As for the more than 100 pitch-black shadows, they basically did not participate in the battle very much. They just shuttled around the edge of the battlefield and picked up the God Gold Cards that had been knocked to the ground.

Of course, he was also responsible for pulling out the god-jinka in the hands of the werewolves who were beaten to the ground.


Lin Fan disappeared.

The melee wolves stopped roaring instantly and looked around in confusion.

only for an instant.

Lin Fan suddenly appeared in front of the three werewolves.

"Hit me."

Lin Fan frowned.


"Young Wolf Lord, I want to see the God of Creation!"

The three werewolves didn't think much about it, they just stabbed it with one claws!

Immediately, more werewolves rushed towards the golden werewolf.


This time, Lin Fan did not avoid it.

The golden werewolf stood there quietly, and even opened his arms and raised his chest to meet those sharp claws.

A werewolf suddenly discovered that his claws had pierced through the body of the golden werewolf.

only for an instant.

He woke up in an instant, regained a sense of reason, and exclaimed in a trembling voice: "Young Wolf Lord! Everyone stop fighting, Young Wolf Lord he..."

The other werewolves also woke up in an instant, and the animalistic nature that had burst out before was barely suppressed.

"Young Wolf Lord, I'll wipe it!"

"Quick, the Young Wolf Lord is in danger, stop fighting!"

"Young Wolf Lord, why don't you hide! Hurry up, take it to the family to worship..."

"Why don't you know how to stop! This is the Young Wolf Lord!"

"Young Wolf Lord, don't die, I'll give you the golden card! Hold on!"

Werewolves actually have a weakness, that is, they are really fighting, and sometimes they can't stop under the recovery of animal nature.

For a time, all the werewolves panicked.

This is so bad for the young wolf boss!

But the next moment.


Under the gaze of all the werewolves, the golden werewolf cracked open.

Three magic boxes popped out of the fog, and one by one the hideous clown dolls jumped out, shaking with daggers and grinning.


Although not dominated by the [Fear] effect, all the werewolves were stunned for a moment. At the same time, small daggers scattered from the magic box and hit those werewolves continuously.



The wind is blowing!

The terrifying gust of wind swept out, pushing all the werewolves thousands of meters away!

Unstoppable wind.

This place instantly becomes a field of wind.

The golden werewolf slowly revealed his figure in the center of the gust of wind, and the gust of wind blew the golden wolf fur into waves.



The werewolves were all swept out by the terrifying wind, no matter how they inserted their claws into the soil, the terrifying wind could not be stopped.

a time.

Within a kilometer, the golden werewolf stood alone, bathing in the gust of wind.

And those werewolves fell heavily to the ground, and they were devastated by Lin Fan with all kinds of terrifying skills.

"Your purity is still too low." Lin Fan said softly.

Hundreds of werewolves were howling in low voices.

However, they looked at Lin Fan with awe and loyalty!

"Young Master Wolf, you are so powerful!"

"I really saw the God of Creation just now..."

"Hundreds of werewolves can't stop him! This wolf king campaign, how can other werewolves fight him?"

"Leading by him, our Duke family will definitely be brilliant!"

"Young Wolf Lord, will become the next generation wolf king!"


For a time, hundreds of werewolves struggled to turn around, prostrate on the ground, and looked at the golden werewolf under the moonlight with the most humble attitude.


He raised his head and mooed, as if to swear allegiance.

Lin Fan was clenching his fists and preparing to fight again, but when he saw this reaction, he was stunned for a moment.

Well, you're loyal again, aren't you...

Sure enough, the way of communication between werewolves is so unique.

To tell the truth, Lin Fan was also a little shocked by the werewolf's ethnic concept, and he became a little brother after being beaten.

If you put it in the Lieyang Divine Kingdom, even if you have turned over hundreds of students, those students will have to swear and shout "I don't agree" and so on...

But since that's the case...

Lin Fan rushed towards a werewolf,

The werewolf was stunned for a moment: "Young wolf master, come back!"


Lin Fan slapped him directly and muttered, "What are you thinking, you won't be able to pay if you get beaten up!"

With that said, Lin Fan snatched the Divine Gold Card from the werewolf's hand.

The shadows are also like machines, walking towards other werewolves.

The other werewolves were stunned for a moment, but without any hesitation, they sent the golden cards to them one after another, and even one werewolf cooperated to take out a small book, and queued up to register, so that no one would miss it.

see this scene.

Lin Fan couldn't help sighing again in his heart.

This is all too familiar.

However, these werewolves cooperated more than the students at the beginning. After being beaten, they were really happy to pay their beliefs...

This is actually related to the fact that werewolves do not need belief points to improve their strength.

For the gods, increasing their strength requires Faith. This Faith is very important to them, and they are treated as treasures.

And for werewolves.

Their strength comes from the body and from the animal nature.

As long as you keep hunting and devouring gods, you can become stronger and stronger.

Of course, there are individual differences. If the bloodline is strong, it will be stronger than other werewolves.

Therefore, the belief value has absolutely no practical value for the werewolf.

It's just that after they eat the gods, they always find that these gods have some special gold cards on them.

At first, they didn't take this kind of thing seriously, and some simply threw it away, or played cards.

"A pair of one hundred thousand!"

"A pair of 200,000!"

"Three two hundred thousand and one hundred thousand!"

It was not until later that they discovered that they could use these cards, which stored a certain power, to buy gods from some unscrupulous caravans, and they discovered the role of the gods' gold cards.

At some times when the hunting harvest is not good, they have to buy food with the golden card of the gods and the evil caravans who are willing to cooperate with the werewolf.

"Young Wolf Lord!" The werewolf who was in charge of registration with a bruised nose and a swollen face handed over the book, which was covered with dense wolf paw prints and a thick stack of gold cards. "This is our beating fee."

"Please keep it."

"Thank you let us see the God of Creation and let us feel your strength."

The werewolf looked at Lin Fan with respect.

Lin Fan took the Divine Gold Card in one hand and patted his shoulder with the other: "No thanks, come again next time."

Then he turned around and took the thick stack of golden cards from the shadow.

For a time, even Lin Fan couldn't help feeling emotional.

This is too similar to the robbery incident of the Lieyang Divine Kingdom.

The only difference is that these werewolves are very cooperative...

Lin Fan suddenly said, "You...why did you find me?"

For a time, the werewolves responded enthusiastically: "I heard that you can let us meet the God of Creation!"

"I heard that the God of Creation is your son!"

"I heard that the God of Creation you fight every day is called Dad!"

"Also, you can kill a higher **** with one paw!"

"Isn't it time to come and take a look..."

The werewolves responded.

Lin Fan: "..."

"Who said that?" Lin Fan felt that he had finally found the culprit.

"Duke Gucci, and Duke Goodman..." A werewolf replied quickly.

Lin Fan: "..."

These two players.

I was beaten by myself, why did it blow up?

Oh, it's no wonder that there are so many werewolves coming to find him and be beaten in the big night... And what about going to see the God of Creation.

For a moment, the doubts in Lin Fan's heart were resolved.

Lin Fan wanted to stop the two unfortunate children, but when he turned his head, another group of young werewolves came over with excited expressions.

"Young Wolf Lord, we also want to meet the God of Creation!"


Lin Fan felt that this was not bad?

"Come on, pay."

"Everyone is in a hurry, let's go together."

The golden werewolf smiled kindly.

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