Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 446 Successfully Breaking Through the Realm of Heaven and Earth

Ye Feng returned to Sunset Valley through the identity token.

At this time, there is less than half an hour left before the original fruit is ripe.

Ye Feng spoke first, telling the waiting humans to get ready.

Then I asked Qiongqi and Blue for advice on the bottleneck issue.

After hearing Ye Feng's question, they all looked at Ye Feng with complicated eyes.

"Is there any problem?" Ye Feng couldn't help but ask after seeing their expressions.

"My lord, have you ever thought that it is normal to be stuck like this?"

"And according to your description, you can still feel progress now. In fact, this is not really a bottleneck, but the accumulation is not enough."

"The real bottleneck is when you are practicing and you can't feel any progress no matter how hard you try. This is the bottleneck." Blue said with a complicated look.

"Cough!" Ye Feng coughed lightly, and he also found that he seemed to take it for granted.

But there are some things that must be asked clearly, "How long did it take for you to break through from the domain realm to the heaven and earth realm?"

"It took me five years." Blue said honestly.

"At that time, I got a magical elixir that improved my understanding. It was a little faster and took about three years." Qiongqi also said.

Ye Feng was speechless for a moment after hearing this.

It would take them three to five years to break through a new level of love!

But for such a long time, Ye Feng must not be able to wait.

But Qiongqi's words reminded him.

Ye Feng immediately returned to the place of inheritance, and then said what he wanted to buy to help him understand the rules.

Under Guoduo's introduction, he spent 6,000 points to purchase two Flowers of Enlightenment, two Spiritual Light Fruits, and two Awakening Talismans.

You must know that these things are one-time use, and 6,000 points were spent in a blink of an eye, and Ye Feng felt a little heartache.

But there was no other way. In order to break through the bottleneck faster, he could only bear the pain and cut his flesh once.

Soon, half an hour passed, and the original fruits began to mature one by one.

After waiting for about half an hour, after the six fruits matured one after another, the original fruit began to wither.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng took out the Flower of Enlightenment and the Spiritual Light Fruit and swallowed them in big gulps.

Then he took out the awakening talisman, injected spiritual energy to activate it, and instantly turned it into a special energy that entered his spiritual sea.

Finally, he used the Burning Soul Technique, which greatly increased his mental power.

At this moment, Ye Feng felt that his thinking was speeding up countless times.

In addition, Ye Feng is the two deities this time, comprehending the rules of life together. Compared with before, the efficiency of this comprehension is much faster.

At this time, the original fruit has just begun to wither, and the world and the earth have not yet shared the sorrow, causing the power of the rules to fluctuate violently.

But in this state, Ye Feng felt that the problems that troubled him were quickly solved one by one, and the rules of life were progressing at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, the rules between heaven and earth finally began to move violently.

If normal practice is equivalent to self-study, then understanding the rules in this state is equivalent to having a famous teacher guide you.

The speed of progress cannot be measured by reason. Basically, as soon as a question emerges from your mind, you can get a glimpse of the mystery from the violent fluctuations of rules in front of you, and then quickly figure it out.

This efficiency is so high. After the two deities meditated together and both took auxiliary spiritual objects, the efficiency of comprehending the rules increased by at least 10 times.

In other words, the effect of this rule fluctuation is equivalent to the usual 10 times.

After listening to Qiongqi and Blue's descriptions that they would be stuck in this realm for three to five months, Ye Feng was already prepared to be stuck for three to five months.

But judging from the current efficiency, there is every chance that it will succeed directly this time.

As time passed little by little, the power of the rules of life surrounding Ye Feng's two deities became more and more intense.

Of course, the cultivation level of the human being is only at the peak of the seventh level. Due to the limitations of cultivation level, the fluctuation of the power of the rules is definitely not as good as that of the World Tree itself.

But it also frightened Qiongqi and Blu, because they felt that the rules in their bodies had been suppressed.

Fortunately, the two main deities of Ye Feng are also deliberately restraining this fluctuation, and the scope of influence is not too wide.

But Qiongqi and Bru had to go far away to avoid reducing their efficiency in understanding the rules.

Time passed by little by little, about 50 minutes.

Everyone is seizing the last moment to learn more.

But at this moment, a tyrannical fluctuation of rules suddenly emerged in the Sunset Valley.

This fluctuation of rules is like a high-ranking king. With its appearance, thousands of people surrender instantly.

All the rules that were still in violent fluctuations were instantly suppressed after this fluctuation appeared, and then calmed down.

And it's not just the rules that are suppressed, all humans and mutant animals in the valley are also suppressed, as if they can't breathe.

The stronger the realm of strength, the more terrifying they are suppressed. People like Chen Dalong, Wu Yuqin, and Fang Ziyuan who have broken through to the seventh level are basically suppressed and cannot even stand, and can only kneel on one knee.

In particular, the power of rules in their bodies seemed to be dead. No matter how they urged it, they could not move at all.

Everyone knew that something terrible must have happened, but no one would give them an answer.

Fortunately, this suppression did not last too long. After only ten seconds, the supreme pressure fluctuation began to converge, and they returned to their normal state.

However, the violent fluctuations in the rules around him did not appear again after they calmed down.

In other words, everyone lost 10 minutes of practice time for nothing, but no one dared to complain, and some were just shocked.

At this time, as if to make compensation, everyone felt the power of life, as if they were born out of thin air.

It entered the body with their breathing, and then entered their internal organs.

The internal organs can be said to be the most fragile organs of the human body. Even the internal organs of these seventh-level experts in the field can never withstand a random punch from a sixth-level evolved person.

But at this time, everyone can feel that as this life force is integrated into the internal organs, the fragile internal organs begin to continuously strengthen.

This kind of enhancement is difficult to achieve even if they usually break through the realm.

This is also the rule of life for Ye Feng, a newly acquired ability after reaching the realm of heaven and earth.

The power of life before could only be used to heal injuries, but now it can help others strengthen their bodies.

Of course, Ye Feng has just begun to master this kind of power. He is only at the first level of Heaven and Earth Realm, and the extent of strengthening is limited, so he can only strengthen the internal organs of these people.

If it were an ordinary person, Ye Feng would use the rules of life to help strengthen it, and even the physical fitness of an ordinary person could directly reach the strength of a fourth-order evolver.

While Ye Feng was using the rules of life, he felt the changes, and it really felt more and more mysterious.

He even doubted that after he became a god, could the rules of life directly create life?

Ye Feng helped everyone strengthen this time, and it lasted for half an hour. It was not until every human and mutated animal in the Sunset Valley that their internal organs could no longer be strengthened that they stopped.

"Okay, this opportunity is over. You can leave on your own." Ye Feng's voice echoed in the Sunset Valley.

Hearing this, many people in the venue felt a sense of loss.

In the past three days, their gains were really great. Even if they could not break through to the seventh level, they could at least be worth their three months of hard training.

In addition, everyone's internal organs have been greatly strengthened.

These benefits really cannot be bought with money.

Of course, those who gain the most are naturally those who seize the opportunity and break through to the seventh level in one breath.

And there was a small explosion of people who realized the rules today, reaching 6 people.

Three of them were Chinese, and the rest were from the Holy City.

Counting the people from the previous two days, that means this time, there are a total of 11 people who successfully understood the rules.

6 people from China and 5 people from abroad.

Although this number is slightly different from Ye Feng's original estimate of one thousandth, it is not too far off.

After hearing Ye Feng's words, these people all stood up one after another, left the high platform with some reluctance, and walked towards the outside of Sunset Valley.

Of course, there are exceptions. The six people who realized the rules today did not leave, but continued to sit cross-legged, planning to break through directly here.

After all, there is no place safer than Sunset Valley.

In addition, Ye Feng also sent a message to the other people who had broken through to the seventh level, asking them to stay temporarily.

Naturally, these people had no objections and immediately nodded in agreement, even looking forward to it.

Only then did Ye Feng turn his attention to these mutated animals in the Dragon King Palace.

Compared with humans, the performance of mutated animals is really poor.

Although there was a slight outbreak of mutated animals today, two of them understood the rules and were breaking through to the seventh level.

But the total is only 3.

There are more than 30,000 mutated animals, but only 3 can break through. This probability is as low as one in 10,000.

But when it comes to being at the bottom, it’s actually mutant insects.

After several months of development, the number of both mutant fire ants and mutant bumblebees has exceeded 200,000.

There are 400,000 mutated insects in total, but not one of them can break through to level 7.

It is worth mentioning that when the mutant bumblebee queen and the mutant fire ant queen broke through to level 6, they were able to cultivate the sixth generation of mutant insects.

The sixth generation of mutated insects, their physical fitness, growth rate, etc. have increased at least 20 times compared to the first generation.

More importantly, they have no bottlenecks until they reach level six.

But precisely because of this, the breeding speed of both the queen ant and the queen bee is greatly slowed down, and they can only lay up to about 400 eggs a day.

And according to Ye Feng's estimation, the higher the rank of the mutant bumblebee queen and the mutant red fire ant queen, the harder it is for them to have children.

This seems to be an invisible rule.

"It is so difficult for these mutated insects to break through to the seventh level, let alone continue to improve." Ye Feng shook his head, not having much hope for them.

In the future, when the original fruit matures, these mutated insects will probably not be allowed to come to Sunset Valley to avoid wasting space.

Of course, Ye Feng still has great expectations for the mutant red fire ant queen and the mutant bumblebee queen.

The main thing is to hope that after they break through to the seventh level, the seventh generation descendants born will be able to break through to the seventh level without any bottlenecks like before.

If it could be done, it would be incredible. No matter how many resources Ye Feng invested, he would continue to cultivate them.

Ye Feng shook his head, temporarily putting aside this somewhat unrealistic fantasy, and turned his attention to the two mutated animals that were making a breakthrough.

They are mutant parrots and mutant elephants.

Yes, the mutated parrot can finally break through to the seventh level.

At the seventh level, its strength is truly worthy of the status of a diplomatic envoy.

As for the mutated elephant, Ye Feng regarded it as having another human shield that could carry it.

After Ye Feng glanced at the situation, it would take at least 7 hours for these people to break through. Naturally, he would not wait here.

He took out his identity token, teleported it to the place of inheritance, and continued to understand the origin of the rules.

Because the effects of the exotic flowers and fruits he just ate have not worn off yet and can last for at least 3 to 5 hours, Ye Feng naturally has to make good use of this time.

Now his space rules are at the second level. If he makes good use of these few hours, he might be able to break through to the third level of the rules.

Soon Ye Feng arrived at the top of the mountain of rules, exchanged it without saying a word, and began to understand the original number of rules.

Seven hours had passed since Ye Feng practiced.

In the fifth hour, as expected, the space system rules were successfully upgraded to the third level of the rule realm.

"It's almost time. According to this progress, I will be able to reach the tenth level of the Rules Realm in five or six days at most. It is not difficult to break through the bottleneck of the Domain Realm. It will only take a few days at most, and I can reach it within half a month. Eighth level." Ye Feng whispered to himself.

By the time the human being is at the eighth level and the World Tree is at the ninth level, he will have the ability to fight against or even kill the Cyclops.

Last time, he almost fell into the opponent's hands. Ye Feng remembers this grudge!

"They are almost done breaking through. Let's go take a look first."

Ye Feng took out his identity token and teleported directly back to Sunset Valley.

Sure enough, when Ye Feng came back, he found that 5 of the 6 people who were originally breaking through had already completed the breakthrough. At this time, they were all excitedly testing the power of the rules they had just mastered.

And these people were all talking happily, with undisguised excitement on their faces.

After all, being chosen to come here already means that they are at the forefront of human evolution.

Among so many people, only 11 people succeeded in breaking through. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the chosen ones. (End of chapter)

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