Like silkworms eating mulberry leaves, a rustling sound rang in Okun's ears.

He could feel that there were countless terrifying things around him, eating away at Guards Car No. 1. His seat kept collapsing, and he finally sat down on the ground.

The metal casing, engine, gearbox and other metal equipment of the entire Guard No. 1 car have disappeared. Even Okun's million-dollar watch has only a glass cover left.

Nanomechanical bugs have not harmed any humans. They are not interested in humans and only eat all metal products.

Soon, one survival base after another fell, and communications among the major survival bases were also interrupted, and Su Yuan's chat forum system could only be used.

Okun sat on the ground crying and shouted helplessly: It's over, the rice is over!

And all of this was monitored by Hapili.

She now regrets why she didn't take out the nanomechanical bugs earlier. As long as the nanomechanical bugs are used, humans will have no resistance in front of him.

In order to recover some losses, she asked Hapinan and others to continue to capture humans and bring them back to the world of dinosaurs.

However, this time, she wanted to go back with all the fleet to prevent Su Yuan from making another sneak attack.

There are more and more nanomechanical bugs, and the storm they form blows from the land of Midu to the major survival bases of Blue Star.

At this time, Su Yuan was still enjoying lunch.

She had no idea what Happy was doing.

In the past two days, he has gained a lot. Suber has repaired and renovated all the spaceships and flying ships, and bound them to the survival base system.

Su Yuan can remotely control any spacecraft and flying ships.

Moreover, most of the nearly 350,000 dinosaur robots seized have been repaired and renovated.

Although these dinosaur robots are far less intelligent than robots such as Niu Dali, they can still be used to hunt aggressive and brutal beasts.

Su Yuan was eating the grilled fish made by Dabai while watching the video in front of him.

On the screen, Zari and other dinosaurians were shown hunting exotic beasts.

Not only did he send out Zari and four other dinosaur teams, he also sent out 280,000 dinosaur robots, centered around the place where he is currently stationed, to clean up the surrounding alien beasts.

Su Yuan is not afraid of making trouble. It would be better if he provokes a few emperor-level beasts. He lacks a survival badge.

Not only ion pulse cannons are needed, but also superconducting electronic defense aircraft, as well as many combat mechas.

Ning Ruolan's Dragon Guard, so far, only Ning Ruolan is equipped with a combat mecha, while the others are still using auxiliary mechas.

This greatly affects the combat effectiveness and cannot meet the standards of Dragon Guard in his mind.

Su Yuan plans to build a combat mecha production line, but the investment is a bit high and requires a large number of survival badges to purchase blueprints, various equipment, and spare parts.

However, his current daily income from survival badges cannot keep up with his consumption, so he can only earn survival badges by hunting exotic beasts.

Ni Ma, why do I feel like I am a bit like when Mi Du became rich, scrounging for supplies and reaping benefits.

Su Yuan laughed at himself. He needed a lot of investment in the early stage before he could get huge returns in the later stage.

If millions or tens of millions of laser machine guns, tens of thousands of combat mechas and other weapons could be produced every day, the materials and survival badges earned from daily transactions would be enough for Su Yuan to develop a survival base.

There is no need to hunt strange beasts like this every day.

Even after he completes the transformation of Blue Star, he can build a zoo of exotic animals for people to watch and play.

Su Yuan looked at the scene of Zari and others hunting strange beasts, but his thoughts flew to nowhere.

Xiaoyu didn't need to eat, so she sat opposite Su Yuan, clasping her chin with her hand and looking at Su Yuan.

Master, do you have an appetite when you look at this scene of flesh and blood flying around?

Su Yuan disagreed, picked up a piece of fragrant grilled fish, and said with a smile:

What's the matter? It's worse than watching a horror movie. It doesn't affect me at all. However, Dabai's food is getting better and better. The taste is very suitable to my appetite!

Dabai brought another bowl of meatball soup and put it on the table. Hearing Su Yuan's compliment, he smiled and said:

Thank you for the compliment, Master, because now I know more and more about what Master likes to eat, and I will match the most nutritious food to Master according to Master's preferences!

That's right, Xiaoyu, look how capable Dabai is! Su Yuan said with a smile.

Xiaoyu suddenly raised her mouth in dissatisfaction: I can also cook, it's just that you don't let me do it!

You have to do everything without being exhausted! If you have nothing to do, come with me and think about how to build an ion pulse cannon! Su Yuan said with a smile.

Master, the ion pulse cannon is not difficult, but there is a lack of spare parts! If there are some, Bad Bad and I can build it in three or four days!

Su Yuan scratched his head, but unfortunately repairing and modifying various equipment cost him another 10 million survival badges.

Xiaoyu thought for a while and then said:

Actually, Master, the way to quickly get rid of the nanomechanical bugs is to control them. If Master can catch some nanomechanical bugs, he can have Tangtang implant the control program to try the effect of controlling them and let them kill each other!

Forget about catching them. If you want to meet them, you won't encounter them one by one, but by billions. Now we can only run away. Can we make nanomechanical bugs ourselves to deal with Happyli's nanomechanical bugs! Su Yuan said.

Master, of course you can, but the production of nano-mechanical insects has already touched the threshold of mechanical life. It will be difficult to create it in a while! Xiaoyu said with her mouth raised.

Su Yuan had no choice but to continue hunting the strange beasts.

After eating, Su Yuan opened the chat forum system to check the situation of major survival bases.

Unexpectedly, everyone was discussing in horror the unknown disaster that Midu and other survival bases had encountered.

After reading the post carefully, Su Yuan guessed that this was the reason why Happy used the nanomechanical bug.

Mud horse, this is really cruel, it will directly bring you back to the Stone Age. This will make people who have forgotten the primitive way of life how to survive!

Moreover, the scope of the nanomechanical insects continues to expand, and has already arrived in Mining Capital, Fudu, Red Capital and other places. It won't be long before they enter Huadu.

At this rate, humanity will lose all mechanical equipment and all metal products in less than three days.

This is a bit of a test for Huadu, whether to destroy Blue Star or return to the Stone Age and start over.

Huadu has issued the most serious warning to Hapili.

But Happy denied that she did all this, and the dinosaur man was also a victim, looking like a thief shouting to catch the thief.

Although no one believed Happy, there was no evidence.

Huadu senior management held a meeting to discuss and decided to contact Su Yuan while actively looking for solutions.

After discussion, it was decided to seal all entrances and exits of the survival base with non-metallic materials such as ceramics and rubber to fully reinforce the survival base.

However, the ventilation problem has become a problem, but being closed for a few days is not a problem, because when building the survival base, complete closure was considered, and special oxygen production equipment was even built.

However, everyone will be prohibited from entering or exiting the survival base, including guards.

This has little impact on the people of Huadu, and they don’t want to go out for a walk if they have nothing to do.

While Su Yuan was browsing the forum information, Luo Qin made a call through the chat forum system.

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