Chapter 162

Mysterious library, fighting skills reward!

It has been two days since the end of the trials.

During these two days, Xu Heng constantly adjusted himself to keep his state at the peak at any time.

Because after entering the ruins, he directly participated in the trials, and there was no chance to breathe.

Now that everything is settled, we just need to wait for the arrangement of the academy.

In the past, according to the academy’s regulations, after the trials ended, the top 50 academies would be eligible to go to the inner courtyard.

And the top five in the competition can enter the library to randomly reward a fighting skill as a reward for the competition.

But this year’s situation is special, and the number of places to enter the inner courtyard has doubled directly to as many as 100.

There were also five more places for students who entered the library to select fighting skills, reaching “four forty” ten students.

Xu Heng also had some expectations for the mysterious library.

Although this is not the main purpose of his entry into the ruins, he will naturally not refuse if there is one more practice.

“I don’t know what kind of exercises the library will reward this time. What is the difference between the fighting skills in this world and the exercises in the real world.” “If you can get a suitable exercise. , it can be regarded as an unexpected joy.” The warm sunlight shone through the branches and sprinkled on Xu Heng’s body, giving him a rare sense of leisure. “Yo, isn’t this the genius of the Dragon Kingdom?”

Not far away, a slightly gloomy voice suddenly came.

Xu Heng turned his head and narrowed his eyes.

In front of the woods, a figure wearing a black robe and a big black hat gradually walked in from not far away.

Next to him was a familiar figure.

Dark mages, and dragon knights!

This was the first time Xu Heng met them formally after entering the ruins. “Congratulations, your performance this time is really unexpected!” “As expected of the legendary Dragon Kingdom genius.”

Under the dark mage’s huge brim, a cold smile leaked out. “hehe!”

Xu Heng smiled slightly, completely ignored them, turned around and left.

The two dragon knights were stunned for a moment.

They did not expect that Xu Heng would be so rude.

He didn’t even say hello, just turned around and left.

“Humph! If possible, he must not be allowed to walk out of this ruin!” “This guy is a huge threat to our country.”

“If you can let him die here, I believe that Long Guo will be very distressed at that time.”

The dragon knight was full of anger, and the dark mage was expressionless, but there was still a flash of strangeness in his eyes.

The two of them had already secretly decided in their hearts that they would do their best to keep Xu Heng here forever in this ruin.

In the bright and spacious room, rows of bookshelves criss-cross.

The bookshelves are filled with all kinds of ancient books, which are very scholarly.

At this time, in the center of the room, an old man with white hair and beard sat quietly at the desk, flipping through the materials in his hand. Suddenly, the people in the room opened, and a voice came in, “Vice President, everyone, bring them all here!” “Let them come in!” Closing the books in his hand, Vice President Hu Gan said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, one after another figure came in from the door one after another.

They are all the best in this trial. In addition to the vice president’s granddaughter, the little demon girl Hu Jia, there is also Wu Hao from the law enforcement team.

The others were the same batch of people who entered the ruins with Xu Heng this time.

But what is surprising is that Baishan, who was defeated by Xu Heng before, is actually included in this list.

As expected of the man of the Canaan Academy, dragging the body that was seriously injured by Xu Heng, he was still able to enter the top ten of the Academy.

Ahead, Vice President Hu Gan swept the crowd.

When his eyes came into contact with Xu Heng, Lao Lai’s eyes seemed to sense something unusual.

“The power in the body seems to be gentle, but Ke Que has a volcanic eruption-like momentum, which is really extraordinary.” He glanced at Xu Heng’s body, and Hu Gan felt the power in the opponent’s body. unusual nature. “No wonder Baishan can be defeated!” The vice president nodded without a trace.

“Since you are all here, then I will stop talking, and you should also know the purpose of calling you here this time.”

Standing up from the chair, Hu Qian smiled and said, “You are the top ten in this trial. According to the rules, you are eligible to enter the Book Collection Pavilion to try your luck.” Hearing this, Xu Heng was immediately looking forward to it.

The library of Canaan College has more exercises than Nantian University. “I don’t know if this time, I can get 5.4 to a suitable exercise!”

During the silence, Hu Gan came to a wall somewhere behind the room and patted his palm casually.

A low rumbling sound rang out, and then a dark passage appeared in front of Xu Heng’s ten people.

“Come with me!”

Waved to the ten people on the scene, Hu Gan turned around and walked straight into the dark passage. “Library Pavilion!”

Xu Heng muttered in his heart, then followed directly. .

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