Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1379: Chase a fart

For a time, the battle that was engulfed in anxiety instantly became extremely fierce.

The werewolves roared in the sky, slaughtering them regardless of their injuries, and repelling the vampires who wanted to rush in again and again.

The vampires who used to delay play are no longer as graceful as before, showing their fangs, making a sharp neigh, and rushing towards the wolves with their fangs. On the one hand, they want to rush in against these werewolves, On the one hand, they are dragging these werewolves tightly, preventing them from having a chance to come back!

At this time, all werewolves and vampires knew.

The young blood lord who entered the territory to sneak attack on the young wolf lord seemed to be in danger!

"Can't let them go back!"

"Stimulate the animal nature in us!"

"Let them know, the power of animal nature!"

The werewolves didn't care that their blood was draining, and they rushed out one by one roaring.

The vampires are also red-eyed, they can't lose the bloodless master!

"Rescue the Young Blood Lord!"

"Don't let these werewolves go back!"


Just when the two races fought together in the cruelest manner.

A golden werewolf rushed out from behind the wolves and jumped high!

Under the moonlight, he picked up a squashed head and let out a roar.

"Stanny, the young blood lord, is dead!"

The wolf moo was terrifying.

Time seemed to stand still.

The blood clans stared at the head, their faces full of disbelief.

"Impossible... The Young Blood Lord is a third-generation vampire."

"And more than a hundred guards were brought..."

However, that head, and the fear and pain that remained on it, reminded them clearly.

Little Blood Lord Stanley, is dead!

For a time, the entire blood clan was in chaos, and the vampires, who were still aggressive, no longer had the will to fight.

And the werewolves roared up to the sky.

"Young Wolf Lord, you are awesome!"

"See, weak guys, this is the power of the beast!"

"Your Young Blood Lord is dead!"

"Kill them, don't let them run away!"

The werewolves were boosted in morale, roaring and roaring again, the animal instincts in their bodies were thoroughly stimulated, their eyes were scarlet, and they no longer had the slightest sense of reason!


Faced with the fangs and sharp teeth, the vampires who had no intention to fight were thrown to the ground one after another!

Even a fifteenth-order high-level vampire who manipulated the sea of ​​​​blood was suddenly distracted by a giant wolf of 1,000 meters and directly broke through the sea of ​​​​blood, tearing it apart!

When the vampire patriarch saw this scene, he was slightly distracted, and was slapped by the Duke patriarch again.

But even so, his body was covered with scars at this time, and his whole body was covered with wounds, blood dripped out, and his face became paler.

There was grief and anger in his eyes.

This plan... can be said to be seamless!

The Young Blood Lord did sneak in under cover.


He stared at the golden werewolf, trying to make a move several times, and the sea of ​​blood behind him was churning like an ocean.

But the golden werewolf was very thief, lying on the head of the giant wolf that Duke Patriarch turned into, and said loudly: "Big brother, this old boy has been staring at me, big brother, you can protect me, I will give it to you. Fight this life!"


The giant wolf roared in the sky, and the animal nature made the stars vibrate under the wolf moo.

Patriarch Ayman of the blood clan took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and maintained his last sense of reason.

He knew that tonight's plan had failed!

Total failure!

Not only did he not kill the legendary young wolf lord, he also let his own young blood lord die in his hands!

"Good boy, I remember it!" Patriarch Ayman no longer showed any grace, staring at Lin Fan with stern eyes, and said coldly, "My Ayman family will not forget this hatred!"

"People, let's go!"

"Wolfman, chase after you if you are brave enough!"

As soon as these words came out, the other vampires who were still fighting did not have the slightest nostalgia, and they all used all their strength to force the werewolves back, and then turned into blood mist, while those who had no strength turned into bats, and whistled away with the middle-aged man.

They went very neatly.

After all, these vampires are very rational, unlike these werewolves, who are occupied by animal nature.

The original purpose of tonight's invasion was to cover the Young Blood Lord to sneak into the werewolf territory and kill the Young Wolf Lord.

As a result, the plan failed, not to mention, the young blood masters died.

If there are more casualties at this time, I am afraid that the Ayman family will really be at a loss!

We must go back quickly and choose a new less-blooded master to stabilize the overall situation, so as not to be caught by these werewolves.

But the werewolves have already exploded with beastly nature at this time, how could they stop, and now, the giant wolves are chasing those vampires away!

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, feeling that something was wrong: "No, don't chase it!"


Duke Patriarch, who is above the animal, roared and took the lead in the charge!

Lin Fan couldn't persuade him, and he stopped persuading him now. He also knew that once these werewolves were taken over by animal nature, they would not be able to recover in a short time.

Immediately, the golden werewolf jumped off the giant wolf body of the Duke Patriarch, and before he could mobilize his blood to suppress the beastly nature of these werewolves, he watched the werewolves roaring and chasing in the direction the blood race fled.

Even Duke Gucci, driven by animal nature, chased after him with red eyes.

"I can't stop it... these stupid wolves... Chase!" Lin Fan sighed.

Although he only had a brief encounter with vampires, these vampires showed completely different behaviors from werewolves who obeyed bestiality.

That is unparalleled cunning and rationality, even knowing that Chen Cang will assassinate himself.

Even if people run away, they must have been prepared long ago, maybe they will fight back...

But Lin Fan couldn't stop it. He was also a little tired at this time. He glanced at the werewolf corpse and the vampire corpse at the foot of the mountain, sighed, and turned around to rest.

Lying on the bed, Lin Fan was sore all over. He was not in a hurry to refine the remaining life energy and the blood essence left by the vampire. Instead, he squinted for a while.

until morning.

"Young Master, Young Master!"

Duke Gucci's voice came again.

Lin Fan rubbed his eyes: "I'm back... Wait, why did you do this?"

Lin Fan stared blankly at Duke Gucci.

Duke Gucci looked particularly embarrassed at this time, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and there were several marks of fangs on his neck.

Fortunately, the physique of the werewolf is indeed strong.

At this time, Duke Gucci was holding a god's heart that was taken out of the warehouse and gnawing at it, and while gnawing, those injuries were also healing with the naked eye.

"Hey, after we chased, those sly vampires..."

Duke Gucci said with an ugly face.

When they chased after them, they found that the vampires had long left traps on the escape route. There were arrows made of silver like rain, traps made of silver nails, and holy water was splashed.

Originally, the werewolf of the Duke family, relying on the advantages brought by Lin Fan, was driven by the beast to pursue the victory, but after encountering several ambushes, they suffered heavy casualties. brain.

Silver, a symbol of holiness, can also restrain werewolves.

In this way, the losses are almost as great as those of the blood races who returned from the defeat...

"In fact, every battle is almost the same."

"We have animal power and fight head-on. Those vampires with only blood magic and fragile bodies are not our opponents at all."

"But those guys are too cunning and take advantage of our **** every time..."

Speaking of this, Duke Gucci suddenly stopped.

He seemed to understand what the answer was to the question he asked Lin Fan last time.

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