And Su Yuan also plans to go to the original world again and get a few participation tickets. He wants to go directly from the primitive civilization area to the primary civilization area.

After watching the video captured by the nano-unmanned reconnaissance drone, Su Yuan found it quite interesting and continued to keep it with Tuni to detect information.

Unconsciously, Su Yuan drank all the sour plum soup in the cup. He was about to ask Dabai for another cup when Susan ran over.

Master, this is so boring, why don't you let me hunt exotic beasts!

Don't worry, asking you to hunt exotic beasts is overkill. I plan to go to the original world with you again tomorrow! Su Yuan said with a smile.

Master, don't forget tomorrow, or go today! Susan's hands were itchy again.

Tomorrow, I want to have a good rest today!

Su Yuan ignored her and stood up to pour the sour plum soup himself.

Susan snorted coldly and went to the Sky City to wander around angrily.

The environment of Blue Star is getting worse and worse. According to the normal calendar, it should be winter now, but the temperature outside is even hotter than summer.

The Blue Star's atmosphere is also constantly losing, and it may not be long before it disappears completely.

Only by allowing the Sky City to cover the entire Blue Star and completing the construction of the interstellar carrier as soon as possible can the environment on the ground of Blue Star be changed.

Otherwise, the blue star is likely to become the next red moon planet.

The next day, Su Yuan took Susan and Su Xiaoyu into the original world again.

Every time the Hong tribe's wormhole instrument is used, it will appear at the interstellar port in the original world, and then enter the original civilization area from here.

With the experience from the last time, there is no need to register or open an account this time, just get on the Hong tribe's aircraft and arrive at the primitive civilization area.

This is a very big planet, and primitive civilizations from all dimensions of the multiverse have the opportunity to gather here.

Su Yuan didn't know how many people there were here, but most of them had very similar DNA and seemed to be inextricably linked.

Su Yuan showed Xiaoyu all the dander and hair collected last time to check, and they were exactly the same as he had guessed.

After watching the White Star people cultivate primitive civilization, Su Yuan suddenly felt that the entire multiverse civilization was cultivated by the Hong people?

Su Yuan himself couldn't believe this bold guess.

Only when we come into contact with the Hong people in the future will we have the opportunity to understand the reasons.

Su Yuan brought Susan and Su Xiaoyu to the Beginning City again.

After briefly disguising themselves, Su Yuan and others walked into Andong Lie's arena.

After what happened last time, this place was obviously much deserted.

Fortunately, Antonlie was recognized by the Horseman headquarters and became the general manager here, responsible for everything in this arena.

Su Yuan did not go directly to Andong Lie, but randomly found a competition venue and watched the competition.

In the competitive arena, two people are fighting fiercely, both wanting to win and kill each other.

As long as you win, you can get rich material rewards.

Su Yuan glanced at him and found that he was an acquaintance.

The person fighting in the arena was none other than Saunier, whose arm he had chopped off before.

Saulnier's arm has been reattached. He didn't get any supplies last time, and later he lost several bets. It was because he really had no supplies that he overcame his psychological fear and entered the arena.

He really wanted to win, so he was very ruthless in his attacks.

This also annoyed his opponent, who was not going to let him go and attacked the vital point every time.

Both of them are experienced and have fought dozens of rounds.

The combat armor on Sonier's body had many cracks. It seemed that if the fighting continued, the combat armor would be scrapped.

Su Yuan did not pay too much attention to the fighting situation, but turned to look at Su Xiaoyu beside him.

Today I want you to practice your skills. Sneak into the core control room of this arena and insert the smart chip into the main control computer!

Master, no problem, just watch it! Su Xiaoyu smiled. She took the smart chip, bent down, and inserted the chip into her big toe.

Immediately, her big toe turned into a silkworm, fell off from the sole of her foot, and crawled towards the exit.

Xiaoyu, isn't this a little slow? By the time it climbs to the core control room, the day lily will be cold!

Master, don't worry, you didn't see so many probes around you! Su Xiaoyu said.

Then what should I do? Does it keep crawling like this!

No, it will release interference and affect these probes, and it can absorb light and surrounding heat. After a while, these probes will not be able to detect it!

With so many people here, the arena guards won't notice it, and it will disappear from the screen in no time!

This is quite fun. How long will it take to sneak in? Su Yuan said with a smile.

Master, if there are drawings of this arena, it will be fast, otherwise Silkworm Baby will be groping little by little to find the location of the core control room! Su Xiaoyu explained.

I do have the distribution map of the arena, but I can't give it to you. This time is meant to be a test for you. How about I ask you to complete the task within half an hour?

Hmph, stingy, half an hour is half an hour! Su Xiaoyu raised her eyebrows and quietly took out her ears. A piece of earwax fell to the ground and turned into hundreds or thousands of nano-robots.

These nanorobots disperse quickly. They can use the air flow to quickly disperse to every corner of the arena.

He quickly figured out the distribution of the arena and passed the relevant information to Su Xiaoyu.

Su Xiaoyu passed the information to Silkworm Baby again.

Silkworm Baby immediately locked onto a place where it was possible to prevent the core from controlling the computer, and then crawled directly over.

At this time, its speed was much faster, exceeding the speed of sound, and the guards monitoring the background could not see it at all.

It felt like a gust of wind as it crawled past the others.

Soon we arrived at the core of the arena, where various high-tech defense equipment, smart cameras, laser defense walls, electromagnetic wave induction equipment, magnetic field detectors and other detection equipment were installed.

Once someone breaks in, changes in the surrounding magnetic field, temperature and wind speed will cause an alarm.

Silkworm Baby, a spin-off from Su Xiaoyu, is also an intelligent robot with its own independent analysis capabilities.

When I got here, I slowed down and crawled quietly on the ground.

All kinds of detectors didn't respond, and even the laser wall formed by the laser beam couldn't stop it.

It climbed directly over and hit the laser wall formed by the laser beam. When the laser hit it, it also simulated a laser and shot out without causing an alarm.

The laser beam did not damage it. It looked very fragile, but ordinary laser beams could not harm it unless the laser sword in Su Yuan's hand was used.

Silkworm Baby successfully entered the core area, where various important data terminals and core control computers are placed.

But there is still a thick alloy door blocking Silkworm Baby. This door requires three passwords and Andong Lie's fingerprints to open.

Antonlie doesn't know the password either. The Horseman headquarters will tell Antonlie the password when it needs to be opened.

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