Really? Are these beetles difficult to kill? Su Yuan asked.

It is said that the beetles are comparable to alien beasts. The powerful beetles are more powerful than the emperor-level alien beasts. The most disgusting thing is that they also know how to arm themselves with technology. If nothing happens, they will also enter the primary civilization this time! Anton Lie nodded.

Okay, you go back and help me collect information and get the intelligent simulated sun as soon as possible.

After sending An Donglie away, Su Yuan contacted Long Yu from White Star.

But there has been no response.

Let me go, has this guy been maimed and hospitalized?

Long Yu often went in and out of the arena, and it was common for him to be beaten and maimed.

Unable to contact Long Yu, Su Yuan began to prepare for the finals.

This time, he decided to bring more food and various supplies.

In terms of personnel, prepare to bring Chris, Susan, Su Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu can repair and modify, and is almost an all-round robot.

Su Xiaoyu can detect the surrounding situation, while Chris and Susan are responsible for fighting.

Back in his room, Su Yuan picked up a pen, wrote and drew, and made a list of things that needed to be prepared.

Different from the preliminary round, you can bring more things, as long as you have the ability to win in the end.

After Su Yuan made the list, he handed it over to Xiaoyu to prepare. All the materials were prepared to be placed in the virtual warehouse and then taken out when the finals came.

In the blink of an eye, two days later, the Machinery House's business was pretty good and it earned a lot of supplies, but Long Yu had not responded to the message yet.

Antonlie didn't come here either.

Seeing that another day was about to pass, Andong Lie hurried over.

Mr. Su, I have found the smart simulated sun you want. I can help you buy it. It does not belong to us Horsemen. He is a frequent visitor to our arena, but he asked to buy 10 smart simulated suns at one time!

10 units? What's the price?

I have cut the price to the lowest, and I will never let Mr. Su suffer a loss. At least these 10 simulated suns are worth the same as one satellite!

Andonglie was worried that Su Yuan wouldn't be able to get the supplies.

Don't say 10 units, I can also buy 100 units. Tell him to trade as soon as possible. I hope to get the smart simulated sun before the finals! Su Yuan said with a smile.

In fact, Su Yuan didn't have much supplies in hand. All the supplies he won in previous games were sent back to Blue Star.

After Andong Lie left, Su Yuan frowned.

Sir, where can I get so many supplies?

After thinking about it, Su Yuan planned to do it.

He called Chris, Susan and Su Xiaoyu, and drove the interstellar chariot to fly out of the Beginning City and towards the nearest city.

Master, which arena are you going to grab? Su Xiaoyu said excitedly.

Don't lie, we are going to borrow some supplies. We have disguised them for me. Don't leave any clues!

Okay, master, don't worry, I promise not to let anyone know!

After some disguise and putting away the interstellar chariot, Su Yuan led Chris and others to find the largest arena.

The flow of people here is very high, and people are crowded in and out.

Su Yuan first signed up for a match with Susan, and then asked Su Xiaoyu to secretly investigate the situation of the arena.

This place is larger than the arena managed by Anton Lie, and the daily turnover is at least one-third more than that of Anton Lie's arena.

And there are more guards here, and they all look very fierce.

However, Chris, Su Xiaoyu and others were not afraid, but were very excited.

At first glance, he likes to stir up trouble.

After Su Xiaoyu figured out the situation in the arena, Su Yuan bet on Susan first, won a sum, and left the arena.

Several people went around to the back of the arena, sneaked into the arena quietly through the back door, destroyed security facilities along the way, and quickly reached the security room where the supply cards were stored.

This process went smoothly without any effective obstruction.

After getting the supply card, he didn't stop at all. He drove the interstellar spacecraft to escape from here, and went straight to the Hong tribe's trading market to transfer the supplies.

A handling fee was lost before and after, but the remaining supplies were still enough to purchase 10 smart simulated suns.

Early the next morning, Su Yuan received an invitation from Andong Lie to go to the arena to trade.

Su Yuan rushed over with Chris and others.

Antonlie greeted him at the entrance of the arena and came to a conference room. The other party had been waiting for a long time.

Mr. Su, this is my friend, Dean Xiong!

Hello, Mr. Bear!

Su Yuan walked over and stretched out his hand.

Xiong Dian also smiled and stretched out his furry hands. He was taller than Su Yuan, more than two meters tall, shaped like a ball and round, and his hands were like bear paws.

This look looked familiar to Su Yuan, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

At this time, Su Xiaoyu leaned into Su Yuan’s ear and whispered:

Master, this person seems to be the manager of the arena we robbed last night?

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xiong Dian, he really was this guy.

Last night, this guy was so scared that he took out all the supply cards without saying a word during the whole process.

I'll go, it's such a coincidence, so today's transaction can be regarded as returning the property to its original owner!

Su Yuan's expression remained unchanged. He was polite to An Donglie and Xiong Dian for a while, and then got down to business and inspected the intelligent simulated sun that Xiong Dian brought over.

This thing is more than 500 meters in diameter. It is like a giant glass ball. It emits sunlight like the sun and relies on cold nuclear fusion to produce a light source.

After inspecting the goods, Su Yuan chose the direct payment transaction.

After the transaction was completed, Xiong Dian left in a hurry.

Antonlie, why is he so anxious?

Mr. Su, you don't know that he was robbed last night. He took this supply and went back to make up for the loss. Otherwise, he will never be able to climb up in his life!

Really? So these intelligent simulated suns are his own?

I don't know where he got it from. He has a lot of knowledge and knows people everywhere! Antonlie shook his head.

Immediately afterwards, Antonlie said again:

Mr. Su, I have collected some information about the finals. Maybe it can help you!

Andonglie said, taking out a chip and handing it to Su Yuan.

Su Yuan took the chip with a smile and inserted it into his smartphone to read the data.

Hey, Antonlie, if you are interested, come and see me if you need anything in the future!

Su Yuan looked through the information and found that in addition to the beetle civilization, there were several other civilizations that needed attention.

These civilizations have stayed in the primitive civilization area for a relatively long time, and have gathered many people under their control to form an alliance.

Among them, the Atta people and the seal people whom Su Yuan was familiar with were their younger brothers.

At that time, perhaps we can use Lao Tate, Ling Hai and others to understand the movements of these people.

Later, Su Yuan returned to the Mechanical House with 10 intelligent simulated suns.

The smart simulated sun takes up a lot of space, and there is no room to put it in the Mechanical Home.

Master, why don't you send it back? The finals will begin tomorrow! Chris reminded.

Yes, just in time to pick up Xiaoyu!

Su Yuan didn't bother to rest, so he went back to Blue Star that night, picked up Xiaoyu, and handed over 10 intelligent simulated suns to Su Huan.

As for where to install it, it depends on the needs of the environment.

Su Yuan asked Badai, Tangtang and others to cooperate with Su Huan.

Early the next morning, Su Yuan was still sleepy, so Xiaoyu dragged him out of bed.

Although there are not as many civilizations participating in the finals as there are in the preliminary rounds, there are still a lot of people, so you need to go in advance.

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