Such deformed civilizations are not common in primitive civilizations, but are common in primary and intermediate civilizations.

As she continued to invade the main control computer, the smile on her face became brighter. As long as she could control this spaceship, she would have made a great contribution. When the competition was over, she would also receive generous rewards when she returned to the Rabbit civilization.

How's it going? My spaceship is pretty good, isn't it?

Suddenly, Su Yuan's voice sounded from all around.

Meng Jie was so frightened that she trembled all over. She raised her head and saw Su Yuan's people all around her, and her companion who had sneaked in with her had been caught.

Second sister, I'm scared!

Shut up! Meng Jie glared at her companion, then looked at Su Yuan with a smile, Mr. Su, we were just confused for a moment, please spare us this time!

Your companions will be arriving soon! Do you want to delay? Su Yuan laughed.

How do you know? Meng Jie's eyes widened in surprise.

After you handed over the combat mecha, I asked Ling Hai to check your combat mecha and do some tricks on your combat mecha. I knew it when you sent the message!

Damn it, then since you know everything, why don't you stop us? Meng Jie frowned and said through gritted teeth.

She felt like a clown in front of Wilson Su.

Why should I stop you? The more companions you have, the better! Su Yuan sneered.

Meng Jie rolled her eyes, stamped her foot, raised her arm and shot a laser towards Su Yuan.

Her hands have been transformed into laser machine guns, which can continuously release lasers. This is why she dares to hand over her weapons easily.

But she underestimated Su Yuan.

Su Yuan's reflex nerves far exceeded those of ordinary people. The moment Meng Jie took action, he moved quickly and at the same time released his ultrasonic power. A super sound wave directly bombarded Meng Jie's heart.

With a bang, Meng Jie's whole body trembled and she almost fainted and fell to the ground.

Although her heart was replaced with a mechanical heart, it could not withstand the damage of ultrasound.

This caused her to move a beat slower and miss Su Yuan.

Others around him were also attacked by synchronized sound waves.

Ling Hai and others looked at Su Yuan in surprise. This time they realized how terrifying Su Yuan was.

Su Yuan rarely shows his true strength, and usually uses the power of super-intelligent combat mechas.

After avoiding Meng Jie's attack, Su Yuan went directly behind Meng Jie and grabbed Meng Jie's neck.

You are no match for me. To be honest, what exactly do you want to do when you sneak into my base? Su Yuan said.

I didn't expect that I would fall into your hands. You can kill me or chop me into pieces. You don't want me to betray my civilization!

If you don't say it, your companions will too! Su Yuan sneered and looked at Chris and Susan.

Susan was holding Meng Jie's companion in her hand, and no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't get rid of him.

Don't kill me, I don't know anything. I will do whatever my second sister tells me to do!

Kris walked up to her without saying a word, stretched out her sharp fingers, and directly injected the zombie virus into her body.

Since you don't know anything, then tell me what you did before? Su Yuan said.

We didn't do anything. We just deceived other civilizations to rescue us, and then we sneaked into their bases and captured them!

What are you arresting for?

Of course we'll save the meat. There's nothing in this damn place. We can't possibly starve to death!

Su Yuan frowned. These two seemingly harmless women in front of him could actually do anything.

Chris, let them mine every day from now on!

Su Yuan originally wanted to kill Meng Jie and the two directly, but felt that this would be too cheap for them.

At this time, swish, swish, beams of lasers suddenly bombarded, causing the entire spacecraft to sway.

Hahaha, eldest sister and the others are here. You are all waiting to die. They will definitely kill you all! Meng Jie said with an excited smile.

The alarm sounded, and the large screen inside the spacecraft also showed three large spacecraft flying over, with strong firepower.

Don't worry, your eldest sister and the others are here to accompany you in mining! Su Yuan said, knocking Meng Jie unconscious and throwing her to Chrissy.

Su Xiaoyu, Su Die, you fly the spaceship to fight back. Susan and I will go out and look for opportunities to deal with them!

Su Yuan ran out while giving orders.

He is not afraid of these rabbit people, but he is afraid that the base he just built will be destroyed.

After he rushed out of the spaceship with Susan, he rushed towards an oval spaceship.

This spaceship was larger than his, with hundreds of laser cannons mounted on it.

The models of these laser cannons are very confusing, and the power of the lasers released are also different. At first glance, they look like weapons from different civilizations, forcefully pieced together.

Just looking at this posture was quite scary, but it did not hurt Su Yuan.

As long as it was not a frontal attack, Su Yuan could easily avoid laser cannons, and the super-intelligent combat mecha on his body could also withstand the bombardment of these laser cannons.

Together with Susan, he came directly to the deck of the spacecraft.

The defensive laser machine guns and laser cannons on the spacecraft turned their muzzles to lock on them.

Su Yuan directly used his freezing ability to release ultra-low temperature cold current, instantly freezing the surrounding deck.

But it still can't stop laser machine guns and laser cannons.

Boom boom, beams of lasers flew over overwhelmingly.

Su Yuan had already expected this result. He froze the surrounding deck, mainly because he wanted to quickly break it into pieces and enter the interior of the spacecraft.

After freezing the deck at ultra-low temperature, it will be easier to use the laser sword to cut the deck. No matter how thick the deck is, Su Yuan can take it apart.

But in this case, you will have to be bombarded by a laser cannon.

As beams of lasers fell, Su Yuan's super-intelligent combat mecha also suffered a certain degree of damage.

However, the damage is still acceptable, and Subo can be repaired after returning.

After Su Yuan dismantled the deck, he jumped in directly, followed closely by Susan.

As soon as they entered the spacecraft, they were bombarded by laser cannons.

A group of people pushed the laser cannon and surrounded it.

They are all captives of the Rabbit Stars. They are controlled by the Rabbit Stars. If they do not perform well, their flesh will be cut off. They are very afraid of the Rabbit Stars.

When they saw Su Yuan and Susan, they went crazy and attacked like crazy.

They didn't dare to resist the rabbit people, so they had to vent their anger on others.

Su Yuan would not sympathize with them, so he took out his laser sword and struck directly.

The movements are fast and handsome. Every time the sword falls, someone will fall.

In the blink of an eye, most people fell under Su Yuan's sword.

Susan frowned, feeling that she had not kept up with Su Yuan's pace just now and had killed fewer people than Su Yuan, so she decided to rush to the front next.

She took the lead and rushed into the cab.

Before the leader of the rabbits could react, they were violently attacked by Susan.

Every time Susan's sword fell, blood would fly.

The people around him were so frightened that they took up weapons and tried their best to resist.

But it was of no use. They were no match for Susan. One after another they fell. Susan was so focused on killing that she even forgot to leave anyone alive.

Master, what should I do? Everyone has fallen down, who is driving the spaceship! Susan looked at Su Yuan with an innocent look.

Who else? You!

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