Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1378: Come back!

"Dead, dead?" Duke Gucci looked at the corpse of the Young Blood Lord whose head was squashed in disbelief, and then looked at Lin Fan blankly.

This is the blood lord of the blood clan!

Although the Ayman family is only a family of mixed-blood vampires, Dennis' status in the Ayman family is just like Lin Fan, the young wolf master.

In the middle of the night, he ran to the door to assassinate the Young Wolf Lord, and even brought more than 100 private guards, but it just disappeared?

Just kill it right away?

"This..." Duke Gucci looked at the golden werewolf in awe, and said with admiration, "It really deserves to be the Young Wolf Lord!"

He also wanted to understand at this time.

It seems that the Young Wolf Lord still has nearly 3,000 werewolves of the third generation. This Young Blood Lord brought more than 100 personal guards, isn't it just a gift...

In fact, the number of believers Lin Fan had was far more exaggerated than the 3,000 werewolf believers that Duke Gucci thought.

In this regard, the followers of the young blood master have a deep understanding...

Seeing that Duke Gucci was fine, Lin Fan walked directly to the young blood master whose head was squeezed out.

Under Lin Fan's terrifying power, that head was squeezed out of shape, like a squashed soda can.

The corpse had begun to stiffen.

Looking at the corpse, the golden werewolf bent down, the pitch-black flame beating at his fingertips.


The fire of death roared out and swept over the corpse of the young blood lord.

Under the burning of the dark flame, the corpse seemed to be drained of all nutrients, and it instantly became like a mummified corpse, and the fire of death grew stronger.


The fire of death, like a well-fed child, hiccupped happily, then returned to Lin Fan's fingertips.

Inside, there is a **** life energy.

That is the essence of flesh and blood contained in these three generations of vampires, and...

The dark flames faded, and a drop of bright red blood beat in Lin Fan's palm.

"Three generations of vampire blood."

Lin Fan could feel that it contained an icy energy, which was completely opposite to the wild and rude werewolf. Although it had primitive desire, it had no animal nature.

Vampires and werewolves are like natural opposites, one is known for grace and rationality, while the other embraces pure bestiality.

When the drop of blood appeared, Duke Gucci instinctively bared his teeth and let out a low growl, staring at the drop of blood in Lin Fan's palm.

At that time, the resistance came from instinct,

"Vampire's bloodline..." Duke Gucci looked at Lin Fan thoughtfully, and said solemnly: "Young Wolf Lord, throw it away, this thing is like a poison to us!"

"Werewolf blood, absolutely cannot coexist with vampire blood!"

Lin Fan didn't speak, but a trace of complexity appeared in his eyes.

The werewolf bloodline in his body did not go berserk after the vampire bloodline appeared.

"Because I have completely mastered the werewolf bloodline, is it the reason for forcing the animal nature to surrender to me?"

"Speaking of which, although I am a werewolf, I have never really eaten a god's heart... This is a monster among werewolves."

It stands to reason that werewolf blood and vampire blood are completely opposite.

It can be seen in Duke Gucci's instinctive rejection.

However, Lin Fan clearly possessed werewolf blood, but his body did not show the slightest rejection, and there was even a faint instinctive desire.

To say that Lin Fan's werewolf bloodline is not pure... that is a perfect werewolf bloodline that surpasses the ancestors.

Lin Fan thought together, flipped the palm of his hand, and collected that drop of blood and blood from the three generations of vampires into the realm of the gods, then turned his head and said to Duke Gucci, "I can almost guess the reason for the war between the vampires this time."

Before Lin Fan thought it was an ordinary vampire invasion.

But now it seems that the battle outside the clan is obviously just to cover the young blood master who came to assassinate!

The real killer move is for yourself!

"Let's go, stop the fight with me!" Lin Fan instantly understood this. Two thick wolf claws grabbed the withered corpse of the young blood lord and ripped open the young blood lord's head with brute force.

the other side.

Under the moonlight, the huge werewolf was covered in blood, and in the sky in front of him, the elegant man in gorgeous costumes also had several deep scars.

Beside them, countless werewolves and vampires roared and fought together, and there were many casualties.

Patriarch Duke stared at the elegant middle-aged man and roared, "Aiman, you really want to kill the whole clan here!"

"Hehe, don't worry, your surprise hasn't come yet." Patriarch Aiman ​​said with a smile, although he also suffered serious injuries, but there was no garlic to retreat.

Patriarch Duke grew hesitant in his heart.

As a werewolf embracing the animal nature, his brain is not as flexible as a vampire, especially in battle, the bloodthirsty instinct controls him, and he has no ability to think at all.

It just doesn't feel right.

On weekdays, the two tribes did not go to war less often.

But whether it's a vampire invasion or a werewolf going to invade a vampire, it's basically a surprise. retreated immediately after seeing the other party's reaction.

After all, the overall strength of the two sides is similar, and the number of top powerhouses is roughly the same.

If you really want to fight, you will have to kill both clans and wipe out the entire army.

But this time...

"What is he waiting for?"

Patriarch Duke shook his head, roared again, and bit away!

The elegant middle-aged man was not in a hurry and desperately tried his best. While manipulating the sea of ​​blood to repel the werewolf, he turned into a blood mist again, quietly dodging the sharp fangs.

"Hehe, what's the hurry..." He smiled gracefully.

But in the next moment.


A tragic scream came faintly from the mountains where the Duke family lived.

In an instant, the face of this elegant middle-aged man changed suddenly, the words stopped abruptly, and the elegant smile on his face also turned into a shock.

"Not right!"

"People, something happened! The plan failed!"

"Quickly rush in, don't care about casualties, rush in against these werewolves and save the Young Blood Lord!"

As soon as these words came out, Patriarch Duke was slightly taken aback, and then he seemed to understand something.

The young blood lord in the blood clan quietly entered his own territory!

You must know that the two clans went to war before, from the patriarch to the young werewolf all dispatched collectively, but every time there would be no participation of the young blood master and the young wolf master, which was equivalent to leaving a back for oneself in case of any accident.

This is why Patriarch Duke didn't feel that something was wrong, but he didn't expect...

What can the Young Blood Lord do when he enters his own territory?

Now all members of the Duke family are involved outside to defend against these blood clans, but only the Young Wolf Lord and Duke Gucci, who is the gatekeeper for the Young Wolf Lord, are in the territory!

Even if Patriarch Duke's brain is not good, he knows that the Young Wolf Lord is in danger!

"Block them and return to the Young Wolf Lord!" Patriarch Duke roared up to the sky.

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