Chapter 161

The competition is over, and you are eligible to enter the inner courtyard!

Baishan fell heavily on the ground, unable to stand up for a long time.

The place was dead silent!

Everyone did not expect that Bai Shan, who had just shown great power and used advanced Xuan-rank fighting skills, was seriously injured and out of the game in the blink of an eye.

The reversal happened in an instant, and many people did not react at all.

When they came back to their senses, Bai Shan’s body had already been beaten out of the ring.

“Fuck, what happened just now?”

“Isn’t Baishan using advanced Xuan-level fighting skills! Why did he suddenly get out of the game?”

“With such a strong power just now, I thought that Xu Heng would definitely be unstoppable, but it turned out that I never expected it!” “How do I feel, this Xu Heng is like cheating.”

On the stands around the duel arena, one after another exclaimed and questioned voices kept ringing. “What kind of fighting skills Xu Heng used just now, I have never seen it before!” “That kind of power is only stronger or weaker than the advanced Xuan-level fighting skills of Baishan!” In everyone’s eyes, all With a surprised look.

“Not only that, the speed of Xu Heng’s final movement is probably not comparable to that of ordinary fighting spirits!” “Indeed, I didn’t see it at the time, Baishan suddenly flew out!” “And the power of that punch, Bai Shan was directly kicked out of the game.”

“Super dark horse! Baishan is a powerful man in Canaan College. He didn’t expect that he would be severely injured in just a split second. I guess he didn’t react at that time.” “Xu Heng is about to become famous!”

The audience at the scene, after a short period of confusion, reacted and exclaimed enthusiastically, and then continued to sound.

“Xu Heng? This guy who suddenly appeared, how can he be so strong!” Somewhere on the viewing stage, the little demon girl was dressed in red, frowning slightly.

As the granddaughter of the deputy dean, she spent far more time at Canaan College than other ordinary students.

In so many years, although there are not many students like Bai Shan, she has seen several.

Bai Shan is considered to be the top group in this Canaan Academy, but she is not too afraid.

But the strength that Xu Heng had just burst out seemed to have far surpassed Baishan, reaching the level of a general fighting spirit.

Dou Ling!

Such strength, even in a place where geniuses like Canaan Academy gather, is extremely rare.

Even geniuses take time to accumulate.

The students of Canaan College are usually not too old.

Therefore, even for extremely talented students, there are usually no students above Dadou Shi.

Students who can reach the level of fighting spirit during the outer court period are also very few in the history of Canaan College.

But now, a Dou Ling is very likely to be a freshman with Dou Ling-level strength, standing in front of her alive.

This made her feel a little unreal, a feeling of witnessing history.

“Xu Heng?”

“I will pay more attention in the future!”

The little demon girl looked at Xu Heng with a curious look in her eyes.

After all, even though she was well-informed since she was a child, it was beyond her expectations to be a super dark horse like Xu Heng.

And she had a faint feeling that the Xu Heng just now didn’t use all his strength.

Bai Shan was seriously injured in an instant, but Xu Heng didn’t seem to have consumed much.

This can only show that Xu Heng’s strength may be far above Baishan.

It also proves Xu Heng’s true strength, and it is very likely that he has reached the level of fighting spirit.

“This game, the yellow class, Xu Heng wins!” After a long time, the referee’s voice sounded.

The people around seemed to have just woken up from a trance.

·..for flowers·

Suddenly there was thunderous applause from the surrounding stands.

This game was beyond everyone’s expectations.

The man in the academy, the favorite to win the championship, was crushed by a dark horse who suddenly appeared.

This kind of thing, no matter who it is, is very shocking.

It is foreseeable that after this match, the most heated discussion must be the duel between Xu Heng and Bai Shan.

Today’s Xu Heng can be said to have become famous in the first battle.

The duel between Xu Heng and Bai Shan ended with the announcement of the referee.


The next game will continue as usual.

After Baishan, several strong students appeared.

For example, Wu Hao from the Law Enforcement Team has dealt with people from Heijiaoyu all the year round. He wears a blood-red robe and is full of murderous aura. Before he even plays, he makes his opponent tremble.

However, with Xu Heng and Baishan in the front, the game behind them seems a little boring.

Although there are still powerful experts like Little Demon Girl, but everything was expected by everyone, so on the contrary, there is not much impact.

In contrast, everyone’s impression of the following game is much weaker.

Of course, what everyone exclaimed was that in the second round, Bai Shan played again.

He is worthy of being a popular figure in the academy. Although he was injured, he just defeated his opponent with his strong strength and successfully advanced to the next round.

In the end, the second round of the inner court trials ended quickly at an extremely fast pace.

However, beyond everyone’s expectations, after the second round, while everyone was still waiting for the final final, the academy elder suddenly announced.

This year, the inner courtyard will expand its enrollment, and all those who pass the second round of competition will be eligible to enter the inner courtyard.

This decision immediately caused many people to pat their thighs, regretting giving up the game.

Xu Heng was looking forward to it.

The inner court!

Fallen Heart Flame!

This is the biggest purpose of his entering the ruins this time!

It’s finally here. wide.

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