Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 389 Leave the Star Carrier to them

Su Yuan did not pursue him, but ordered a fleet to enter the No. 1 Star Carrier and start cleaning up the Sirians inside.

At the same time, Xiaoyu also completely cracked the control system and took control of the interstellar carrier.

However, Xiaoyu soon discovered that there was an independent area on the interstellar carrier that was not within the monitoring range of the control system.

There is a self-destruction program installed here. Once the No. 1 Star Carrier is completely occupied, the self-destruction program will be activated.

Damn it, these Sirius people are really ruthless!

Su Yuan frowned. Now Star Carrier No. 1 is completely under his control, but he cannot completely occupy it and must find a way to dismantle the self-destruct device.

Susan, Su Xiaoyu, go see what's going on and see if it can be demolished!

Susan then took Su Xiaoyu to drive Su Yuan's starship into the starship.

Once Xiaoyu releases her authority, the defense system inside the starship will not attack them.

The leadership of the Sirians in the conference room could not see this scene.

They have all been blocked. Although they are staying in the conference room now, they are no different from blind people. What they can see is what Chris deliberately showed them.

An Yuan'er was already numb.

He tried many times, but he couldn't get rid of the control. He was like a puppet at the mercy of Chris.

Under Xiaoyu's guidance, Susan quickly found the place where the self-destruction device was installed. It was at the center of the starship, near the power thruster.

If it explodes, the starship will be completely destroyed and everyone will die.

Susan took Su Xiaoyu to the outside of the self-destruction device. This is an independent system and is not managed by the control system.

Suddenly, the alarm sounded.

Please leave, this is a restricted area!

Susan's eyebrows were raised. According to her temper, she might have taken out her laser sword and slashed at him.

But the independent building in front of me was surrounded by alloy walls. It didn't have any doors, and I didn't know what kind of bombs were inside.

However, if you want to destroy this interstellar carrier, it should at least contain nuclear weapons with a huge yield.

Su Xiaoyu, it's up to you!

Su Xiaoyu frowned. She also felt that it was a bit difficult, so she quickly released several reconnaissance robots such as Silkworm.

At this time, the sirens became more severe, and laser cannons stretched out from the alloy walls, aiming at Susan and Su Xiaoyu.

Boom boom boom…

A bunch of laser cannons directly bombarded the past!

Susan suddenly felt annoyed, picked up the laser sword, and shot out a laser blade that was more than tens of meters long, hitting the laser cannon on the wall.

With a click, the extremely sharp laser sword split the laser cannon in half.

But then, more laser cannons appeared, covering the walls.

Wow, why are you so exaggerated? Su Xiaoyu's eyes widened, and she turned around and ran away.

So many laser cannons bombarded her, but with her small body, she was not smashed into pieces.

Susan ran faster. Although she liked fighting, she would not stand stupidly in front of the laser cannon and let the other party bombard her.

Seeing Susan and Su Xiaoyu leaving, the siren gradually stopped and the laser cannon disappeared.

Susan and Su Xiaoyu, who ran to the side, were also waiting for the investigation results of Canbaobao and other robots.

Inside the self-explosion device, there is not only an independent control system, but also an independent energy system.

Most importantly, the self-destruction program cannot be modified or disassembled.

Su Xiaoyu quickly told Su Yuan the detected information.

Su Yuan immediately connected with Xiaoyu and asked for a solution.

Master, if the system cannot be changed, the only thing we can do is find a way to prevent the explosion!

Stop the explosion?

Yes, the software cannot be modified, so we will destroy the hardware, prevent signal transmission, and dismantle the detonating device!

This isn't easy to operate. It's completely enclosed inside and only micro-robots can enter!

Then buy a batch of micro-robots. The survival badges in the owner's hands are enough!

Su Yuan was a little reluctant to give up.

After thinking about it, he decided to make a splash and purchased 10 miniature EOD robots for an interstellar carrier.

Su Yuan put these robots into the virtual warehouse so that Susan could take them out anytime and anywhere.

After Susan got the micro machine, she approached the self-destruct device again.

Then the alarm was triggered, and heavy laser cannons aimed at them again and bombarded them directly.

Susan attracted firepower, and after all the robots entered the self-destruction device, she took Su Xiaoyu and stepped aside.

More than half an hour later, the microrobot successfully dismantled the detonating device.

Even if the self-destruction process is activated, a large-yield nuclear weapon will not explode without a detonation device.

Next, Su Yuan plans to completely occupy the No. 1 Star Carrier.

Chris, ask An Yuan'er to ask for help and express that he can't hold on any longer!

Okay, Master!

Everyone in the conference room became nervous.

They all now know that Anlin'er was defeated and the other fleets were repulsed before they could even rush out.

Lord An Yuan'er, what should we do now?

Yes, the other party is about to come in!

How about we find a way to evacuate first?

Everyone looked at An Yuan'er.

An Yuan'er also looked sad. His body was now taken over by Chrissy, and every move he made was under her control.

He wished he could activate the self-destruction device immediately and die together.

But he couldn't do it, he was embarrassed, his body didn't belong to him now.

I decided to ask Chief Antaor for help to rescue us first so that our fleet will not be blocked here and destroyed by the enemy!

Lord An Yuan'er is wise, we should have left long ago!

Yes, yes, if they had supported us from outside earlier, they wouldn't have caused heavy losses to our fleet!

I think so. I suggest holding an emergency meeting again!

An Yuan'er nodded and asked someone to contact An Tao'er and Anding'er to hold an emergency meeting.

Soon, the meeting began.

Antaol looked serious.

This failure is all because we underestimated the enemy. I didn't expect that their star battleships are far more advanced than ours. As far as I know, these star battleships are all Hong tribe's star battleships, which means that the opponent is at least a junior civilization!

Anding'er and others nodded without speaking.

However, we don't seem to have offended any primary civilization. I feel that the other party should be the Blue Star Civilization!

Blue Star Civilization? That weak primitive civilization?

Yes, they have won this civilization competition, entered the primary civilization area, and received a lot of rewards from the Hong tribe!

I asked An Lin'er. They encountered the Blue Star civilization on the Nian Star, but the opponent's fleet at the time was small and they were beaten away! An Tao'er continued.

How could this happen? Could it be that they came after Anlin'er's fleet?

Everyone was confused.

Antaor frowned.

No, Anlin'er probably didn't betray us. The Blue Star people probably obtained our coordinates from other channels!

An Lin'er has escaped to the No. 2 Star Carrier and is undergoing review.

But Anding'er's eyes rolled, still a little suspicious, but he didn't say it out loud.

I recommend entering a full state of emergency to deal with the Blue Star attack! Anding'er said.

However, in the current state, it is difficult for us to defeat them. Even if we drive them away, our losses will be serious!

I have a way. The No. 1 Star Carrier cannot be defended. Why don't we evacuate and leave the No. 1 Star Carrier to the Blue Star people!

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