Forcing him? What can we do to threaten him? Happyli asked doubtfully.

Sister, humans, we can threaten him with other humans!

Happy shook her head, Do you think he cares about the life and death of other people? We have taken away so many humans and we have never seen him appear!

Sister, didn't you notice that there were no Huadu people among the humans I took away? Su Yuan has been cooperating with Huadu, he should care about the humans in Huadu! Happinan said.

But Huadu is hard to deal with. He is a tough guy. If you make them anxious, they might really blow up Blue Star and die with us! Hapili rubbed her head.

She also knew that there was no use in continuing to search now. She had lost four fleets in a row, leaving her unable to explain to Hapimo.

Sister, aren't there nano-mechanical bugs? Let's just use nano-mechanical bugs and destroy all the buildings in Huadu in one go, so that they lose the ability to challenge us! Hapinan continued to persuade.

Happy struggled for a while and planned to return to the ground before making a decision. The nanomechanical bugs were not something that could be used casually. If not, they would lose control and backfire on the dinosaur people themselves.

Later, Hapili led the fleet and returned to the Blue Star surface in disgrace.

After thinking about it all the way, Happy finally decided to give it a try.

She came to the strongest room of the spacecraft, entered the command, and took out a ceramic box.

Opening the box, there was a finger-sized mechanical insect inside, which looked like a cicada.

This is a nanomechanical female insect. As long as instructions are input, it can wake up from its slumber, continue to eat, and create the first batch of nanomechanical insects.

These nanomechanical bugs will continue to eat from birth, and then continue to replicate themselves, forming more and more nanomechanical bugs, and eventually evolve into a horrific disaster.

Although, Hapili has mastered the nanomechanical mother worm and can control the nanomechanical worm.

However, accidents may also occur. During the continuous self-replication of nanomechanical bugs, the program will be out of control and out of control. At that time, all nanomechanical bugs will attack regardless of whether they are friends or foes.

This is one of the reasons why the dinosaurians have this technology but rarely use it.

Hapili felt that there should not be many nanomechanical insects reproduced by just one nanomechanical female insect. Even if an accident occurred, she would be able to fully control it.

Finally, Happy entered the command self-righteously and awakened the nanomechanical female insect.

In the secret room, the nanomachine mother insect opened her eyes and found herself lying on a large iron block more than one meter thick. Without any hesitation, she started to eat the iron block.

A few minutes later, one thousandth of the iron block disappeared, and the mother nanomechanical insect also produced the first batch of nanomechanical insects.

These nanomechanical bugs are invisible to the naked eye. They are like viruses, gnawing away at iron blocks crazily. In less than a minute, their number has increased eightfold, and then continues to grow geometrically. It takes less than five minutes. , and gnawed the iron piece clean.

Then he began to attack the walls, floors, robotic arms and other experimental equipment in the secret room.

Everything was digested by the nanomechanical bugs at a speed visible to the naked eye.

They quickly replicated themselves, creating billions of nanomechanical bugs.

Seeing a breakthrough, in this strongest room, Hapili used the instrument in her hand to give instructions to the nanomechanical female insect to stop attacking.

Suddenly, all the nanomechanical bugs stopped, and all the equipment, walls, and floors in the room did not disappear again.

Happyli's eyes lit up and she was very excited, feeling that she could completely control everything.

So, she released all the nanomechanical bugs, leaving only the female nanomechanical bug.

The nanomechanical bugs that were released from the spacecraft drifted away with the wind, spreading from the sky above the Midu survival base to the entire Midu and the entire Blue Star.

Several nanomechanical bugs were blown into the ruins of the city by the wind and landed on the exposed steel bars.

Then the steel bar disappeared quickly, as if it had been melted, leaving behind a dense black line.

This is the visual effect formed by countless nano-mechanical bugs gathered together.

Soon these nano-bugs spread all over the ruins of the city, eating up all the metal and replicating more nano-mechanical bugs.

A few hours later, nanomechanical bugs had spread all over Midu. All the city ruins had disappeared, leaving only countless nanomechanical bugs forming a black wind, blowing everywhere.

Various survival bases in Midu also quickly found attacks from nanomechanical insects.

The hundreds of tons of metal gates at the entrance to the survival base were eaten away by nanomechanical insects.

Then came various transportation vehicles, various mechanical equipment, and even guns, armored vehicles, tanks in the hands of the guards, metal buckles on belts, and even earrings, necklaces and other accessories on women.

They all disappeared and became food for nanomechanical insects.

They only eat, not poop, and all the metal they eat will turn into spare parts for the nanomechanical bugs they copied.

The speed at which they devour is directly proportional to the speed at which they replicate themselves. The faster they devour metal, the more nanomechanical bugs they replicate.

Soon, calls for help came to Okun one after another.

Okun actually has a very busy day. He has to discuss life and have in-depth exchanges with Martha during the day, and he has to work overtime at night.

The emergency phone rang, and Okun ignored Martha who was responding enthusiastically to him and answered the call.

Something bad has happened. All the survival bases have encountered unknown invasions and have fallen into extreme chaos! said Midu Guard Captain Anderson.

Okun didn't understand. He was already a little dissatisfied with Anderson for disturbing him, so he said in an even worse tone:

Anderson, what is an unknown invasion? You're just a guard captain. You don't have to figure anything out, so you dare to call me!

Mr. Okun, this is a very scary thing. All metal objects are disappearing inexplicably. Tanks, armored vehicles, and even belt buckles. If this trend continues, it won't be long before we return to the Stone Age. ! Anderson said seriously.

Okun couldn't believe it and asked in surprise: Anderson, if you dare to joke with me or exaggerate, I will fire you!

My chief officer, I am telling you a very serious matter, related to the future of all of us! Anderson said angrily.

Suddenly, Okun had to get up, push aside Martha who was still busy and enthusiastic, put on clothes, called the guards, and planned to go out and see for himself.

He walked out of the office building, took guard car No. 1, and drove towards the entrance of the survival base.

Not long after driving, he encountered a traffic jam, but the panicked humans, even though he was the chief officer, did not give way to him.

In the distance, black storms blew in. Wherever they passed, only a few tires and some leather cushions on the seats were left of the running vehicles, as well as bewildered humans.

All the metal on the cars has disappeared, and the buildings on both sides of the road have collapsed. The concrete without steel bars is not strong at all.

Okun then realized the seriousness of the matter and said hurriedly:

Turn around, turn around, let's go!

However, it was already too late, countless nano-mechanical insects swept in.

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