Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1320: beat you!

Hundreds of werewolves roared and jumped towards the golden werewolf.

The students were shocked when they saw this scene.

A student suddenly grabbed Yang Baldzi's sleeve and whispered, "Teacher, let's take advantage of their own fight... run away!"

Baldy Yang didn't speak, but took a deep breath.

only for an instant.

On his body, the rolling divine power roared up!


The 100-meter giant is revealed!

The muscular giant slowly walked behind the golden werewolf, his fists clenched, and he was preparing to fight side by side with the golden werewolf!

Baldy Yang is not stupid.

Before, they were attracted by the werewolf who pretended to be a distressed god. There is still a distance from the edge of the forest of the gods and beasts. It is obviously an ambush place carefully selected by the wolves.

If you want to get out alive, you must help this golden werewolf who helped them inexplicably and defeat other werewolves.

Otherwise, even if they turn around and run now, once the golden werewolves are defeated, they will still be hunted by the wolves, and they will not be able to escape this forest of divine beasts at all!

"Teacher, do you want to fight side by side with the werewolf?" Ren Sihe said in a complicated voice, "Once it is spread out, you may not even be able to be an expatriate teacher..."

Bald Yang gritted his teeth fiercely: "Fuck, what race are you considering at this time! He is helping us!"

Ren Sihe didn't speak, just took a step silently and stood behind Lin Fan with Bald Yang.


"You don't get involved."

The golden werewolf suddenly spoke in a low voice.

Hearing the familiar voice, Ren Sihe and Yang Baldzi were both slightly taken aback.

For Lin Fan, this is a battle about ethnic status!

This is the battle within the wolf pack!

If a **** cooperates with him to fight other werewolves, then the nature of this matter will change, it is equivalent to colluding with a god... If it doesn't work, the entire Duke family will join forces to kill him!

The status in the wolf pack needs to be won by one's own strength!

The werewolf roared.

The wolf claws shreds the air, the fangs reflect the cold light, and the powerful figures full of wildness are like afterimages, rushing straight forward!

But the golden werewolf didn't seem to see it until the moment when the werewolves were about to drown him.

In an instant, the golden light burst out!

"Give it all to me, kneel down!"

The golden werewolf mooed up to the sky, spread out his slender arms, and then slammed together from the left and right sides!


The wind howled.

This gust of wind swept away like a ripple, but it was not any skill of lol, not even a gust of wind magic.

It's just a palm wind drawn by pure power!

The palm wind whistled and scattered, as if carrying countless golden dust particles, exuding a faint golden light.

When the palm of the wind blew on Duke Gucci's body, Duke Gucci's face was incredible.

"That's it?"

Facing the siege of more than 100 werewolves, this arrogant young wolf master just slapped him?

Although this palm wind is very strong, it has no attack effect at all!

"Young Wolf Lord, you are just too..."

Duke Gucci passed through the palm wind forcefully, his sharp claws shredded the air, and went straight to Lin Fan!

But the next moment.

Duke Gucci, and the faces of all the werewolves all changed!

Their bodies could not move at this moment.

It was as if something entered their body with the oncoming palm wind, locking every cell of their body firmly!

In an instant, the many werewolves who rushed towards Lin Fan were unable to move, and fell directly from the air.




More than a hundred werewolves, directly in front of Lin Fan, fell to the ground from the air, unable to move at all!

This is not blood pressure.



The golden river slowly flowed out from under Lin Fan's body, and a set of golden mecha was condensed on the golden werewolf's body, which was indescribably noble.

Under his feet, countless werewolves looked at him in disbelief, but couldn't move at all!

The crushing of technology!

When the nano-robots representing the most advanced technology in the God Realm appeared, these primitive werewolves simply had no strength to fight back!

This scene directly shocked Yang Baldzi and the students who were nervous.

They have no idea what the **** is going on.

I only saw that the golden werewolf slammed his arms together and rolled up his palms.

Then those werewolves just fell to the ground, as if they had lost all ability to move!

As Zhang Chengfeng said, nano robots, even if they are revealed to the gods, they can't understand what it is.

This is the tech divide.

Even Ren Sihe was puzzled, thinking that the werewolf was suppressed by blood, or some kind of innate magical power.

Lin Fan walked over slowly, kicking the werewolves one by one, and finally stepping on Duke Gucci's chest with one foot.

The long and narrow eyes looked down at the werewolf, and the scarlet eyes reflected the horrified appearance of the werewolf.

Lin Fan opened his fangs and whispered in his ear, "Now, can you listen to me?"

"I don't accept it!" Duke Gucci lay motionless on the ground, staring at the golden werewolf, with a deep roar in his throat: "Although I don't know what means you used."

"But it's not a werewolf fight!"

"I don't agree!"

Duke Gucci's eyes were full of dissatisfaction. After all, he froze inexplicably before he had time to display his strength.

Whoever changed it, I don't agree!

"Okay!" Lin Fan nodded, "If you want a real fight, then I'll give it to you!"

"Today I'll beat you all!"

Countless nano-robots converged into golden rivers, flowing out from the werewolves who were motionless on the ground, converging on Lin Fan and merging into the mecha.

At the same time those werewolves only felt that their originally locked bodies were free again.


When they regained their freedom, these werewolves climbed up from the ground one after another, only to see the golden werewolf hook his fingers provocatively, grinning and revealing sharp fangs.

"You guys, let's go together."

He was mooing low.


Duke Gucci leaps high again,

He is extremely confident in his strength and speed.

Eighth-order strength, three generations of werewolf blood!

All together, whether it is speed or strength, they completely crush those eighth-order gods of speed and power, even among the younger werewolf generation, they are ranked first!

With this claw, he exerted his full strength!

The afterimage that seemed to be transformed into a black pounced towards Lin Fan, the speed was almost beyond the range that the naked eye could see, and the sharp claws flashed like a cold light!

"You are too arrogant!"

That claw stabbed at Lin Fan fiercely!

But the next moment.

His pupils shrank!

The golden light suddenly rushed in front of his eyes, the scarlet eyes were only a dozen centimeters away from his eyes, and those crazy killing eyes were staring at him!

That speed far exceeds him!

He didn't even react!

"how come!"

For a time, feeling the terrifying speed, Duke Gucci was slightly absent-minded.

In his eyes, the stern smile of the golden werewolf was reflected.

"Is this what you call beast power?"

"Too weak!"

Without giving Duke Gucci time to react, the golden werewolf grabbed Duke Gucci's neck and smashed him from the air to the ground!

Lin Fan didn't need any skills or magic to deal with him!

In terms of speed and strength, Lin Fan has completely crushed him with his werewolf bloodline alone!

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