The perfect werewolf bloodline beyond the ancestors.

What's more, at this time, Lin Fan still has the increase of nano-machine armor, and he has the fire of power and the fire of the earth in his body to strengthen it!

Lin Fan raised his right hand high and slammed it down on Duke Gucci's face: "Is this the power you are proud of?"


With one punch, Duke Gucci's face was directly bloody!

Duke Gucci's body trembled violently and let out a wailing like a scream.

"I don't like it!"


Another punch!

With this punch, Duke Gucci's head was blank, as if he had been slapped directly at the head by the angry bear.

This is not dizziness, but hit by that pure power!

But even so, Duke Gucci, who had been beaten to pieces, still gritted his teeth: "I don't agree!"

"it is good!"

Lin Fan let out a low growl, and the golden werewolf rode on Duke Gucci's body, slamming his claws down on his head frantically!



Every punch is heavy.

This is a crushing gesture!

The golden werewolf's claws turned into afterimages, and Duke Gucci's wailing never ceased.

"Today, I hit you!"

Lin Fan didn't mean to cut his throat with his claws, he just smashed Duke Gucci frantically!


Seeing Lin Fan raising his claws high again, Duke Gucci, who was already confused, suddenly fell into fear.

This guy……

Really kill yourself!

This fear made his heart tremble, and the brutal figure of the golden werewolf riding on him shattered his pride instantly!

He once thought that this young wolf master had the ability to directly replace him.

He once thought that although the bloodline of this Young Wolf Lord was strong, he really had a chance to fight!

He once thought that the power of the bloodline was faintly stronger than that of the first generation, and it was not stronger than himself.

But if you know how to feel it in person, you will know the power of this golden werewolf, this terrifying bloodline.

That is a power that makes people feel as small as ants, insurmountable!

"I'm done!"

"Stop fighting, I'll take it! I'll listen to you!"

Duke Gucci used the last of his strength to let out a pleading howl.

The golden wolf claws stayed in front of his eyes.

For a time, those werewolves were stunned, their eyes full of astonishment.

Just an instant, Duke Gucci has been defeated?

You must know that Duke Gucci is the most powerful genius in the Duke family, except for the deceased Duke Gucci!

Do not.

It's not just defeat.

This is the convincing of being beaten, all pride, all persistence, are crushed under this absolute strength!

Under the astonished gazes of those werewolves, Lin Fan slowly turned around.

The golden werewolf looked at the dazed werewolves, licked his lips, and let out a roar.

"You want a raw fight."

"Then I will give you a primitive battle!"

"As you wish, I will use the power of a werewolf to conquer you!"

Lin Fan slowly took a step towards those werewolves.

Behind him, Duke Gucci fell to the ground.

The perfect werewolf bloodline is fully opened at this moment!

The terrifying blood pressure rolled out from the golden werewolf. At this moment, the golden werewolf was the irreversible king of the wolf clan!

For a time, all the werewolves took a step back!



The next moment, the werewolves jumped up and rushed towards the golden werewolf!

Werewolves are proud!

However, in front of the golden werewolf, that pride seemed vulnerable.

At the moment when the black afterimages erupted, the golden werewolf jumped up at an even more terrifying speed, like a golden light passing through it.

Lin Fan didn't use any skills.

But just this kind of power is enough to clean them up!

Those black afterimages couldn't keep up with the speed of the golden light at all. Accompanied by a low-pitched wolf moo, the golden light kept appearing in front of the black afterimages, smashing them to the ground in the simplest and rude way!


When Lin Fan appeared in front of them, they were still jumping in the air!

"Is this the animal nature you are proud of?"

"Besides turning you into a killing tool, what else will it become?"

"And I am above the beast!"

"You are puppets of animal nature, and animal nature is my strength."

A wolf moo sounded like thunder.

The werewolf's eyes were extremely clear, but his whole body exuded bloodthirsty and brutality that surpassed all werewolves!

Those werewolves dominated by animal nature are completely vulnerable in front of him!

The true will is above the animal nature.

Animal nature should be the power to be controlled, not the master!

In an instant, the golden werewolf stood on the spot again, breathing slowly.

Drops of wolf blood fell from his claws.

Beside him, a werewolf wailed on the ground.

"I ask you, have you served it?" The golden werewolf lowered his head, his narrow scarlet eyes looked down at the werewolves, and let out a deep roar.

The werewolf who was swept by that gaze trembled all over, and his eyes were full of incomprehension.

Where the **** did this guy come from!

That kind of power even surpasses werewolves!


Seeing that no one answered him, Lin Fan sighed and said in a low voice, "It doesn't seem to be satisfied."

As he said that, he was about to walk in front of a werewolf.

Seeing the golden werewolf walking towards him, the werewolf shivered and said quickly, "I, I'm done!"

The so-called animal nature is only worthy of surrender in the face of the true will.

What is bestiality?


When a lonely wolf meets a tiger, it will only flee.

In the face of sheep without tusks, wolves will show their tusks.

This is the essence of animal nature!

As for the will, a wild wolf also dared to show its fangs in the face of a fierce tiger.

It was a ewe who still dared to launch a pointless charge against the wolves in order to protect her cubs.

a time.

The golden werewolf stood there, and as his eyes glanced, the werewolves who fell to the ground all wailed.


"Young Wolf Lord, stop fighting... we'll take it!"

There was awe and fear in their eyes.

Lin Fan walked up to Duke Gucci and said solemnly, "Now, am I the alpha wolf?"

" treat us like this." Duke Gucci gritted his teeth fiercely, "In fact, you just want us to be your team!"

"But you recaptured us in this way, how could we be loyal to you, how could we be your team!"

"Young master wolf without a team, still wants to compete for the wolf king..."

To Duke Gucci's surprise, however.

The golden werewolf didn't refute him, but showed a weird smile and patted his face.

"I didn't want to treat you as a team."

"I just want you to be obedient."

"What!?" Duke Gucci froze for a moment, "Then you don't have a team, why..."

"You are wrong, I have a team. It's just that you are too weak to be my team, and your loyalty is far worse than theirs."

Lin Fan smiled.

next moment.

Under the horrified gaze of all the werewolves, one after another dark silhouettes glowing purple appeared behind Lin Fan!

Time seemed to stand still.

Heavy breathing reverberated, and silhouettes full of wild power suddenly appeared in the mountain forest, standing silently behind the golden werewolf, like the most loyal servant.

Above those figures, exudes a tyrannical aura that completely surpasses all the werewolves present!

Warwick family.

More than 2,800 seventh-order werewolves!

Moreover, it is still a second-generation werewolf!

There is a strange medicine pump behind him, and the cold light emitted by the sharp claws and fangs transformed into steel makes these werewolves of the Duke family feel terrified!

They stood behind the golden werewolf, like the most loyal dead servants.

There are nearly three thousand second-generation werewolves standing there, and they don't need to do anything at all. The combined pressure of the bloodlines makes all the werewolves in the room almost unable to breathe!

"How is it possible... This, these guys..." Duke Gucci, who was beaten to death, lay on the ground, looking at the wolves standing behind Lin Fan in disbelief.

Nearly 3,000 second-generation werewolves!

What does this represent?

The wolf young master of an ordinary family is generally only served by three generations of werewolves!

Not to mention returning to the ancestors to the second generation, for the werewolf with the blood of the gods and impure blood in the body, the probability of returning to the ancestors is extremely low!

In the entire werewolf group, there are only 50 million werewolves, and there are only more than 10,000 people in the younger generation who have returned to their ancestors to within the fifth generation!

Within three generations, it is even more difficult, and there are no more than 100 people!

The second-generation werewolf was only the original Panila, but now that Panila has accepted the bloodline of the ancestor, it is the first-generation werewolf.

Even in the pure-blooded wolf clan, only the three candidates who competed with Panera are the second-generation werewolves, one level worse than Panera!

And behind Lin Fan...

Three thousand, the second generation werewolf?

Is his team?

Just picking one out is enough to make countless families break their heads!

And this young wolf master alone has 3,000 loyal and loyal, second-generation werewolves as his subordinates?

It's just that Duke Gucci can't understand... Where did these more than 3,000 second-generation werewolves come from?

Looking at the dumbfounded Duke Gucci, Lin Fan said softly, "They are my team."

Behind the golden werewolf, nearly 3,000 Warwicks knelt down on one knee, emitting a long moo in a neat and uniform manner.

"My God, I would like to serve you."

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