Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 516 Revenge against the Mosquito Man

In Queyan City, in the command room, Taxi also received relevant reports.

Suddenly, a crimson moon appeared in the sky, and huge gravitational fluctuations caused a tsunami.

Fortunately, Queyan City is not close to the sea, otherwise it would be directly smashed by waves thousands of meters high.

Many cities were destroyed as a result, and many people were unable to withstand the tsunami and were eliminated.

Although the tsunami did not affect Queyan City, the raging floods continued to impact Queyan City.

At the same time, a super strong storm suddenly came, causing many buildings in Queyan City to collapse.

Damn it, how could it be a disaster in another dimension? Taxi complained.

Disasters in different-dimensional spaces do not refer to the overlap of one or two spaces. It may also be the alternation and collision of multiple spaces, leading to a series of disasters.

This crimson moon is obviously not inferior to this dimensional space, but appears after another space coincides with this dimensional space.

Tassie didn't know how serious this disaster would be. Maybe this was just the beginning.

Now, resisting disaster is more important than destroying the flying insects.

Taxi ordered all the guards to build a dungeon.

The people of Haituo can live in the water, but Queyan City is on the ground. Under the constant impact of floods and suffering various disasters, it will collapse sooner or later. It is better to think of an escape route in advance.

Taxi was unwilling to let the Flying Insect Man go, so he had no choice but to dig into the underground city and transfer important materials and equipment underground.

Under Queyan City is a huge stone mountain. It is difficult to excavate and build a city.

Fortunately, the technological level currently possessed by Taxi is still very high. Using a large number of robots and automatic excavation equipment, the excavation speed is still very fast.

But dozens of days later, the disaster became more serious.

Not only did the floods not stop, there were also volcanic eruptions everywhere.

The planet seemed to be under tremendous pressure, as if it was about to be squeezed by some force, and the magma inside surged out.

Even in the Arctic region where Xintuo City is located, similar scenes occurred.

Magma surged from the ground, melting the ice and snow.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Su Yuan's mouth twitched violently.

Has this planet entered its doomsday ahead of schedule? If this continues, there will be no winner in this competition.

Master, what should we do now? Su Su also looked at Su Yuan in surprise.

At present, the only way to survive is to persist until the Hong people finish the competition, and then they will be considered victorious.

If I had known this, why would I have asked Taxi to kill the others? We could have just prevented the disaster.

Master, don't forget, this competition is also based on points. If you don't eliminate other people, you will get fewer points. In the end, you will not be able to meet the requirements of the Hong people and you will not be able to win.

Su Yuan nodded and started thinking.

With the current situation, Taxi cannot defend so many cities. I think we can let it evacuate Haituo City and Gray Wolf City and concentrate them on Xintuo City to resist the disaster.

Hehe, master, aren't you afraid that if you put all your eggs into one basket, they will all break in the end? Su Su said with a smile.

Isn't there still Queyan City? It won't be so unlucky that it will be destroyed.

I think it's better to let Taxi build more amphibious tanks. Even if the city is destroyed, we can escape to other places.

Well, you can prepare in advance. If the Hong people really play this disaster so big, they can only let Taxi wander around.

Later, Su Yuan contacted Taxi and told Taxi the plan.

Taxi did not hesitate and directly implemented the plan, ordering the evacuation of Haituo City and Gray Wolf City. All supplies and guards were evacuated to Xintuo City.

At the same time, Xintuo City was asked to seize the time to produce amphibious tanks and large aircraft to prepare for future relocation.

Taxi was busy dealing with the disaster, and Shajiang was also in a desperate situation.

They were chased by the mosquito people all the way to the northwest plateau, where they originally planned to rebuild a new shark city.

But before construction started, a terrifying beast was encountered.

These alien beasts all come from another dimension. They look like bees, are all black, and are not big in size, but their flying speed is comparable to bullets, and they can easily break through the defenses of the river sharks.

Even if the river sharks use machine guns to fire, it will be difficult to kill them.

Damn it, what kind of insect is this, so powerful? Sha Jiang complained.

Sir, let's retreat quickly.

Sha Jiang looked around and saw that more and more bugs were gathering. They were densely packed together, like a black cloud, and there were more bugs than their guards.

Once these bugs accelerate, they will be shot like a bullet. If the reaction is slightly slower, they will be pierced through the body.

If you are unlucky enough to be pierced through the head, you will definitely die.

Give me Molotov cocktails and burn them to death!

Bang bang bang, incendiary bombs were launched one after another and exploded in the air.

Immediately, the black cloud formed by countless insects was ignited.

The burning bugs, like fireflies, rushed towards the river shark angrily.

However, many of them were burned to ashes before they even reached the river shark people.

Great, sir, it works! the secretary next to Sha Jiang said excitedly.

But Shajiang was not happy.

It found that the huge noise caused by the explosion attracted more bugs.

These bugs seemed to appear out of thin air, traveling from different dimensions and forming black clouds that covered the sky. Wherever they passed, there was a mess and not a single green leaf was left.

They seem to eat everything, even metal armored vehicles.

This is the most terrifying insect Shajiang has ever seen.

Run, get everyone out of here.

Shajiang abandoned the armored vehicle and drove an amphibious motorboat himself, rushing down the river from the plateau at the fastest speed.

No more than three hundred river sharks escaped with it.

The river sharks swallowed by the sea of ​​​​insects will not even have their bones and dregs left, including their weapons and various tanks.

Sir, what should we do? Those bugs are still behind us? a personal guard shouted in panic.

Shajiang had no choice. Its eyes were red, and it didn't expect that it would lose so miserably.

It's all the fault of the mosquitoes. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have gone to the Northwest Plateau. Even if we die, we will lure these bugs over to them.

Shajiang gritted his teeth and drove the amphibious motorboat to the fastest speed.

It does not dare to fly in the sky, but only dares to use the speed of the water flow to move quickly along the water surface.

An unlucky guard accidentally touched a stone in the river and overturned the car.

Then, he was swallowed up by countless insects, and he didn't even have time to scream.

The other river sharks were so frightened that they trembled all over and sped up their escape.

Soon, Shajiang brought these bugs to Mosquito City.

The guards in Mosquito City noticed something unusual and immediately reported it to Wen Tao.

Sir, is there an unknown object approaching us rapidly?

Unknown object? Can you figure out what it is and then report it to me! Wen Tao said coldly.

Sir, our satellite reconnaissance looks like dark clouds, but they are moving against the wind. I think our satellite is wrong.

The resolution of the Mosquito Man's satellite is not very high, so it's not clear what it is.

Wen Tao was stunned for a moment, frowned and said:

How far are we from?

There are still more than 150 kilometers, but they are moving very fast. They can reach Mosquito City in less than an hour.

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