Chris pulled Su Xiaoyu to avoid Dulade's shot.

Then he rushed directly behind Durad, stretched out his index finger and inserted it into the back of Durad's heart.

With a bang, the battle armor on Durade was pierced by Chrissy's sharp nails, directly piercing into Durade's body.

Then the zombie virus was also injected into Durad's body.

Chrissy's nails have become harder than alloy, especially after she released her freezing ability. A layer of hard ice can turn her nails into extremely sharp ice picks.

Dulade's fighting mecha was just an ordinary thing, far inferior to Su Yuan's super-intelligent fighting mecha, and could not stop Chris at all.

Dulade didn't expect that he would be knocked down as soon as he came face to face with him.

By the time the other Bila people reacted, Kris had already left from behind Durad.

Dulade, are you okay! Anyuaner frowned.

It's okay, they can't die. Let's go together and kill them! Durade gasped and said with some pain.

Anyuaner nodded and called on everyone to attack Chris and Su Xiaoyu.

Although Su Xiaoyu is more violent, her fighting ability is not very strong, far inferior to Chris. She is better at reconnaissance.

However, escaping is also her specialty. She was chased by a group of people and managed to escape without any injuries.

Chris, come on, kill them all! Su Xiaoyu shouted while running.

Chrissy nodded slightly. After she injected the zombie virus into Durade, she did not immediately control him.

Because she wanted to control Durade at the critical moment and surprise others.

After leaving Durade, Chris jumped into the crowd.

The place here is closed and there are many people, so it is not suitable for laser machine gun fire.

Others took out laser swords or laser knives and slashed at Chris.

Chrissy scurried through the crowd like a loach.

Every time you move, someone gets hurt.

The injuries were not serious, but they were all infected with the zombie virus.

The zombie virus will multiply rapidly in a short period of time and fill every corner of these people's bodies.

As more and more people are infected, Chris has more and more room to operate.

She can control someone and unconsciously move out of the way for her, or help her block other people.

These people cannot notice subtle changes in their bodies for a while.

Because Chris controlled the movements they made, it was not big, just a slight movement of her body.

It's like running too fast and not keeping a firm footing. It's hard to notice.

Hundreds of people struggled for a long time, but no one even touched Chris.

This made Anyuaner anxious. He felt that after looking for these people, he not only couldn't help, but also kept delaying their actions.

What a bunch of trash! Anyuaner complained.

Then he winked at the two Sirians on the left and right, and shouted loudly:

Get out of my way, don't block the way!

Hearing what Anyuaner said, the others were too lazy to chase Chris anymore and simply continued to grab things.

Anyuaner led his men to surround Chris and cursed:

What the hell, you are really treating us like monkeys! Today I will show you the top ten tortures of our Sirius!

Anyuaner had a wicked smile on his face, holding a laser sword and pointing it at Chris.

Chris' face was cold and she didn't take Anyuaner and the others seriously at all.

Su Xiaoyu, who was being chased all over the place by Dulade and others in the distance, also rushed over.

Don't insult monkeys, you all don't deserve to be monkeys! Su Xiaoyu scolded without showing any signs of weakness.

Anyuaner looked embarrassed and looked at Dulade, Come together and kill them!

Anyuan'er swung his laser sword and slashed at Su Xiaoyu.

Chrissy quickly pulled Su Xiaoyu behind her and released her freezing power, blocking an ice wall in front of her.

The laser sword struck the ice wall, causing water mist to form, but it did not hurt Chris at all.

Anyuan'er was unwilling to give in and waved his laser sword to slash at him.

With a bang, a crack was cut into the hard alloy ground.

But Chris had already stepped aside and thrust a finger at the Bila man next to her.

The Bila people are one-eyed. Although their eyes are larger, their field of vision is not as good as Chris's.

Before she could react, Chris was injected with the zombie virus.

He wailed, picked up the laser gun, and swiped at Chris.

It didn't hit Chris, but it made those who were fighting for things on the opposite side scream like ghosts.

Hey, you're blind!

See clearly before scanning, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!

That is, although I have collected your supplies, it does not mean that you can do whatever you want to us!

Durad quickly stopped the Bila man from continuing to fire with his laser machine gun.

And Chris went around behind another Bila man and repeated the same trick, once again injecting the zombie virus into the Bila man's body.

Su Xiaoyu also seized the opportunity and used laser to kill the one-eyed Bila man who was chasing her.

In this way, of the five Bila people, four were infected with the zombie virus and one was killed.

At this time, Chris felt that the opportunity was ripe, and was ready to control Dulade and others to attack Anyuaner.

Anyuaner struck with his sword again.

Dulade, who was following him closely, was about to attack Chris, but suddenly he found that his body was out of control, and his eyes suddenly turned blood red.

Then the laser sword in his hand was inserted impartially into the back of Anyuaner's heart.

Anyuan'er was unprepared and was stabbed by a sword.

There was a puff and blood spurted out.

Durad, what are you going to do? Anyuaner roared angrily.

Dulade wanted to explain, but his body was out of his control and he couldn't open his mouth. He swung the laser sword again and chopped down Anyuaner.

At the same time, the other three Billas, also controlled by Chris, besieged the two Sirians.

For a time, it was hard to tell the winner between the two sides.

Everyone else around him was dumbfounded.

What's going on? Aren't the Sirians allied with the Billas?

I'll go, are you jealous of money and want to divide the accounts in advance?

Are you stupid? Are you so early? The real owner hasn't been killed yet?

Yes, then tell me, are the Bila people secretly allied with the Blue Star people and want to plot against the Sirius people?

It's hard to say, but what do the Bila people want? One of them was killed by the Blue Star people just now!

Every time someone came to help, they were grabbing things and discussing.

Finally, someone thought of going out. Don't worry, the heavy alloy door can't be opened at all.

Seeing this, others became anxious and used laser cannons to bombard the door.

However, all the laser cannons placed here were small-caliber. Once the cannon was fired, a shallow pit was left on the alloy door.

What should we do? How can we get out!

What are you afraid of? There are so many of us. How can the Blue Star people kill us all?

That's it, let's go together and catch those two Blue Star people, and we will find a way out!

Suddenly, the people around them rushed towards Chrissy and Su Xiaoyu.

Su Xiaoyu was not afraid at all. He made a face to everyone and cursed:

A bunch of bumpkins, come and catch me if you can!

Seeing Su Xiaoyu so happy, Kris also raised the corners of her mouth, releasing more ice.

The entire mechanical house has almost turned into an icehouse.

Everyone's movements became slower, and it became even more difficult to catch Su Xiaoyu.

Chris glanced around, intending to end this farce.

As a result, she controlled those infected with the zombie virus and launched attacks on her surrounding companions.

All of a sudden, everything was in chaos.

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