Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1124: Come with a king

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Fang Ping wants to exile Qin Yun. At this moment, Qin Yun also agreed.

Other people don't change their colors, but their hearts are awkward.

Now that these people are resurrected, many people actually hope to get in touch with those kings.

Eight kings...not alone.

The Eight Kings of the Ancients, that was also appointed by Heaven.

Of course, the eight kings are powerful, and generally do not have too clear attribution, but there are some tendencies, even like Kun Wang, which is simply the son of the emperor.

On the side of the Western Emperor, the celestial pole is also in the false heaven grave.

The Northern Emperor is a pulse, including the Moon Spirit.

At this time, all parties actually hope that the false grave can be opened and the king will return.

Fang Ping looked around and sneered in the heart, I am afraid that many people are rushing into the mind, or to inform some situations... such as killing themselves, there must be some.

Can't kill myself now, can you contact the king?

Still can't kill Fang Ping?

"I will make you cry!"

Speaking, Fang Ping picked up the big fat cat and rode directly on the unyielding cow's back. He smiled and said: "Go, go to the grave!"

Nothing secretly complains, really heavy!

Fang Ping and Cang have actually controlled themselves, but at this moment, they are still very heavy.

Fang Ping riding on the side of the power, while kneading the cat's head, laughing, sleeping, to inform the old Zhang to work!

The cat was held innocently by Fang Ping, very sad, the cat does not want to sleep now.

It can be a liar to throw it out without sleeping. The cat is very tired and bully the cat.


Linghuang Daochang.

Jiuhuangyin just burst into breath, the world once again trembled, and another saint fell!

This time, everyone was not as incited before.

Can still be difficult to conceal.

Is there a sacred battle in the outside world?

Otherwise, why in a short time, once again fallen a holy!

Two saints died in succession!

If it wasn't for the explosion of Jiuhuangyin, at this moment, those kings would probably want to leave.

But now, the nine emperors broke out of the gas machine, this is the treasure, everyone can not bear to give up, under the pressure of the heart of the instigation, one by one to continue to deep, at least have to wait for the results of the nine emperors to go.


Deep in the space battlefield.

Zhang Tao is also positioning. He does not know where the Nine Emperor Yin is. Although the air machine broke out, it is not so easy to find.

At this time, Zhang Tao was slightly different.

He is much stronger than before, and at this moment, he feels a little different.

The next moment, Zhang Tao appeared on his own source star, the source projection is as tall as a god, sitting on a big star.

At this moment, this projection looks around and the universe is quiet.

Nearby, there are no other big stars, only some small planets that don't see the prototype.

That may be the origin of some of the nine strong players.

Demon-like Zhang Tao, looked for a while, did not notice anything, just wanted to leave, his eyes fretting, what is it?

At the moment, in the dark universe, he seems to see something.

Soon, he saw it more clearly.

a cat!

A cat swimming in the dark universe!

Cang cat is very tired, really tired, swimming the source, not so easy, not only tired, but also consumes a lot, under normal circumstances, it will not swim in the original world.

But the liar has to do it, and the cat thinks about the future benefits, and can only do one hard work.

But the cat thinks that she has to get lost!

The source world is very big, it is flying away.

If there is a hint of inspiration in the dark, knowing the breath of Lao Zhang, the cat can really be lost.

The next moment, the cat seems to have seen something, and saw the big star!


The cat is excited and straight paws!

I saw it and finally saw it!

It’s thin, this time it’s really much thinner. The cat is secretly complaining. The last time I ate it, it’s almost consumed. It feels like I have to eat another big meal.

Across the distance, the cat gasped, vomiting his tongue, panting, slow moving, shouting: "Hey, go to the entrance... The liar gives you a saint, pokes, pokes!"

The words fall, the fat body of the cat disappears instantly!

Not waiting!

too tired.

When the cat went away, the old Zhang’s eyes moved and instantly returned to the real world, some accidents.

What do you mean?

When the cat last traveled to the source, he saw it. This time he traveled again. Although he was unexpected, he was not shocked.

"Fang Ping...Give me a saint?"

Lao Zhang was puzzled first. Then, his face changed and he couldn’t help but yelled: "What do you mean? Let me slaughter? This bastard!"

That bastard, knowing that I don’t know, it’s hard to kill!

At this juncture, I still let myself slaughter. Is this going to kill me?

The pit is dead, he is the master of the house?

Laozi is hiding in the Linghuang Dojo. You want Laozi to contribute and give you a good aftertune. Are you so embarrassed?

Lao Zhang’s face was sorrowful and angry, and he was forced by this kid to the false grave. He thought that he would not have to give you a good time. You kid, don’t squeeze yourself, don’t give up, right?

Also give people!

In my heart, there were countless times. Although Zhang Tao was helpless, he had to quickly go to the entrance and began to inform the town.

He alone may not be able to slaughter easily.

And... Fang Ping, this kid sent a few in the end?

Cang cat did not say a few, Lao Zhang is not too reassured, don't be ten or eight, then you can bite yourself!

"I really want ten or eight... I will turn around and go... No, I will go out and bring in Fangping’s kid!"

The old Zhang is gnashing his teeth, it’s so much, you are squatting!

Everyone change it!

You can kill the saints, it should not be weak, I am going out, you are here, maybe you can still kill a few kings, I am optimistic about you!


at the same time.

Fang Ping appeared in the hands of a storage ring, in the case of other people watching, Fang Ping played with the storage ring.

Indestructible matter, the source of gas...

In the case that other people can't see it, Fang Ping quickly condenses a large amount of source gas and immortal material, including a large amount of energy liquid, life essence...

Not only that, but also the soldiers!

True **** soldiers!

He got some Tianmu branches in Tianmu, and these days, he also made a few real soldiers.

This time, he actually sent the supplies.

Human beings are poor!

Most of the replenishment that was brought last time was the immortal material that Fang Ping gave. After fighting for so long, I am afraid I have already consumed it.

Once there is no gain in the false grave, humans can only supplement themselves by absorbing the empty energy.

If you continue this way, you can't cope with high-intensity battles.

The artifact that blocks the door cannot be easily moved.

Once you move, a few times down, you may have to completely break the barriers.

"The source of gas, the immortal substance..."

Looking at the filled storage ring, Fang Ping thought about it, how to send it in?

Do you want to enter a moment, and pick up the old Zhang?

However, if you go in, once you have a king, you may not have a chance to come out.

At present, he can't get out, and the human troubles will be big.

"I can't go in..."

Fang Ping glanced at the human side, Wu Kuishan, Tian Mu have all broken through to the absolute, do you want them to enter the adventure?

Next, on the human side, I am afraid that there will not be too much fighting.

At the very least, the battles in the absolute world will not be too much.

After thinking about it, Fang Ping said: "Old Wu, you and Tian Tianxiong, go in one person! Shipping supplies! It is very dangerous, go in, there are a lot of kings inside, there must be no chance to come out, so as not to be found by others." come out.

But now the people inside, fighting to the present, I am afraid there is nothing to supply, you two, who is willing to be this transport soldier? ”

The two looked at each other and Wu Kuishan quickly said: "I will go, I am breaking through earlier than Laotian."

Responsible for transportation supply!

heavy responsibility!

Fang Ping did not let the cat do this thing, it is worried that the cat is noisy, and after the delivery is completed, the channel is opened. This time, no one will stare at it like the last time.

Once it is opened, the graveyard plan may end completely.

The Terran, who has finally taken advantage of it, may fall to the bottom again in an instant, so many kings, hostile to humans, account for the majority.

The graveyard plan will have to last for a while.

And this requires a lot of replenishment.

"I will go!"

Tian Mu said: "Old Wu still needs to manage the Ministry of Education. I don't have to! If I go in, I will rust."

Fang Ping looked at the two people and finally looked at Tian Mu. "That Tian Tian brother went in! On the human side, I still need the old Wu to help me, and Minister Zhang will meet after the passage. Master Tian will be careful, the channel will open. I will let Tian Shixi go ahead and let Qin Yun go in..."

After all, Fang Ping threw the storage ring to Tian Mu, and said: "If you encounter an accident and destroy the storage ring, you can't let other people get it!"

There are plenty of resources in it!

The source gas is extremely important, and it can also supplement and strengthen the king.

Use the source of the road to fight, it is to consume the source of gas.

The source gas is empty, the source road cannot be used, and the warrior's combat power will drop suddenly.

Short-term battles are fine, long-term battles, recovery speeds are not as fast as consumption, which is fatal.

Fang Ping did not dare to let these things fall into the hands of the enemy.

Tian Mu also knows the meaning of it, and his face is solemn.

Shipping supplies!

Although Lao Zhang is in the back, but once there is no?

Accidents are everywhere!

Once the enemy is behind, he has to judge whether he wants to destroy the storage ring.


Fang Ping is ready to ship supplies.

At this moment, those saints who follow Fang Ping, some people stand on the sidelines, and some people secretly communicate.

Tianjian is communicating with the great governor of the Shenting Army.

"Would you like to take the opportunity to enter, join Tian Tian, ​​the destiny of the two masters... and find the manipulator, killing Wu Wang and the town king?"

There are many saints on their side.

However, in the outside world, there is no advantage now.

But inside, they still have people.

Tianzhi two kings, who was also the master of the Emperor's dynasty, was a group.

The cold general governor, this time slightly frowning, said: "That is, after all, is the king, it is difficult! It is better to contact other parties now... I will take the opportunity to kill Fang Ping!"

Tianjian’s eyes frowned and glanced at the six saints.

Colorful butterfly, Long Yu, these two he did not dare to contact.

However, the other few may not have hope.

It is really necessary to have four more saints. The cats can't trap the two saints now. Then their advantage is great. Killing Fang Ping...may not hope, hope is great.

I am afraid that I will be true.

What they are jealous now is to cast the gods!

Not only the gods, but also the illusory power of Fang Ping, they are also taboo, they do not know who this person is, always feel that this person is a bit strange.

"If you cast the gods, if you are..."

"If you cast a god, even if it is a king, we may not have the power to fight back!"

Although the Governor of Dadu is not jealous, he can’t talk about fear. "Fang Ping is a big problem. I don’t want to kill him this time. Once he is really judged by him, it is really terrible."

Before the two sides compromised, it was necessary to do it.

But now... there is no need to compromise.

Of course, it is best to find a fake grave.

Tianjian’s eyes are slightly moving, and Fang Ping is a big problem. Everyone knows that this time, I still can’t understand it. It’s stupid.

After thinking about it, the spirit of Tianjian fluctuated.


"Fang Ping..."

At this time, Lin Hai suddenly said: "Be careful! Tianjian these people may not be willing to give up, you are so strong, once these people join hands..."

Fang Ping did not say anything. In fact, Fang Ping was earlier than they acted.

At this time, Fang Ping is secretly persuading the butterfly.

"Colorful butterfly sage, the emperor and the cat are very good, especially spoiled, even if I have heard it. Now, the emperor is dead, but who knows if there is any return? The cat is in the human race, delicious and good service What happens to the cat once the Terran has fallen?"

"Since you and I have made good progress, why don't you take this opportunity to join hands! Otherwise, the future will come back, knowing that you are sitting on the cats and wandering around, how will you see you?"

"The pulse of Tianjian is likely to be a pulse of the emperor! Is it necessary for the Nine Emperors to look at the emperor's pulse? You must know that Kun Wang, the resurrection of Hongyu is also the king, Tian Zhi, Tian Ming will prove Tao Tianwang, the three apologetics of the gods are also the saints who are about to prove the way..."

Fang Ping’s tone is full of fear. “It’s terrible! The emperor’s pulse, no longer deal with it, that’s the real big problem! I always wonder why you’re sitting down, don’t you’re afraid of Big, kill all of you?"


Both sides remain calm on the surface, but they are all connected in series.

Fang Ping also gave Longyu, Donghuangmen, Xihuangmen, and the Emperor.

These strong people are also ups and downs at the moment.

The people on both sides are giving them a voice, pulling them together, thinking that they will break out and join hands to kill each other.

Not a good thing!

Tianjian they exaggerated the threat of Fangping. Fang Ping said that the emperor was terrible. He even guessed that the emperor might be the black hand behind the scenes. He deliberately induced the battle of the Emperor and the Four Emperors. Otherwise, how would the emperor of the emperor appear?

And everyone knows a key clue at the moment, Hongyu is alive!

According to Fang Ping’s statement, Hongyu has already proved that Tianwang, the two sons of the Emperor are all kings!

The emperor's pulse is really terrible.

Everyone knows this.

The current forces of all parties, the saints under the emperor's door are more than double digits!

There are several kings!

As for the emperor, there are many, and the true God is hundreds more.

The threat that can be flat is also true.

This person is getting too fast!

At this time, everyone can't wait to kill you on both sides, that is the best result.

But these two parties are not stupid, and they are not willing to make people cheaper. Several saints do not express their feelings, and the possibility of fighting is not great.

Just then, the cat woke up.

The big cat looked at the resentment, stared at Fang Ping, slightly pointed his head, and got it!

Fang Ping’s heart was relieved and he began to lick the cat. He said: “Big cat, contact the butterfly, let her stand on our side, this time if I win, I will do it, and I can rest for a long time. !"

The cat is downcast and come again!


Along the way, in the silence of both sides, everyone spent a long time.

At this moment, Tianjian and Fangping have some dry mouth feelings.

After talking for so long, those saints are not saying that it is very difficult to do!

Qin Yun of the Nanhuangmen, this time is also a little nervous.

It seems to be coming!

At this moment, Fang Pingzhi stopped the power without any surprise. Although everyone did not notice anything, I also knew that the false grave would be afraid.

Fang Ping stopped and looked at the sword at the side.

Tianjian also looked at him.

It is certain that the two sides will look at each other and be unaware of them and contact the saints.

They are not good, who do not want to die.

But now, both of them have counted, hard!

The saints of other parties think about their hard work and don't want to take risks themselves. They also have a mentality. They don't want to be cheap by these people. Under the three-way check and balance, they want to fight again. The possibility is very low.

Fang Ping was somewhat disappointed. This time, the combination of the vertical and the cross is probably a failure.

At this time, Fang Ping looked at Qin Yun, faintly said: "Qin Yun saints do not have to worry, I said, just to prevent the saints from retaliating power is not surprising! And inside the organic edge, it is also inevitable! If not, Wu Wang can not Prove the king!"

Fang Ping said faintly: "As for danger... there must be some, but these three worlds, where is not dangerous! Qin Yun saint, you say it?"

Qin Yun looked at him, he was not going to go in!

But Fang Ping... No, all the parties want him to go in, this is exile!

The sages were exiled, and even if they were organic, they would not be happy.

At this time, Qin Yun, his face was cold and cold, and he did not pick up the words. He looked at his power without any surprise. He said: "This seat has gone in and found the hydraulic power. Instead, I have to ask, how can the Nanhuangmen people become the people of Zhenhai? Make!"

There is no big bull's eye and no talk.

Who do you care for me?

Laozi’s testimony is absolutely perfect!

The old ancestor is the mount of the South Emperor, and Lao Tzu is not.

Moreover, the ancestors are not good tempers!

Nothing is too lazy to pay attention to this, this guy is occupying his own water **** island, the ancestors know, even if it is not a saint, you have to find him to settle accounts.

"Where is the entrance?"

At this time, someone asked a question.

Fang Ping laughed and punched the void. At this moment, the void was broken and a portal appeared!

Above the portal, there is still a big cat!

On that day, the portal was broken, but at this moment it was restored again. This is the ability of the cat. This guy fights a lot, and the understanding of these spaces is much deeper than Fang Ping.

The cat with the word "王" on the forehead seems to be laughing at everyone.

Many people look at the cat, the cat is a little embarrassed, the fat face is laughing, dry and said: "Don't look at the cat, this is not the cat painting, it is there!"

Everyone does not expose it, it is not you who blame!

These people, the colorful butterflies, are quite familiar with the cats.

At this moment, the generals of the Shenting Army inspected a lot and suddenly said: "The passage seems to have been blocked! No wonder that no one has come out yet, Fang Ping, are you doing it?"

Fang Ping smiled and said: "This is probably the case, those kings do not want everyone to enter the opportunity! But the cat is familiar with this, you can open the channel again, you, I can remind you that there are more people who go in, those kings may For everyone!"

At this time, Qing Mo faintly said: "Fang Ping, since it can be opened, it is better to open the channel completely. Are you afraid of what?"

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Fear? I am afraid of anything... But this channel is not something I can control. If you love to go in, you have to go in with me."

After that, Fang Ping looked at Qin Yun, "Qin Yun saint, if there is no doubt, then go in!"

Qin Yun looked at him deeply, and he always felt that Fang Ping was uneasy.

Is it dangerous inside?

But inside, the Terran does not have an advantage. At least as far as he knows, the Terran is the most two kings in it, and the other kings are quite a few.

Everyone can't wait to see the channel open, and they are looking at Qin Yun at this moment.

Qin Yun is alert and no longer said anything. This group of people wants to let themselves explore the road, there is no good thing!

"Okay, this seat goes in!"

"Cang cat, open the channel and see if it can succeed."

The cat is in the heart, what can be done, the road is blocked.

Although it is temporarily lent to others, it can be manipulated.

Open the channel, of course no problem.

At this time, the cat was also unambiguous, and quickly waved his paws to the void.

The next moment, the void splits.

At this time, Tian Mu was flying fast, and without saying anything, he rushed straight into the entrance.

Everyone does not stop, a true God who has just been promoted.

Qin Yun still wants him to explore the road to see if there is danger.

Waiting for a while, Fang Ping shouted: "Fast, or the channel has to be closed!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath and looked at the black hole. He always felt that it was the passage of hell.

At this time, there is no chance to regret it.

Others are just around the corner.

Some people want to go in, and there are some concerns.

The next moment, Qin Yun snorted and quickly broke into the air.

He just entered, a figure is fast and unimaginable, many saints almost did not react, and the figure disappeared into the channel instantly.

At this moment, the cat closed the passage!

And everyone, there are some horror, who just got in?

Fang Ping is also slightly changed in appearance, and an accident has happened!

Just that is... Hongyu?


Lao Zhang, they ambush Qin Yun, won't fight with Hong Yu, really have to fight, the trouble is not small.


at the same time.

Tian Mugang entered, and Zhang Zhang grabbed Tian Mu and threw it to the rear. When he felt a sage breath, Lao Zhang looked at the king of the town and relaxed his breath. He quickly said: "On a saint, okay... ”

He didn't finish his words, and the face of the town was changed.

Lao Zhang is also screaming: "The turtle son, can afford to see Laozi, but also send a king!"

He is almost dying Fang Ping!

This turtle son is really pit!

Are you not talking about saints?

Where is the king of heaven coming in!

They are depressed, Hongyu, who just broke into, is also a big change in his face, calm and calm like him, and at the moment is not low-minded in his heart, Fang Ping this guy is too pit!

He can actually contact the people inside, ambushing the two strongmen here!

damn it!

I knew that I didn't come in now!

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