Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1337: Then I won't be tired

If you want to stay up late and beat people, I, Lin Fan, might be sleepy.

But if there is faith value, then I will not be sleepy!

When I was in the Lieyang Divine Kingdom, I fought and robbed a lot for my faith!

At this moment, Lin Fan smiled brightly as he looked at the werewolves who were running over with their golden cards in their hands.

In a trance.

He seems to have returned to the days when he was in school, punching the juniors, kicking the seniors, and fighting for the value of faith.

Aren't these werewolves just lining up to grab their Faith Points?

"These days when I worked hard with my own hands... I really miss it."

Lin Fan smiled.

next moment.

Lin Fan, who was beginning to feel sleepy, raised his moo to the sky!

The golden werewolf erupted in an instant. Although the nano-robot was out of power, the eye of morality swept away in an instant!

only for an instant.

But all the werewolves who were in eye contact with the golden werewolves stopped running and trembled.

What kind of righteous and moral eyes are those?

At this moment, this golden werewolf seems to be standing on the highest moral point, so they can only look up!

"Uuuuu, I suddenly remembered that when I was three years old, I secretly pulled out my father's beard..."

"Wuwuwu, why are you so guilty? I've done a lot of wrong things in my life, because I wet the bed, so my mother has to wash the sheets every day..."


The werewolves froze in place, hugging their heads and crying.

They are so guilty.

Under those moral eyes, they recalled all the wrongs, big and small, that they had done in their lives.

At this moment, the scenes that were deeply hidden in the memory swept over, and all the wrong things they had done in the past were washed away. Even if the auntie who beat the rice gave him a few more pieces of meat, this moment made them cry bitterly.


They still have no guilt about eating the meat of the gods.

After all, no **** will feel guilty for eating meat, even if there are some vegetarian gods occasionally, they will not feel guilty about eating vegetables...

In the eyes of the werewolf, the meat of the gods is food, just like the rice in the eyes of the gods...

For a time, the werewolves hugged and cried.

Of course, there were still some powerful werewolves who were not affected. After all, Lin Fan himself was only Tier 6.


Immediately, Lin Fan raised the Great Qin Tiger Talisman!

More than a hundred slightly illusory figures suddenly appeared.

Those souls that should have dissipated knelt behind Lin Fan like shadows, like loyal servants who crossed life and death.

"stand up!"

More than a hundred shadows slowly stood up.

He rushed towards the wolves with the golden werewolf, and behind him, dark knights rushed out from the fog of undead!

Shadow of War, [Shadow Blast]!

The steps are heavy as iron hoofs.

At this moment, Lin Fan was like the sharpest knife, launching the most fearless charge!

But to Lin Fan's surprise, those werewolves showed no signs of fear at all.

Even a few werewolves, who were not affected by the Eye of Morality, grinned when they saw Lin Fan charging forward in the fog, as if they were excited for the hearty battle that followed!


Animal instincts flowed through them.

These werewolves, who have eaten the heart of the gods and thoroughly stimulated their animal instincts, will not be afraid at all!


Accompanied by roars, several werewolves jumped high, and even though some werewolves were still crying with guilt, they still rushed towards Lin Fan.

"Young Wolf Lord!"

"I want to see the God of Creation!"

The animal instinct makes them not afraid at all!

Even if it is really red-eyed or hungry, the animal instinct will directly take over the body, making them ignore the [stun]!

"It's kind of interesting." Lin Fan raised his brows in surprise, and directly rushed away from the two werewolves, leaping high, and knocking a werewolf flying with one punch.

【Fatal Strike】!

[Beat the first blow]!

【Wuji Kendo】!

The first-generation werewolf bloodline, plus the attack blessings of these skills on Lin Fan, plus the blessings of the fire of power, the fire of the earth, and the fire of the werewolf.

Stacked together, even if the [Fear] effect is invalid, even if Lin Fan is a real knife and a gun, it is not a problem at all.


A werewolf seized the opportunity and rushed like an afterimage from behind Lin Fan.


The next moment, Lin Fan jumped high, like a swimming fish turning around, dodging its claws at a subtle angle, and leaping into the sky.

Directly in front of him, jumped into the sky behind him.

The werewolf turned his head in astonishment, and a golden werewolf's feet were getting bigger and bigger reflected in his eyes.


The werewolf wailed and was smashed to the ground directly from the air, while the golden werewolf used this power to leap up in the air again, dodging the attacks of countless werewolves, and landed on the ground.

Little Fishman, [Ancient/Spirit].

Immune to all attacks!

The next fight.

It was a battle that the werewolves couldn't understand.

The moonlight-like spear swept out from the golden werewolf, like a new moon rising, swept away all the werewolves that rushed towards him.

A battle flag fell from the The golden werewolf dashed away like an unstoppable dragon, but all werewolves that came into contact were knocked away!

A scorching laser burst out from the golden werewolf's eyes, but all the werewolves that were swept away were all scorched.

With the sword qi vertical and horizontal, the golden werewolf suddenly disappeared among the wolves and turned into a sword light.

Or turn into a golden werewolf statue, and let those wolf claws pass through his body unharmed.

More thunder rolled down from the sky, and the golden werewolf jumped into it, and the thunder behind him intertwined into a dazzling cloak, smashing into the wolves of the dark tide!

that moment.

Thunder in the sky.

Roll on the mighty.

One after another electric current shuttled through the dark hair of these werewolves, crackling on the flesh and blood.

that moment.

The werewolves seem to have really seen the God of Creation descend from the sky...

Lin Fan's method is really weird.

After all, ordinary gods and belief races may be [Poison Ivy Shooter], [Flame Mage].

But Lin Fan's belief race, without exception, is a hero!

They are the unparalleled heroes in the history of their respective ethnic groups!

Even the god-descendant race is much stronger than the god-descendant race of other gods.

And those werewolves, even if they hit Lin Fan occasionally.

But under those terrifying defensive skills and layers of shield skills, there is no way to break the defense!

Garen's W skill, [Courage]: Reduces damage by 30%.

Annie's E skill, [Lava Shield] (Level 2): ​​Reduces damage by 20%.

There is also a rolling gust of wind that forms a shield with you, and under the gust of wind shield, there is a set of golden shield armor that exudes imperial power.

Under the layers of shields, there is also the smoothie armor. The cold ice is combined with the fine sand. Although it is strong, it also has a huge buffering effect.

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