Chapter 130

Veterans ready to fight, the military shakes!

Beyond the high wall, in the depths of the fog, a faint mist shrouded everything.

Everything looked grey.

Within a hundred miles, no one could be seen, only all kinds of fierce beasts, running by from time to time, leaving a shuddering roar.

At this moment, somewhere in the fog, the roars of Dao Dao beasts kept coming.

Moreover, there are also roaring explosions that appear from time to time.

A closer look, five figures are now forming a circle.

They are the previous five veterans.

After Xu Heng left, the five of them were supposed to leave quickly, but after some thought, they decided to continue to go into the mist.

They feel that even if they go back, they will not be able to live for long.

But if you die and then live, under the threat of death, you may still be able to find a slim chance to enter a new realm before dying.

At this moment, in the center of the five people, the lizard-shaped vicious beast was crawling on the ground, watching the five figures around him vigilantly.

Not only that, but in its mouth, a dazzling light has been flashing, and from time to time, it spit out a terrifying energy ball and flew towards the five people.

After falling to the ground, it caused a concussive explosion.

“This guy has been seriously injured, let’s not delay it any longer, and solve it quickly. Otherwise, if other beasts pass by, we will fall short!” Among the five, Wan Haoming, the leader, roared.

Immediately afterwards, he made the first move, heading straight for the lizard-shaped beast. “Thunderbolt Chidori!”

In Wan Haoming’s hands, a dazzling brilliance kept flickering, and at the same time, there were occasional clicking sounds, like a thousand birds were constantly chirping.

At the same time, the other four also took action, releasing their own techniques to surround the beast and prevent it from escaping suddenly.

puff puff!

Wan Haoming’s figure appeared beside the beast.

Before the lizard could react, the shining thunderbolt in his hand slammed straight towards the beast.

In an instant, Lei Dun Qiandiao went straight to the back of the beast, piercing the hard back shell of the lizard directly.

Then continue to go deeper, breaking out from the belly of the beast.

The already injured lizard was beaten to the death in an instant.

At the same time, the attacks of the other four came at a rapid rate.

The sound of bang bang kept ringing.

In the end, the lizard beast was directly besieged by five people to death.

“finally!””For so many years, our cooperation is still not old!” Among the five, a veteran was the first to speak.

Obviously, he was very satisfied with the results of his battle.

In contrast, the other four were calm and 410 a lot.

“Don’t blow it. Before, the five of us were almost wiped out by the deep-sea snake python. How long has it been since then, have you forgotten it?” “Hey! I’m not here to cheer myself up!”

“We haven’t seen each other for so many years, and we can have such a tacit cooperation, that doesn’t mean that the treasure is not the youngest!” The other four, seeing the guy who talked more and more vigorously, suddenly shook their heads.

Then they cooperated with each other, cleaned the battlefield, completely dissected the murdered beast, and took out the beast pill inside. “Haoming, this is for you!”

“You were seriously injured by the deep-sea snake python before, and you haven’t fully recovered yet. If you eat this, it is estimated that it will have a lot of effects!” After speaking, a veteran stretched out his hand and threw the beast pill he just took out. It was thrown to Wan Minghao, who was the leader.

And Wan Minghao, without the slightest hypocrisy, immediately began refining after catching the beast pill.

Others are tacitly protecting the law for him, preventing a beast from suddenly rushing out to make trouble.

Time passed quietly in this quiet atmosphere.

While Wan Minghao was refining the beast pill, the other four silently recovered the power in their bodies.

At a certain moment, among the four, someone suddenly spoke and looked at three of them excitedly. “It’s better, let’s go directly to the king of the beasts!”

The other three were shocked when they heard this, wondering if they had heard it wrong.

The king of beasts? It is estimated that it must be at least an eighth-order beast.

And they, so far, are only the strength of the lord to the big lord, and they have not even touched the threshold of the king level.

Now, someone actually said that they are going to find the King of Fierce Beasts?

That can’t have any chance of success, it’s just going straight to death. “are you crazy!”

“The King of Fierce Beasts, what kind of strength is that? Let’s go past, I guess we didn’t even have a chance to get close, and we were swallowed in one bite!” Wan Haoming, who had been refining beast pills with his eyes closed, actually opened his eyes at this moment. It seems that these absurd words make him very strange.

The veteran who made the suggestion seemed to have known for a long time that his words would definitely be questioned.

I saw him with a wry smile and said towards Wan Haoming.

“So far, of the five beasts we have killed, the strongest ones are only fourth- and fifth-order strengths.” “This is not challenging for us at all!”

“However, the five of us don’t have much time. Doing this kind of unchallenging thing is a complete waste of life!” His eyes were slightly red, and he seemed a little excited. “Have you forgotten why we came here?”

“We came here to seek a breakthrough. This king of beasts is an excellent opportunity!” “Anyway, he is also a dying person, so what is there to be afraid of?” The other four originally planned to refute.

But when they heard his words, they fell silent.

As this guy said, the purpose of their coming here is to seek a chance for a breakthrough in a desperate situation.

But the beasts they killed now have absolutely no pressure on them.

Instead of wasting time like this, it’s better to take a desperate shot.

“Indeed, killing these low-level beasts now is a complete waste of time!” After the other four thought for a while, someone suddenly patted their thighs.

The situation of the five of them is indeed what the man said, no matter whether they advance or retreat, they are desperate. “It’s better to go directly to the Beastmaster instead of this!”

“Maybe, we can still have an epiphany and unleash the power of the bloodline that fits together in an instant!” “At that time, it may even jump a few steps and become a super-level master!” The more he talked, the more excited he even stood Get up and start dancing.

Wan Haoming and others, listening to what he said, nodded slightly.

It’s not for the so-called epiphany. They know that the possibility is so slim that it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack.

What really moved them was their current physical condition.

Even if there are no beasts to attack, they have already reached the limit.

“Let’s go, if we are lucky enough to kill the King of Fierce Beasts, the beast tide will probably recede immediately!” “In that case, we can be considered dead without regrets!”

After making up his mind, Wan Haoming did not hesitate, but got up directly and went deeper into the mist.

The others followed immediately.

They, although the chance of breakthrough, is extremely slim.

However, they are still going to find the king of beasts.

Inland, in the middle of a large military conference room, there is a huge round table.

At this moment, around the round table, high-ranking officials are sitting together, and their faces all have solemn expressions.

Behind these officials, there are several times the number of officials standing.

Just now, everyone suddenly gathered for an emergency meeting to discuss matters related to the beast tide. “Report sir!”

“There is news from the front, the beast, in a short period of time, in different directions, there are two waves in a row.” “From this inference, it is very likely that there is more than one breach in the high wall!”

“We must do our best to mobilize our manpower to block the break in the high wall and repair it. Otherwise, more beasts will come in, which will cause a soul-destroying blow to us!” The figures behind these officials , is the liaison officer of various departments. At this moment, they are constantly reporting the news they have received from the front line. “Report sir!”

“The artillery rocket unit has started emergency reinforcements! In about thirty minutes, we can reach the No. 1 combat area.” A man in a non-commissioned officer uniform also reported the news he had just received.

After he finished speaking, a new person soon took his place. “Report sir!”

“There is news from the front reconnaissance troop that a large number of beasts have appeared at the International Temple of Heaven, and the level of the beasts has reached the level of the eighth order!” “And there are as many as five!”

The correspondent had just finished reporting, and the entire conference room suddenly fell silent. “What? Eighth-order beasts?” “Five more?”

Then, a senior officer suddenly stood up from around the round table and stared at the correspondent.

He couldn’t believe that so far, the beast tide, not long after it was launched, actually appeared directly in the eighth-order fierce beast.

Not only him, but other high-ranking officials in the conference room were also surprised to hear the correspondent’s words.

The eighth-order vicious beast is a terrifying existence comparable to the superhuman king level of human beings.

If one appears, it will be a waste of life.

Because these high-level vicious beasts, every time they appear, are usually accompanied by countless low-level vicious beasts.

Wherever they pass, nothing will grow, and everything will be messed up.

Therefore, the destructiveness of these beasts has reached the extreme.

Now, five of these eighth-order vicious beasts appeared at one time.It is unbelievable how terrifying the beasts that accompany them will be. “What you said is true?”

The senior officer who got up asked.

It’s not that he doubts the subordinate’s ability to work, but the news is so shocking that he has to confirm it again and again.

And the non-commissioned officer who reported the news nodded affirmatively, saying that what he said was absolutely true. “Five eighth-order beasts, ordinary rocket troops, are completely useless, and must use ultra-high-energy ion polymerization guns!” “Not only that, but also in other directions, there are seventh- to eighth-order beasts.” The official said a little After thinking about it, he immediately realized the terrifying threat of these beasts.

However, after a while, he suddenly reacted, “Why, our line of defense, still exists?”

“If it is really an eighth-order beast, then the ordinary troops should have been defeated long ago. How can they persist until now?”

The communications non-commissioned officer heard the question from his superior and quickly explained: “Report, the eighth-order beasts that have appeared so far have all been blocked!” “According to the news from the front, General Ling Cangfeng and General Li Tiangang were just right at the time. At the scene.” “These five eighth-order beasts were blocked by two generals and a mysterious powerhouse.” “So, they did not cause fatal danger to ordinary people!”

“The eighth-order super beasts in other directions also have top powerhouses, which are complicated to intercept.” After that, the correspondent took a breath.

Then he looked strange and continued to report: “This time the beast tide seems to be quite strange.”

“Whenever our army wants to send superpowers to clear the field, there will be a corresponding level of beasts on the scene, even a level higher than that, to intercept the human powerhouses.” “The actions of the beasts seem to be arranged in advance. All right!”

When different correspondents were reporting what they knew, a huge projection light curtain slowly unfolded in front of the conference room.

Above the light curtain, pictures from the front of the reconnaissance troop were constantly playing.

In addition, in front of the light curtain, there is a guide who constantly explains the scenes and beasts that appear in the photos. “According to all the information we have received so far, the beast has completely broken through the defense line we built on the high wall!” “Also, the speed of breaking the wall is extremely fast, and none of the troops have the slightest reaction time!”

“Not only that, except for the International Temple of Heaven in the south, all the defense lines have been breached, and a large number of beasts have poured into the city.” “According to the news from the front, the current number of deaths of the people has been broken. , has broken through five figures!”

Speaking of this, everyone in the conference room, including the correspondents who were reporting the news, was silent.

The five-digit death toll is enough to show the ferocity of this beast tide.

Moreover, it has only just begun. As time goes by, the number of deaths will definitely reach a point where everyone is terrified.

And, this is just the beginning.

The line of defense formed by the troops in front was also continuously defeated under the fierce impact of the beasts.

This means that the beasts have dispersed, entered the city, and mixed with the residents inside.

Then, weapons of mass destruction cannot be used. At that time, the difficulty of encircling and suppressing beasts will be even higher.

There was silence in the conference room.

Everyone is thinking about what they should do to successfully resist this extraordinary beast tide. This is a very headache for every military person present.


Just when everyone was silent, the door of the conference room was directly pushed open.

There was a correspondent who brought the latest news from the front.

In an instant, in the silent conference room, everyone’s attention was attracted by this sudden appearance. “Report, sir, when the satellite detected the beast tide just now, an abnormal situation was found!”

The correspondent ignored the silence of the crowd, did not want to waste any time, and directly reported the news he had received. “The news just came from the satellite that there are five human beings who are heading towards the depths of the fog!” “Direction, it is suspected to be the lair of the King of Ferocious Beasts!”

As soon as the words fell, the scene was instantly fried, and everyone was shocked! .

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