Chapter 0138: Multiple Outbreaks

The way the boss monster came out was the same as when Ye Han came to investigate last time. They broke the door of the house and rushed out.


The huge figure gave Ye Han and the others a huge sense of oppression.

“This guy is actually bigger than the zombie king, and stronger than the zombie king, it’s hard to get it at first glance.”

Farmer One said quickly.

“Just kidding, the zombie king can’t be compared with him at all, the zombie king is only Lv10, and this boss monster has at least Lv25, it’s just a difference.”

Donald exclaimed.

“Boss, can we really win?” Gunaza’s eyes became hesitant, “I don’t want to disturb the military’s mind, but…”

“Don’t say it’s you, even if I saw this boss monster for the first time, I still mumbled in my heart, but since we dare to step into this place, we must have the determination to win!”

Ye Han didn’t blame Gunaza, but said firmly.

“The boss is right. We can’t be scared by this guy’s appearance. Although he is powerful, he will die if he is not a god. We just need to work hard to get rid of him.”

Farmer One said loudly.

“Boss, give the order.” Donald firmly grasped the spear in his hand and said firmly.

“Donald, farmer, you two quickly return to the team, Gunaza, you are at the back of the troop. No special circumstances, you are not allowed to rush to the front.” After Ye Han finished speaking, he walked towards the boss monster.

Ye Han slowly came to the front of the boss monster. Even though he himself was close to three meters tall, he was still very small when faced with a boss monster over ten meters high.

“Intruder, die.”

The boss monster’s eyes were blood red, and an indifferent voice sounded.

“It’s only you who gets slapped today.” Ye Han also didn’t plan to explore whether the guy in front of him could understand what he said, so he started to act.

“Provocative, more damn it.”

After speaking, the huge palm of the boss monster called towards Ye Han.

“start fighting!”

Ye Han stepped back quickly and shouted loudly.

The Donald people who had been prepared behind him also entered the fighting state for the first time.

I saw Gunaza at the end of the team began to chant magic, “The great true god of magic, please cast down your divine power and give our warriors the power of magic!”

As the chanting of the spell finished, the next second began, magical sheen appeared on everyone including Ye Han, and the enchantment magic took effect.

The boss monster seemed to feel the threat of Gunaza, the magician, and directly grabbed the stone lion next to the house and threw it towards Gunaza.

“Huh.” Ye Han kicked the stone lion to pieces almost instantly. “Anyone who wants to hurt my men in front of me has no doors, and I don’t even plan to open a window for you.”


With the blessing of enchantment, Ye Han not only makes the whole person much easier, but magic also increases the power of his attacks. Now he has the strength of Lv15 even if there is no change.

“Die me!” Farmer No. 1 controlled the mecha using Gatling on his shoulder to attack, and instantly countless bullets were vented on the boss monster, “Mecha Legion, open fire!”

Suddenly, fire snakes shot directly at the boss monster, making it impossible for the boss monster to move forward.

“The cannon blasted me!”

After one round of bullets, the mecha legion began to use more fierce mecha cannons to bombard the boss monsters.

“Cool, cool!” Farmer One frantically used all the long-range weapons of their mecha fighters.

“Everyone must use up the bullets and cannons for me, without leaving a little bit!” Farmer One shouted at the mecha warrior.


The boss monster roared again and again, but still could only defend in place.

Ye Han did not rush to do anything, but continued to observe carefully to see if the opponent had any weaknesses. Once the enemy’s weakness was found, it was only a matter of time before the enemy was killed.

“The skin of this boss monster is really thick. Even with armor-piercing cannons, there is no way. The damage of mecha warriors to boss monsters is limited, but there is still some damage.”

Ye Han thought silently in his heart.

Finally ten minutes later, the attack of the mecha legion weakened. It was not that the mecha fighters were unwilling to fight, but that the weapons and ammunition were empty.


When the weapon was out of bullets, the boss monster immediately reacted and prepared to fight back. He patted the treasure chest of weapons behind him lightly, and saw that he was holding a long knife and a shield in his hand.

“Fuck, you are so resistant, and you actually use a shield, then you are such a stubborn boss.”

After seeing the weapon held by the boss monster, Ye Han felt depressed.

“The Golden Legion is attacking!”

You must use your own hole cards.

Receiving Ye Han’s order, Donald raised his spear high, “Sword and Shield Soldier step forward!”

“Huo Huo.”

The two thousand shield soldiers held a sword in one hand, and the shield in the other hand moved closer to the opponent neatly. When the boss monster was about to collide with the shield soldier, the momentum of all the soldiers in the shield soldier array turned into an equal ten meters high. The same phantom holding a sword and shield is blocking the front of the boss monster.



The hacking of knives and knives, the collision of shields and shields.

For a while, the phantom of the shield soldier and the boss monster were in a state of contending anxiety.

“Pikemen attack!”

Immediately, Donald commanded the Pikemen to rush up and attack the boss monster.

“I have to act too.”



“Guru.” Ye Han also took out the gourd and took a big swig.


In an instant, Ye Han felt like his whole body was on fire, more like a Saiyan transformation.

“Is this a powerful force?”

Ye Han felt the powerful energy in his body, then clenched his fists, and at the same time took out the Flying Dragon Slash.

“Ssangyong goes to sea!”

The two Flying Dragon Slashes immediately revolved at a high speed, one left and the other right, and attacked the boss monster.

Because the boss monster has now been restrained by the sword and shield soldiers, it can only withstand the attack of the Dragon Slash abruptly.

Ye Han actually wanted to cut off the boss monster’s head, but he knew in his heart that the boss monster’s head was not that easy to slash, so he chose to temporarily wound the boss monster first.

So Feilongzhang attacked both sides of the boss monster’s abdomen. Generally speaking, this is the weakest place.

Sure enough, under the support of Ye Han’s ability to surpass Lv20, Feilongzhan directly cut huge wounds on the left and right sides of his abdomen.

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