Susan curled her lips and said helplessly: How about letting it drive automatically!

Su Yuan ignored her, turned around and left the spaceship, preparing to repeat the same trick against the Rabbit Star's other spacecraft.

Susan was unwilling to give in. When she saw Su Yuan's back, she stamped her feet.

Since she couldn't follow Su Yuan, she planned to pilot the spaceship herself to deal with the Rabbits.

Susan sat in the cab and took the initiative to contact Xiaoyu, asking Xiaoyu to help her crack the control system of the spacecraft.

Then, Susan piloted the spaceship, with full firepower, and crashed into a spacecraft of the Rabbit Star.

I'm going, hurry! Hurry, dodge quickly, don't get hit by it! The rabbit man on the spacecraft shouted anxiously.

They are not Susan. They can ignore it. Even if the spacecraft is crashed, Susan can escape.

They couldn't run, and if they wanted to turn around, it was already too late.

Susan increased her speed to the maximum and crashed towards them.

At this time, Su Yuan had just used his laser sword to break open the deck of the spacecraft before jumping in.

Susan, look back and see how I deal with you!

Su Yuan felt a little sorry for these spaceships. If they were all scrapped by Susan, it would be very troublesome to refit and build new ones.

He didn't have time to think too much, so he quickly left the spaceship and flew towards the last spacecraft of the Rabbit Star.

As soon as he left, he heard a violent collision behind him. With a bang, the huge collision force was like a meteor hitting the ground.

Su Yuan was almost thrown away by the air wave.

Looking back, I saw a roar, and the two spaceships were on fire, with blazing flames burning.

But Susan had already ran out and flew towards Su Yuan with some pride.

Damn it, my two spaceships! Su Yuan complained.

Susan didn't care so much and looked at the last spaceship of the Rabbit Star.

Su Yuan quickly warned Susan not to scrap the spacecraft again.

Half an hour later, the last spacecraft of the Rabbits was also captured, and all the Rabbits stayed to mine.

Then Su Yuan interrogated and found out the Rabbit base, which was even cruder than his own base, but he also captured a lot of good things that could be used to expand the base.

The expansion matter was left to Ling Hai.

In the next few days, the temperature dropped even lower, as if the entire planet was frozen.

The sea surface was frozen, and the icebergs formed by the waves could reach into the sky. Everyone stayed in their bases and did not dare to go out.

If you are unlucky and encounter an extreme cold wave, you may even freeze to death.

Fortunately, it didn't last very long, and the temperature gradually warmed up.

Immediately afterwards, it started to rain acid again.

Acid rain is not big at first, but it is extremely corrosive. Even the alloys used in combat mechas can be corroded.

The super sponge used by Ling Han to build the base's ceiling is most susceptible to corrosion. A drop of acid rain falling on the super sponge can corrode a big hole.

What's even more frightening is that the spacecraft and factories in the base will suffer severe corrosion when exposed to this kind of acid rain.

Ling Hai scratched his head in worry, but he had no good solution.

Su Yuan called everyone together, Everyone, you have also seen that the higher the temperature, the greater the acid rain. Let alone win the game, it will be difficult to go back alive!

Ling Hai remained silent, and Old Tate also lowered his head.

But Ta Di stood up firmly and said, You kid, let me go quickly. What's so scary about acid rain? Don't scare people here!

Okay, since you're not afraid of death, I'll let you go out and experience things! Su Yuan said with a smile.

Mr. Su, you can't do this, someone will die! Old Tate quickly begged for mercy.

Su Yuan didn't care so much and asked Chris to control the tower flute and walk outside the base.

Although there is water leakage inside the base, it is still much stronger than outside.

Outside, the acid rain has been pouring down harder and harder. Not to mention burning the skin, even the bones can melt.

As soon as Ta Di walked out, he jumped back in a hurry, screaming in pain.

Although only a few drops of acid rain fell on him, he was not wearing a combat armor, and the ordinary clothes on his body could not protect him from the corrosion of acid rain.

His skin and muscles were quickly corroded and burned by the acid rain. In serious places, there was even a big pit where the white bones could be seen.

You kid tricked me! Tadi scolded.

What's wrong with you? It's you who insists on going out. Su Yuan said with a smile.

Humph... Ta Di glared at Su Yuan, holding back his anger but unable to refute.

Su Yuan didn't bother to argue with him and looked at Old Tate, Do you have any good ideas?

Mr. Su, there is nothing I can do. Looking at the current situation, the acid rain will get heavier and heavier. We can only abandon the base and dive into the seabed. If the sea water neutralizes the acid rain, we will not die!

The idea is okay, but it would be a pity to abandon the base. Ling Hai, what about you? Is there any way?

Mr. Su, given the current situation, the only way is to rebuild the base under the sea and take all the equipment away!

Su Yuan frowned and struggled for a while.

The corrosiveness of acid rain exceeded his expectation, and was actually many times more powerful than sulfuric acid.

He didn't know whether the acid rain was natural or caused by the Hong people.

It would be okay if it stopped in the next while, but looking at the current situation, it will take at least a month or two.

Except for the super-intelligent battle mecha on his body, nothing else could withstand the corrosion for such a long time.

Then hurry up and move, also move to the nearest sea area, and then slowly find a suitable place to rebuild the base! Su Yuan said helplessly.

He had no other choice but to seize the time to move before the acid rain got heavier.

Currently, Su Yuan has two large spaceships and six small aircraft in his hands, all of which were transformed from captured materials and equipment, among which the Rabbits made the greatest contribution.

Later, Su Yuan divided everyone into two teams. First, he asked Chrissy and others to carry the equipment from the factory to the spacecraft. After a spacecraft was filled with equipment, Susan and others were asked to drive the spacecraft to transport the equipment. nearest sea area.

After unloading the cargo, Susan went back to pilot another spacecraft, which would be more efficient.

Su Yuan took Su Xiaoyu into the sea to find places rich in mineral deposits and rebuild the base.

Arriving above the sea, looking around, the originally frozen seawater has melted a lot, and ice floes can be seen everywhere.

The black acid rain fell in thin puddles into the sea water, like boiling water dripping into a boiling oil pan, making crackling noises.

Su Yuan frowned and plunged in with Su Xiaoyu.

Master, my ocean is so big, where can we find a suitable place to rebuild our base?

Isn't it all up to you? Don't you know how to do reconnaissance?

Master, I know how to detect intelligence, but I don't know how to mine or look for minerals!

It's all the same. If you can't find it, I'll sell you later! Su Yuan threatened.

Su Xiaoyu raised her lips in dissatisfaction and did not dare to resist, so she had to take apart all the nanorobots she could take apart and let them disperse and search around.

As for whether there are mines in the center of the earth, Su Xiaoyu really has no idea.

Seeing Su Xiaoyu's frowning face, Su Yuan was embarrassed to scare her again and said with a smile:

If you can't find mines, you can find people. Other civilizations will also build bases around them. The place they choose shouldn't be too bad!

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