Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1123: exile

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The second saint fell, and at this moment, the three worlds were bloody.

And Fang Ping, with everyone crossing the taboo sea, calm and calm.



Countless monsters fled, feared, and some savage beasts, but now it is even more frightening, and break into the deep sea.

problem occurs!

The trouble is big!

Today, Wang Fangping proves that he killed two saints and shocked the three realms.


Long Island.

Long Yu tore the void and descended to Long Island.

At the moment, there is a true dragon on top of Long Island.

Seeing that Longyu was coming, I just wanted to go forward to greet me. Although it also saw **** rain, it is still unclear at this moment.

The result did not wait for it to open, Long Yu feared: "speed to open a large array! Zhao Longxuan return, sit in Long Island! Fast!"

Long Yu is afraid!

It did not expect that Fang Ping would choose to cooperate with Tianjian and directly kill Jiu Xuan of the Emperor.

Now Jiuxuan was killed, Yuan Gang fled, and all other veins were dangerous.

The Northern Emperor and the Pole Road voted for Fang Ping, and the Emperor was defeated. Long Yu always felt that Fang Ping would have to deal with himself.

Who told it to show up before, to get back the Beastmaster!

At this moment, only the summoned Longxuan returned and took the Longdao.

Long Xuan participated in the war before, helped the humans, isn’t Fang Ping a little bit of love?

Long Yu was frightened. On the island, the giant head turned into a human figure. At this moment, it was also hurried: "Adult, what happened?"

"Come, don't ask!"

When Long Yu violently drinks, when is it, who has the mind and you explain.

The strong person who sits in Long Island does not dare to ask again, and hurriedly used the secret treasure to summon Long Xuan to return.

At this time, near Longyu, the void was turbulent, and the colorful shadow of the butterfly appeared. He said: "You can't separate, fast, contact the strong pulse, gather one party, can't sit still!"

As soon as this was said, Long Yu was also awake a lot, and quickly said: "Well! You are the same as the Emperor, and you will help the Terran, let the moon return to China, let her and Long Xuan come forward!"

The butterfly did not hesitate and quickly said: "Okay, I am coming soon!"

"At the Dragon Island!"

The colorful butterflies are also anxious, and the Nine Emperors are the only ones who have only revived a saint. At this moment, once they are blocked by Fang Ping or Tian Jian, they will die!

Before, the family did not consider this point. At this moment, the Emperor’s veins were killed. In an instant, they were all awake!

The Three Realms...not the weakest people!

This is not the era of the royals of the year!

Yes, they are negligent.

They have just recovered, and some people are still immersed in the antiquity. At that time, the nine emperors were alive, who would dare to invade the imperial dojo?

These saints did not think about the people who had the pulse of the emperor at first.

The caves have gathered so powerful power, and they think that they are destroying the human world.

However, Fang Ping and Tian Jian joined forces and killed Jiu Xuan. The saints of the Emperor were killed and everyone was awake.

This is not ancient!

Not their time!

In this era, the strongest is the human race and the land.

Yes, the boundaries.

The Emperor of the Earth returned to the lords, and the powerful cave, Wang Ting, was once again strong.

The gods and the military governors have returned these people!

They are still in the doldrums, they may not recognize these people, and there may be wars. Even if they are not, the king of life may not compromise.

But today, the king of death is dead, Li Wei is gone, the Wan Yao Wang and the Tian Yao Wang are in the false heaven grave.

The three caves of the kitten, Wang Ting, are hard to resist and are not willing to resist. They also need reinforcements.

The Three Realms have once again returned to the previous situation.

The one on the side of the cave is the strongest, the second is the race, and the next is the forces of all parties, rather than the people who lead the three worlds.

At this moment, these people wake up and quickly contact the parties.


Only when there is convergence, can there be resistance.

Otherwise, in the face of so many saints, alone, unless the king, or the saint is stronger, it is still a saint, no doubt!

On the Long Island side, there have been strong parties from all over the world.

The saint of the East Emperor, the saint of the Emperor...

Everyone is looking dignified!


Hydropower Island.

Fang Ping is still the first time to come to the water island.

At the moment, Fang Ping, stepping on the air, is arrogant and has no convergence.

Across the distance, he saw the saint of the South Emperor's pulse to escape.

Fang Ping cold channel: "What are you running?"


The color is no longer cold, at the moment, it is also unwilling to be extreme, some grievances, and anger: "This seat is not for the Terran, why should the King want to shoot for my Nanhuang?"

Fang Ping said faintly: "Can you represent the South Emperor? Who are you? What are you counting? Nothing is my seal of Zhenhai, you don't know? Big courage, dare to seize the water **** island Who gave you the courage?"

The other side became more and more wrong, and he said: "I am the next disciple of the South Emperor. The water **** island is both the water power, and this seat is temporarily here..."

Fang Ping is no nonsense, and walks straight toward him.

The sage is a sage, but at this time, he is afraid. If he does not say anything, he will run away.

Fang Ping snorted, and the rear, the power is also cool and complicated.

When this person came, he was overbearing and directly seized the water **** island. He claimed to be under the Nanhuang Gate and had no intention of being a guest. He once occupied the water **** island and occupied the water palace.

Although there is no such thing as a singularity, I can also feel that my ancestor is also a vein of the South Emperor. This person is coming, and it is also a backing.

I know, this guy not only does not support himself, but today he is allowed to kill himself by other demons and expel himself from the South Emperor.

“Isn’t it very bully before?”

“Not very arrogant?”


I have no heart in my heart, now I am jealous?


When I saw Fang Ping, I didn’t even dare to put a fart, but also a saint, a shame!

Unbelievable thoughts, the side of the cockroach, is the probe to spy on the water **** island, and so on to see the splendid water palace, some pharynx.

Didn't see it!

This big buffalo, there is a little home.

At this moment, there is no such thing as a rumor: "The big buffalo, my ancestors are coming back soon, and I need to find a place to live. You see... How about a few days in your house?"

It’s almost impossible to kick it with a hoof!

What do you want?

Regardless of them, Fang Ping’s Fang Ping at this time was extremely fast. He broke through the void and acted leisurely, directly forcing the other party to flee.

Beside him, Jiang spent a long time. At this moment, he said: "Do you want to kill him?"

He felt that Fang Ping thought something too good.

Killing a saint is not difficult now, but they are not human races after all. Once they can’t kill... the race is also dangerous.

Fang Ping smiled and said: "No hurry! Can kill, it's a pot! You can't kill it... Look again! I have already said that people in the ancient times may have a smash, but kill 90%, absolutely not Hey!"

In the rear, several strong people from the ancient times were speechless.

At this moment, Yu Wei sage indifferent: "Fang Ping, some words, this palace must be clear! Take advantage of the trend, this palace will help you! But once there is a big crisis ... then it is also a strange palace to leave!"

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Should!"

"This time I also thank the North Emperor for helping me!"

Fang Ping said, looking at Yu Wei, smiled and said: "I want to ask the sage of Yu Wei, how many saints in the three realms? How many kings?"

Yu Wei slightly frowned, shaking his head and said: "I don't know! This palace does not know who is resurrected, and who has completely fallen! But in the same year... under the Nine Emperor, the family has seven or eight...and thirty-six Holy, strong parties, palm prints under the three gates, under the eight kings...

During the peak period, there are probably two hundred people in the heavens. ”

The Fengyun Taoist said: "After the heavens crashed, the Sanjie actually gave birth to a lot of saints. During the chaotic period, several saints were born. During the period of the demon emperor, some were born."

Fang Ping smiled and said: "So, how many hundred sages in the Three Realms?"

Fengyundao people shook their heads and said: "That is not the case. Many people were completely degraded in the past! Of course, some people have advanced in the later period. For example, these young people are the sages who advanced in the later period."

After thinking about it, the Fengyun Taoist judged: "The Three Sages, plus the one in the Heavenly Tomb, I am afraid there are!"

Fang Ping raised his eyebrows. "It is quite a lot! In the past year, only four people have died. So, according to this speed, 10 deaths a year, still about ten years?"


The wind and the road people suddenly have nothing to say!

The accumulation of the Three Realms for tens of thousands of years, when you are here, you have arranged it, and ten years will kill it?

At the back, Lin Hai, who has been silent, suddenly sighed: "The saint is a saint, and the king is the king... there are some strong people in the three realms!"


Fang Ping reveals the color of doubt, and soon, as if thinking of something.

Sure enough, Lin Hai cold and cold: "In the three realms, don't forget that there is still a big force!"

"Chu Wu!"

Several people said at the same time.

Yu Wei condensed his eyebrows and nodded slightly: "Not bad! This palace does not know whether the first-in-arms are dead, maybe... some people are still alive! The descendants of the first-armed people, that is better, if the real first-armed people..."

As soon as this was said, several people were discolored.

The real first warrior!

What is a real martial artist?

Before the Yuanyuan Avenue, the warriors were called the real martial artists. These people are older than the Nine Emperors and the Four Emperors.

This is terrible!

Fang Ping said strangely: "Don't they die?"

"They created their own avenues, they are all originators!"

Yu Wei sage faintly said: "These people, some people are powerful, some people are weak. The powerful, even comparable to the strong, breaking the eight strengths, the body is immortal, or the gods are immortal.

How long they have long life, no one knows, such as you, Jinshen nine forging, you have come to the real state of God, ordinary God live forever, you may live for 20,000 years!

And they, the incarnations, are mostly jade bones...

These people, if they have no external force, will be so easy to die. ”

“A lot of early warriors in the year?”

Fang Ping once again asked, Yu Wei is not very clear, looking at Lin Hai, "We have little contact with the first-armed people, but it is the four emperors and one, and the first-handers have a lot of contact."

Lin Hai Shen said: "The first warrior, born in the human world! Or the three realms, then the three realms have not been separated, the first warriors were born in this vast continent...

Later, the source road appeared, the avenue of the road reached its peak, and the war broke out.

Since then, only the three worlds have been divided. The strong have destroyed the land and destroyed the vast continent, so there are three realms.

After the early warriors, many people chose to settle down a piece of mainland debris, which we call the Chuwu continent!

When I was young, I used to go to some of the same door, went to a few places on the mainland, and saw a lot of first-time warriors.

These people, the strong are comparable to the strong, the weak... maybe even the true God is not as good.

The number...not too much, after all, it’s hard to walk out alone.

However, they have gatekeepers and disciples. These people are not considered to be martial artists. They can’t go to the source of the source, learn their ancestors, and only take the path of the first martial arts..."

Fang Ping smiled and said: "The way of the beginning of the military ... is not to say that the first-in-arms are one person together? How do these people follow?"

"Quenching, or quenching..." Lin Haidun said: "In fact, it is the prototype of the road! The emperor is the same way. In the beginning, it was actually this kind of road. Later, I learned the original way, so I have The emperor is respected."

"The descendants of the early warriors can also go their own way?"

Lin Hai thought for a moment and nodded: "Yes! Of course, they would not let the descendants of the doormen go to the source of the road, and even they gave up the martial arts road, how to avenue the road? That is not to prove that the original martial arts is not as good as the original source.

The Chuwu continent is extremely exclusive to the original source.

The four emperors... In the past, they were actually different or ...... traitors!

They learned the martial arts and walked the original source. They were not recognized and welcomed in the Chuwu continent. ”

Fang Ping shook his head and said: "What is the road to him? It is good to be useful! These imperial martial artists, why can't you understand?"

"At that time, the original source avenue was not perfect, and it was not mature. In the early stage of the war, the martial artists still had the upper hand..."

Lin Hai explained; "So it is not surprising to not recognize the original source. Moreover, the original source does have some defects. Once the source is not used, it is not as good as these first-in-command. The source also has some drawbacks...

It is difficult or almost impossible to forge the jade bones again. ”

Lin Hai said: "The source, there will be some exclusion! Why the military must have the greatest effect in the forging of the golden body in the eight-pound gold body, because at that time has not yet entered the source.

Once you step in, the source is repelled. After that, the physical body is limited, and so is the spirit.

Even if it becomes stronger, it is difficult to have a qualitative change.

Nine forging gold body... From the eight-product golden body to the emperor, you can use the nine forging to describe, why not ten forging eleven forging? ”

Lin Hai shook his head. "Because there is no qualitative change! This point, the origin of the military knows, so the emperor can, after entering the source, can also transform the flesh or the spirit, this is the polar Emperor, while others are just saints and kings."

Fang Ping is quite understanding this time!

Stepping into the source, the golden body is difficult to upgrade, and he also felt this.

The source is actually with some exclusivity.

Going to the source, I want to make the body strong, strong and powerful.

The early martial artists, or the descendants of the first martial arts, may be much simpler.

You can not have it both ways!

The four emperors of the road are both.

Therefore, in the same year, there were four polar emperors, which were rarer than the emperors.

Fang Ping listened for a while and said slowly: "So, some people may not die in the first place?"


Lin Hai is also uncertain.

Fang Ping no longer asks more, he died and he has no relationship with him.


Long Island.

The Nanhuangmen people came empty!

As soon as he arrived, he quickly said: "Fang Ping wants to destroy the disciples of the Nine Emperors. The Terran is the only one. You must not let him succeed!"

At this moment, a number of saints gather here.

Fang Ping tore the space and stepped into the air.

Look at the many saints on the Dragon Island, with a smile and a face full of fun.

The emperors of the six emperors of the East Emperor, the Western Emperor, the Southern Emperor, the Emperor of the Emperor, and the Emperor of the Emperor gathered together.

Six saints!

Yuan Gang did not know where to hide. At this moment, the six saints looked at Fang Ping with great vigilance.

On the side of Fang Ping, there are not many sage-level powerhouses.

At this time, the cat also triumphantly followed Fang Ping, standing behind the flat body, glory and glory, although there are six saints on the opposite side, but the cat is only looking at Long Yu, fat face full of pride.

This little dragon still wants to grab its fishing rod and can't kill you!

The cat is very arrogant now, and looked at Longyu for a while. He also spit out his tongue and raised the fishing rod on his hand. Here, you grab it!

Long Yu is speechless.

This cat... is it interesting?

I am so good to let Longxuan go there to protect you, are you doing this to me?

At this time, the colorful butterfly also looked at the cat, and the eyes were a bit complicated.

The cat didn't pay attention to her at first. Soon, the cat looked around and suddenly saw the butterfly. The eyes were a little dazed. Then, the cat suddenly said strangely: "Hey, who, this cat seems to know you! You are the one." ...that gave the cat a sweep?"

The color of the butterfly has changed.

Can you not use this word!

What is the sweeping nest?

Are you a nest?

You are the nest!

The average person can't clean up. She is a disciple of the Emperor, and her strength is not weak. It is natural for these disciples to do the cleaning of the cat litter.

The butterfly did not say much, whispered: "Cang cat, long time no see."

The cat sighed and looked at her, and looked at Fang Ping again. He said: "The liar, this sweeping nest, will not poke her. Is it good? Linghuang used to give the cat a lot of delicious food... ..."

It has forgotten a lot of things, but it has gradually recovered a lot of memories.

It also remembers the emperor!

Remember some, remember that day... That day, the Emperor wanted to touch it for the last time, but he did not touch it, and closed his eyes with regret.

The cat shook his head and didn't think about it.

I want to cry when I think about it, so I don't want to.

The color of the butterfly changed for a while, and Fang Ping smiled and said: "Since the cat has opened, the butterfly is a saint, and my human race will naturally not be an enemy of you!"

After all, Fang Ping looked at a few people and looked at the Tianjian who stood far from the periphery.

Smiled and laughed: "Long Yu saint, Long Island and my people have a good relationship, I Fang Ping also has no intention of being an enemy!"

Long Yu and the colorful butterfly did not speak. As for whether it was easy or vigilant, it is not known.

"The East Emperor is a pulse, and I have no entanglement!"

"The West Emperor is not related to me."

Fang Ping laughed and said: "The Emperor is the pulse of the Emperor, the Emperor is the teacher of the Emperor of the War, and the Terran is related to the Emperor of the War, and it will not be a matter of the Emperor."

Fang Ping finally looked at the Nanhuangmen people and said faintly: "You can take the South Emperor's Gate and occupy the Terrain Hydropower Island. You are instructed to taboo the Haixue people to take action against the Terran Zhenhai. You, do you want to cover him?"

At this moment, the Nanhuangmen people angered: "You, do you still believe in his ghosts? This is a conspiracy! He wants to break us one by one, never believe him!"

After all, look at the Tianjian people on the other side, loudly: "Tianjian, you and Fangping cooperate, don't know if this is a tiger-raising problem? I will regret it sooner or later!"

Over there, Tian Jian did not speak a few people, how to think in the heart, only they know.

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Break one by one? That is not enough! Nine emperors and nine veins, there are countless strong, how can I give the Terran a provoke of such disasters! I just came to discuss, you bully my people, Zhenhai, no Give an account, say the past?"

The Nanhuangmen people’s face was dark and Shen Sheng said: “What do you want!”

Fang Ping said faintly: "I didn't want to do anything, but I am afraid that your retaliatory power is unbelievable. You are a saint. There is no surprise in revenge. Isn't it a dead end?"

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Let's do it, you swear to heaven, if you have no revenge, you will die, the South Emperor will die without a place of burial, no longer able to resurrect, can not recover, completely degraded in the Three Realms! Not difficult?"


How can everyone look surprised!

Regardless of the death of the South Emperor, the Nanhuangmen did not dare to make such a poisonous oath.

Fang Ping, this is clearly going to be with the other party!

Opposite, the seven disciples of the Southern Emperor, but also the face of iron blue, cold and cold: "Fang Ping, the South Emperor and your people have no hatred, do you have to force us to die?"

Beside Fang Ping, Wu Kuishan is also a little nervous.

Is it appropriate to offend the South Emperor at this time?

They also want to kill everyone, but the Terran is not strong enough to ignore the Quartet.

These saints probably don’t dare to watch Fang Ping killing each other again, or else, it’s not impossible to break them one by one.

Fang Ping smiled again: "Also, why add powerful enemies to humans!"

The other party looked at him and did not speak. Fang Ping pursued him to this place. What do you want to do?

Fang Ping indulged for a moment and smiled: "Let's do it, you are in the Three Realms, I don't trust! You go to the grave of the heavens! It is the place where the king of Kun went. There is an organic edge, I will send you a big chance! Go, today Never mind.

Don't go..."

Fang Ping's eyes are cold and cold: "Then die! Don't believe, you can try! I also want to see, who is there to fight for you and me?"

When the words came out, everyone was surprised.

Heavenly grave... fake!

They all know this.

Now exile the other side to the false heaven grave, what is Fang Ping doing?

The Nanhuangmen people looked at the Quartet. At this time, some people said faintly: "That's good! Qin Yun, maybe it's really organic!"

They also want to see where the false grave is.

Where are the kings!

Is it trapped now, or is there really a big chance?

Fang Ping wants to banish the other party into the false heaven grave. Everyone thinks that this is an opportunity to glimpse the truth.

The Southern Emperor disciple, Qin Yun, at this moment his face is ugly.

Fang Ping did not say that he was killed, but he was forced to go to the false grave. Is he going to go?

At this moment, no one else has the same spirit.

If he refuses, Fang Ping will shoot again... not necessarily someone will stop it.

Because these people want to spy on the real thing!

At this moment, Fang Ping said that the cat said: "I want to tell Lao Zhang and Zhen Tian Wang, ambush at the entrance, this guy went in, just give me to kill him!"


Cang cat bitter fat face, me?

It's hard!

That is the king, the dummy is now very strong, and it has no original stone, to inform him... Is it not going to fly in the source world for a long time?

The cat thinks she is going to be exhausted!

It is this cat!

The liar will call the cat!

The sadness of the cat’s face always feels that the liar is strong, and he has to be unlucky. If he can’t beat the liar in the future, wouldn’t he help him to work every day?

Fang Ping did not care about it. He smiled and said: "How? It is really organic. Otherwise, do you think that so many kings will not come out for so long? I will send you in, but I don’t want you to retaliate. If this is the case, if this is No point can promise..."

Fang Ping’s face is cold and cold: “Then you are still going to die!”

Qin Yun's face changed for a while, and once again looked at the Quartet. These people are now looking forward to some look, fake heaven grave... Where is it?

Is it really organic inside?

So many kings have not returned yet, what is it because?

Everyone also looks at Qin Yun, promise it!

Otherwise, even if you don’t say it, everyone’s attitude is very obvious. Fang Ping’s shot, they will not help each other.

Qin Yun is not willing, but now he has no choice, half a sigh, Qin Yun Shen said: "Good!"


Fang Ping laughed, his face showed a smile, you promised it!

If we are going to kill the hardship outside, it is better to send you in, let Lao Zhang do their best, and prevent me from shooting again.

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