But still did not stop Silkworm Baby.

It is originally white, but after absorbing light, it looks like black carbon.

It crawled towards the alloy door, and its whole head was like a mosquito coil that was lit, and it began to melt the alloy door quickly.

All the melted alloy was swallowed, and the whole body grew a lot longer.

Then Silkworm Baby got in, found the core control computer, spit out the smart chip, and inserted it into the core control computer.

Master, I have completed my mission! Su Xiaoyu smiled excitedly.

Su Yuan looked at the time, it was exactly 18 minutes, and said with a smile:

It's pretty fast, but it's not finished yet. The silkworm babies haven't come back safely yet!

Then tell Sister Xiaoyu to hurry up! Su Xiaoyu raised her lips.

Su Yuan immediately contacted Xiaoyu and asked her to invade the core control system of the arena through the smart chip.

Although Xiaoyu is far away from Blue Star, she can still be controlled remotely through the system.

The pre-written program sneaks into the core control computer through the smart chip and cracks the core control system of the arena bit by bit.

Su Yuan didn't want to control the arena now, he just buried a nail in advance so that he could use it at any time when needed.

And he will not let An Dong Lie know that he can monitor An Dong Lie according to the instructions.

Soon the smart chip completed its mission. Silkworm Baby took out the smart chip, swallowed it again, and returned along the original route.

When passing by the previous alloy gate, it spit out the alloy it had swallowed before, repairing the alloy gate as before.

This way, no one will notice anything strange.

Ten minutes later, Silkworm Baby returned to Su Xiaoyu.

Su Xiaoyu proudly held it in his hand, showed it off in front of Su Yuan, and then put it back on the sole of his foot.

The silkworm baby turned back into Su Xiaoyu's big toe.

At this time, the competition in the competitive arena came to an end. Although Saunier was seriously injured, he gradually gained the upper hand.

One of his opponent's legs was broken by him and it was difficult to stand up, making it difficult to launch a powerful attack on him.

Saulnier rushed forward, threw him to the ground, then took off the helmet of the opponent's combat mecha and strangled him to death.

Xiaoyu, I'll give you another mission. Keep an eye on him and find out which civilization he belongs to! Su Yuan looked at Saunier in the arena with interest.

People like Saulnier usually have relatively good information in the Beginning City, and may be able to use it in the future.

Su Xiaoyu nodded, and she asked the nanorobots that had not returned yet to quietly approach Saunier.

As long as a nanorobot sneaks into Soniel, it can figure out what Soniel is doing at any time.

At the end of the competition, Susan felt bored and decided to sign up for the competition.

Susan should have played Rondo before. As long as she continues to win, she will have a chance to get tickets.

So Su Yuan asked Susan to continue participating in the competition with her last disguise.

Half an hour later, the game started, and Su Yuan used Chris and others' accounts to bet on Susan to win.

At this time, Andrea was in the office and saw Susan.

He was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't understand why Su Yuan didn't come to see him when he came to the arena.

A little panicked, could it be that he didn't do well and Su Yuan was planning to give up on him?

Antonlie immediately contacted Su Yuan secretly. He was able to reach his current position entirely because of Su Yuan.

Mr. Su, have you come to the arena? I saw Susan participating in the competition. Do you want me to use all my strength to arrange a weaker opponent for her?

No, with Susan's strength, there is no problem in winning! You work well according to the plan and climb up as soon as possible. How can you enter your headquarters to work!

Mr. Su, this is a bit difficult. It requires a lot of materials to smooth the relationship and outstanding performance! Antonlie said with a smile.

Oh, what kind of outstanding performance would be appropriate?

For example, make friends with other advanced civilizations, or support a primitive civilization to enter the initial civilization area!

What good will this do to you Horsemen?

Mr. Su, you don't know that whether you are in a primitive civilization area or an initial civilization area, you need to be vertical and horizontal. Otherwise, if you lose once, you will not be able to stand up, and you will be annexed by other civilizations!

And in the civilization competition, if several civilizations support each other, they have a greater chance of winning, and they have a better chance of entering the intermediate civilization area! said Andong Lie.

Su Yuan rolled his eyes and suddenly had an idea, and said with a smile:

You said, if we support Blue Star Civilization and enter the primary civilization area, will you have a chance to enter your headquarters?

Mr. Su, of course there is a chance. If we can clear up the relationship, maybe I can get several levels in a row!

Okay, I'll help you, but if you successfully enter the headquarters afterwards, you must collect a lot of supplies for me! Su Yuan said with a smile. What he actually wanted was the entire Horseman civilization.

If he could annex the Horseman civilization, he would be able to gain a foothold in the primary civilization area.

However, the premise is that he must lead Blue Star to win the civilization competition and enter the primary civilization.

Mr. Su, don't worry. As long as I can enter the headquarters, I will definitely raise supplies for Mr. Su! Antonlie said excitedly.

As long as he could climb up, the material issue would be easy to solve. As long as he didn't betray the civilization of the Horseman, he would have a clear conscience.

Okay, let's start with Susan's game. I want Susan to win 25 games in a row. You will personally deliver the tickets then!

Antonlie nodded. He is now the general manager of this arena and can reveal more information to Su Yuan so that Su Yuan can win supplies.

As long as it's not too excessive, it won't attract the attention of the Horseman headquarters.

At this time, Susan had already entered the competitive arena.

She was wearing a long yellow dress, holding a laser sword, and looked at her opponent expressionlessly.

Her opponent was a fat man with a fat head, big ears, a pig's nose, and a pig's tail.

Hey, little sister, you'd better admit defeat, I don't want to beat you to a black and swollen face!

The big fat man was fully armed and held a personal laser cannon, which was a bit like a rocket launcher and not high-tech.

Susan didn't speak, but just signaled that he could take action.

What a pity, you are so beautiful, I really can't bear to kill you! The fat man said with a smile.

Susan ignored it and pointed the laser sword at him.

The big fat man was not polite and took the lead, blasting Susan directly with the laser cannon.

Showing no mercy at all, he hit Susan on the head.

With a bang, the laser missed Susan and blasted a big hole in the ground.

When the big fat man came to his senses, he found that Susan had appeared behind him.

With a whoosh of two swords, both arms fell to the ground.

No, don't kill me. As long as you don't kill me, I can do whatever you want! the big fat man shouted hurriedly.

Admit defeat! Susan said coldly.

Susan remained aloof in the face of her enemies.

Okay, okay, I surrender, I admit defeat! the big fat man said.

Suddenly, the surrounding audience booed.

It's so boring that it's all over so quickly!

This damn fat man made me lose money again. If I had known better, I wouldn't have bet on you!

Really, Bai has grown so big!

After one session, Susan asked to cancel the break and play the second session.

This second game also ended quickly, and the surrounding audience began to realize how powerful Susan was, and they all placed bets on Susan's victory.

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