The Hong tribe's spaceship has been prepared for a long time. As long as someone arrives, they can go directly after verifying their identity information.

Su Yuan walked in front, Xiaoyu held his arm, and behind him were Chris and others carrying large and small bags.

This time I brought a lot of things, mostly food.

Kris has a larger appetite, so she carries the most.

From a distance, it looks like a little ant lifting a large piece of bread.

This little weight can't crush Chris. Her current physical strength is no worse than Su Yuan's, and her speed is even faster.

After entering the spaceship, they found a private room and sat down, waiting for the spacecraft to take off.

The time of the competition is fixed. If you don't arrive before the departure of the spaceship, it means voluntarily giving up the competition and you will also be punished.

After waiting for several hours, the spacecraft took off, left the primitive civilization area, passed through the wormhole, and arrived at a strange planet in a different dimension.

This planet is huge, comparable to a star.

For such a huge planet, it stands to reason that the environment on it should be relatively harsh.

But here the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, it feels like a paradise.

The spaceship hovered over the planet. Su Yuan, Xiaoyu and others were the first to step off the spacecraft and were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Here, there is a planet bigger and more beautiful than Blue Star?

Su Yuan looked around and saw clear blue sky and white clouds.

Then a prompt sounded in his ears.

In this final, you need to accumulate 800 points to win. The top 10 can qualify to enter the junior civilization area!

Tip, destroy an opponent and get 1 point, hunt down a nightmare-level beast and get 10 points, avoid disaster and score according to your performance!

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment.

Here, what the hell, only the top 10 are eligible to enter the primary civilization area!?

The Hong people are forcing all participating civilizations to compete with each other and get higher scores.

Su Yuan complained, and quickly left the spacecraft with Xiaoyu and others.

The game hasn't officially started yet, so it's safer to leave early.

Because almost all civilizations work in groups, people like Su Yuan who act alone are easily attacked by others.

Taking out the interstellar speedster, Su Yuan flew Xiaoyu and others directly to the other side of the planet.

It's still dark here and the surroundings can't be seen clearly with the naked eye.

However, the interstellar spacecraft can independently detect the surrounding situation and generate a three-dimensional projection image, which is displayed in front of Su Yuan.

With an interstellar speed car to travel around, Su Yuan quickly found a relatively flat and relatively safe river valley, with mountains at his back and a river directly opposite.

After stopping the interstellar spacecraft, Su Yuan was about to get off, but Xiaoyu grabbed Su Yuan's arm.

Master, the Hong Clan just reminded you that you can get points by killing nightmare-level beasts, so can we think that there should be a lot of nightmare-level beasts living here!

Su Yuan was startled and felt that what Xiaoyu said made sense.

So now we have to be careful wherever we go. We don't know if there are nightmare-level beasts here. If there are, will they be more powerful than Blue Star's beasts?

Su Yuan nodded slightly, feeling that there was nothing wrong with bringing Xiaoyu here. Unlike last time, he had to use his own brain to do everything, and Su Xiaoyu and others didn't care about anything.

While the interstellar spacecraft was still hovering in the sky, Su Yuan asked Su Xiaoyu to investigate the surrounding situation.

Su Xiaoyu immediately released a large number of nanorobots to investigate.

After checking for a long time, I didn't see anything strange.

Master, there is nothing. Are we overthinking it?

It's not better. We have to be more cautious this time. The final is more difficult to win than the preliminary round, not to mention we still want to get first place!

How about I go out and take a look? Susan couldn't help but want to go alone.

With Susan's strength, even if she encountered a powerful nightmare-level beast, she would still be able to escape, so Su Yuan did not stop Susan.

After Susan got Su Yuan's permission, she happily opened the door of the interstellar spacecraft and jumped out.

Sister Susan, can you bring me one! Su Xiaoyu shouted.

Just wait and see, if you encounter a nightmare-level beast, it will swallow you up in one bite! Su Yuan threatened.

No way, I'm not that stupid!

Su Xiaoyu's fighting ability is not good, but his escape ability is still very strong.

After Susan left the starship, she landed on the ground and checked her surroundings.

But before she took a few steps, there was a rustling sound all around, and suddenly black insects emerged from the ground and rushed toward her.

There are a lot of bugs here, and they are very fast. They shoot at them overwhelmingly, like sharp arrows.

What is this? Su Xiaoyu, you haven't noticed it before?

Su Yuan turned to look at Su Xiaoyu behind him.

Su Xiaoyu stuck out her tongue playfully.

I found them and thought they looked like earthworms, so I didn't pay much attention!

Su Yuan: ...

Su Yuan turned around and flicked Su Xiaoyu's head.

Next time, just say whatever you find and don't judge for yourself. Fortunately, these bugs are not powerful and Susan can handle them!

On the ground, Susan waved her laser sword and chopped the flying bugs into two pieces. Her whole body moved like lightning. Before the bugs could react, they were cut off and fell to the ground.

But these bugs are not dead, they are still alive and kicking.

What's even more strange is that even though they were cut into two pieces, they didn't bleed.

After Susan chopped for a while, a thick layer of bugs fell on the ground. From a distance, they looked like big maggots. Seeing them so densely packed made people panic.

Although Susan's movements were fierce, the insects under the ground seemed endless. No matter how much she chopped them, they still shot out and pounced on her.

I'll go, why are there so many? Su Yuan frowned slightly.

Xiaoyu also felt something was wrong.

Master, why don't you let Chris go down and help?

Chris, you go too, don't make too much noise and attract other strange beasts! Su Yuan nodded.

Chris is wearing the starry sky battle armor of the Hong tribe, and her own abilities are not weak, so she has no problem dealing with ordinary nightmare-level beasts.

Chris jumped directly from the flying chariot and let her body fall freely. She used her freezing ability to release ultra-low temperature cold current.

The white cold current was like thick fog, quickly covering a large area around it.

All the wrapped bugs are frozen in ice, like bugs frozen in amber.

But it didn't last long before the bugs chewed up the ice, broke out, regained their freedom, and pounced on Chris.

Kris stood on her head with her eyebrows raised, stretched out her sharp nails, and cut the attacking insects into pieces.

But the bugs that were cut into pieces still squirmed and were soon eaten by other bugs that emerged from the ground.

The bugs that eat these fragments become fatter and faster.

Seeing these bugs swooping over again, Chrissy's beautiful eyes widened, and more ultra-low temperature cold current surged out of her body.

Suddenly, the entire ground was frozen, forming a layer of ice tens of centimeters thick, which was harder than the cement floor.

After preventing the bugs from emerging from the ground again, Chris waved her hand and chopped the frozen bugs around into pieces.

A few minutes later, with the joint efforts of Chris and Susan, the bugs finally stopped.

Su Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief, prepared to land, and parked the interstellar spacecraft on the ground.

Suddenly, the ice that frozen the ground began to break, and soon it broke into countless pieces, and the crackling pieces of broken ice bounced up.

Along with the crushed ice, fatter bugs popped out.

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