I think it's just that you and my father are timid. If we leave them, we can go to other civilizations and find a civilization that is more powerful than them, such as the Blue Star Civilization last time! Tadi looked at Old Tate with disdain. .

Prince Tadi, after our investigation, the Blue Star Civilization cannot be compared with the Lihu Civilization. Even if they meet Mr. Su and others, I don't think they would dare to take action against the Lihu Civilization! Old Tate shook his head. .

Tch, this is all your guess. I think they dare to do it. Last time they were not afraid of anything and they led us to victory in the end. If I meet them, I will definitely join them. You will be lucky when the time comes. !”

It's a pity that I, Ta Di, am so young that I participated in two competitions and both came to mine. It's really embarrassing! Ta Di sighed.

The two men continued to mine, and dozens of excavators, under the command of the two men, dug out the ore in an orderly manner.

All machines have simple intelligence, and there are very few places where Tate and Lao Tate can be used.

At this time, a strange bird fell from the sky. Its body was somewhat rotten, and it was shoveled away by the excavator when it landed on the ground.

Tadi and Old Tate didn't pay attention to the bugs in the strange bird's body.

Black bugs swarmed like maggots. These bugs were the same ones Su Yuan had encountered before.

It's just that they have now learned to use zombie viruses to control other alien animals to attack their prey.

The ore that was quickly excavated was transported by transport vehicles back to the base being built by the Lihu Civilization.

Just as Su Yuan thought, Lihu Civilization also chose to build its base into the mountain.

They were faster than Su Yuan. They had hollowed out the inside of the mountain and were strengthening it.

The excavated ores, after being smelted, will be made into alloys and used to produce various equipment or weapons.

The body of the strange bird was covered by ore, and no one noticed anything unusual.

After the ore was dumped in the mine, countless terrifying insects crawled out.

They had already eaten up the carcass of the strange bird and were looking for new prey.

First they will dive underground and wait for prey to pass by.

It didn't take long for a group of guards to patrol here. They were very vigilant, but they focused on the large strange beasts. They looked ahead and rarely paid attention to the bottom of their feet.

After taking a few steps, they, who were fully armed, felt that their feet were stuck to the ground and they couldn't pull them out even if they wanted to.

And the ground seemed to be frozen, becoming extremely hard.

The countless bugs that attack them can work together to release freezing powers, and they can also spit out acid to melt their mechas.

Soon, a hole was chewed out of the hard alloy mecha by countless bugs, and then countless bugs poured into the mecha and ate the guards inside.

In the end, only the relatively complete-looking alloy mecha was left lying on the ground.

As the guards fell, the alarm was triggered and more people rushed over.

At first glance, nothing strange happened.

The bugs also dived underground.

what happened?

Li Yuanshan looked at his confidants beside him in confusion.

Sir, is there an attack by a strange beast?

Idiot, then why do their mechas look intact?

Li Yuanshan cursed, and then stared at the mechas lying on the ground. He narrowed his eyes and looked around carefully, only to find that there was a small hole in the soles of the feet of these mechas.

The hole wasn't very big, but it certainly didn't look like it was caused by laser or other weapons.

Don't go there, check with the life detector!

Soon a guard brought over the life detector. A beam of green light shone on the ground near the mecha, and a beeping sound suddenly sounded.

Li Yuanshan's expression changed drastically, and he saw that the life detector showed that there were countless insects crawling toward them underground.

Quick! Go quickly...

Li Yuanshan shouted, and he quickly flew up.

The mecha on his body is very flexible and extremely fast. He can jump dozens of meters high in one swish.

But the insects underground were also very fast, shooting out from the ground and chasing after them.

Damn, nasty bug!

Li Yuanshan has trypophobia. When he sees densely packed bugs, he gets goosebumps and feels very uncomfortable.

He closed his eyes, did not look, and directly bombarded with the laser cannon on the mecha.

Boom boom, beams of lasers fell like fireworks.

The explosion caused soil to splash on the ground, and countless insects were blown away, but they did not die.

Why are you standing there, kill all these bugs!

Immediately, all the guards began to take action, and flying chariots and flying ships were launched.

The Lihu civilization is very powerful and has brought a lot of good things over, and is starting to prepare for the construction of interstellar battleships.

As the firepower became more intense, the insects also died in large numbers.

And in order to prevent being bitten by insects, Li Yuanshan led his men to fly very high.

However, just when Li Yuanshan was full of confidence, a group of strange birds flew over.

These strange birds have been controlled by insects, their bodies have been almost hollowed out, and they are filled with countless insects.

There is an inexplicable connection between bugs and bugs.

When bugs on the ground are attacked, they will send out signals to notify more bugs to come.

At the same time, he also told his companions that there was prey here.

As a result, groups of strange birds were seen attacking Li Yuanshan and others.

They quickly fired with laser machine guns.

An unlucky guard was the closest to the group of strange birds, and he was lucky enough to kill one of the strange birds.

But countless bugs shot out from the strange bird and enveloped him.

Even with the protection of the mecha, he didn't last long before he was eaten clean by the bugs.

Seeing this horrific scene, Li Yuanshan panicked.

Evacuate, get out of here quickly!

With the current situation, as long as there are bugs here, it is not suitable for building a base.

Although the base needs to build the inside of the mountain, the processing sites outside are already covered by countless insects.

Even the boilers where the ore is smelted are infested with bugs.

Li Yuanshan wanted to run away, but these bugs refused to let him go and chased him all the way.

Wherever it goes, even if it encounters other strange beasts, it will not let them go.

After these bugs learned to coexist with zombie viruses, they have become very terrifying existences.

On the other side, Lao Tate and Tadi, who were busy mining, were a little surprised when they received orders from Li Yuanshan.

The mountains where the ores are mined are some distance away from the Lihu civilization, and they don't know about insects yet.

Old Tate, this is an opportunity, why don't we leave Lihu Civilization now! Tate smiled happily.

Prince Tate, we can't mess around. I guess there must have been some kind of attack on the base, otherwise we wouldn't have gone in such a hurry. I have to wait to catch up! Old Tate still disagreed.

Why? My feet are on my body. I can go wherever I want! Tadi became dissatisfied and had a little temper.

Prince Tadi, we don't know where the Blue Star civilization is now, and this planet is very dangerous and full of strange beasts. If we act alone, there is only one way to die.

But by following them, our chances of survival will be great. If we encounter Blue Star Civilization in the future, we can decide which side to join based on the actual situation! Old Tate said.

Whether Tate wanted to or not, he had to admit that old Tate was more thoughtful than him.

I had no choice but to pack up my things and follow Li Yuanshan and others.

Compared with their experiences, Ling Hai was even worse.

As soon as Ling Hai found a place to stay, he encountered the beetle civilization and now became a prisoner of the beetle civilization. Beetles that looked somewhat like spiders surrounded him.

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