Chapter 129

Kill the deep-sea snake python in seconds, the shocking five veterans!

“How come there is a deep-sea snake python here?”

“Don’t these guys usually live in the deepest part of the ocean?”

Wan Minghao looked at the fierce beast that suddenly burst out of the swamp, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Over the years, the five of them have been outside the high wall of Jinnan Island countless times, so they are relatively familiar with the beasts in the depths of the fog.

This deep-sea snake and python generally lives in the depths of the seabed, at least three kilometers below the sea surface, and rarely appears on land.

But now, in this inland area, I have encountered a deep-sea snake python that is rarely seen in the shallow sea.

Then, it is easy to infer that the current beast tide has reached a very terrifying level.

Even the beasts in the deep sea have already appeared in the inland, so the beasts in the shallow sea must have gone to the depths of the inland in large numbers.

Now the number of fierce beasts in the inland has probably reached a very frightening level.

“The swamp just now must have been created by this deep-sea snake python, otherwise there shouldn’t be such a strange thing in this place.” The five veterans, after thinking for a while, suddenly understood the swamp that trapped them just now what happened.

They have passed by here many times and are very familiar with this road. In their impressions, there has never been a strange swamp here, and it is still such a poisonous swamp.

When they were just trapped in the swamp, they didn’t know why.

Seeing this deep-sea snake python that suddenly appeared at this moment, I instantly understood the ins and outs of the matter.

The quagmire that trapped the five of them just now must have been created by this deep-sea snake python.

The poison in there is probably the masterpiece of the snake python.

After realizing the threat of this snake python, Wan Haoming immediately turned his head, looked at where Xu Heng was, hurriedly spoke, and persuaded again.

“This vicious beast is very powerful and highly poisonous. If you stay in this place, it is very likely that you will be directly poisoned by its venom!” “Xu Heng, leave now! ”

The other veterans beside Wan Haoming also understood the threat of this beast.

They all spoke up and repeatedly discouraged Xu Heng.

“This beast, I am afraid it has reached the level of the sixth-order, comparable to the king-level powerhouse of human beings. Xu Heng, we know that your talent is very high, if you give you enough time, you will definitely become the top human being. “But, you are still too young now. If you are not careful and the sky breaks here, it will be a very heavy loss to the entire human race.” “We were originally dying people. , it’s not a pity to die here. So this beast, we’ll stop it for you, you should leave now!” After speaking, Wan Haoming took the lead, directly blocking Xu Heng and the beast’s direct path, avoiding the The snake python exploded suddenly.

The other four, seeing that Xu Heng was indifferent and had no intention of leaving, were also very anxious.

So they all headed towards where Xu Heng was, hoping to pull Xu Heng away from this dangerous place.

However, the deep-sea snake python seemed to sense the intention of the five people.

Just when they just acted, the deep-sea snake and python suddenly twisted, rushed out of the swamp, and shot towards the nearest Wan Haoming.

The speed of the deep-sea snake python was very fast. In the blink of an eye, before Wan Haoming could react, he was directly swept by the snake’s tail. “what!”

A painful cry came from his mouth.

Huge power poured out on Wan Minghao’s body, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Afterwards, the deep-sea snake python seemed to think that Wan Haoming was already in his pocket, so he turned his head and faced the other four.

Of the few people present, it didn’t want to let go.The other four people who walked towards Xu Heng heard Wan Minghao’s voice and turned back quickly.

When they saw that Wan Minghao was seriously injured, the same voice sounded in the hearts of the four of them, that is, this time they might really not be able to escape.

The deep-sea snake python ignored the fear in their hearts, and rushed towards them without hesitation. “It’s over 1~!”

The same thought appeared in the hearts of the four people at the same time.

Judging from the speed at which this deep-sea snake and python was moving forward, its strength is definitely far more than a few of them.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to directly and seriously injure Wan Minghao in just one face-to-face.

“We have escaped death countless times, and this time, I am afraid that we will die directly here!”

Looking at the giant python that opened its mouth wide and bit at them, despair appeared in their hearts.

However, the action of the deep-sea snake python did not succeed.

Just as it was about to approach the four, Xu Heng, who had been inactive for a while, suddenly shot.

With a finger on his right hand, a thin beam of light shot straight from his index finger.

call out!

That light instantly disappeared into the deep-sea snake python’s open mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the unremarkable light actually penetrated the entire body of the deep-sea snake python from start to finish.

The originally aggressive deep-sea snake python was instantly killed by Xu Heng.

Its rushing figure fell heavily on the ground, making a rumbling sound.

After struggling for a while, the snake python lost its vitality. “Ok?”

Wan Minghao, who was seriously injured in the distance, stared blankly at this scene, a little unbelievable.

Just now, the deep-sea snake python was still aggressive, and in one encounter, it directly injured him.

As a result, in the next instant, he was instantly killed and completely lost his vitality. “Dead?”

“This snake python is a beast comparable to a king-level powerhouse!”

The other four felt a little unreal when they saw the deep-sea snake and python that fell heavily to the ground.

Just now, when the snake and python rushed straight towards them, all four of them were mentally prepared to die here.

But the outcome now is the exact opposite of what they expected.

For a time, the five people present were all in a trance, and did not make a sound for a long time.

In the distance, Xu Heng saw the beast that was instantly killed by a single blow, and smiled with satisfaction. “The superposition of two dragon yuan! The increase in strength is really terrifying!”

Although this fierce beast has reached the strength of a king, Xu Heng’s current strength has long been different from what it used to be.

After coming out of the national competition, Xu Heng’s strength has reached the level of a lord.

Later, after several more arena matches, Xu Heng’s strength has been improved again.

On the eve of the competition with Qingge, Xu Heng also had a long retreat.

At that time, Xu Heng’s refining and control of Long Yuan’s power was greatly improved again.

The most important thing is that in that retreat, Xu Heng directly refined the second dragon essence, so his strength is completely different from that before the national competition.

In addition, when Xu Heng realized that there was an extraordinary tide of beasts on Jinnan Island, he began to continuously strengthen the absorption of the second dragon element.

Although the power of the first dragon element has not been fully integrated, it is not the best choice to directly fuse the second dragon element.

However, due to the special circumstances and urgent matters, he immediately began refining the second dragon essence in his body after the beast appeared.

Xu Heng’s purpose is to maximize his strength in the shortest possible time.

Because the situation of the beast tide is too complicated, no one can predict all the things that will happen.

Therefore, in order to maximize his chances of surviving in the beast swarm, Xu Heng must do everything possible to increase his strength.

After refining the second dragon essence, Xu Heng immediately felt that his strength increased by leaps and bounds.

Although it is only a rough absorption now, the effect produced is already extraordinary.

Moreover, from the outbreak of the beast tide to the present, Xu Heng has been constantly adjusting himself. Every muscle in his body and every trace of strength in his body can be used at any time.

Now, Xu Heng can ensure that he can use his best strength in an instant when he encounters any danger.

Therefore, although the deep-sea snake python just now had reached the king level, with Xu Heng’s current strength, he could easily kill it in seconds. “Now my power must have surpassed that of the great lord!”

Withdrawing his fingers, Xu Heng carefully sensed the strength in his body.

At present, he is not very clear about his true strength.

Because after the combat power reaches the great lord, there will be various bonuses of cultivation techniques, and the means of fighting are completely beyond what ordinary warriors can imagine.

Therefore, his current strength cannot be measured with a simple strength tester.

However, with just one finger, Xu Heng directly killed the king-level beast.

Therefore, although there is no standardized instrument to measure, Xu Heng’s current strength is no longer comparable to ordinary people.

Afterwards, Xu Heng didn’t bother about his own strength, but turned to look at the deep-sea snake python just now.

With a flash of his figure, he appeared directly beside the deep-sea snake python, and when he grabbed it, a round beast pill appeared in his hand.

After that, Xu Heng’s breath searched around.

He cleaned up and killed all the hidden beasts around him.

Afterwards, Xu Heng looked at the five veterans around him who were attacked by the beasts. “Now it’s basically safe here, you can leave now!”

“Stay here for a long time, I’m afraid there will be new beasts appearing!” Then, Xu Heng flashed and disappeared directly from the scene.

Next to the swamp, the five veterans looked at each other in dismay.

They were still immersed in the shock of Xu Heng killing the king-level beast before, and they didn’t react for a while.

Finally, after a while, veteran Wan Haoming was the first to come back to his senses.

“.~ Just now, that fierce beast really has the strength of a king?” He looked at the others with doubts on his face.

That deep-sea python, just a face-to-face, directly and seriously injured him.Therefore, in his heart, the strength of that fierce beast must be very powerful.

In the end, Xu Heng killed the beast he thought was very powerful.

This made him directly begin to doubt whether the strength of the fierce beast just now really reached the king level.

However, the other four immediately gave him a positive answer. “There is no doubt that it is a king-level beast!”

Among the five people, one person answered affirmatively that he had also faced the fierce beast head-on just now, so he was very sure that the strength of the fierce beast just now was the king level. “But he was instantly killed by Xu Heng. It’s hard to imagine that Xu Heng’s strength has actually reached the level of a king!” “No wonder, Xu Heng can take the first place in the country.

“It now seems that people like Qingge who challenge Xu Heng are simply asking for trouble!” The five veterans at the scene thought carefully and were shocked when they discovered Xu Heng’s true strength. “The freshman king level, if it spreads out, I am afraid everyone will be shocked!”

“I’m afraid not. The Xu Heng just now killed a king-level beast in one second. If he just entered the king-level, how could he kill it so easily!” Thinking of this, the shock on the faces of the five people was even more profound than before. .

They couldn’t imagine how powerful Xu Heng, who killed the king-level beast in seconds, had reached.

Is it… a god level?

An absurd idea appeared in their hearts.

The five looked at each other again, then shook their heads.

Impossible, impossible!

They are completely unimaginable, god-level students? Or just a freshman in college?

This is totally a fantasy!

They lived for decades, but never heard of such a case.

If Xu Heng really has (did) God-level strength, wouldn’t he directly become a super-level powerhouse after graduation? This is completely beyond their understanding. “Anyway, Xu Heng, must have stepped into the king-level standard!”

Although they couldn’t believe that Xu Heng had entered the god-level, they had seen the performance of killing the king-level beasts with their own eyes.

Not only that, but after Xu Heng killed the deep-sea snake and python just now, he searched all over again.

Some of the ferocious beasts found later were not much worse than the deep-sea snake python.

But in front of Xu Heng, they were completely powerless to fight back.

Therefore, Xu Heng is now the worst, or at least a king-level master.

“Compared with Xu Heng, the five of us are really complete trash!” They all laughed bitterly when they recalled their experiences when they were young.

Because when they were as old as Xu Heng, they even got into college.

Finally, forced to join the army.

After mixing for decades, he barely stepped into the level of the lord, and he was already exhausted and had no potential. “Ugh……”

The five of them sighed in unison, and then stopped worrying about these things. “Otherwise, let’s go to the fog!”

Just as several people sighed in unison, a voice suddenly sounded.

It was Wan Haoming’s voice. Although he was seriously injured at this time, he was actually a little excited when he said this attention. “Anyway, now, we have basically come to an end.” “Even if we turn around and go back, I’m afraid we won’t be able to live for long!”

“If you take the last chance, maybe it’s still possible to break through directly!” The others, hearing Wan Haoming’s words, looked at each other in dismay.

Then they gritted their teeth, and they all agreed to the risky decision.

After cleaning up a little, the five veterans headed towards their original destination again! .

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