Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 390 Preparing to activate the self-destruction device

Lord Anding'er, do you want to use the power of the self-destruction of the No. 1 Star Carrier to completely destroy the Blue Star fleet? An Yuan'er asked.

Yes, so many interstellar battleships have been destroyed, which is also a strain for them. They will not cause trouble to us for a while!

I agree with Lord Anding'er's approach!

I agree, but now how do we leave Starship 1?

Anding'er frowned again. It was not easy to rescue An Yuan'er and others, and there were many Sirians on the No. 1 Star Carrier. He was not willing to be this evil person.

Suddenly, everyone looked at An Taoer.

An Taoer: ...

Are you asking me to do things that offend others?

An Yuan'er, how many people on Star Carrier No. 1 are not infected with the virus?

Everyone in the conference room was stunned for a moment. No one knew exactly how many people there were. It could be tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of millions.

After all, with the size of the Sirian beings there, not all of them would die in a matter of seconds.

According to my estimation, there won't be many left. Most people have turned into monsters!

An Yuan'er didn't know much, but Chris gave the answer An Yuan'er wanted.

Immediately, Antaoer showed a sad expression.

We will definitely avenge this! Inform those who are still alive to gather at the port and evacuate with you when the time comes!

Everyone nodded and shied away their responsibilities. How many people will be at the port then depends on their own fate.

If the situation is urgent, it is up to them to decide whether to take it or not.

Now that we have decided to evacuate, it's up to Anding'er to make the evacuation plan!

Okay, in fifteen minutes, I will send the fleet to break through the Blue Star people's defenses. At that time, An Yuan'er will order your fleet to attack and evacuate as soon as possible!

An Yuan'er nodded.

After hashing out the details, the meeting ends.

However, all this was under Su Yuan's control, and Chris then told Su Yuan the situation.

Master, should we let them go?

Of course, An Lin'er went to Star Carrier No. 2, let An Yuan'er go to Star Carrier No. 3!

Su Yuan wants to arrange internal response on the other two star carriers.

Soon, three huge fleets set off from the No. 3 Star Carrier and came to the rescue.

Su Yuan ordered to guard the exits of the three interstellar ports tightly and deliberately let go of one of them.

However, in order to further weaken the power of the Sirians, Su Yuan asked Long Wei to delay the time longer.

It was not until more than two hours later that the fleet sent by Andinger successfully occupied the area outside the interstellar port.

Then, An Yuan'er's fleet rushed out.

At this time, Su Yuan ordered to go up to encircle and suppress.

On the main ship, many Sirian leaders panicked.

Lord An Yuan'er, they are coming, let's run away!

Damn it, if these Blue Star people don't quickly occupy the No. 1 Star Carrier, why are they chasing us?

Look, the fleet sent by Lord Anding'er to support has been destroyed by two more warships!

Wu Cao is indeed a starry sky laser cannon!

An Yuan'er: ...

A bunch of idiots, look at what I do, I can't do anything.

After Su Yuan knew that An Yuan'er and others had escaped, he led his fleet to chase An Yuan'er and others, and took the opportunity to destroy more interstellar battleships.

Star warships exploded in the starry sky. From a distance, they looked like fireflies in the dark night, which was very beautiful.

But the Sirian guards on the interstellar battleship had no choice but to eject to escape, and did not bother to take the escape airship.

The Sirian guards who escaped could not survive long with just the fighting mechs on them. They had to find a way to board other interstellar battleships or surrender.

Soon, An Yuan'er's fleet was driven to the vicinity of the No. 3 interstellar carrier.

Immediately, Anding'er sent out more fleets.

Su Yuan took the opportunity to let the Dragon Guard evacuate and return to the No. 1 Star Carrier.

Next, it depends on the performance of An Lin'er, An Yuan'er and others.

After the interstellar battleship carrying An Yuan'er and others entered Interstellar Port No. 2, Anding'er ordered a comprehensive inspection.

The first is disinfection.

Andinger didn't want the virus to spread to Starship No. 2.

Suddenly, many people complained.

We are not ordinary people. Andinger has no authority to lock us all up!

That's right, just check. Is it so strict?

I'm going to be infected and have turned into a monster long ago. Do I still need you to help me disinfect?

In the closed disinfection cabin, disinfectant gas permeates the whole body.

An Yuan'er was also stripped naked and disinfected and cleaned.

He didn't have any complaints, he just hoped that Anding'er could quickly discover the abnormality in his body.

However, he was disappointed.

After checking for a long time, no one found anything abnormal about him.

Judging from the data alone, An Yuan'er's body is even better than that of the Sirian in front of him.

An Yuan'er was quickly invited to the command center to meet with Anding'er.

I'm glad to see you alive, old man!

An Yuan'er: ...

Without the Blue Star people, I'm afraid you would wish for me to die quickly.

Thanks to you this time, otherwise I would have become a prisoner of the Blue Star people now. An Yuan'er smiled and continued to ask: How is the situation on the No. 1 Star Carrier?

An Yuan'er's movements, expressions and words were all under Chris's control.

Following Su Yuan's order, Chris used An Yuan'er to contact Anding'er and tried to find a way to control Anding'er.

At this time, An Yuan'er really hoped that Anding'er would stay away from him, but he could not remind Anding'er.

Damn Blue Star people, not all of them have occupied the No. 1 Star Carrier. Look, there are still many of their Star Battleships outside!

Anding'er pointed to the big screen.

The situation of Star Carrier No. 1 is displayed on the screen.

I think the Blue Star people are cleaning up those monsters and viruses. After they are cleaned up, they will definitely occupy the No. 1 Star Carrier!

Anding'er nodded slightly.

I hope they hurry up, otherwise, if I don't destroy them for a day, I won't be able to sleep for a day!

You have to keep your body. If you fall, who will command us to fight!

No, there's still you!

The two chatted for a while. Chris kept looking for opportunities to control Anding'er through An Yuan'er, but she never succeeded.

On the other side, Su Yuan also let part of the fleet enter the No. 1 Star Carrier and began to clean up zombies and Sirians.

These ordinary zombies are not of high value, and they cannot be used to attack Sirians on other starships.

In the blink of an eye, a few days have passed, and Su Yuan's fleet has not yet entered the interstellar carrier. Anding'er and others are anxious.

An emergency meeting was held again, Antaoer frowned and said:

Everyone, what do you think we should do next?

Have the Blue Stars discovered the self-destruct device?

Impossible, I think they haven't cracked the control system yet!

An Yuan'er stood up.

The Blue Star people's own technology is not developed, but they relied on the Hong people's star battleships to win. I think it will take a long time for them to crack the control system. If they don't crack it, they won't dare to rush into No. 1 In the starship!

Anding'er rubbed his head and felt that what An Yuan'er said made sense.

According to the information we currently have, there are still about 300 star battleships left outside. In fact, we can directly activate the self-destruction device. Even if these 300 star battleships are not destroyed, we can still deal with it!

Lord Anding'er is right.

Yes, we can't sit still and wait for death!

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