Chapter 0137 The Last Battle


Upon hearing Gunaza’s words, Ye Han, Donald, and Farmer One all took a breath.

It turns out that this is the power of magic.

It is really amazing to directly increase the strength of the entire army by one level.

“Can it cover all the soldiers?” Ye Han asked cautiously.

“With my current strength covering 10,000 people, there is not more than half of the 4,000 people, there is definitely no problem.” Gunaza said.

“Is there a time limit? Don’t just have three seconds.” Farmer One asked immediately.

“Um, this magic of mine is equivalent to carving a magic formation on every soldier. Although it is not really carved, it can be used for a whole day without any problems. Even if there is no magic, the formation will be fine. It can automatically absorb the magical energy in the air to replenish it.” Gunaza explained.

“If this is the case, can Farmer One and I reach Lv9?” Donald asked.

“You can, the farmer can only be Lv7, after all, he himself only has Lv6, and his subordinates are Lv6.” Gunaza said.

“Very well, with the buff of Nazar, we have a better chance of winning. We are now basically the same strength as the ordinary monsters in the villa. After half an hour, we will attack the villa!”

Ye Han immediately issued an attack order.

“Yes, boss (main).”

“Well, go down and get ready.”

With the same consent, the three of Donald walked out of the room, and Ye Han began to adjust his state.

Using self-explosion and mutation status skills continuously throughout the day has an impact on Ye Han’s status.

After half an hour.

Ye Han led his troops to attack the villa.

Because of Gunaza’s magic bonus, the first yard was easily breached. The Lv10 leader monster led by Farmer One was killed alone, and this had something to do with Ye Han’s serious injury to the leader monster from the beginning.

“Clean the battlefield quickly and continue the attack after ten minutes.”

As Ye Han predicted, the monsters between the yard and the yard will not run around, so there is no need to worry about fighting the enemies of the entire villa as soon as they come up.

Ten minutes later.

The large forces attacked the second yard again, and the problem was solved in less than ten minutes.

Immediately after the third yard, fourth yard, fifth yard, know the penultimate yard.

“Boss, next is the last yard.”

Donald finished cleaning the battlefield and came to Ye Han’s side.

And Ye Han looked at the last yard a little distraught. They had heard the roar of the boss monster now, as if they were telling Ye Han that they hurried to die.

“As I expected, this boss monster can only move in the last yard.” Ye Han said flatly, “What’s the situation with the troops now?”

“In the previous battle, our troops lost about a hundred soldiers, but the problem is not big.” Donald hurriedly replied: “But our gains are a lot. The Golden Legion fighters have all upgraded their ranks to Lv7 Diamond Warriors. , If it weren’t for my level only lv8, I guess I would have upgraded again.”

Donald looked very excited.

“It doesn’t matter, there are plenty of opportunities for you to upgrade later.”

Ye Han has also figured out now that it is very difficult to upgrade in the natural disaster world, but it will be relatively easier in the ruins, even he himself is about to upgrade again.

“Master, the mecha fighters of Farmer No.1 have also increased their strength. Although their level has been upgraded to Lv6, they only have the strength of Lv7 after manipulating the mecha. If we add Miss Gunaza’s magic, our strength will be even stronger. NS.”

“Don’t take it lightly. This boss monster is more powerful than we thought. We must be prepared for huge losses.”

Ye Han had seen the boss monster with his own eyes. Although their current strength is also very strong, they are still a little reluctant to deal with an Lv25 boss monster.

“If it is our own, of course we dare not think about it, but with the Lord’s leadership, I believe that victory must belong to us.”

Donald said with a smile.

“Hehe, Old Tang, your flattering skills are getting better and better now.”

Ye Han turned his head and smiled.

“This is not flattering, this is my truth. I never thought that the Golden Legion could be upgraded to Lv7, but now it has been achieved. In short, we have met a good master.”

“Um, if you praise me again, I will fly to the sky, haha.” Although he thinks that these Donald are all heroes in the Summoning Gate, Ye Han knows that they and the survivors are actually the same, both for Live in this natural disaster world.

“I’ll just tell you where you went, so you were here.” At this time, Farmer One and Gunaza also walked over.

“I will discuss with the Lord and wait to deal with the boss. If you have any suggestions, you will quickly mention it, otherwise there will be no chance when the meeting starts.” Donald said with a smile.

“Any suggestions? Just do it and you’re done.”

Farmer One curled his lips and said loudly.

“It looks like you are all very confident.” Ye Han looked at the three men in front of him.

“In the beginning I really didn’t have much confidence, but after experiencing the low to the top of the mountain, I now firmly believe that I can eliminate the last boss.” Farmer No.1 held his head up, “Not only me, but also my Mecha Legion. Those brothers, they are also very confident. Now we have swordsmanship skills, and our level has been upgraded. If it were not for mechas to restrain us, we now have at least Lv8 combat strength in a single mecha warrior. What are you afraid of.”

“Boss, I am also very confident in this battle. Although I can’t use magic again later, I took the time to make a few magic scrolls, which can also help you.”

Gunaza followed.

“Very well, let the notification go down. All the cultivators on the spot will be adjusted to their best state for ten minutes, and the things that should be prepared are ready. Ten minutes later, we will attack the last yard and destroy the boss!”

Ye Han waved his hand and said loudly.

“Yes, boss (main).”

To be honest, Ye Han did lead Donald, Farmer One, Gunaza and the troops forward at the beginning, but as they grow up, Ye Han needs their power instead. This may be why you should cultivate yourself. The meaning of the army.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

“Set off!”

With Ye Han’s order, a total of 4,000 units of Ye Han entered the last yard.

As soon as they entered the spacious courtyard, Ye Han and the others felt the sense of fear caused by quietness and quietness.



A loud roar sounded.

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