Chapter 0324

This veteran Jin Dan late cultivator does not intend to keep any back players, nor does he keep it anymore. He wants to kill Cheng Rou as quickly as possible. As long as Cheng Rou dies, this Tianding Mountain Jin Dan will basically collapse.

“War God Axe!”

The cross-mountain sect golden core roared, and there was a faint shadow behind him. You must know that the fa-phase is exclusive to the Yuan Ying monk, and he can summon the fa-phase phantom in the golden core cultivation base. This is enough to show that the opponent’s mana is profound. , And powerful.

This phantom is a headless giant.

“The God of War Xingtian!” Cheng Rou couldn’t help being shocked when she saw this scene. She knew very well that she had no strength to stop this attack.

“Crystal barrier!”

There were dense crystal-like objects around Cheng Rou, as if she wanted to use this to block the blow.

“Hmph, do you think you can stop it with this? Die!”

A disdainful smile appeared on the face of the Jindan of the Cross-Mountain Sect, and then he chopped it down with his axe.

But it stopped in the middle of the cut, and even the shadow of the axe and the shadow of the law slowly dissipated.


The Cross-Mountain Sect Golden Core screamed and turned around with difficulty, only to find that a long knife had emerged from his chest.

Turning his head slowly, he saw a young and indifferent face, “You…who are you?”

“Ye… Han.”

Immediately he drew his knife, and took out the purple gold gourd to collect his soul.

The Allied Forces of the Three Sects suddenly lost a Jin Dan late stage, and immediately panicked. It was because of the flood dragon’s intrusion that their formation was in chaos. Now even the monks headed by them have been killed, if it weren’t for the two Yuan Ying in the sky. At this time, it is estimated that the three coalition forces have already been defeated.

Putting away the other party’s storage bag, Ye Han came to Cheng Rou, “Master, your body is in a mess, you have to adjust your breath quickly.”

“No, it’s important to kill the enemy, you go and help others!”

With a relieved smile on Cheng Rou’s face, she hurried directly towards the Jindan battlefield on the other side.

Ye Han didn’t say much when he saw it. He began to look for the next target. The three coalition forces did not send out many monks above the middle and late stages of the Golden Core. Now most of them died in his own hands. There were no three on the entire battlefield. Ao Hong, a monk in the late Jindan period, can kill directly, and he can constantly look for prey like a hunter.

Just after Ye Han swung a knife to kill a golden core, the two Nascent Souls above could no longer sit still.

This time, the Golden Sword Sect brought very few golden cores, but there were more Qi refining and foundation building. If the following Flood Dragon and Ye Han were killed, even if it was the final victory, then the Golden Sword Sect would probably not last for a while.

“Brother Panshan, I will solve the two troubles first, and then come back to deal with the ancestor of the Cheng family together with you.”

After finishing speaking, he flew down without waiting for Panshan’s consent.

In fact, Xiao Yijian still has another idea, that is, wait until Panshan and Cheng Laozu finish fighting, it is best for Cheng Laozu to blew himself and Panshan to die together.

Now Bai Jue of Asuka Gate has fallen. If Panshan falls again, there will only be one Nascent Soul in each of the Tiannan Three Sects, so the Golden Sword Sect will no longer be too passive in the future.

And as the only surviving Nascent Infant, everything on Tianding Mountain will not have the final say.

It was with these thoughts that Xiao Yijian came straight to Ye Han. He planned to kill this guy who was only in the middle of the golden core, and then deal with the dragon, and waste a little time on the dragon. It was perfect.

Of course, Panshan naturally saw Xiao Yijian’s thoughts. He could become the commander of the three coalition forces. He was naturally not bad in strength and mentality. He could see through Xiao Yijian’s thoughts at a glance, except that he was right. Xiao Yijian was full of hatred, and couldn’t do anything else. After all, if Xiao Yijian didn’t go down anymore, I’m afraid the Jiaolong and Ye Han who just broke in could slaughter the three coalition forces below.


Panshan directly chose to confront Old Ancestor Cheng, and since you Xiao Yijian want the old man and Old Ancestor Cheng to die together, then this seat is not as good as you wish.

Old ancestor Cheng saw Panshan no longer attacking him. He was taken aback for a moment, and then he was happy. He figured out the whole story and stopped his hands tacitly, but began to speed up his recovery.

For a while, the sky fell into calm.

“Old ancestor Cheng, in fact, our Trans-Mountain Sect does not have much maliciousness towards your Cheng family. The reason why we came this time is nothing more than to maintain the status of the Three Sects in Southern Tian. Sect, I can assure you that your eight tribes can be treated normally, and you can still become the Supreme Elder of the Cross-Mountain Sect!”

Since I won’t fight for the time being, it’s okay to brag.

Old ancestor Cheng gave Panshan a white look, then closed his eyes again and stopped talking.

Seeing this scene made Panshan very angry.

“I don’t know what is good or bad, wait until I level your Tianding Mountain, and you will see your mouth hard at that time, my life magic weapon is still short of a Nascent Infant sacrifice, it is you!”

“Don’t speak yet? Do you think it’s all right if you don’t speak? How about letting you recover?”


Xiao Yijian also saw the situation in the sky at this time, and he whispered to the old fox in his heart, and then rushed towards Ye Han. Since the strategy failed, he must solve it quickly and then go back. Unfortunately, such a good opportunity.

“Boy, die!”

Xiao Yijian waved one hand in the air, and a superb magic weapon pierced directly at Ye Han.

The younger Ye Han got cold, and Tian Ling Gai was sweating, avoiding again and again.


I saw a spirit sword slid by the side directly, if it hadn’t been directly dodged in time, I am afraid that it would have come to myself with a pair of passes.

After dodge consecutively, Ye Han stabilized his position and looked up. The official Yuan Ying monk Xiao Yijian, who is also Xiao Wushao’s father, seemed to be in conflict with the Xiao family.

“Boy, the speed is good, but in front of the old man, you can’t escape.”

After Xiao Yijian shot down, he didn’t immediately do it again. At any rate, he was a cultivator of Yuan Ying, who wanted some face.

“If that’s the case… then you chase me.”

Before he finished speaking, Ye Han turned his head and slipped away.

This operation directly stunned Xiao Yijian on the spot.

After he reacted, his face turned pale, “Good boy, so cunning, when the old man catches you, you will be imprisoned and tortured for a hundred years!”

After speaking, Xiao Yijian immediately caught up.

In an instant, Ye Han and Xiao Yijian disappeared into Tianding Mountain, but kept flying towards the distance.

On the battlefield, Cheng Rou and the others saw Ye Han lead the Nascent Soul monk away by himself. Their expressions suddenly changed. They were naturally worried that Ye Han had an accident, but it was already a great situation and they must cherish it.

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