Send a reconnaissance team to conduct reconnaissance and let them figure out what is approaching us as soon as possible. Satellites are not easy to use, so why don't you know how to use a telescope? You are so stupid! Wen Tao cursed.

The mosquito guard looked helpless and turned around to exit the command room.

It had already guessed that it would be scolded, but it had to report this unusual situation.

Soon, the guards sent out by Wen Tao figured out the situation. Not only did they see the densely packed strange insects, they also saw Sha Jiang and others running towards them.

The guards immediately informed Wen Tao of the situation.

Wen Tao stood up from the sofa in a flash, his face full of disbelief.

How come there are such terrible bugs? Damn it, the virus hasn't been solved yet, another group of bugs has come.

Wen Tao quickly mobilized missiles to bombard these insects.

As missiles fell one after another, mushroom clouds rose, and a large number of bugs were killed and vaporized into ashes.

But after a round of bombing, the number of bugs did not decrease much.

Because satellite reconnaissance shows that there are countless bugs migrating here on the northwest plateau.

Damn Shajiang, you want to kill us!

Wen Tao was a little panicked. If countless insects swept in, its Mosquito City would definitely not be able to withstand it.

Evacuation is the best option as there is no known way to deal with this bug.

Before the insects arrived, Wen Tao led a group of mosquitoes to retreat to River Shark City.

There are still a large number of mosquito people stationed in River Shark City. Although the virus infection situation is getting more and more serious, it is still a place to stay.

Just as Wen Tao led part of the escort team to leave, Shajiang arrived at Mosquito City.

At this time, there are still a large number of mosquito guards in Mosquito City who have not had time to evacuate, so they can only use various incendiary bombs and bombs to bombard the insects.

Sha Jiang and other river shark guards were also within the range of being bombarded.

Wen Tao specifically confessed that Sha Jiang could not be let go. This disaster was caused by Sha Jiang.

Suddenly, two incendiary bombs exploded next to Sha Jiang.

The high temperature instantly ignited Shajiang and the surrounding river shark guards.

The high temperature of thousands of degrees soon caused them to lose consciousness and fall to the ground.

Soon, more bugs surged over and rushed towards the Mosquito City.

Although the mosquito guards tried their best to resist, they still couldn't resist it.

An unlucky mosquito man picked up a machine gun and shot at him. In the end, dozens of bugs pierced his body into a sieve, with holes all over his body.

The other mosquito guards were frightened and evacuated one after another, and the direction they evacuated happened to be River Shark City.

In Hesha City, Wen Tao, who had just regained his footing, stamped his feet anxiously after receiving the news.

Do these idiots want us mosquito people to be wiped out in one fell swoop?

Wen Tao quickly ordered these mosquito men to escort them and evacuate to other cities.

But there are empty cities all around, and there is no way to divert the disaster to other places.

After much deliberation, Wen Tao asked the mosquito guards to hide in the flood to see if they could avoid the insects.

But I never expected that these bugs can also swim in the water, but the speed is slowed down, which does not stop them from hunting.

what to do?

Wen Tao was at a loss and had to contact Ling Feng.

At this time, Ling Feng didn't care much about the mosquito people.

The best way to deal with bugs is to use other bugs. Why don't you contact the Haituo people and ask them if there is anything they can do.

Wen Tao frowned, knowing that Ling Feng had given up on them, so he had no choice but to send a rescue request to Taxi.

Taxi, who was busy building a dungeon, was surprised when he received the message.

It has never interacted with the Mosquito Man, but the Mosquito Man actually took the initiative to contact it. Moreover, the bugs described by the Mosquito Man were too terrifying, and it could not believe that such bugs existed.

Right now, there are raging floods everywhere, along with volcanoes erupting and magma gushing out from the ground. If such terrifying bugs appear again, people will not be able to survive.

Taxi did not reply to Wen Tao immediately, but contacted Su Yuan again and asked Su Yuan for his opinion.

Taxi, first ask them how many mosquito people are left. If it's less than 50,000, they won't pose a threat to you, and you can accept their integration.

I don't have any objections to Mr. Su's integration of mosquito men. I'm just worried that they will attract bugs. Taxi said worriedly.

This extra-dimensional space disaster is still going on. I don't know how many horrible things will happen. Sooner or later, these bugs will spread all over the planet. Sooner or later, you will encounter them. The last way is to find their weaknesses.

Taxi nodded. Based on the information currently available, insects are afraid of high temperatures and not water, so they need to reserve more incendiary bombs.

However, this is not enough. We still need to catch some bugs and come back for experiments.

So Taxi contacted Wen Tao and had a video call with him.

Commander Wen Tao, how many mosquito guards can you bring over? I only accept mosquito guards who are not infected.

Wen Tao narrowed his eyes slightly. He was very smart and knew that Taxi would not accept it if he brought too many guards. He thought for a while and said:

About 50,000 elite mosquito people, as well as a large amount of supplies, and our mosquito people's scientific and technological information.

Taxi has no interest in the scientific and technological information of the mosquito people, but the 50,000 elite mosquito people are acceptable.

Commander Wen Tao, if you are willing to accept my integration, you can come here now, but don't attract the bugs. Finally, find a way to catch some bugs for experiments. Taxi made it clear.

Wen Tao didn't care. The worm civilization behind it had given up on them. It had nothing to struggle with. Survival was now more important than winning the game.

Commander Taxi, don't worry, I will lead all the mosquito guards to obey your command.

After ending the call, Wen Tao began to dispatch guards and prepare to evacuate again.

However, in order to prevent internal chaos among the mosquitoes who stayed behind, they did not tell them about their defection to the Haituo people. Instead, they actively defended themselves against the insects and used a large number of incendiary bombs and artillery shells to fend off the insects.

Several special teams of mosquito men were sent out to take risks to catch bugs and come back for experiments.

Not long after, Mosquito City was flooded by countless bugs, and then they swarmed into River Shark City.

More and more bugs gathered in River Shark City, and bugs that had been led into the water before also gathered here again.

Wen Tao knew that Hesha City would be unable to resist sooner or later, so he evacuated secretly with his confidants.

Fifty thousand mosquito men escorted them, driving the amphibious tanks and submarines prepared in advance, and headed towards the sea, preparing to go around the sea to Queyan City.

After all, there are not as many bugs in the water as there are on the ground, and they are more hidden in the sea.

Before Wen Tao left, he had arranged defenses. The other mosquitoes wanted to evacuate, but they couldn't find the amphibious tank or submarine. They had no idea where Wen Tao had fled to.

Not long after, River Shark City was invaded by countless insects. Only then did the Mosquito Man realize that he had been abandoned by Wen Tao, and it was too late to escape.

There are not many armored vehicles and tanks in Hesha City, and they are not as advanced as the amphibious combat vehicles brought by Wen Tao, and their running speed is not as fast as the insects.

I saw a group of mosquito people desperately hiding in the armored vehicle. Countless insects swarmed in like a black cloud, covering the armored vehicle.

The armored vehicle was set on fire and rushed out of Hesha City.

However, the bugs on the armored vehicle continued to eat away at the outer shell of the armored vehicle and entered the interior of the armored vehicle.

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