Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 316 There are quite a few people

I just don’t know how much the Sirians paid this time and invited hundreds of people.

You know, a primitive civilization can only enter 5 people at a time. Only after obtaining the original galaxy, there are no restrictions.

Su Yuan was not in a hurry, and the people on the street were even less anxious. They would not rush in and cause trouble unless Sirius's people came.

This blockage lasted two days.

Su Yuan was not idle either. He had been betting in the arena managed by Andong Lie. With the news revealed by Andong Lie, he made more than 100 million tons of supplies.

And Susan has won 25 games in a row and won 5 tickets for the preliminary round.

Originally, Susan found it boring and did not plan to continue fighting.

At this time, the people from Sirius launched a challenge, wanting to fight Susan instead of betting on 500 million tons of supplies.

If the challenge fails, these supplies belong to Susan.

For the sake of supplies, Su Yuan decided to let Susan compete again.

If Susan loses, she has to hand over 5 tickets for the preliminary round.

However, Su Yuan didn’t think Susan would lose.

With Susan's current ability, she can fight against nightmare-level beasts alone, making her almost invincible in primitive civilization areas.

This time the Sirius civilization sent Angel's uncle, Andor.

Because Angel lost to Long Yu last time, but Long Yu was no match for Susan.

Based on Susan's recent competition, they felt that it was a fluke that Susan could beat Long Yu before.

They believed that Andorra, who had rich combat experience, could definitely defeat Susan, so they took out a large amount of materials as a bet to challenge Susan.

Moreover, the latest combat mechas and individual combat weapons were built for Andorra.

The game hasn't started yet, and more and more people are gathering outside the Mechanical House. The Sirius civilization plans to take action together.

While Susan was in the arena, she planned to smash Su Yuan's mechanical house and steal everything inside.

After many investigations, they believed that no one else except Susan could attack the Blue Star civilization.

Because no one else had ever been to the arena, and the only one who had made a move publicly was Su Xiaoyu.

Apart from teaching Saunier a lesson, Su Xiaoyu never touched anyone else.

But they didn’t know that after the Machinery House was built, Su Yuan sent Su Xiaoqiang back to Blue Star and called Chris over.

Su Die, Li Zhu and others were left to continue cleaning up the strange beasts.

As long as Chris is here, it will be useless no matter how many people come.

At this time, Su Yuan didn't pay much attention to the situation at the Mechanical House, but stared at the arena, waiting for the competition to begin.

Susan has stepped up, and so has Andorra.

When the Sirius civilization launched the challenge, it had already handed over 500 million supplies to the arena.

After winning, Antonlie will send someone over to hand over the supplies to Su Yuan.

Seeing the two of them take the field, enthusiastic cheers broke out all around. Not many people bet on Susan to win this time.

Almost everyone is optimistic about Andorra, because Andorra has won 33 games in a row before and has a strong fighting capacity.

Su Yuan, on the other hand, bet all the materials he had won these days on Susan's victory.

In other words, if Susan wins, he can earn more supplies.

At that time, you can purchase a smart shield machine from Longyu.

With the countdown explained, the fight begins without a referee and will not end until one party admits defeat or dies.

Andor looked up at Susan, took out his laser sword, and rushed forward preemptively.

As a Sirian, he was born with a pair of erect ears, furry like a wolf, and pierced Susan's heart with a sword.

He is extremely fast. He is wearing a black mecha. When he moves at high speed, he is like a black line that cannot be caught by the naked eye. Only when he stops can you see clearly where he appears.

Looking at Andorra rushing towards her, Susan hesitated for a moment, how much strength should she use?

Susan could easily catch Andor's movements, and instinctively stepped back, quickly turning her body sideways to avoid the fatal sword.

Then he kicked Andor away with another kick.

With a bang, Andor fell heavily to the ground, but quickly bounced up and struck Susan with another sword.

Susan didn't fight back immediately and avoided Andor's laser sword again.

Andor is the most powerful opponent she has encountered in the original world, but it is only comparable to a few emperor-level beasts.

If she had not become a super-intelligent mechanical life form, it would have taken some effort for her to kill Andor.

Now it's just a matter of swinging the laser sword a few times.

But she couldn't let others see that she was powerful. According to Su Yuan's plan, she needed to hide and wait for more people to challenge her.

Only in this way can the benefits be maximized.

On the other side, on the audience stage, Angel was also staring at Su Yuan.

His purpose was to prevent Su Yuan from going back to support the Mechanical House.

He didn't know that Su Yuan had no intention of going back at all.

After learning that the competition had begun, the remaining three people from the Sirius civilization also appeared outside the Mechanical House.

At the same time, there were five tall Bila men.

The Bira people are all one-eyed and bigger than the Sirians, and they also come for revenge.

Hey, I heard that there are a lot of good things in the Mechanical House, I want to go in and have a look!

Brother Dulade, what's the rush? Of course we'll go together!

Okay, Anyuan'er, what are you waiting for?

Under the leadership of the Sirius and the Bila people, hundreds of people around them poured into the Mechanical House.

Saunier was so frightened that he hid aside, not daring to say a word, and allowed Durade to pick up a laser machine gun.

Hey, the craftsmanship is pretty good. It's just like new. What a pity!

Durad said, throwing the laser machine gun on the ground and breaking it into two pieces.

Anyuaner also took out a laser sword and smashed the counter in front of him.

Everyone, if you want anything, just take it. After you take it, smash this place to me. We Sirius people will take care of it afterwards!

Immediately, the crowd swarmed forward and snatched the repaired and renovated fighting mecha.

Don't snatch it from me, this is mine!

Nonsense, I saw this first!

Two idiots, there are so many things here, do you need to fight?

Just when everyone was having fun grabbing it, there was a bang, and the heavy alloy door suddenly closed.

With a few clicks, all the spotlights on the roof were turned on, facing them.

Chris walked out with Su Xiaoyu.

Hehe, there are quite a lot of people there? Su Xiaoyu said with a smile.

Everyone who was a little nervous when they saw the door closed, saw that there were only Chris and Su Xiaoyu, so they continued to grab it.

Anyuan'er, Dulade and others also looked unconcerned. If these two people dared to provoke them, they were simply seeking death.

Dulade was so cruel that he directly picked up the laser machine gun and fired at Chrissy and Su Xiaoyu.

The other Bila people also took out their own weapons and bombarded the two.

Chris is wearing a combat mecha and is not afraid of laser machine gun fire.

Moreover, her speed is much faster than the emperor-level beasts, and can rival the nightmare-level beasts.

The moment Durade picked up the laser machine gun and took action, Chrissy reacted quickly.

A cold current surged out from her body, and the surrounding walls, air, mechanical equipment, and other items began to freeze and were quickly frozen.

Everyone felt cold. Even if they were wearing combat armors and fully armed, they still felt like they were in a world of ice and snow.

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