" Lin Fan looked in disbelief.

"Well, a few stones." Yin Qingyue explained casually: "I use space compression to compress those few stones to an infinitesimal point, which is a point."

"You should know that when the mass is constant, the volume of the item is infinitely small, and its mass ratio will be infinitely large, then there will be a small singularity... um, that is, a black hole."

As soon as this word comes out.

Lin Fan was completely confused.

How many black holes did you randomly throw away?

Is this a fairy fight?

These high-level gods are indeed more vicious than the other, and it is no wonder that even the **** of death who can take the lives of others was killed by Yin Qingyue.

However, being able to stand against the black hole and dying of Yin Qingyue's serious injuries is enough to show how powerful that **** of death is.

"By the way, help me see this..." Lin Fan said, and he was about to dig out the small bead that contained the path of divine experience.

But before Lin Fan finished speaking.

Lin Fan's bracelet suddenly vibrated.

[Tips]: You have received a communication request from [Zhang Chengfeng].

Lin Fan felt guilty for a while when he saw the name, and quickly picked it up. Sure enough, on the communication screen, Mr. Zhang Chengfeng looked at him with a livid face.

Apparently, he was angry enough with himself before.

"Old, teacher..." Lin Fan tried with a smile.

"Hmph, I haven't forgotten that I'm your teacher. What about the irresponsible energy just now? Have you calmed down now?" Zhang Chengfeng's face was ashen, but he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come back to class when you calm down. I'm also working overtime today to make up for the afternoon class for you."

Lin Fan nodded.

Zhang Chengfeng hung up the communication, sat in the office, rubbed his chin, looked at the yellow light and exhaled.

\"Fortunately this kid has calmed down.\"

"If he really asked him to hunt down that Meng Shengli, wouldn't he be courting death?"

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open.

The red cloak fluttered in the wind.

The red knight in strong armor walked in with heavy steps, then slowly sighed and took off the golden mask on his face.

"How is Lin Weimao's situation?" Zhang Chengfeng also sighed.

"The situation is very bad, the vitality in the body has almost been drained, and now it all depends on Hera's wind of recovery." Cao Deshuang rubbed his face, "It's actually easy to say, the big deal is that I can control that Hera, Forcing her to send all her life energy to Lin Weimao, if I don’t believe it, I can’t save a Lin Weimao. In my capacity, killing a fifteenth-order **** of life will at most be dismissed and sent to the battlefield.”

"But the hard part is that he shattered his soul, which is an incurable injury... Unless there is a way to help him integrate..."

Cao Deshuang didn't say any more here.

Zhang Chengfeng nodded and knew what Cao Deshuang meant.

How rare is the road to divine experience, a road to divine experience can make a **** reborn, and there are only eight Holy Court Paladins who have gone through the road of divine experience in the entire Lieyang Divine Kingdom.

Even if you add some people who have opened the road to divine experience and have not yet completed it, there are no more than a few dozen people at most.

"My student seems to have a clue about Meng Shengli. When he comes back later, I will ask him to see if I can let you catch that Meng Shengli." Zhang Chengfeng's face was gloomy, "He should still have a spiritual path."

"Well, that's the only way." Cao Deshuang nodded, put on the golden mask, turned around and walked out.

The moment he walked out of the office, the red knight paused slightly and said solemnly, "Actually, I don't mind killing a Holy Court Paladin for Lin Weimao."

After speaking, the red knight strode away.

Zhang Chengfeng looked at the table lamp with a warm orange glow in front of him, his face was complicated, and he almost forgot the flow of time.

The long river of time seemed to be going back in time at this moment, and the picture of starting yellow appeared in his memory.

Lin Weimao, who was still a teenager at the time, said every word and deed, every move.

Every time he was naughty, he let himself wipe his ass.

And a statement in two sentences.

"Sooner or later, I will be the brightest light."

"I will illuminate all darkness and illuminate the entire God Realm."

"As a light, I, Lin Weimao, do not need to experience the way of the gods! Thousands of years later, I will illuminate the world of gods!"

Zhang Chengfeng suddenly remembered that Lin Weimao once had the opportunity to embark on the road of divine experience.

Just when he was determined to risk the world and marry the woman who represented darkness, Lin Weimao even opened a path to divine experience.

It's just that for some reason, he didn't walk that path, and in the end, he didn't even know where the path of divine experience in his body went.

I do not know how long it has been.

"Teacher, I'm back."

A voice suddenly interrupted Zhang Chengfeng's memory.

"Ah." Zhang Chengfeng suddenly woke up from his memory, glanced at Lin Fan angrily, and then said urgently, "Don't rush to class, let me ask you, did you notice where Meng Shengli escaped to?"

"Tell me, the old man will arrange for your senior brother to kill him!"

Zhang Chengfeng's tone was inexplicably confident.

Although he is only a twelfth-order **** of the earth, and his combat power is not very strong, the entire Lieyang Divine Kingdom knows that the real strength of others is his apprentice...

In Zhang Chengfeng's opinion, no matter how strong Meng Shengli is, it's all about Bai Zhaoyun's sword!

The most urgent task now is to find out where Meng Shengli has gone so that he can get the road of divine experience and save Lin Weimao.


Facing Zhang Chengfeng with an urgent look, Lin Fan was silent for a long time, and said with a strange expression: "That, I killed Meng Shengli..."

"What?!" The old man Zhang Chengfeng was stunned for two seconds, and then exclaimed in disregard of his manners: "You killed it?"

"How did you kill it?!"

"That's a long story..." Lin Fan scratched his head, he didn't dare to talk about the fact that he had the fire of death. After all, this matter is too much, and it is not something that can be solved by the identity of Mr. Zhang Chengfeng.

I helped Yin Qingyue and killed a **** of death who came out of the temple of death to get this fire of death!

It's not that Lin Fan doesn't believe that Zhang Chengfeng is a teacher who is dedicated to his own good. The main reason is that even if he tells him, it won't solve anything.

Is it possible that the Temple of Death can still look at the face of Mr. Zhang Chengfeng, and not be held accountable?

"Why, is there something else you can't let me know?" Zhang Chengfeng looked a little unhappy.

Lin Fan was silent for a moment.

"Teacher, I'll show you something, don't be surprised." Lin Fan still decided to tell Zhang Chengfeng.

After all, Lin Fan also knew that the teacher would never harm him, this old man was always making plans for himself.

"Oh, what can you come up with that surprises me, old man, I have a lot of knowledge..." Zhang Chengfeng snorted coldly.

But in the next moment.

Zhang Chengfeng's words came to a sudden stop, and his whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, and he froze in place, staring straight at Lin Fan's raised index finger.

On the fingertips, a black flame danced cheerfully, and even moved towards Zhang Chengfeng intentionally or unintentionally.

The pure darkness exudes a sense of coldness and is full of desire for life.

Even if this divine power is only the fifth-order strength, Zhang Chengfeng still couldn't help shivering. He could feel how terrifying the flame was, as if it was the nemesis of all living things!

"This is, the fire of death?!" Zhang Chengfeng stood up in awe, took two steps back subconsciously, then came back to his senses, and looked at Lin Fan with a complicated expression: "You don't even have that priesthood, do you? "

"God of death." Lin Fan nodded.


Zhang Chengfeng's old body staggered and fell directly to the ground!

He knew before that Lin Fan had many priesthoods, but he also thought that this kid was only four priesthoods at most, and he held five priesthoods to death.

I didn't expect this kid to have the priesthood of the **** of death? !

The three secret priesthoods, the **** of death who seizes vitality and represents death?


Zhang Chengfeng was stunned for half a minute, and then he managed to regain his senses.

He wanted to laugh.

Want to laugh.

What kind of virtue and ability can he even accept a **** of death as his apprentice?

But then, Zhang Chengfeng suddenly felt that something was wrong, and looked at Lin Fan with a puzzled expression: "No, even if you have this talent for priesthood, you have to use the fire of death to ignite the fire... Have you ever been to the Temple of Death?"

Zhang Chengfeng's voice was trembling.

After all, it was the Temple of Death.

Any temple of gods is a very powerful existence. It is the bloodline of the Elemental Lord God, and it has the inheritance left by the Elemental Lord God. It can be said that it is a symbol of absolute strength in the corresponding field.

And the Temple of Death is an unimaginable existence.

"No, I just killed a **** of death and got the fire from him." Lin Fan whispered.

Zhang Chengfeng exhaled and nodded calmly, "Ah, it turned out to be just killing one..."


Zhang Chengfeng's tone suddenly rose, and he said in shock: "Kill a **** of death?"

"Are you the fire of death that you captured?"

"You killed a **** of death?"

Seeing what Lin Fan was trying to explain, Zhang Chengfeng hurriedly covered his ears: "Don't say it anymore, what happened, don't tell me! I don't want to know how you killed the **** of death!"

Lin Fan nodded. He really didn't want to tell Zhang Chengfeng about Yin Qingyue's existence, so he didn't have to make up excuses.

Zhang Chengfeng had a lifeless expression on his face.

He wants to cry.

want to cry.

Is the Temple of Death so easy to provoke? If I find out later, I am afraid that my teacher will kill the whole family!


Already numb.

Although I knew that this kid Lin Fan had some secrets before, I never thought that this kid even killed the God of Death, and even robbed the other party's divine fire to become the new God of Death!

at this time.

Not to mention killing a Meng Shengli, now Lin Fan said that he had the **** of space and time as his younger brother, and Zhang Chengfeng believed it.

"That guy Meng Shengli... is really unlucky." Zhang Chengfeng suddenly felt a little distressed for Meng Shengli.

People worked hard to burn, kill, loot, and plunder everywhere to gain life, just to complete the final step of the road to divine experience and become the true **** of death.

As a result, at this juncture, he met a real **** of death.

Speaking of which, Meng Shengli's situation is also very strange. With his mutated life force and captured life energy, he is almost immortal. Even if his body is bombed into tens of millions of pieces, he can recover again.

It can be said that it is very simple to temporarily defeat him, but if you want to kill him completely, I am afraid that even the gods of the sixteenth or even seventeenth order cannot do it.

What **** of power, what **** of speed, what **** of winter, **** of desert, **** of Aoki, **** of ocean, might be able to blast Meng Shengli with one punch, freeze or bury him, or sink him into the bottom of the sea, But it definitely won't kill him.

Lin Weimao suffers from this point. In terms of combat power, Lin Weimao has crushed Meng Shengli from the very beginning, but the real battlefield is never to see who wins first, but who survives to the end.

However, Meng Shengli first provoked the Red Knight with almost infinite vitality, and then provoked a real **** of death who was more able to seize vitality than him... There were only two nemesis in total, and they all met.

Zhang Chengfeng felt that this might be his life.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Chengfeng hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "Boy, quickly take back your divine power! You must not let anyone know about this, I'll pretend I never heard you say it... The devil knows why you told me... ... In the future, unless it is a last resort, don't use the power of death again, so as not to be noticed by others."

"Also, although this ability is powerful, you must restrain your inner desires, otherwise you will be the next Meng Shengli, then I can only..."

Although Zhang Chengfeng is not strong, he is also well-informed and has done a lot of theoretical research. Of course know what this death force will bring.

Lin Fan's heart warmed, and he smiled, "Master, it's fine, I know both of what you said."

"That's good." Zhang Chengfeng exhaled, then frowned: "Then Meng Shengli left you nothing? I mean apart from his divine fire and divine domain fragments..."

"There are two of them." Lin Fan frowned as he took out the things, "But there is one bead, which doesn't seem to be of any use to me."


Lin Fan slowly put the two things away.

A verdant green leaf that seems to be still undulating with its breath.

The oatmeal with clear leaves was like a handicraft, and the brilliance was flowing. Zhang Chengfeng was shocked by the huge amount of life energy emanating from it. He just took a few breaths, as if he was a few years younger.

"This is the life energy that guy absorbed before." Lin Fan said while posing the bead.

"Well." Zhang Chengfeng nodded, then looked at the bead.

The next moment, Zhang Chengfeng's pupils shrank the moment he saw the bead containing a staircase!

"The Road to Divine Experience!"

"Sure enough, that guy really left the road to divine experience!" Zhang Chengfeng grabbed the bead and observed it carefully. Although he had never seen the road to divine experience that was taken out of the body, this was not the same as what was recorded in the literature. Exactly the same!

Zhang Chengfeng was so excited that he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Lin Weimao is saved!

These two things simply appeared to save Lin Weimao!

But then, Zhang Chengfeng's smile stopped slightly, and he looked at Lin Fan with a tangled expression.

The road to divine experience, who doesn't like it?

There is also such a huge amount of life energy... enough to bring a high-level **** back to life, as long as you hold it in your hand, no matter what kind of injury you encounter, you can fully recover!

Although he is Lin Fan's master, he can't just take it away without saying anything, right?

Let's say exchange...

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Chengfeng said in a complicated tone, "These two things are useful to me."

"I know how precious these two things are, but I really need them. You have also seen the scene where the patron saint was injured and dying. Without these two things, he would die."

"Although I don't have anything on hand that can be compared to these two things, but you can mention it. Say what you want and I can give it to you."

Lin Fan was silent.

These two things... are they worth it?

Although the bead contains the path of divine experience, it seems to have been contaminated and cannot be used at all.

As for the huge amount of life energy, to put it poorly, Lin Fan now knows how to use the power of death in a superficial way to seize vitality, and will he still lack life energy in the future?

Lin Fan tentatively stretched out ten fingers: "One billion belief points?"

"What?" Zhang Chengfeng's eyes widened in disbelief.

Lin Fan quickly changed his words: "The five hundred million!"

Zhang Chengfeng was shocked: "No, these two things..."

"It can't be any less! I got it after life and death!" Lin Fan gritted his teeth fiercely, "It must be 500 million! It's almost impossible!"

Zhang Chengfeng was glanced at Lin Fan with complicated eyes, slowly took out a divine gold card from his pocket, and handed it to Lin Fan: "There are 600 million belief values ​​in it, of which 100 million are The special gifted grant you applied for before."

Lin Fan hurriedly took it, for fear that Zhang Chengfeng would go back on it.

After all, the old man frowned just now and looked like he was hesitant to say anything. It was obvious that he wanted more.

In fact, Zhang Chengfeng was also afraid that Lin Fan would regret it...

The ghost knows why this kid only needs 500 million!

Not to mention such a majestic vitality, just the road to divine experience, not to mention the 500 million belief value, just getting it on the market, I am afraid that everyone will go crazy, 50 billion belief value is considered a small amount. ! For the official of the kingdom of God, the value of faith is the least valuable, but the road to the gods is the most important strategic material!

This is by no means a measure of Faith!

Could it be that...he deliberately gave himself a step in order to save the guardian deity?

Thinking of this, Zhang Chengfeng glanced at Lin Fan with complicated eyes: "Thank you for your teacher. This path of divine experience..."

"Master, do you want to go back?" Lin Fan's face sank, and he hurriedly shoved the Divine Gold Card into his arms, "Don't expect to ask me to return it, I know that the road to Divine Experience has been polluted, and I don't know what to do. Can't use it!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Zhang Chengfeng's expression suddenly froze.


This path of divine experience is obviously not polluted.

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