Chapter 0323

“Do not!”

Ye Han just raised his head from the ground, he saw that the pixelation became more and more serious, and the appearance of his wife and children became more and more blurred. It was very idle that the system in this world was clearing the fault.

When Ye Han desperately rushed towards his wife and children again, the pixels disappeared and everything returned to normal, but Wan Qing and her newborn child also disappeared.

“Ye Han, what’s wrong?”

Ao Hong heard the sound and rushed in immediately. He saw Ye Han sitting on the jade platform, but he didn’t see Wan Qing either. He seemed to understand something.

“Ye Han, you have to hold on.”

Ye Han was silent.

“Ye Han, I’m sorry, if I were more careful, it wouldn’t happen now.”

Ao Hong continued.

Ye Han raised his head and shook his head, “Brother Ao Hong, this is not your business, but the ghost of this world system. Sooner or later I will make him pay!”

“World system?” Ao Hong was a little dazed, thinking that Ye Han wouldn’t be crazy, after all, watching his wife and children disappear in front of him, even a cultivator couldn’t bear it.

“Ye Han, I heard that as long as you can cross the catastrophe and become an immortal, you can go to the underworld. It seems that you can find the dead souls of your loved ones and bring them back to life.”

Although these things Ao Hong said have always been legends and no one has confirmed them, he said very seriously in order to cheer up Ye Han again.

In fact, he didn’t even believe this.

But after Ye Han heard this, his eyes lit up. It was indeed like this. Since this is the realm of cultivating immortals, there should be the underworld, and the cultivation base of going to the underworld may be becoming immortal!

Ye Han stood up abruptly, his eyes showed warfare again, “Since you are paying me like this, you must be afraid of me. In this case, I will become the most powerful person in this world first, and then go to the underworld to negotiate a big deal. Destroy this world!”

At this moment, the entire mountain of Tianding Mountain was shaking.

“No, it’s because Yuan Ying made it!”

Ao Hong’s expression changed, and he said quickly.

“Let’s go out and have a look.” Watching Wanqing and the child disappear, Ye Han suppressed his anger in his heart. Although he still can’t fight the whole world, he can find some people to vent his anger.

“Phoenix girl, I’m going to kill a Nascent Soul, will you help me?”

Ye Han felt that he had to do something to distract himself. His wife and children disappeared. The reason was that the three sect allied forces broke into Tianding Mountain, and he had to take revenge first.

“Yes, you can, I wish you were like this a long time ago.”

The Phoenix girl’s voice also seemed very excited.

“Ao Hong, let’s go out!”

Saying that Ye Han rushed out, this time he was not afraid of being discovered and troubled at all. All the three monks he saw were beheaded with a single blow. Several golden cores died under his hands, and there was no need for Ao Hong. Do it, Ao Hong followed behind to touch the corpse.

Coming to the top of the mountain, Ye Han saw the situation of the Yuan Ying war.

High in the sky, there were originally three Yuanying cultivators of Sanzong, but now there are only two floors standing high, one is Xiao Yijian and Panshan, Bai Jue seems to have been killed by Old Ancestor Cheng, it seems that the violent shock just now , It was the voice of Bai Jue’s fall.

However, at this time, Old Ancestor Cheng was also hurt all over, and the bleeding around the corners of his mouth was obviously not a minor injury.

Has the situation been so tragic?

Ye Han couldn’t imagine what would happen to the entire Tianding Mountain once Old Ancestor Cheng fell.

After the divine sense was released, Ye Han’s heart sank after observing the whole battle. The three coalition forces stood in the upper hand, although he and Ao Hong had already killed four Jindan middle and late cultivators. Dingshan got some balance in the Jindan-level combat power, and did not lose much, but at the level of gas refining and foundation building, the loss was too great.

“Ao Hong, let’s do it, don’t worry about the opponent’s golden core, the goal is to build foundations and refine qi, you can kill as much as you can.”

Ye Han’s face showed murderous intent. Whether directly or indirectly, this group of people lost their wives and children, so they should count interest first.

“Ye Han, what are you going to do?”

Ao Hong’s eyes condensed, and he asked with some worry, he knew Ye Han’s character very well and let himself take action, but Ye Han still stayed, most of it wanted to… Thinking of this, Ao Hong’s gaze turned to the sky. Yuanying battlefield in China.

“Wait, Ye Han, don’t you want to do something with Yuanying.” Ao Hong’s expression changed. He guessed something. “I told you that there is a gap between Yuanying and Jindan. It’s not something Jin Dan can contend with. I know you have that Phoenix help, but it’s not enough!”

“Ye Han, don’t do stupid things.”

Hearing Ao Hong’s persuasion, Ye Han seemed to calm down, and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I think the other party’s golden core is more valuable at this time.”

“Haha, Ye Han is still insidious enough for you, but now I’m still doing my thing.”

After Ao Hong finished speaking, he smiled and turned into a dragon and joined the battlefield. With just a breath, he killed more than a dozen foundation-building and Qi-refining cultivators.

As Ao Hong joined the battlefield, some ingenious changes took place in the battle.

The Jin Dan of the Three Sect Allied Forces was stopped by Cheng Rou and Chen Kun, and there were not many people who could strangle Ao Hong. However, the Jin Dan in the early and middle stages did not have this strength.

“Where are the three carving brothers, Xiao Wushang, and Pan Zhanye? Why can’t they see them all alone?”

On the side of the Allied Forces of the Three Sects, a late Jindan cultivator frowned and said dissatisfied.

His opponent is Cheng Rou. Although the opponent has just broken through the late stage of the Golden Core, and theoretically is not his opponent at all, but the opponent has too many good pills, and after a few pills are applied, he immediately becomes stronger again. He couldn’t handle it quickly. Originally, he was not in a hurry. After all, except for the Golden Core battlefield, other battlefields have the upper hand. As long as the other battlefields are over, these golden cores can also be easily solved, so he doesn’t need to be too desperate. , But now the flood dragon that suddenly rushed out broke his plan.

If the fight continues like this, I am afraid that even if the three coalition forces win, it is also a terrible victory.

“Cheng Rou, the old man will ask you again, do you surrender!”

This cross-mountain sect Jin Dan asked coldly in the late period.

“Absolutely impossible!”

Cheng Rou’s breath at this time is rather chaotic. This is mainly caused by taking a lot of pills. Although the mana and stimulating potential are added in time, there are still a lot of medicinal properties remaining in the body. If not treated in time, it is easy to damage the foundation, but Now that we have reached this situation, we can’t care about so much.

“The old man will kill you first!”

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