The headache was unbearable, as if there were countless ants burrowing around in his head and biting him.

Okay, I'll take you there, but I have a severe headache, so you have to give me antiviral medicine! Luo Changfeng agreed helplessly.

Okay, I'll give you a pack first!

Later, Su Yuan asked Susan and Su Xiaoyu to follow Luo Changfeng.

First we came to several excavation sites.

The Yinxing people's plan to transform the planet was much earlier than Su Yuan's. Several places have been dug through and tunnels can be used to cross the planet.

It is now busy with construction. In addition to adding the alloy keel, it is also necessary to build a super-giant thruster to propel the interstellar carrier.

Therefore, the center of the planet was also hollowed out by the aliens, preparing to place thousands of thrusters.

Susan and Su Xiaoyu followed Luo Changfeng to the scene. Because Luo Changfeng was there, they entered many places without checking.

Su Xiaoyu used the nano reconnaissance robot to find out the surrounding situation, and then let Silkworm and other robots take the opportunity to copy the data.

As long as relevant data is obtained, Blue Star's transformation can be accelerated.

They followed Luo Changfeng, and with Luo Changfeng as cover, everything went smoothly.

Not only did we visit the excavation and construction site, we also visited various factories.

The various alloys, spare parts, and equipment produced in these factories are used to transform the planet and build interstellar carriers.

Su Xiaoyu also took the opportunity to copy relevant scientific and technological information.

When you go back, you can directly try to build related factories.

After verifying the data, Susan did not trouble Luo Changfeng, but directly gave him 10 days' worth of antiviral medication.

If an accident occurs after 10 days and Su Yuan and others do not come, then Luo Changfeng will have to wait for death.

Although the harvest was good this time, he did not get the intelligent shield machine and the star battleship of the Su Yuan that Su Yuan wanted.

Back at the survival base, Xiaoyu was busy verifying the data copied by Susan and started building related factories.

Su Yuan, on the other hand, was lying on the sofa and drawing the prize.

He accumulated 5 more lottery opportunities, and after finishing the lottery, he was going to go to the planet where the alien civilization is located again.

Open the system page and click the lottery button.

Golden light flashed, and various prizes flashed before my eyes.

Su Yuan looked forward to getting something good from this lottery.

After a while, the familiar voice of the system sounded in my ears.

Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a wormhole instrument. It has been distributed to the backpack, please check it!

I'll go, too many wormhole instruments are of no use!

Su Yuan complained and chose to continue the lottery.

The first opportunity was wasted.

Ding, congratulations to the host for getting an intelligent research and development robot for environmental improvement!

It doesn't seem to be of any use!

Su Yuan chose to take it out and take a look.

Hello, master, I am Environmental Protection No. 1!

A cute robot dressed in green appeared in front of Su Yuan. It looked like a green elf, even the hair was green.

Change your name and choose one that sounds nicer!

Su Yuan looked at Environmental Protection No. 1 and felt a little bit shortchanged.

Then Master, please call me Su Huan!

Su Yuan nodded.

Can you change Blue Star's current environment?

Su Huan was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Su Yuan would give her such a difficult task from the beginning.

Master, it's possible, but this is a systematic project that takes a long time and requires a lot of investment in materials!

When Su Yuan heard that it would take a long time, he didn't think about it for the time being.

Wouldn't it be better to slowly transform the environment after Blue Star is transformed into an interstellar carrier?

He felt that Su Huan was of no use, so he wanted to send Su Huan away.

Suddenly, I remembered the acid rain I encountered during the competition.

By the way, Su Huan, do you have a solution to the acid rain problem?

Yes, but it depends on how serious it is. The more serious it is, the more troublesome it will be!

That's good, I'll take you over to have a look!

Su Yuan took Su Huan and walked out.

Although the place where the previous competition was held was in a different dimension, the wormhole device Su Yuan won through a lottery could be used as long as he knew the coordinates.

That planet has completed the competition mission, and the Hong people will not go there again. Su Yuan plans to go there to mine minerals.

But the problem of acid rain must be solved first, otherwise the acid rain will corrode the mining nanomechanical bugs.

Su Yuan took Su Huan to the planet using the wormhole instrument.

There is still acid rain here. Drops of acid rain falling on the body can easily burn the skin and bones.

Su Yuan was wearing a super-intelligent battle armor, and Su Huan was also equipped with a starry sky battle armor. The two of them were suspended in the air, letting the acid rain fall on them.

How about it, can we solve the acid rain problem here?

Su Huan stared around with bright eyes, then stretched out her palm to catch some acid rain and checked the ingredients.

It should be no problem, but it's difficult to completely change the environment of this planet!

It doesn't matter if the environment changes or not, as long as it doesn't affect mining. How long do you need?

Well...if the master has enough manpower, it will take about a month! Su Huan thought for a while.

Great, come back, if you need anything, just ask Xiaoyu!

Su Yuan took Su Huan back to the survival base, handed over the mining of different dimensions to Su Huan, and called Niu Dali and others to help.

Afterwards, Su Yuan continued to draw, and he still had 3 chances to draw.

Ding, congratulations to the host for getting an intelligent interstellar speed car!

I'll go, what the hell is this?

Su Yuan was a little depressed and took out the interstellar speeding car. It was not very big and could carry up to ten people, but it was extremely fast, several times faster than the fastest interstellar battleship.

The most important thing is that it can be put into a backpack and taken out for transportation at any time.

Putting away the interstellar speedster, Su Yuan drew the lottery again.

Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a super-intelligent maintenance robot!

Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 10 super giant curvature thrusters!

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment, not expecting that he would smoke two good things in a row.

With this super-intelligent repair robot, he can leave Subo in the original world and repair various second-hand equipment.

The super giant curvature thruster can be used as the main thruster after the Blue Star is transformed, making the Blue Star's speed far exceed that of other interstellar carriers.

Su Yuan did not expect that there would be an unexpected surprise in this lottery. He excitedly grabbed Xiaoyu and flew out of the survival base and came to the ground.

Master, why are you pulling me out of the laboratory in such a hurry? Xiaoyu looked at Su Yuan shyly.

Is the master enlightened?

Shall I show you something good? Su Yuan smiled and took out a super giant curvature thruster from his backpack.

A huge machine that was as big as a mountain fell to the ground. With a loud bang, the entire ground shook violently, like an earthquake.

This? Is this a curvature thruster? Xiaoyu said in surprise.

Yes, I won 10 of them in a lottery, and I plan to use them all as Blue Star's main thrusters! Su Yuan smiled happily.

Master, you are so lucky. It will take us at least ten years to build such a machine, and we may not even be able to build it!

Hehe, from now on, it's up to you to speed up the progress of transforming Blue Star. The surrounding environment is getting worse and worse. There have been several waves of meteorites hitting Blue Star recently!

Master, don't worry. As long as there is no planet-sized meteorite impact, Blue Star will be fine. The Dragon Guards are not vegetarians either. As long as a meteorite hits, they will crush it!

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