This strange beast looks a bit like a hedgehog, except that instead of thorns, its body is covered with python-like tentacles.

The tentacles have no mouths, but they can roll up food and deliver it to the mouths of strange animals.

This alien beast is larger than Su Yuan expected, and it seems to be a relatively powerful nightmare-level alien beast.

Su Yuan quickly told Susan and Chris to step back.

This guy seems to be difficult to deal with.

Susan retreated quickly and quickly maintained a safe distance from the strange beast.

But in order to deal with other civilized humans, Chris moved a little slower and was whipped away by a tentacle.

This strange beast is so powerful that it can make a sonic boom when its tentacles are whipped at will.

Chrissy's eyebrows stood up, her beautiful eyes glared angrily at the strange beast, and she wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.

She hasn't been hurt in a long time.

Suddenly, Chris rushed forward like a bolt of lightning, and a large amount of ultra-low temperature cold current poured out, freezing one of the tentacles of the alien beast.

Then she dug in with her sharp nails, and countless zombie viruses poured out and entered the body of the alien beast.

The body of the alien beast is very strong, and the zombie virus will not be able to do anything to it for a while.

On the other side, Su Yuan and Susan both wielded laser swords.

The laser sword's blade has become very long, and it can cut off smaller tentacles with one strike.

The speed of the two was very fast, and tentacles fell down one after another.

Not long after, less than half of the tentacles on the alien beast fell off.

But then, new tentacles grew out.

Damn it, do you still have the ability to regenerate at super speed? Su Yuan cursed.

Alien beasts with super-speed regeneration are difficult to kill, and they are so big that it is a bit difficult to capture them.

Moreover, this strange beast can also cause earthquakes and cause large-scale collapse.

If he couldn't fly, he would have been killed by the earthquake caused by this strange beast.

Fortunately, so far, it has not used powers, and it probably won't.

The overall strength of this alien beast is only at the middle to lower level among nightmare-level alien beasts.

On the other side, Xiaoyu also used the laser on the interstellar spacecraft to shoot at the alien beasts.

Although it doesn't have much effect, it can disrupt the attack of this strange beast.

A few hours later, the strange beast was still not dead, but looked a little tired.

The tentacles cut off by Su Yuan and Susan were also eaten by it itself to replenish its own strength.

It was also the first time for Su Yuan to see such a strange beast that could even eat him.

After killing for a long time without killing anyone, Su Yuan felt that it was very difficult to win, but it was a pity to give up now.

However, he is different from others. He can also get systematic rewards for killing strange beasts and obtain survival badges.

So Su Yuan insisted on killing this strange beast.

At this time, Chris broke out. The zombie virus she injected into the alien beast had multiplied to the point where it could control the alien beast's body.

Following Chris's sweet cry, ice surged out of the entire body of the alien beast. The ice layer became thicker and thicker, freezing all the alien beasts.

Click click click...

This alien beast kept struggling, trying to get rid of Chris's control, but the zombie virus in its body was like a fishing net, tightly controlling its body, preventing it from exerting its own power and preventing it from triggering any more attacks. There was an earthquake and the tentacles were frozen.

Su Yuan stopped attacking and raised his laser sword.

If Chris couldn't control the beast, he and Susan would chop off the head of the beast.

Time passed little by little, and beads of sweat kept pouring out of Chris's face, as if she had just taken a shower and hadn't dried her body.

She is now competing with this strange beast. As long as she persists, this strange beast can be completely controlled by her.

Gradually, the strength of the alien beast's struggle became less and less, and the cracked ice cracks refrozen, and the alien beast was completely frozen by Kris.

Once the zombie virus in the alien beast's body takes over, she can control the alien beast as she pleases.

Seeing this scene, Su Yuan and Susan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it was slowly consumed, they could still kill this strange beast.

But it certainly won’t be as easy as it is now.

After more than half an hour, this strange beast completely became Chrissy's little brother and turned into an obedient zombie.

Su Yuan received a reward of one million survival badges.

The most important thing is that with this strange beast, it will be more convenient to hunt other strange beasts.

The interstellar spacecraft suspended in the air can finally land on the ground.

Xiaoyu and Su Xiaoyu walked down.

Master, should we occupy this place and build a base next, or continue to hunt exotic beasts and deal with other civilizations?

Don't worry, rest first and eat before we talk. As long as this strange beast is here, other strange beasts will not attack! Su Yuan said with a smile.

In this final, Su Yuan not only prepared enough food, but also brought nano-mechanical insects for mining.

Next, he will challenge some strategies. He will build a base to avoid disasters and hunt exotic beasts and other civilizations to earn points.

The attack power in his hand is not weak, and with the strange beast captured by Chris, he has no problem dealing with most civilizations.

But in the event of a serious disaster, there is no place to hide.

After eating and drinking, Su Yuan took Chris to inspect the territory of this strange beast.

As a nightmare-level beast, it occupies a mountain range and covers its territory for hundreds of miles.

Su Yuan picked a relatively stable mountain and planned to hollow out its interior and build a shelter inside.

According to the urinary nature of Hong people, disaster will break out at any time.

It is better to prepare a place to avoid disaster first.

Later, Xiaoyu also drove over in an interstellar spacecraft.

Master, the location here is pretty good. Do you want to start construction now?

Let's get started and build a few digging robots first!

Su Yuan brought a lot of small equipment, but it needed to be reassembled.

After releasing the nanomechanical bugs to mine, Xiaoyu began to assemble the metal smelting furnace and the mining robot.

Su Xiaoyu was also helping.

And Su Yuan sent Chris and Susan out to clean up the strange beasts around them.

If you encounter a strange beast that you can't defeat, you can choose to run away.

At this time, most civilizations are busy building their own shelters.

However, they all acted together, and only Su Yuan acted alone.

Ta Di is feeling quite depressed right now. The Atta people are relatively weak in the finals, so they have to obey the commands of other civilizations.

Old Tate took him with him and started mining again.

Mining here is even more dangerous than last time. If not, a strange beast will emerge from the ground and eat them all.

Old Tate, can you find another company? This Lihu civilization doesn't treat us as human beings at all. We might as well follow the Blue Star people to mine! Tate complained.

Old Tate quickly ran over and covered his mouth.

Prince Tadi, please don't talk nonsense, it will lead to death!

What are you afraid of? Is there anything worse than now? The food and equipment we brought have been taken away by them. Now we have to work for them if we don't have anything to eat! Ta Di was filled with resentment.

If his father hadn't insisted on listening to Old Tate, he would have fallen out with Old Tate long ago.

Prince Tadi, there is nothing we can do. Who told us to have an agreement with them a long time ago? If we don't help them, they will cause trouble for our Atta civilization in the future as long as we are in the original world! Old Tate sighed, feeling helpless.

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