Chapter 101

Crack the seal of the exercises, Piccolovs Gaara

“I paid such a price and sent you to the arena. I’m very curious, who is it that has such great power.” Kill me!” Xu Heng grabbed Wei Cheng’s collar and pressed him firmly against the barrier wall.

At the same time, he stared at him coldly, not letting Wei Cheng have any chance to lie.

The great process at the moment, after going through the battle just now-, has completely collapsed.

He knew that with his own strength alone, he could never kill – Xu Heng.

Wei Cheng looked at Xu Heng’s extremely cold eyes, felt the extremely tyrannical power in him, and also understood that he had absolutely no possibility of escaping.

Therefore, he can only give up resistance.

However, in Wei Cheng’s heart, there is still a trace of luck. “if……”

“I said, you have to let me go!” He hoped that Xu Heng would let him go. “hehe!”

Xu Heng sneered, “How naive! Are you qualified to negotiate terms with me now?”

He was holding the collar in one hand, and the other hand was running with power, and he punched out, hitting Wei Cheng’s chest directly.

Wei Cheng, who was already seriously injured, is now injured more than ever.

Severe pain, from the chest, spread throughout his body.

Wei Cheng’s whole person was shaking constantly.

Xu Heng looked at Wei Cheng disdainfully and said, “You can choose not to say anything, because of that guy, I will come back and find out sooner or later!” “But, you have to die right now!”

Xu Heng grabbed Wei Cheng’s hand by the collar and directly grabbed his neck. The terrifying power made Wei Cheng feel like he was suffocating. “Shang Tianlong! Shang Tianlong arranged for me to come!”

Wei Cheng, who felt that he was about to suffocate, no longer hesitated, and quickly revealed the mastermind behind the scenes.

He only hoped that Xu Heng would show mercy to him after hearing the name. “Shang Tianlong?”

Hearing this name, Xu Heng was a little relieved.

Originally, he was still surprised that he was a freshman in college and knew very few people.

Who can have such a big grievance with him, and let the other party, at any cost, directly do something in the national competition.

Now hearing the name Shang Tianlong, everything is clear.

The Liangzi between them had been forged as early as when Shang Feng was killed.

However, Xu Heng was not afraid at all, he just smiled coldly.

“Hehe, Shang Tianlong, I’ve heard about you for a long time. However, I really didn’t expect that just to kill me, your hand stretched so long, and you came directly to the national competition!”

“However, this time, I’m afraid I will disappoint you!”

After he finished speaking, he punched out and hit Wei Cheng directly on the head.

In an instant, Wei Cheng, who was still alive, died directly.

Xu Heng would never be merciful to this guy who wanted to kill him over and over again.

This time let him go, and the next time he comes to kill you, it may be this guy again.

Outside the arena, the audience saw that Xu Heng really killed Wei Cheng, but at this moment they were already numb.

When Xu Heng punched him badly, everyone knew that Xu Heng was far stronger than the opponent.Therefore, Xu Heng’s counter-kill was not so unexpected.

“Really successful counter-kill!”

“Alas! It’s numb, this time it’s really numb!”

“This kind of guy, it’s really unreasonable not to win the championship!”

“Indeed, I really can’t think of any other freshman who can compete with Xu Heng.”

“It depends on the two universities, Qinghua and Jingcheng, whether they can block him. There is really no hope for other schools.”

The atmosphere at the scene reached its peak when Xu Heng counterattacked and seriously injured Wei Cheng with a punch.

At this moment, when he really killed Wei Cheng, the audience seemed less surprised.

In the audience, the heat of discussion gradually began to decrease.

Everyone fell silent, waiting for Xu Heng’s next move.

In the arena, within the barrier, with Wei Cheng’s death, the barrier originally formed by him also dissipated directly.

The cool air outside rushed in in an instant, diluting all the hot air that had been burned by the flames.


“Finally saved!”

In the rear, Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han, who were breathing fresh air, suddenly let out two unanimous exclamations.

They had been seriously injured twice, plus Wei Cheng’s crazy attack before. Therefore, they feel very uncomfortable in the enchantment.

At this moment, the enchantment suddenly dissipated, and they all felt like they were reborn, and even the pain on their bodies seemed to be relieved a lot.

After killing Wei Cheng, Xu Heng turned around and looked at the two teammates who were seriously injured, one of whom gave a bottle of medical potion. “Drink it! Recover your injuries first!” “Then, you can search for the spoils!”

Xu Heng looked around, and there were a large number of ambushers lying on the ground, all of them who wanted to beat Xu Heng before.

However, later these people were all killed by Wei Cheng.

Now, the materials on their bodies are scattered all over the place, and they can be picked up easily. “You’re fine, that’s great!”

Xu Xiaojia took the potion that Xu Heng handed over and looked extremely happy.

However, she suddenly raised her lips again, “You are so powerful, why didn’t you do it earlier!” Xu Xiaojia said when she met other teams for the first time.

At that time, facing the three people from Modu University and the captain of Zhongling University, Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han, they were extremely worried. They all persuaded Xu Heng to leave quickly.

Both of them have already made plans to retire.

Now I didn’t expect that Xu Heng’s strength could completely overwhelm those teams that appeared before.

If he shot earlier, he wouldn’t have to worry so much at all, and he wouldn’t even be injured at all.

Thinking of this, Xu Xiaojia rolled her eyes at Xu Heng, “It made me worry for a long time, and I even thought about quitting the competition!”

“That is to give you a chance to exercise well!” Xu Heng replied expressionlessly, causing Xu Xiaojia to roll his eyes for a while.

Time, I don’t know how long has passed.

Xu Heng sat cross-legged in the center of the hall, and around him, there were a lot of exercises, which he asked Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han to search from the dead ambushers on the ground.

Not only that, they searched all the houses in the surrounding buildings, and Xu Heng brought all the exercises that could be found, regardless of the level.

At this moment, he is merging the exercises on the ground one by one.

After all, the game is still going on, and in this arena where their own skills are sealed, every Fusion skill is a huge advantage.

Xu Heng, after Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han fully recovered from their injuries, began to focus on the exercises that Fusion collected a lot.

Not only that, he is still carrying out a more critical attempt, that is, to break the seal on the cultivation technique!

In the previous auditions and rematches, he had made countless attempts.

There were some effects, but none of them were successful.

So far, the game has reached the final finals. If he does not hurry up and delay the game until the end of the game, he will no longer have a chance to crack the seal.

At this moment, between Xu Heng’s legs, a scroll of exercises was slowly suspended.

The profound energy in Xu Heng was also continuously pouring into the scroll, bit by bit, impacting the seal on the scroll.

In the room, Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han looked at Xu Heng in the center of the hall, and looked at each other suspiciously. “Isn’t the Fusion exercise very simple? How did Xu Heng use it for so long!”

Zhao Han was bored playing with a small sword he had just found, and looked at Xu Heng with puzzled eyes.

When Xu Heng Fusion exercise just now, she and Xu Xiaojia also found a lot of exercises to perform fusion. After all, this is a unique experience on the field.

However, when they were all fused together and had been around for a long time, Xu Heng still hadn’t woken up.

However, when they were discussing boringly, Xu Heng, who had been silent for a while, suddenly opened his eyes. “Success?”

Just now, he sensed that the last seal chain on the exercise scroll was successfully broken by him.

In the auditorium outside the stadium, everyone looked at the picture on the screen silently.

Having experienced Xu Heng’s fierce fight just now, the situation on the field at this moment seems a little boring.

Especially Xu Heng, after killing Wei Cheng, he has been in the state of Fusion exercises, and there is no wonderful picture.

Therefore, the audience is silent, quietly waiting for the next wave of confrontation.

Where the high level of the country is located, the three of them are closing their eyes and resting.

At a certain moment, the guardian Yi Kong suddenly opened his tightly closed eyes.

He frowned slightly, and his expression didn’t seem to have changed much. However, there was a huge turbulence in his heart. “The seal on the practice method was actually broken?!” A shocking voice sounded in Yi Kong’s heart.

He is the guardian of the arena. On the arena, the seals, large and small, are basically managed by him personally.

Among them, the most critical is the seal on the exercises, which is the country’s resource library.

If something goes wrong, there will be huge losses.

However, just now, he actually felt that the seal that he personally presided over and placed on the exercise method was actually broken.

This made him have to be shocked, because the national competition has been held for so many years, and such a thing has never happened.

· · Flowers ·

However, after frowning slightly, the expression on Yi Kong’s face remained flat.

The aura on his body didn’t change much at all.

Even the other two high-level executives beside him did not notice the shock in his heart.

Because, Yi Kong doesn’t want to let this matter be exposed for the time being.

Inside the arena, Xu Heng felt a little excited when he felt the seal that had been successfully cracked in the exercise.

After trying for so long, he finally cracked the seal of a cultivation technique.This also means that he can successfully take this exercise out of the arena. “The seal can indeed be broken!”

“It’s just that the level of the cracked technique is too low!”

Xu Heng picked up the cracked exercise and looked at the two big characters on the scroll. “Crazy Fist…”

The power of this technique must be extremely low.

The reason why Xu Heng chose it was purely because he wanted to test the possibility of cracking the seal first.

After confirming that the seal could really be broken, he looked around and ignored all the low-level exercises.

Xu Heng picked up one of the exercises that he had prepared for a long time, Kaio-ken!

Just now when he was searching for the ambushers around him, he discovered the famous skill in this Dragon Ball.

This is a practice method created by King Kai himself. It can increase its combat power several times, or even dozens of times, in a short period of time, and its power is terrifying.

However, pick up the Kaio-ken, after a successful Fusion.

Xu Heng, without a choice, immediately cracked this exercise.

He stood up and waved to the two teammates in the room. “Let’s go! Let’s go out!”

Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han were a little confused when they heard Xu Heng actually said to go out.

Zhao Han, in particular, seemed extremely reluctant.

She lay down on the ground and asked in pain. “Why?”

“Aren’t we going to stay here? How safe is this place now!” “Run outside, maybe you’ll run into some strange guy again!”

She had lingering fears from the series of battles just now. When I heard that I was going out, I was a little nervous. However, Xu Heng’s attitude was very firm, “I have to go out, the competition is not over yet!” In fact, he went out for only one purpose, that is, to get the exercise, ‘Instant Transmission’.

This is also the biggest reason why he came to participate in the game.

Although, he has obtained the eye of reincarnation and the forbidden spell of reincarnation. However, he had no reason to give up Instant Transmission, an anti-sky technique. Xu Heng looked at Zhao Han’s painful expression and smiled, “Don’t worry! With me, who can kill you!” “Let’s go, grab the airdrop!”

After finishing speaking, Xu Heng walked straight towards the door, ignoring the large number of exercises scattered around him.

In the center of the arena, a red box lay quietly on the ground.

It was the airdrop equipment put out by the state, and inside, there was an extraordinary god-level exercise, ‘Instant Transmission’.

Next to the box, two teams, six people in total, are facing each other.

Around these six people, there were a large number of corpses, all of them wearing the uniforms of major schools, and obviously they were all airdrop snatchers.

It’s just that these people are all dead now, and only the six people who are standing have the last laugh.

They are the favorites to win the championship, Qinghua University and Jingcheng University. “Golden Crane, everyone has been resolved!” “Now, it’s our turn!”

Among the two teams, the captain of Jingcheng University, Xuan Tao, was the first to speak, breaking the silence of the confrontation.

“Haha! These idle people are not qualified to covet the airdrop.” Jin He looked at the large number of corpses around, and snorted disdainfully.

Afterwards, he looked directly at Xuan Tao opposite, with a slight smile in his eyes, “It’s Xuan Tao, your ability is really unexpected.” “Gai Luo’s fit, in this desert arena Come on, it’s really like a duck in water!”

Hearing Jin He’s praise, Xuan Tao did not relax in the slightest, but became more cautious and his eyes became more solemn. “Stop talking about the scene.”

“Who doesn’t know, you, Jin He, are a fit for Piccolo Daimao!” Then, he stepped forward, and his body’s strength exploded. “Let’s have a good fight, whoever wins, the airdrop belongs to whoever!”

The sand and stones on the ground surged in an instant, and a shuriken of sand appeared out of thin air, shooting straight at the opposite golden crane. Jin He, on the other hand, smiled softly, “As you wish!” The battle is about to break out!

The Xu Heng team also rushed towards the battlefield where the airdrop was dropped. wide.

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