Chapter 0113


The forelimbs of the war horse just stepped on the eyes of the zombie king, and stepped heavily on it.

In the next second, one of the eyes of the zombie king was directly stepped on and exploded.

Ye Han also wanted to take the opportunity to kill the zombie king, but the hands of the zombie king had already caught him, and other zombie kings had already rushed over. If they stayed, they might be trapped again.

“If you want to kill me, follow me!”

Now that these zombie kings can think, they must also be able to understand what they are saying. After speaking, Ye Han rode his horse and left in the direction away from the refuge.


As Ye Han rode away on the horse, these zombie kings began to scream in a low voice, as if they were discussing. Soon these zombie kings pulled out a zombie king and another zombie king to attack, leaving nine zombie kings to face Ye Han chased.

The Lv7 diamond war horse is five meters high, and can easily trample ordinary zombies into meat patties, so it quickly rushed out of the zombie group.

Looking back, he found that there were only nine zombie kings chasing him. Ye Han frowned, but this result was not unacceptable. If these zombie kings left more, he would worry about whether the refuge could be kept.

Boom boom boom!

The nine-headed zombie king ran on the ground, directly shaking the ground.

Ye Han continued to stay away from the city wall while looking for a suitable battlefield. About ten minutes later, he finally found a giant tree cluster. The giant trees here are generally 20 meters high, and some are even more than 30 meters high. , And these giant trees are extremely hard and not easily damaged. Even if the zombie king enters the giant tree, his vision will be blocked, which gives Ye Han a lot of room to play.

“Go to another exit and wait for me.”

Ye Han got down from the war horse and patted the war horse lightly.

The Diamond Horse touched Ye Han with his head, and then quickly left.

“Now is my hunting moment!”

Ye Han took out a sniper. Although the skull of the zombie king has been strengthened, he can still explode his head by shooting the zombie king in the eyes.

Bend his legs slightly, and then jumped forward. Ye Han jumped onto the trunk of the giant tree and continued to climb. He soon came to the top of the giant tree and hibernated.


With the roar of the zombie king, the nine-headed zombie king rushed into the giant forest.

“Damn, this zombie king is not stupid.”

Ye Han, who was hiding on the top of the giant tree, saw the zombie king constantly smashing the giant tree and slowly moving forward, the whole person was not good.

I missed my decision. I originally thought that the zombie king would rush into the giant trees. Then he could use the cover of the giant trees to gradually kill the zombie kings, but these zombie kings chose to shoot these giant trees directly. The idea fell through, as long as he was exposed once, the scope of his hiding would be reduced once, and in the end he would be caught by these zombie kings.

But if you never show up, you will still be found by this zombie king.

“The first shot must be able to kill one, otherwise there will be no chance.”

Thinking of this, Ye Han immediately started looking for a goal.

“It seems that your luck is really bad, it’s you.”

Ye Han’s target was the zombie king who had just injured his toe and stepped on his eyes. This guy is the closest to him and far away from other zombie kings.

Holding his breath, Ye Han imagined himself as part of the tree.

A little closer…a little closer…there is only the target in his eyes, and only the roar of zombies and the sound of giant trees being beaten off in his ears.

The one-eyed zombie king was slow to move because of his injuries, which caused other zombie kings to leave him behind. Ye Han’s heart was raised again, because there was also a zombie king behind him that pushed him forward. This zombie king first came to his hiding place, and then only bite the bullet and attack this intact zombie king.

Seeing the slow look of the one-eyed zombie king, Ye Han decided to take the initiative. Although the success rate will drop from 10% to 90% at this time, it is still better than against a complete zombie king.

Aim… Pull the trigger… The muffled sound of the sniper rang through the giant bushes. In the next second, the bullet successfully penetrated through the opened eyes of the one-eyed zombie king, and finally burst into his head. .


Ye Han didn’t have time to see if the one-eyed zombie king was killed by himself, so he hurriedly jumped off the branch and ran towards the exit that he had chosen.

As soon as Ye Han left, the giant tree he had hidden was uprooted by a zombie king, and was instantly broken into several sections.

After saying sorry to the giant tree in his heart, Ye Han ran away without looking back.

[Ding, congratulations to the survivor Ye Han for killing the zombie king, get a platinum box X1, 100,000 points, and a king medal. 】

The hunt was successful!

Ye Han felt very excited after hearing the voice of the system, which showed that his strategy was correct.

“But my own mutation is about to end. Without the blessing of my own strength, it would be more difficult to kill the zombie king.”

While muttering in his heart, the movements of his hands and feet were not slow at all, and he soon came to the place agreed upon with the Diamond Horse.


Perceiving Ye Han, the diamond war horse ran to meet him, and Ye Han jumped directly onto the horse’s back.

“Good horse, let’s leave this place quickly and find another battlefield.”

Only now has killed the two zombie kings, Ye Han naturally does not intend to go back, only by killing these zombie kings can the refuge be safe.

“Daisy, how is your situation there?”

Ye Han used the headset in his ear to contact Daisy, but no one replied, “Hey, hey, does anyone hear me?”

Still no one answered.

“It’s not that the headset is broken.”

The explosion sound on the side of the refuge continued, and the roar of the zombies was still weakening, which means that the side of the refuge is still standing on the upper hand, and Daisy and the others can’t be contacted now, it can only be said that the headset is broken.

Ye Han took off the headset, and sure enough, the coil inside was broken.

“Kill the eight zombie kings as soon as possible, and then rush back.”

After finally seduce the zombie king, and now bring them back, then his previous efforts were in vain.

Riding on a war horse, rushed out of the giant bushes, and the zombie king followed closely behind him. Although the war horse ran fast, the zombie king was huge, and his running speed was not slower than the war horse, and even faintly faster than the war horse.

Seeing this, Ye Han immediately decided to hide like a way, opened the two platinum treasure chests, and tried to open a weapon suitable for him.

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