Chapter 116

The provocation of senior seniors, Xu Heng one-five-five

In the school canteen.

All the students, as usual, were eating silently, and some were chatting with each other.

Suddenly, a loud shout spread to every corner of the cafeteria.

Then, the sound of the door being kicked open again exploded. “What’s the matter? No one will fight here!” In an instant, everyone’s eyes were attracted.

Some of them recognized Xu Heng’s appearance.

“Damn, that guy, isn’t that Xu Heng, who just won the national championship!” “This guy, the limelight has been on the rise recently, and who has he met now?” “In that box, who is in it?-”

“I seem to have heard that Xu Heng was calling Ao Teng’s name. It should be him!” “Who is Ao Teng?”

“Damn it, I know Ao Teng. Isn’t that guy almost a senior? How did he get on with Xu Heng?”

“Xu Heng, I heard that he is still in the ring, declaring war on freshmen across the country. Now, he is actually working with the seniors of his school again. He is really restless.” “f*ck, there is a good show today. Look!”

“Xu Heng has never missed a shot so far. I don’t know if he will be planted in Ao Teng today!”

After a while, in the cafeteria, other students who were eating, gradually understood what happened, and gathered towards Xu Heng’s place.

All students want to see the excitement.

For a time, there were more people watching at the cafeteria than there were on the playground.

“you sure?”

Qian Peng, the president of the student union headquarters, looked a little unsightly.

Just now, Yang Dong hurried over and told him that someone was deliberately suppressing the freshman, which resulted in a little conflict with Xu Heng.

Now, Xu Heng is going to find those seniors who are deliberately provocative, saying that he is going to settle accounts with them.

This made Qian Peng instantly startled, “Why is Xu Heng so reckless, the other party is a senior student, and some people can’t even stop the teacher, that’s a real monster.” “Go! Take me there, take Xu Heng Stop it!”

After that, Qian Peng quickly asked Yang Dong to lead the way and ran towards where Xu Heng was.

In the box, the five Ao Teng were chatting happily.

Suddenly, a loud shout came from outside, instantly destroying the atmosphere of the five people drinking.

Ao Teng and others originally planned to go out to see what happened.

As a result, the door was kicked open with a bang, and Xu Heng’s figure rushed in.

They looked at each other and looked at each other. “Xu Heng?!”

“I was discussing you just now, but I didn’t expect you to come straight to the door!” Ao Teng looked at Xu Heng at the gate with a dangerous look on his face.

He originally just planned to teach Xu Heng a lesson to Wei Wei and let him know that the sky is high.

However, now Xu Heng actually rushed directly in front of him. If Xu Heng can go back safely, then his Ao Teng face will have no place to put it at all. “He is Xu Heng? I was planning to find him!”

Behind Ao Teng, the other four looked at the guy who suddenly broke in, with the same expressions on their faces.They just still say, we must find an opportunity, to Xu Heng a lesson.

As a result, if not finished, Xu Heng directly appeared.

“Direct broke in this style, really well-deserved reputation, a look that dared to even put the ring three months of guy!” After four free hip in Ao, Lui Hung village to see Xu Heng figure, slightly ridicule smile .

Xiang-Hui is a serious look, looking bad.

“Well! It is a madness of the believers, just give him a little lesson today, let him point up eye!” He did, newborn combat power test, it is the first.

Plus, he has learned more than three years in school.

So, it seems Xiang-Hui, Xu Heng fully cope with him.

He was determined, today must take this opportunity to give Xu Heng rose up memory.

The other two have not spoken, the same ill watching Xu Heng.

They also heard that Xu Heng name, this reputation has such a large school brother has been some resentment.

So, as long as the Ao Teng hands, they will not hesitate to help. “You are, Ao Tang?”

At the gate, Xu Heng also quietly looked inside the box five.

For these five guys, he is also very strange, so just come in, he could not tell, who is the leader.

“Suppress the nascent idea, are you out?” Xu Heng Teng Ao cold look at the five people, asked aloud.

These guys, ostensibly to suppress the freshmen, but this is just an excuse.

All along, they will bully grounds newborn, said to Xu Heng too much about him crazy to pull hate.

So, today in any case, he will not let these five guys. “Yes, so what?”

Ao Teng not open behind him Xiang-Hui, has stepped forward, it seems to have to try it out. “hehe!”

“Then kneel down to apologize, or else ……”

“And five of you, not even think about leaving a stable of here!” Xu Heng is also a cold smile, respond to each other. “Hahaha!”

Ao Teng direct laughed, as if to hear the biggest joke under the sun.

“It seems, took the championship, so you seem to float up to heaven, for seniors, not a little respect?” Xiang-Hui looked Xu Heng, face disdain.

While the other side is really a great reputation, but after all, just a freshman, it can reveal how much the waves!

Subsequently, he did not continue nonsense, he operated mysterious force in the body, ready to direct hands-on, to Xu Heng directly to waste here. “Xu Heng!”

At the time the two sides at loggerheads, the distance, suddenly there came a shout.

Everyone looked down the sound, found that over two in, actually there is now a university student president of the Southern sky. “Money friends!” “His!”

Onlookers outside the cafeteria, students will come to see the president, have surprised head exposed. “Money friends, it is not the student union president? He actually ran up!”

“This is Xu Heng reinforcements moved over it, Ao Teng they estimate will not buy it!”

“What can intervene, Ao Teng five men, but there have been three seniors, and they estimate will not give students any face!” “Even the money I have friends, can not be played five, we must take weigh! ”


Behind Qian Peng, Yang Dong also followed closely.

Just now, after he was put down from the basketball hoop, he hurriedly ran to find the student council president, hoping that he could come and help.

In his opinion, with the president present, even if he can’t help Xu Heng defeat those people, he can at least restrain the opponent a little, so that he won’t be too ruthless. “Boss, are you alright, it looks like I’m not too late!”

Yang Dong squeezed through the heavy crowd of onlookers and ran to the innermost bakery. Looking at the scene inside, he breathed a sigh of relief.

So far, they haven’t really clashed.

“Boss, why don’t we go first and settle accounts with them later.”

As soon as he came in, Yang Dong began to persuade Xu Heng, hoping that he could temporarily avoid the edge.

At this time, President Qian Peng also came over.

He looked at Xu Heng and said seriously: “Xu Heng, don’t be impulsive now, the five of them are definitely not comparable to you.” After hearing about Xu Heng, Qian Peng hurriedly put down what he was doing. , came over.

Xu Heng is the head of the student union he just won over. He doesn’t want to be disabled because of a student dispute just one day after taking office! “Hehe, Qian Peng, you are too confident in this strongest newcomer!”

“This Xu Heng is planning to abolish the five of us directly. As soon as you come up, you will immediately pour cold water. Maybe the strongest newcomer is scolding you in his heart now!” The slightest bit of fear, but instead made a joke.

The four people behind him also laughed.

Although Qian Peng is the president of the student union, they have been in the school for nearly four years, and their qualifications are older than Qian Peng, so they are not afraid at all.

Qian Peng ignored the words of the five of them, but continued to persuade Xu Heng, “You are just a freshman, and you will have a lot of time to improve in the future. When your strength surpasses them, it will not be too late to settle accounts.” In his opinion , Although Xu Heng won the national championship, and even put down the ring, playing the national freshman, no one dared to challenge for the time being, but after all, it is only a matter between freshmen.

The opponent this time was completely different from the one Xu Heng faced before.

“President, don’t need to say more!” Xu Heng directly passed over Qian Peng who came, and was ready to do it.

However, he was pulled by Qian Peng again.

This time, Qian Peng’s voice became a little anxious. He didn’t understand why Xu Heng didn’t listen to advice at all. “Xu Heng, facing five guys, is not the freshman you faced before.” Each of them , they all stayed in Nantian University for at least three years, and the ruins that everyone has entered are several times as many as yours. “These five people, each of them is above the high-level grandmaster, and even Ao Teng and Xiang Hui, it is very likely that they have already broken through to the lord level. ”

“Not only that, they have also been in the fog and have the experience of confronting beasts head-on. It can be said that no matter in terms of strength or combat experience, you can’t compare with you now!” President Qian Peng did not give up persuading Xu Heng.

He thinks Xu Heng just doesn’t know the powerful relationship, so he is blindly impulsive.

・・・ Flowers・

Therefore, he told Xu Heng all the strengths of the five people, hoping that he would be able to restrain himself after hearing it.

However, Xu Heng heard that the other party actually had the strength of a lord, not only did not flinch, but his eyes lit up. “Lord level? It’s still a bit strong!” “Just right, it can be used to practice hands!”

Xu Heng looked at the five people on the opposite side with hot eyes, the power in his body was running, and the breath in his body was surging. “You five, come one by one, or go together?!”

Xu Heng’s words came out lightly, and the few people in the box didn’t respond yet, and the people watching outside were directly frying. “Fuck! I heard right! Is Xu Heng going to do it directly!”

“Listen to what he means, it’s one to five!”

“Not only one-on-five, but also want to play five at the same time!”

“Those guys on the opposite side are not ordinary students. Two of them are lords. Even if some teachers come over, they wouldn’t dare to say one-to-five!” “This Xu Heng is really arrogant! “”If it’s overturned, how will Xu Heng end at that time!”

Inside the room, Xiang Hui seemed a little unbelievable when he heard Xu Heng’s words. “He’s going to 1v5! Did you hear that?” He turned his head and looked at the other four.

“It now seems that even three months in the arena can’t satisfy your desire for performance?” Ao Teng seemed to be a little impatient after being provoked repeatedly.


He took a step forward, tapped Xu Heng’s chest directly, and said with a blank face: “Haha, since you want to fight so much, then we must meet your requirements!” “Otherwise, people will think that I am Ao Teng, and they will be afraid. A new student!” “Tell me, how do you want to fight?”

In the back, Xiang Hui was very excited when he heard that he was going to fight, “Why don’t you, see you in the ring!”

“Just look at it, whether the guy who dares to stand in the ring for three months in a row is very powerful or arrogant.” “When the time comes, don’t say that we deliberately fought and won’t be convinced!”

They didn’t think Xu Heng really dared to play against five people at the same time, even they couldn’t do it themselves.

However, Xu Heng’s words once again exceeded their expectations.

“It’s not bad to be in the ring, but there is no need for a wheel battle, the five of you will go together!”

“As for winning, the five of you, stop daydreaming. You can’t win with one hand!” “Come on, see you in the ring!”

After finishing speaking, Xu Heng ignored the strange gazes around him, and turned around and walked directly towards the gymnasium.

Behind him, the five Ao Teng people, as well as the president Qian Peng, still stayed in the words left by Xu Heng just now.

Especially Xiang Hui, he had no idea that Xu Heng would actually dare to take on the challenge in the ring. “Hahaha!”

Xiang Hui laughed wildly, “This is Xu Heng courting his own death, so no one else can blame him!” Afterwards, Xiang Hui crossed Ao Teng and headed straight for the gym, he wanted to deal with Xu Heng quickly.

After a while, the others also came to their senses.

“Let’s go, I want to see, what kind of arrogant capital does Xu Heng have!” “Wait a minute, everyone can’t hold back!”

Ao Teng glanced at the remaining three and rushed towards the gym.

In the gym, it was very quiet at the moment.

Because it has been several days, no freshmen from other schools have dared to come and challenge Xu Heng.

Of course, the game wasn’t empty.

There are also many marketing reporters and Internet celebrity anchors, who are rubbing Xu Heng’s popularity here.

They take a photo of the ring, post it online, and add a bluffing title, which can also win a lot of attention and clicks. “You said, will people from other universities come to challenge Xu Heng in the future?”

“It’s been seven days, and no one has come here. Let’s continue to stand guard here. It feels like we won’t get any news!” “Why don’t we just withdraw!”

“My live broadcast room was on the hot list before, but now there are not many people. Come and challenge Xu Heng!” In the audience, reporters with mobile phones and cameras, as well as the anchors, chatted with each other .

At this moment, Xu Heng’s figure rushed over from outside the gymnasium. “My God, say Xu Heng, Xu Heng is here!”

A reporter shouted excitedly, and at the same time, he kept slapping the photographer beside him who was so bored that he fell asleep. “Don’t sleep, get up, there’s big news again!”

Suddenly, all the drowsy anchor reporters woke up at this moment.

The stadium, which was relatively quiet at first, suddenly became noisy. wide.

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