Susan did not move, and coldly took out the upgraded version of the Super Headshot Virus Injection.

This thing is the latest development of Su Su. After the injection, I have a splitting headache. There is no cure. I need to take antiviral drugs regularly, otherwise my head will become congested and explode and I will die.

What do you want to do? Luo Changfeng asked in a deep voice with a cold face.

He was also a person who had seen the world, so he was not intimidated by Susan and calmly wanted to inform the guards outside the door.

On the other hand, Liu Jie beside him was trembling with fear, her mouth twitched, and she didn't say a word for a long time.

Susan did not answer Luo Changfeng. She moved very quickly and knocked out Luo Changfeng and Liu Jie.

Then the virus was injected into the two people's bodies, their hands were tied, and their mouths were blocked.

After doing all this, wake up the two of them.

Luo Changfeng immediately shouted, trying to alert the guards outside the house.

But in order to have an in-depth communication, they turned on the TV. The sound was so loud that the outside could not hear what was going on inside.

His mouth was also blocked, and no sound came out despite several attempts.

Soon I felt excruciating pain, my whole body couldn't bear it, and beads of sweat broke out from my forehead.

What did you do to me? Luo Changfeng glared at Susan. He wanted to say something, but couldn't come up with a single word.

Don't be afraid, I won't harm you, and I won't cause much harm to your Ao Xing people's civilization. I just want to cooperate with you and learn about some of your Ao Xing people's technologies!

Susan conveyed Su Yuan's intention to Luo Changfeng.

Although Luo Changfeng is not a good person and he cherishes his life, it is still difficult for him to directly betray the Auxing civilization.

So Su Yuan chose to do the next best thing and asked Luo Changfeng for some scientific and technological information.

When Luo Changfeng gets deeper and deeper, let Luo Changfeng betray him again, or let Su Die come over to replace Luo Changfeng.

After Luo Changfeng heard Susan's words, he shook his head desperately.

Dream, I can't possibly agree to you!

Don't refuse in a hurry. We are just trading some scientific and technological information. There is no danger to your civilization. If you don't agree, you will die soon! Susan said.

Luo Changfeng continued to struggle, and Zhang Jie next to him was also suffering from pain.

Soon I felt like I couldn't breathe, and my whole head felt like a thousand pounds of weight, making me so dizzy that I couldn't think properly.

It became more and more uncomfortable, and blood poured out of his mouth and nose.

Zhang Jie couldn't bear it and kicked Luo Changfeng hard, hoping that Luo Changfeng would agree.

Luo Changfeng himself couldn't hold on any longer and nodded hurriedly.

I promise you, let me go!

Susan did not pull away the rag stuffed in Luo Changfeng's mouth.

Stop playing tricks. If you don't want to die, you need to use special antiviral medicine every day!

Luo Changfeng nodded vigorously.

Quick, I can't survive anymore, give me antiviral medicine!

Susan took out a small bag of antiviral medicine and threw it to Luo Changfeng.

Luo Changfeng got better after taking it, but Liu Jie was still struggling painfully.

Who are you? How dare you sneak into our planet? Did you obtain our coordinates in this civilization competition? Luo Changfeng said with a sullen face.

You don't need to worry about who we are. At least we haven't attacked your civilization so far. If you don't cooperate, we can publish the coordinates of your planet. By then, you should know what the outcome will be! Su Su Leng said

Luo Changfeng's forehead wrinkled with three vertical lines, and he struggled for a while, I can cooperate with you, but I hope you won't attack us. We Yixing people are not easy to mess with!

As long as you are willing to cooperate!

Give me another bag of antiviral medicine, Xiaojie is about to die!

No problem, this bag will last for three hours. If you don't take new antiviral drugs after three hours, you will die! With that, Susan threw another bag of antiviral drugs to Luo Changfeng.

After Luo Changfeng finished taking the antiviral medicine for Liu Jie, he looked at Susan with a sullen face.

What do you want? It's best not to go too far. We have cooperation with the Sirius civilization. If you push me, I will invite them to come over and destroy your civilization together!

Try it if you have the ability. I estimate that by the time the Sirians come over, you will be dead! Susan sneered.

Luo Changfeng's expression changed, he struggled for a while, then he smiled and said:

I can't give you such core technology. I hope you won't make things too difficult for me. There are some things that I'm not qualified to touch!

We don't care about this. If you are worthless, we can definitely find someone else. After you die, someone will naturally take your place. When the time comes, I can definitely find him!

So you'd better think about it. What I want is your various experimental data for building the interstellar carrier, as well as various related scientific and technological information. If you are not able to give it, tell me as soon as possible! Susan said in a deep voice.

Luo Changfeng's eyes flashed with anger, frustration and helplessness. He was silent for a while and said:

I can give it to you, but you have to give me the medicine to cure the virus!

You have no choice, either cooperate or wait for death!

You! Although he was very reluctant, Luo Changfeng finally chose to compromise, and he did not dare to leak the matter. There were many people staring at his position.

Afterwards, Luo Changfeng and Susan discussed the deal and left the villa with them.

Zhang Jie was also controlled and did not dare to speak nonsense, so Su Yuan took Xiaoyu and others to temporarily live in the villa.

Master, do you think Luo Changfeng will deal with us honestly? Susan looked at Su Yuan, and he felt that Luo Changfeng was not that simple.

Luo Changfeng will definitely not be reconciled and will find a way to get rid of us. But when he can't find a solution, he will cooperate honestly.

However, don't push him too hard. If this person is crazy, he should be able to do anything! Su Yuan said with a smile.

Then what should we do? Xiaoyu frowned.

Don't worry, after we get their experimental data, we can try to transform Blue Star and build Blue Star into an interstellar carrier!

Next time we come back, we will directly replace Luo Changfeng and let Su Die pretend to be him! Su Yuan explained.

But would this be too risky for Su Die?

With Su Die's camouflage skills, the Ao Xing people should not be able to detect it!

After Luo Changfeng left the villa, he found his cronies and brought the best virus experts among the Auxing people to him.

After taking blood tests, these experts were also shocked. They had never seen such a highly active virus.

I couldn't find any solution for a while.

As time goes by, the virus in Luo Changfeng's body continues to mutate, and no one knows what it will become in the end.

Luo Changfeng warned everyone not to reveal the news. He planned to cooperate and find a solution at the same time.

Three days later, Luo Changfeng returned to the villa again with the information to make a deal with Su Yuan.

He gave the information to Susan and asked Susan about new antiviral agents.

Don't worry, let's verify whether you lied to us!

How to verify?

“Of course I’ll go to the scene and have a look!” Susan laughed.

Luo Changfeng's face was gloomy. The information he gave was of course true, but it was not complete. Some of the experimental data was hidden by him.

He didn't expect that Susan would ask to go to the site for verification. He didn't want to agree, but at this time, his head hurt again.

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