Chapter 102

Crush the defending champion, Xu Heng topped the country

“Magic Light Cannon!”

Where the desert airdrop was, the golden crane waved his arm, condensed into light waves from Qi, shot out violently, and charged towards the opposite Xuan Tao.

Seeing the attack from the burst, Xuan Tao didn’t dare to neglect, his palm quickly formed a seal, and he shouted twice. “Sand armor!” “Sand shield!”

Immediately afterwards, the fine sand at his feet spread up along Xuan Tao’s legs, and quickly formed a set of sand armor that perfectly fit on the surface of his body.

Not only that, all the sand and stones around the ground surged towards Xuan Tao, wrapping his entire body firmly, and soon formed a sand ball harder than steel for defense.


With a loud bang, the magic light cannon fired by the golden crane slammed into Xuan Tao’s sand ball defense.

A huge explosion sounded from the collision, with rays of light, and sand and stones splashed.

After a while, the dust settled and the light dissipated.

I saw that the defense of sand, which wrapped Xuan Tao’s body and was harder than steel, was blown away by more than half.

The sand armor on his body is also full of cracks.

It is estimated that with a light touch, it will all shatter.

However, Xuan Tao himself seems to be fine.

He walked out slowly from the spherical sand shield that enveloped his body.

At the same time, the sand armor on the body was constantly repaired, and after just a moment, the cracks on the armor disappeared.

The whole set of armor was quickly restored to its brand-new condition.

Xuan Tao looked at Jin He who was not far away, his face expressionless, “Your attack doesn’t seem to work.” “Now, take my trick!”

After he finished speaking, he ignored Jin He’s expression and made a seal with his hands. “Quicksand Waterfall!”

Suddenly, in the entire battlefield where the two of them were, all the ground was deserted and turned into a small desert.

The sandy ground of “Three Nine Three” rolled up high, like a tsunami, several tens of meters high.

The huge waves composed of sand and stones slammed towards Jin He.

In an instant, the tsunami-like sand waves directly devoured all the space where the golden crane stood.

His entire body was covered by the huge waves of sand.

At the same time, the printing method in Xuan Tao’s hands changed again.

A light drink came out of his mouth. “Sand Waterfall Burial!”

The sand waves that had already been photographed surged again.

The sand and stones squeeze and roll each other, and all the substances covered by the sand and stones are crushed.

Xuan Tao looked at the deserted battlefield and the golden cranes covered with sand and gravel with a calm expression.

If you hit these two moves, even if you don’t die, you will be seriously injured.

However, just when he breathed a sigh of relief, beams of light emerged from the area covered by sand and stones. “Explosive magic wave!”

With the golden crane as the center, a huge explosion sounded.

A huge light shot up into the sky, and all the sand and stones were blasted away.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the golden crane slowly floated into the air, that was the flying technique!

Piccolo Daimao’s skills are similar to Flying Technique, but faster than Flying Technique.

He looked at Xuan Tao on the ground, his eyes still arrogant, “I have to say, in this desert, you really have some strength!” “However, so what, you are still not my opponent, haha!” After he finished speaking, his breath revolved and his body flashed light, ready to attack again.

On the ground, Xuan Tao saw his movements, but his eyes were solemn, his hands and seals, ready to deal with the next attack that Jin He might launch.At this moment, a sudden voice resounded in the battlefield. “It’s really, a wonderful battle!”

This voice made Xuan Tao and Jin He’s expressions change. “Who?!”

“Which guy is coming over to court death!” Two urgent voices sounded from their mouths at the same time.

Before the duel, Jin He and Xuan Tao agreed to clear all third parties first.

Then, they fight again.

The ownership of the airdrop depends on one’s ability.

This is a decision they made before the game started.

For this reason, they even asked their teammates not to participate in the duel between them.

Now, in the airdrop battlefield, there is a third-party character, which is intolerable for the two of them.

Xuan Tao and Jin He turned their heads at the same time and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a figure standing next to the airdrop box.

Behind the figure, there were two girls standing, looking at them both curiously. “Xu Heng!”

The moment they saw the figure, Xuan Tao and Jin He recognized his name.

Especially Xuan Tao, he saw Xu Heng’s amazing potential before the game. Therefore, he conducted a detailed analysis of Xu Heng to ensure that after meeting him on the battlefield, he could crush him 100% without any accident. “You two, you have picked up a lot of exercises!” “There were so many moves just now, and none of them were repeated.” Xu Heng smiled when he heard their voices. Just now, he was attracted by the astonishing fluctuations that occurred when Xuan Tao and Jin He faced off against each other.

So he rushed here quickly and saw a big battle by the way.

I have to say that aside from strength, the fight between the two was quite exciting, giving Xu Heng the feeling of a Naruto duel with Dragon Ball. “Stop giving me nonsense!”

“Get out of here, or you will be at your own risk!”

When Jin He saw that Xu Heng was standing next to the airdrop, his anger surged.

This box is related to whether he can win the national championship, and he will never allow others to interfere.

Xuan Tao also looked serious, “Xu Heng, this box is not something you can move, leave here immediately.” “Hehe, if I don’t leave!”

Xu Heng didn’t care when he heard their threats, his face didn’t change.

Not only that, he even put one hand on the airdrop box and lifted the lid of the airdrop directly.

Immediately, in the airdrop box, a scroll of exercises with golden light was exposed to the eyes of everyone present. “Huh? Is this the legendary ‘Instant Transmission’?” Xu Xiaojia looked at the scroll in the box curiously.

She herself is also very longing for this legendary extraordinary god-level exercise.

Of course, she also knew that she had absolutely no strength to snatch it.

So, with Xu Heng’s help, she also wanted to see what the exercises looked like. After all, this might be the only chance in her life. “Xu Heng, you are courting death!”

The golden crane in the air was furious when he saw that Xu Heng not only did not obey his warning, but planned to open the lid of the airdrop directly.

His breath was surging, and his whole body shone brightly. “Explosion Polishing Cannon!”

A huge beam of light shot out from Jin Heng’s hand and went straight to Xu Heng.

Dare to meddle in his golden crane’s airdrop, he will kill Xu Heng with one blow.

Xuan Tao, who was standing on the ground, also had a seal on his hands at this moment. “The Great Arm of Sand!”

A palm made of sand and stones appeared in the air.

The palm covers the sky and the sun, like a giant.

The skill that was supposed to deal with Jin Heng was also slapped hard at Xu Heng at this moment.

Facing the two tyrannical attacks, Xu Heng smiled faintly in his heart.

He grabbed the inside of the airdrop box, thinking about the “Instant Transmission” for a long time, and controlled his mind on the other side, making the breath in his body surge.

Immediately afterwards, a bright red light gushed out from Xu Heng’s body, completely covering his entire being. “This is a new move?”

The sudden red light made Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han both teammates a little puzzled. Since entering the arena, they have never seen Xu Heng and used this trick. “Three times, Kaio-ken!”

Feeling the power surging in the body, Xu Heng burst of excitement, majestic war, appeared in his heart.


King Kai personally create!

This move, not exercises directly attack the opponent’s tactics, but the strength of his body, speed, attack power, defense power doubled.

Xu Heng had the power, would be rolling after cheating Wei Cheng.

At the moment, again three-fold increase in strength, Xu Heng was covered in a burst of shaking. “Oh, so it took the two of you, try your hand at it!”

Rapid watching from the two attacks, Xu Heng raising his hand, a light beam, direct out.

It was Xu Heng of Kamehameha, and, after a three-fold increase in the Kaio-ken.


Kamehameha light beam, the magic light gun burst gold crane, collide with, emits a loud explosive sound.

However, the stalemate, there have been only a moment.

Kim Hak attack was directly ripped Xu Heng.

Not only that, Kamehameha’s forces, trends unabated, and the rear, larger hands cohesion Tao Xuan sand, severely hit together.

Thud, loud noise came again.

Tao declared fully exhausted agglomerated huge palm, direct the light beam is penetrated, the whole hand, instantly broken into numerous pieces and scattered on the ground.

The air suddenly filled with windblown sand.

And Xu Heng that a Kamehameha, then ripped through the two attacks, the power was still there.

Beam move toward Xuan Tao on the ground, burst shot away.

Tao Xuan face became pale, quickly Results India. “The Sands of defense!”

Filled with a huge amount of sand, the Tao Xuan stature, firmly wrapped.

This is inside Naruto, Gaara, the use of super-defense skills.

Kamehameha severely boom on the defensive sand Xuan Tao, a huge explosion, the third sounded.

The bombing of sand flying all over the sky, the distant view, the entire battlefield, seems to play a sandstorm, like the sky yellow sand.

The entire space, the gray one, almost entirely lost sight ..

After a long pause, filled the sand, only gradually subsided.

Sight seen, Xu Heng intact, standing by quietly dropping the box, the hand, the spool holding a power law.

Tao Xuan the ground, it is very awkward.

Around him, his body wrapped in spherical sand defense is already cracking all over. Middle sand ball, break open a huge hole that was blew open the Kamehameha.

Inside the hole, Xuan Tao figure, revealed.

Of sand on his body armor, has been completely broken. Mouth, also overflow trace of blood.

Obviously, Xuan Tao, hurt.

Kim Hak, still suspended in the air.

However, at this time his face, with a deep sense of disbelief. “how is this possible??”

Xu Heng, one of the two of them, it only took a trick to attack both of them, to resist all down.

Not only that, Xu Heng actually unscathed, and wounded one.

Prior to this, no matter who says it, he absolutely must Kim Hak laugh!

You know, not what they grouse!He Jinhe, from the first in the country’s blue and white University, was more than three times champion of the school.

The ground Xuan Tao, dignified captain is the capital of the university.

Although Beijing University, they have been pressed a blue and white. However, they are two schools of strength, it has always been at the same level.

Tao Xuan face, although he gold crane proud, but must also be taken seriously.

Just two even strokes, quicksand waterfall cascades and sand buried just big, Xuan Tao, he will be directly buried in deep underground, a mistake, he may be killed here a.

Such two people together, Xu Heng was actually a move to break up? ?

He in any case, is not willing to accept this reality. “not bad!”

Xu Heng He just looked at the destructive result of the blow, nodded with satisfaction.

First test Kaio-ken, power is quite good!

This is in line with his expectations, in Dragon Ball inside, Kaio-ken itself is a big Sha Zhao, for the first time, to have such an effect, Xu Heng satisfied.

However, Xu Heng after occupying the upper hand, did not win.

He was just holding that the Department ‘Instant Transmission’ exercises reel, quietly standing next to the box, no shot, the other one seems to want to let go of the horse.

Shortly after, Kim Hak-air, watching quietly standing Xu Heng, what seems to think.

His face became pale, roar.

“You idiot! He turned in Fusion Gong!”

Others Fusion exercises, are looking for a secluded place to the extreme, to avoid being disturbed.

As a result, this Xu Heng, in the face of the two opponents apart, actually also distracted to Fusion exercises.

This suggests that, Xu Heng think they do not threaten, totally did not looked down on them.

This allows extremely always been proud of Kim Hak, suddenly a kind of feeling of being humiliated.

He looked declared Tao to the ground and roared.

“Xuan Tao, with the shot, this guy is sure to cut to pieces!”

Then, without waiting for a response Tao Xuan, Kim Hak stature, it has been the lead out of 5.4, and flew towards Xu Heng.

Among the flight, his mouth open, dolphin light ejected toward Xu Heng fly.

At the same time, his hand is light surging out of hair comparable to high-energy light waves bomb attack, crazy thrown to Xu Heng.

The ground Xuan Tao, although his mouth did not respond, but the action also supports the decision of Kim Hak.

Again colorectal hand, a huge amount of sand flowing, agglomerated into a variety of shapes, fly forward.

They intend to join forces once again, to stop the exercises in the drop Xu Heng Fusion. As for the ultimate ownership exercises, etc. After solving Xu Heng, making decision.

Hair out of the attack, covering all orientations around, Xu Heng, Xu Heng not to have the slightest possibility of escape.

Xu Heng, looking at the sky flying towards his attack, contemptuous smile. “This attack, worse than earlier!”

His first serve Destructo Disc, ringing off the hook those skills coming towards him.

At the same time, Xu Heng stature, Pushe, and instantly it approached the golden crane in flight.

He fired a punch, hit a ball in Kim Hak body.

Suddenly, Kim Hak body, heavy hit the ground, at the same time, a mouthful of blood ejected from Kim Hak mouth.

Subsequently, Xu Heng turned, pointing to the right, was an increase over the Kaio-ken tunnel wave, straight shooting Xuan Tao, the light that ripped through all his defenses.

Just a moment, the captain of the school’s two super strong, direct decline!

Full-fledged rolling!

Outside the stadium, but also the audience broke into enthusiastic cheers.

Because the national championship this term, to be born! .

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