Chapter 0114 Giant Stone Man

“Horse, let’s go into the front boulder group.”

It didn’t take long for Ye Han to discover an area made up of megaliths. Inside this area were large and small boulders. Some of these stones were only a few meters long and wide, but most were 50 meters wide. In the center of the megalithic group, there is a huge boulder that is hundreds of meters long, which can even be called a stone mountain.

Ye Han looked back, and the eight-headed zombie kings almost lined up to chase them up, and they didn’t catch Ye Han’s state, and Ye Han also discovered a special situation, that is, these zombie kings. The wound has recovered very well. The places that were injured by artillery and burned alive have now been repaired, and there is still inexhaustible strength.

“Hmph, if you have the ability, just break in.”

Ye Han decisively entered the huge rock group.

But just after he entered, he discovered that it was even more of a big maze, and these boulders seemed to be changing, which means that he has no way to go back the same way now, but even if he can go back the same way, Ye Han would not make this choice either. It is estimated that at this time, the eight-headed zombie king is waiting for him.

“Forget it, let’s find a more secret place and open the treasure chest. Maybe there is a weapon that can turn defeat into victory.”

Ye Han also felt that there seemed to be creatures in the huge rock group, walking in the aisle, there were human bones, monster corpses, etc. This meant that Ye Han was not only to guard against the zombie king, but also to guard against the creatures in the huge rock group. , The pressure came up all of a sudden.

“This is just after escaping from the wolves and breaking into the tiger’s den.” Ye Han laughed at himself and continued to explore the boulders.

When Ye Han was exploring the boulder area, there were constant noises behind him, presumably the zombie king was fighting against the boulders, or it was disturbing the monsters in the boulder group.

But soon Ye Han himself was in danger.


Suddenly the huge rock next to him seemed to be alive, pressing towards him.

“Horse, step back.”

Ye Han pulled the horse’s head straight up, only then barely escaped the crush of the boulder.

The stone fell on the ground and raised a huge amount of dust. Ye Han frowned and looked at the dust. Although he could not see what was inside, his instinct told him that there was danger inside!

Ye Han rode back slowly, and the diamond horse seemed to feel a terrifying presence in the dust, and panted a little uneasy.

At this moment, the sound of dong~dong~dong~ came from the dust. The sound was like footsteps, and it was getting closer, but the footsteps of ordinary monsters were not so heavy.

Slowly Ye Han saw a huge phantom from the dust. The phantom and the tallest boulder were not very high, giving people a great sense of oppression.

Seeing this, Ye Han felt a little bit in his heart. He must have encountered the most terrifying existence in the huge boulder group.

The loud voice continued, but as the dust dissipated, Ye Han finally saw the other party’s true face. A giant made of stone, except for the blue light radiating from his eyes, was made of almost the same stone. .

The giant stone man seemed to have locked Ye Han, and soon the huge soles of feet stepped on Ye Han.


Ye Han has no other thoughts at this time. This stone giant has at least Lv20. Coupled with a huge body, he has no chance at all.

Now he would rather go out to face the zombie king than face the giant stone man in front of him.


As if seeing Ye Han run away, the giant stone man became very angry and directly smashed the huge boulder around him.

Ye Han also fled to a correspondingly safe place at this time. Looking back, he immediately found that the giant stone man seemed to have grown a lot.

“This stone man will not get bigger and bigger, right.”

Ye Han was a little dumbfounded. He just saw with his own eyes that all the stones smashed by the stone man were absorbed by the stone man, and then the stone man grew bigger.

Just when he thought about it, a spherical boulder suddenly appeared in the stone man’s hand, and he threw it directly at Ye Han.

Seeing this, Ye Han had to continue to escape on his horse.

There was a loud bang.

The spherical boulder fell on Ye Han’s way forward, with cliffs on the left and right, and he was desperate.

“This stone man didn’t intend to let me go.”

Ye Han began to look at the surroundings to see if there were other escape routes, but as time passed, the Golem slowly chased up. It seemed to know that Ye Han was blocked by the giant stone and did not lose it again. Stone.

“Horse, can you jump on top of this boulder.”

The best way to observe a circle is to jump over a spherical boulder that is only ten meters in diameter.

The war horse nodded spiritually, Ye Han immediately decided to cross the giant stone with the war horse.

“Very well, if I can jump over, I will add a drumstick to you after I go back.” Ye Han has a hand to stroke the horse.

It seems that because he heard the words “add chicken legs”, the horse began to back up, then run up, and finally jumped, successfully carrying Ye Han over the spherical boulder.

“Horse, great, your chicken legs are stable.”

But before Ye Han was so happy, another spherical boulder fell, once again blocking Ye Han’s path.

“Come again!”

Ye Han frowned, but his confidence in victory was not hurt at all.

In this way, Ye Han and the Golem started the game where you stop me from escaping. The Golem kept throwing spherical boulders at Ye Han, while Ye Han kept jumping one after another.

Even in the maze, the scene at this time has been destroyed by Ye Han and the Golem.

Ye Han looked back and found that the stone man was still getting bigger, and the technique of using the stone ball was also constantly changing. It was almost impossible to hit Ye Han several times.

“It can’t go on like this.” Ye Han’s eyes narrowed, “You have to find a way to kill this guy.”

There was a boom.

The giant stone fell in front of Ye Han again.

“I won’t run away this time.” Looking at the giant stone almost 20 meters high, Ye Han knew that if the next stone man throws a stone more than 20 meters, then he is likely to be blocked by the stone man. .

“Horse, jump.”

Ye Han pulled the rope, and the horse jumped again and successfully jumped on the spherical boulder, but this time he did not jump back onto the road.

Ye Han looked left and right, then pointed at the boulder on the left and said, “Jump to the left.”

The horse did not hesitate, and carried Ye Han on the boulder on the left. After that, he started to run continuously on the top of the boulder, jumping from the top of one boulder to another.


Ye Han’s actions completely angered the Golem.

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