Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 445 Finally Enlightenment of the Supreme Rules

At this moment, Ye Feng's senses were completely different from usual ones.

When the five rules were integrated, Ye Feng felt as if the unknown world full of rules had opened a window for him.

There is no longer that hazy, foggy feeling.

Of course, since it is a window, the range he can see is also limited.

What Ye Feng could observe were only the fine rules of space.

But it was enough for Ye Feng.

The consciousnesses of his two deities have been advancing along the fluctuations guided by the rules of space, and their observation windows are also constantly advancing.

Finally at a certain moment, Ye Feng stopped.

He felt that ethereal, vast, and supreme aura again.

But when he came here yesterday, he could only feel but couldn't "see" anything. But now through this "window", he can see clearly.

Although he only saw part of it, it was enough for Ye Feng.

After all, as long as you understand part of it, you are considered a beginner.

Ye Feng peered into this corner and continued to understand.

This process is very difficult. There is just one rule, but it seems to contain countless information.

The torrent of information alone made the consciousnesses of Ye Feng and Ye Feng feel as if they were about to burst. This was only after they had used the Soul Burning Technique to reach the tenth level of mental power.

If his mental strength were low, he would probably collapse just from the impact of this flood of information.

At this time, Ye Feng could also vaguely understand why it was difficult for one person to master this supreme rule in this universe era.

This difficulty is really too high and terrifying, considering that he is now the consciousness of two deities.

The combined mental power of the two would not even be called tenth level invincible.

And if you wait until you become a true god to understand the supreme rules, it will be completely meaningless, because by then the divine realm has been finalized and the rules cannot be modified.

At this time, Ye Feng's two main deities were gritting their teeth and enduring the pain. They quickly found the simplest part of the information from the countless chaotic information and tried to understand it.

Because this extremely messy information includes knowledge of the rules realm, domain realm, and heaven and earth realm.

Ye Feng cannot understand the latter two realms at all. Even in the rule realm, it is difficult for Ye Feng to think too much when his consciousness is suppressed to this extent. He can only analyze and understand from the simplest level.

Ye Feng didn't know how long he had been in this state.

I only know that when the consciousness of his two main deities was almost unable to bear it and was about to collapse, he finally understood part of the knowledge.

This part of the knowledge is quite short and basic, but it structures the rules of the entire space system from a high-level perspective.

Ye Feng suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart, just like hearing the Tao in the morning and dying at night.

After understanding this part of the rules, the consciousness of the two deities quickly returned.

When Ye Feng opened his eyes, he found that just like yesterday, it was night again before he knew it, and it was still early in the morning. It took even longer than yesterday.

But these are not important anymore. The most important thing is that he successfully understood the supreme rules.

At this time, Qiongqi and Bu Lu were still not far away, but when they saw Ye Feng's eyes, they both became surprised and confused.

Because in their eyes, although Ye Feng was standing there, it gave people a feeling of nothingness, as if he was no longer in the same time and space as them.

This made the two of them have a bold idea in their minds, but they didn't dare to confirm it.

Finally, the feeling of nothingness in Ye Feng slowly dissipated, and he also opened his eyes.

"How is it, Lord? Was it successful?" Blue asked quickly.

A smile appeared on Ye Feng's face. He did not answer directly, but closed his eyes and directly used the space rules.

The space nearby was under his control in an instant, and Ye Feng's figure seemed to have been wiped away, disappearing directly in front of the two of them.

Qiongqi and Bu Lu looked horrified. They confirmed that Ye Feng had disappeared.

But just now, relying on their mental power, they didn't feel any spatial fluctuations, which meant that Ye Feng was not teleported away.

At this time, a voice came into their ears, "I have indeed successfully understood the space rules, one of the supreme rules. How about it? Can you feel where I am?"

Even though Qiongqi and Bu Lu had already made some guesses in their minds, the shock in their hearts was still hard to express in words when they heard Ye Feng admit it in person.

Blue released his mental power and swept around, but did not find Ye Feng's whereabouts.

As for Qiongqi, after thinking about it for a while, he directly released the domain.

Some special stealth formations can deceive all senses, including mental power, but they can never deceive the realm.

However, Qiongqi found nothing. It was certain that Ye Feng was definitely not in this space.

"Can't find it, Lord, where are you?" Blue asked curiously.

"Haha!" Ye Feng's cheerful laughter came out.

He appeared from his original position again, as if he had never left.

"I just hid in the void layer." Ye Feng explained with a smile.

These words were said calmly, but the two people in front of them were both genuine tenth-level powerhouses before, so they naturally understood what this meant.

Space has more than one dimension. Whether they use boundary-breaking talismans, teleportation, or space teleportation, it is actually a way for the body to enter the void layer and move forward.

To put it simply, it is actually a higher dimension.

Because of this, they often need some special conditions if they want to enter this dimension.

For example, space teleportation is to establish a void channel between two points. They need to use this void channel to enter the void layer.

And after entering, you will follow this void passage to the other end, and then be expelled.

In this process, you can't help it. Even a strong person who has mastered space teleportation can only choose the landing point on his own.

Even Ye Feng before was like this.

And if you want to stay in the void layer, that's not impossible, but that is already the ability of the gods.

Under normal circumstances, only the true gods who understand the rules of the space system have the ability to enter the void layer.

It can be said that the void layer is a realm that only gods can touch, and even gods can only do this in a small part.

But Ye Feng was able to do this with only the seventh-level realm. There is only one explanation for this. The other party has really mastered the legendary supreme rules.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!" This time, Qiongqi took the lead in flattering him.

"Congratulations, Lord, you have taken another big step towards becoming the strongest person in the universe. On the day when your ancestor becomes a god, he will surely be able to sweep across the world and unify the world." Blue also said quickly.

Ye Feng smiled and nodded, "Okay, do what you should do! I still need to sort out the harvest."

After saying that, Ye Feng took a step forward and disappeared.

When Ye Feng's figure emerged again, he had already reached the top of the Rules Mountain.

What was different from the past was that this time he did not use his identity token, but came in completely relying on his own abilities.

But after entering, he immediately felt a terrifying aura, locking him in place.

What made Ye Feng's eyelids jump even more was that formation nodes lit up everywhere on the ground below, spreading from the core area to the periphery.

Only then did Ye Feng realize that this inheritance place was shrouded in a huge formation.

What was even more terrifying was that he felt that the space around him was completely imprisoned.

You know, now that he has mastered the rules of space, ordinary space confinement methods cannot have any impact on him.

For example, the Cyclops we encountered on the moon two months ago.

If they meet again, it is impossible to stop Ye Feng from hiding in the void layer with the other party's space sealing method.

Just as Ye Feng was sweating profusely, he suddenly saw a spherical figure appearing in front of him out of thin air.

The surrounding space restrictions were also lifted one after another.

"Why did you teleport here directly? I was scared to death. I thought a true god had broken in. Hey! Wait a minute..."

As Guoduo spoke, he felt something was wrong and his eyes suddenly widened, "How did you teleport in without passing the identity token?"

At this time, he also thought of a possibility, and asked with some stuttering: "Could it be that you have already understood the space rules, one of the supreme rules?"

"Well, yes! I just finished my enlightenment and came over to give you the good news."

Ye Feng nodded casually and pointed to the ground below, "But what's going on with the formation below? This is too scary!"

Hearing this, Guoduo became very angry, "Of course it was built to resist the strong men of the True God. Otherwise, why do you think the ruins of the Heavenly Palace can be preserved for several epochs?"

"In order to activate the God-Destroying Formation just now, 100,000 spiritual stones were lost in an instant."

Ye Feng felt slightly guilty after hearing this. He would definitely not pay this money anyway.

So he immediately changed the subject, "Can your God-Destroying Formation really be able to kill gods?"

Guoduo nodded and said: "It is true that the true gods can do it, but the upper gods cannot."

"And if a powerful true god breaks in, the fluctuations of the war will definitely be very violent, and the hidden coordinates of the heavenly ruins will be exposed."

"At that time, more powerful gods will surely come to carve up our heavenly ruins."

"So our coordinates cannot be exposed. With the protection of the secret formation, it is difficult for ordinary high-level gods to discover our heavenly ruins, but this needs to be covered up."

"Just like when you usually teleport in through an identity token, the formation here will eliminate all traces."

"But you just teleported here by yourself through the coordinates. It will definitely leave traces. The average strong person cannot feel it. But the true god is paying attention here and will definitely be aware of it. I have to move my position now." Guaoduoyue said. More and more angry.

Because with the size of the heavenly ruins, moving the position slightly would require a massive amount of spiritual energy as support.

"Ahem!" Ye Feng coughed lightly and changed the topic again, "I have now understood the rules of space. If I go to understand the supreme rules, can I enjoy the same discount as the World Tree itself?"

His space rules have just been realized, and they are only at the first level of the rules realm. At the same time, all his previous space system rules will be overwritten.

This is why Ye Feng did not improve the realm of other space system rules before.

Because everything will be covered, practicing it is equivalent to practicing in vain, even if he has reached the tenth level of the rules realm, the rules of space movement are the same.

So the question is, since Ye Feng learned this information from Guoduo from the beginning, why did he practice the rules of space movement again?

The reason is simple. Although the space movement rules will be overwritten, it is equivalent to leaving an introduction.

To use an analogy, understanding the rules is like climbing a steep rock wall. Under normal circumstances, you can only climb with bare hands and explore the way bit by bit.

The place where the space movement rules were understood before is equivalent to leaving a climbing rope.

Ye Feng can just pull this rope and rush upward without caring about anything else. He doesn't know how many times faster this speed can be.

Coupled with the assistance of the source of rules, according to Ye Feng's estimation, his space rules can be upgraded from the first level to the tenth level in about 10 days at most.

Now that he has come here, in addition to announcing the good news to Guoduo, he is also using the origin of the rules here to quickly improve his realm.

When Guoduo heard Ye Feng's question, the anger in his heart was instantly calmed down. Facing such a genius, it was indeed difficult to be truly angry.

"Well! Go ahead and use it. Now you, the human being, can also enjoy a 10% discount."

Guoduo said and explained in passing, "Actually, it wasn't that I didn't give you a discount before, but there were some rules that I couldn't break."

Next, both parties were doing their own things. Ye Feng was not stingy with points here, comprehending the rules of space over and over again.

As for Guoduo, he drove the large formation and quietly moved the void position of the heavenly ruins.

Yes, the entire ruins of Heaven are actually hidden in the void layer.

Because of this, no one can find such a large ruins.

For the same reason, even if Ye Feng could locate the coordinates of the heavenly ruins through his identity token, he could not transmit them there.

Time passed quickly, and one night passed.

On the morning of the second day, Ye Feng once again understood the rules. When he opened his eyes, the aura on his body became more and more misty.

"Not bad! In one night, I reached the second level of the Rules Realm." Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction and stood up.

However, when he felt the state of the World Tree, his brows wrinkled imperceptibly.

Even after experiencing the second violent fluctuation of spiritual energy yesterday, the rules of life still cannot break through to the realm of heaven and earth.

On the side of the World Tree itself, I spent another night meditating and sorting out my previous insights. Although I have made some progress, I still can't see the end of the road.

It could be said that Ye Feng finally realized what it felt like to be stuck at a bottleneck.

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