Chapter 115

The playground killed three people in seconds, and the mastermind behind the scenes appeared

“Is he Xu Heng?”

The people around, seeing Xu Heng suddenly appearing, all began to look at him curiously.

Because almost all the students present had heard of Xu Heng’s name, but there were very few people who saw it alive with their own eyes.

At this moment, the main lord appeared, and everyone wanted to see how powerful the rumored legendary freshman actually was.

Plus, they realized, this seemed to be aimed at Xu Heng on purpose.

Therefore, many people feel that there must be a good show to watch next.

In the crowd of onlookers, there was a lively discussion.

“Is he Xu Heng who won the championship? He looks quite handsome!”

“The one that won the first place in the country? I heard that it has been very popular recently, and it is famous in the country!” “It’s just that these freshmen are miserable, because of him, they were beaten so hard.”” Xu Heng came over in person , now there is a good show to watch!”

“He appeared, but it didn’t help much. Although he won the championship, he was still a freshman after all. Can he beat Qiming?” “Even if it is possible, there are still people behind Qiming, and then Xu Heng will get into trouble. , it is estimated that it will not be determined.” “Really or not, this Qiming can still move rescue troops?”

“I heard that this was actually not what Qiming wanted to do at all, and he was only instructed by others.” “Then… it was aimed at Xu Heng on purpose!” “Just to see how Xu Heng dealt with it! ”

Afterwards, the students onlookers consciously made way for Xu Heng to enter the center of the crowd.

Xu Heng, who understood the cause and effect of the matter, smiled slightly.

He said to himself silently in his heart: “These guys deliberately suppress their classmates. If they handle it well, they will definitely get points!” “The benefits that come to your door, don’t give up for nothing. You can save people and get points, killing two birds with one stone! ”

Yang Dong, who was hung up, suddenly shouted, “Boss, these people are deliberately looking for trouble, you must be careful! Don’t fall into their trap…” “Stop talking nonsense!”

A burst of energy hit Yang Dong fiercely, causing his complexion to change for a while.

It was Wang Qiang and Li Fei who had tied the person. They used the profound energy in their bodies to stop Yang Dong’s shouting.

Afterwards, Qiming looked at Xu Heng who had just come over, with a smile on his face, “Yo? I’m willing to show up!” He stepped forward and looked at Xu Heng who appeared suddenly, with a little provocation in his eyes.

Although, they have long heard that Xu Heng’s strength has far exceeded the level of a freshman. 410

However, as Qiming, who has been at Nantian University for nearly three years, he does not think that freshman Xu Heng can pose any threat to him.

After all, freshmen, no matter how talented, need time to grow.

Therefore, when he heard the freshman bragging about Xu Heng all the time, he completely sneered, even very disgusted.

So when someone approached him and said he wanted to teach this freshman a lesson, he agreed without hesitation.

“Want to save them?” Qiming looked at Xu Heng playfully, “As long as you hold the sign and walk around the playground, I’ll let them all go, how?” On the freshmen, insulting signs.

It says that the freshman is a dog.

However, Xu Heng completely ignored Qiming’s provocative words, he just kept his face expressionless and thought to himself.

Afterwards, Xu Heng walked up the aisle, looked at the guys who were kidnapping people, and said lightly, “Let them all go! Then, kneel down and apologize.” Lose!”

Xu Heng’s faint voice resounded in the crowd. “Fuck, this guy is quite arrogant!”

In the crowd of onlookers, there was a lot of discussion. “Is this the courage of the first freshman?””As expected of a guy who has challenged the whole country for three consecutive months, he deserves his reputation!”

“Unfortunately, you are still too young. Qiming and these guys don’t care if you are the number one freshman!” “Qiming will definitely not let people go, the good show has begun!”

The surrounding students were a little surprised when they heard Xu Heng’s words.

Originally, I thought that Xu Heng, no matter how powerful he is in the face of these senior students, should at least restrain himself, but today, he is still so flamboyant.

The seniors who kidnapped people just now all laughed, as if they heard a big joke.

They all looked at Xu Heng with disdain. “Hehe, stop daydreaming!”

It is absolutely impossible for them to take the initiative to let these new students go.

Qiming, the leader, looked at Xu Heng with a strange look of disdain on his face, “I want to see, how on earth did you abolish us!” “Ah!”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt dark in front of him, and a sharp pain came from his chest.

Then, his figure flew out violently, hitting the basketball hoop heavily with a loud bang.

Qiming suddenly felt that all his ribs seemed to be broken.

He came back to his senses, Ding Qing took a look, and found that he had been kicked out from a distance.

Xu Heng, on the other hand, stood where he used to be, watching him quietly.

The onlookers around didn’t react for a while.

Even the younger brothers brought by Qiming, their eyes widened at the moment, staring at Xu Heng, unable to believe what they saw just now.

After a while, Wang Qiang and Li Fei, who had kidnapped people, came to their senses.

“Brother, are you alright!”

They hurried towards Qiming, ready to help him up.

Xu Heng, with a wave of his hand, two balls of light flew out and shot directly at Wang Qiang and Li Fei.


The two people who were running were hit by Xu Heng’s spiral pill, and they screamed in agony.

Moreover, the injuries they suffered were heavier than Qiming.

Because the spiral pill contains the power of atomic breath, which will cause very serious corrosion and damage to the body.

In an instant, the three who suppressed the freshman were all seriously injured by Xu Heng.

The originally noisy discussions around him all disappeared, and there was a rare silence in the always noisy playground.

Then, the discussion erupted violently.

“Why did Qiming fly out suddenly, I didn’t see it clearly just now!”

“Did Xu Heng do it, he’s so fast?”

“This is an instant kill!”

“I’ve watched Xu Heng’s game before, and this guy’s fight seems to have only one option of instant kill!”

“At the very least, the strength must be absolutely crushed. Qiming is a junior. How strong is Xu Heng?”

“It’s no wonder that you dare to put on the ring for three months in a row, and you have arrogant capital!”

Around, some people didn’t quite believe Xu Heng’s harsh words, but in the blink of an eye, they were directly slapped in the face.

Then, Xu Heng walked slowly to Qiming.

Qiming stepped back tremblingly, and his arrogant expression had all disappeared at this time.

There was a little panic on his face.

“It’s not your idea to suppress new students with such poor strength!”

Xu Heng looked at Qiming coldly and asked.

When he shot at Qiming just now, he clearly felt that the strength of this guy was only the level of a high-level grandmaster.

With less than 1,000 combat power, he didn’t even touch the threshold of a great master, and he couldn’t dare to openly bind people in the school.

Moreover, he also heard the words of the crowd just now.

This operation to suppress the freshman is likely to be deliberately targeting him Xu Heng, so he must find these guys.

“Tell me, is there someone behind the scenes!”

Xu Heng raised his right foot and stepped directly on Qiming’s chest.

The injury added to the injury, and Qiming suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. “Ao Teng, Ao Teng asked us to do it!”

When he realized that the kick he just kicked was done by Xu Heng, he knew that he was no match for Xu Heng at all.

So at this moment, he hurriedly bowed his head and surrendered.

“They are in a school cafeteria now, I can take you there!” Qiming looked at Xu Heng, hoping he would let him go.

Xu Heng stepped on it again, and immediately, Qiming’s face became even paler. “These two feet, teach you a lesson!” “Lead the way!”

Afterwards, Xu Heng let go of him, raised his head, motioned to Qiming to lead the way, he was going to go directly to the guys behind the scenes.

Qiming nodded obediently, he resisted the severe pain on his body, and took Xu Heng towards the school in a certain direction.

The crowd watching from the back also heard the conversation between Xu Heng and Qiming. “Sure enough! There are people behind these guys!”

“It is estimated that some people see Xu Heng’s popularity and want to frustrate his spirit. Every year, there will be a group of boring senior students, looking for some unlucky freshmen, and deliberately picking faults.” “However, I see this time, they Maybe I mentioned the iron plate, the speed of Xu Heng just now is not something that ordinary senior students can achieve!” “Indeed, I guess they may be a little better, but it is basically impossible to completely kill Xu Heng!” “Hey, take a look and see soon!”

“Let’s go! Let’s follow too, this kind of good show can only be played once a year!”

Many people on the playground were talking about what happened just now. Many people saw Xu Heng’s actions and quickly followed.

They know that there is likely to be an even more exciting matchup next.

After the bullied freshmen put Yang Dong off the basketball hoop, they looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while. “Follow me, I’ll find the president!”

The others didn’t know what to do, so they could only nod their heads.

In a certain box in the cafeteria, five senior students sat around a table and talked at length. “Come, come! Toast!”

After that, the other four picked up the wine glasses, touched them happily, and then drank them all. “Now, that guy Qiming should still be in the playground, teach those freshmen a lesson!”At the dinner table, a tall and burly student said to the others after taking a slow sip.

This operation to suppress the new students was organized by a few of them and then instructed Qiming to do it.

Now, they also want to know what happened.

“Good lesson! This class of freshmen jumps so hard, they should beat and beat hard!” The others echoed.

At the wine table, the student sitting in the first place snorted disdainfully when he heard what the others said.

“This year’s freshman, just because of a Xu Heng, he brags everywhere all day, and people who listen to it are very irritable!”

“This time, we must teach them a lesson and let them know that no matter how talented they are, they are just a freshman!”

His name is Ao Teng, and he was the organizer at the very beginning of this event. It was him who wooed several senior students and did these things.

Next to him, a drinking man laughed when he heard Ao Teng’s words.

Then, he said with a teasing: “I heard that Xu Heng still has some strength.”

“Not only did it take the first place in the country, but it was also an overwhelming advantage. Everyone who was crushed had no room to fight back.”

“If Qiming comes across it, maybe he can’t solve it. After all, this guy, Qiming, hasn’t touched the threshold of a great master yet!” Ao Teng was very disdainful when he heard his words.

He glanced at the people around him, and snorted nonchalantly, “So what if he’s here, this Xu Heng, blowing up to the sky, is just a new born.” “Why, Lu Hongzhuang, you won’t be afraid!” “Ao Teng is right!”

Next to Ao Teng, another person who was also a senior student picked up the wine glass and toasted Ao Teng.

Afterwards, he said, “I was the number one freshman when Xiang Hui was a freshman, but I have never been so arrogant to him!”

“This Xu Heng, every day, let a group of freshmen brag about it, put on the arena in the school for three consecutive months, and then overturned the car, and he is not a classmate of our school, so he will be embarrassed!” “This time, I want to Look, how much does this Xu Heng weigh!” The other two people who had not spoken for a while also agreed with Xiang Hui’s words. “A freshman is a freshman. No matter how talented you are, how strong can you be.”

“I’ve been in school for three or four years. I’ve seen a lot of geniuses who just started to blow the sky. When they finally graduated, they didn’t have a fart.” “Laozi has experienced many ruins, and the time he spent in it is better than his father’s. long time.”

“This Xu Heng, so far, it is estimated that he has never even been in the fog, and he has never seen the appearance of a beast!” “It’s just a dress in the freshman, it’s far from it!”

“If you really want to talk about hard power, compared with our current session, it’s too far behind.”

Ao Teng, who was headed by him, heard the people next to him agree with him so much, and the pride on his face became even stronger.

His eyes narrowed slightly, his expression cold. “Xu Heng, National Champion?”

“This time just to let you know that even a genius needs time!”

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from outside the box. “What bastard is Ao Teng, get out!”

In the box, the five people who were still drinking were stunned for a moment. The wine glasses they were about to take a sip all stopped in the air.

Ao Teng’s originally arrogant face instantly turned to rage.

He slammed the wine glass in his hand, and with a bang, the wine glass shattered directly.

Afterwards, he shouted, “Which guy is courting death, is this trying to slap me in the face in public!” After speaking, he waited with a group of people and was about to rush out of the box.

However, before taking him to action, the door of the box was kicked open.

Qiming’s figure ran in, rolling and crawling, followed by a figure behind him.

Seeing the figure that followed, Ao Teng narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dangerous look appeared on his face. “You are, Xu Heng!”

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