Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 442 Gathering in Sunset Valley

At this time in foreign countries, many sixth-level experts immediately applied to join the Holy City.

Naturally, the managers in the Holy City would not refuse these applications.

It's just that when they apply, these people will be informed in advance that if they want to obtain the quota granted by the Dragon King, they need to meet a one-week residence period.

In other words, those of them who had just joined the Holy City had no chance to apply.

This naturally caused dissatisfaction among many sixth-level experts.

But dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, but no one dares to run wild on the Dragon King's territory.

Such regulations naturally shut out many sixth-level powerhouses. Likewise, many sixth-level powerhouses finally chose to join.

After all, if the Dragon King can use this kind of opportunity once, he may not be able to use it a second time.

Especially those who are at the peak of the sixth level, their own strength has been unable to improve. If they stay in other countries and forces, even if they get training resources, they will be of no use to them.

In this case, the attraction of the Holy City to them is extremely huge.

The Holy City's large-scale recruitment of talents will naturally make many countries dissatisfied, but again, they can only tolerate their dissatisfaction.

The heated debate continues online, but mobilization has already taken place around the world.

Because Ye Feng's notification time was only one day, and various cities needed to select candidates and rush to Yangcheng City within one day, this time was naturally extremely tight.

Basically all the sixth level experts in the country have been notified.

Of course, at the final count, the total number of sixth-level experts in the country reached 11,236, which means that 1,236 people will be eliminated.

So who is eliminated and who can participate in the opportunity is worth talking about.

This is also a headache for city managers.

In order to avoid more trouble, almost all managers will eventually adopt the simplest and crudest method.

That is to directly press the cultivation method. In order to select from high to low, those who are not selected into the list can directly initiate a challenge. The winner will enter the list and the loser will be eliminated.

After selecting the candidates, whether it is by car or plane in China, we can reach Sunset Town at least within one day.

But if the Holy City wants to rush over, it is not a matter of time, but a matter of whether they have the ability.

Fortunately, the considerate Dragon King had already thought of these things for them.

Therefore, the managers of each holy city were notified that the parrot messenger would personally lead everyone to Sunset Town on the second day.

Although many people are curious about what the Parrot Messenger will do, no one doubts whether the other party can do it.

The next day, 7 o'clock in the morning.

The 300 sixth-level experts selected from each holy city have already gathered in the square of the main city.

In the Tenth Holy City, Renekton Miller, the patriarch of the Miller family, whispered to the young man in front of him, Robert Miller.

"After you go over there, you must understand the rules. Watch more and do less. Do you understand?" Renekton said softly.

The person in front of him was his son, whose talent could only be considered mediocre, but with his push, most of the family's resources were tilted towards him.

Without hesitation in spending resources, in two months, Robert Miller finally broke through from the peak of the third level to the middle of the sixth level. Although his cultivation level is not high, he can still get the quota this time.

"Don't worry, father, I'm not stupid." Robert rolled his eyes.

Due to family connections, he has received an excellent education since he was a child. He cannot say much about his combat talents, but he can deal with these aspects of interpersonal relationships.

In particular, he has received special training in dealing with interpersonal relationships with powerful forces.

Maybe it wouldn't work for him to fight, but when it comes to socializing, he thinks he can't lose to anyone.

"Okay! For your trip this time, you don't want to have merit, but you want to have no faults." Renekton gave the final warning.

At the same time, he glanced at his watch and knew that it was almost time.

The rest of the sixth-level experts selected into the list have naturally arrived long ago and are all eagerly awaiting their arrival.

Suddenly they felt that the light above their heads was blocked by a shadow. When they looked up, they saw it was the parrot messenger.

The 300 sixth-level powerhouses in the field were actually the same as the mutated parrots in terms of realm. However, after the mutated parrots appeared, everyone lowered their heads respectfully.

"Everyone is here, let's go, don't resist." The mutated parrot's voice came from above.

The people below, including Robert, still didn't understand what this meant, but the next moment, they all felt a strange energy surrounding themselves.

Immediately afterwards, all the scenery in front of them became distorted, and they seemed to be walking through a weird passage.

At this time, everyone's expressions were very serious, because they felt that this passage was fatally dangerous, and it seemed that they could easily be shattered to pieces.

However, this feeling only lasted for a second. The next moment, the distorted scenery in front of him began to become clear.

But when they saw the scene in front of them clearly, they were shocked to find that they had already changed places.

"I know this pure wooden architectural style. This is the legendary sunset town."

"Oh my God, in just a split second, we were on the other side of the world. It was incredible."

Robert listened to the discussions of everyone around him, and he didn't feel surprised at all.

Because when I discussed with my father yesterday, I basically analyzed that the Dragon King wanted to send people from ten holy cities to Sunset Town in a short time. This was only possible by using the legendary teleportation ability. arrive.

This scene at this time only confirmed his guess.

So while everyone around was surprised, he looked at the surrounding environment. They were in a small square that was not big.

But even in a small square, the flow of people here is quite large.

The crowd around them were naturally surprised at their sudden appearance at first, but their surprise soon subsided.

It seems that it is not surprising that something surprising happened here.

Suddenly, in the area to their right, a burst of energy appeared out of thin air, pushing away the crowd around them. The next moment, another team came here out of thin air.

Obviously, this should be the team from the remaining holy cities.

It only took half a minute for the selected members of the 10 holy cities to be teleported here by the mutant parrot.

When the last brigade also appeared, the mutated parrot's voice came again, "All Holy City personnel listen to the order and follow me."

Seeing the mutated parrot flying into the distance, Robert naturally followed up quickly like everyone else.

Soon the group left the Sunset Town, shuttled through the dense forest, and headed towards the Sunset Valley not far away.

Robert found that there seemed to be another team not far from them, but the number was not large, only more than 100 people.

But this was just the beginning, and soon he saw one team after another.

These teams were all heading towards the Sunset Valley just like them, and they were obviously sixth-level experts who had gotten the chance.

As the team gets closer to Sunset Valley, almost everyone will consider a question.

What kind of opportunity does the Dragon King provide? It can be shared by so many people.

With curiosity in mind, the team's speed was not slow at all. In just a few minutes, they arrived at the Sunset Valley.

When the team was moving forward, there were still some people talking, but when they entered the Sunset Valley, everyone shut their mouths.

Because at first glance, they were all huge mutated animals, densely packed almost occupying the entire Sunset Valley.

Although both sides are at the same level, the huge size of the mutated animals will give people a very intuitive sense of oppression, not to mention that the mutated animals here are one after another, so densely packed that it is almost impossible to see the end at a glance.

Not only on the ground, but also numerous mutant birds were parked above the woods.

When they walked in, it could be said that they were surrounded by mutated animals in all directions. There was no one in the room who was not frightened.

But fortunately, there is a mutant parrot taking the lead. Wherever it flies, these mutant animals will make way for them to move forward.

Finally, they came to a clearing.

This open space is not big, but there are not many people here at this time. They are completely crowded together. Many people have even climbed into the trees when they see that there is no place on the ground.

It's just that although there are many people in the venue, they are all quite quiet.

The reason for this is because in the sky, there is a strong man holding a big sword standing in the sky. The man's body is unabashedly exuding seventh-level fluctuations, which is enough to suppress everyone present.

Robert raised his eyes and looked up. Based on the intelligence collected by the Miller family, he recognized the man in front of him almost at a glance. It was Chen Dalong, the second strongest human being today and the only one who had broken through to the seventh level.

It was precisely because of his intimidation that the more than 10,000 sixth-level experts in the field were able to stay in place quietly.

At this time, the mutated parrot in the sky also said to the people coming from Shida Holy City below.

"You just stay in this area and don't run around. In about an hour, the power of the rules will fluctuate violently. This is a good time for you to understand the rules."

"During this process, you are not allowed to disturb others, make noise, or move around at will. Now you have three minutes to find a suitable location."

"After three minutes, anyone who violates the rules will be directly expelled from Sunset Valley."

"Finally, Mr. Chen Dalong in the sky is the temporary manager of you humans. He has the right to impose any punishment." After the explanation, the mutant parrot turned around and disappeared in front of everyone.

After hearing this, many people did not come back to their senses.

But this did not include Robert. Before he came here, he saw the shortage of positions, so he started looking for a position before the mutated parrot opened his mouth.

When the mutated parrot finished speaking, he immediately jumped up and headed towards the branch of a giant tree not far away.

Although there are many smart people like Robert, there are certainly not many, and most people only realize it later.

But when they came to their senses and started looking for it, there was really no place left.

However, one of the rules set by the Parrot Messenger is that it is not allowed to disturb others, that is to say, fighting for position by force is not allowed.

This directly caused many people to rush around anxiously.

After Ye Feng explained these things, he left them alone. After all, after the original fruit withered, the scope that the power of rules could cover was limited.

Even the entire Sunset Valley couldn't be completely covered. In this case, he had a hard time stuffing these mutant animals in the Dragon King Palace.

There was only so much space that could be made available for humans. Ye Feng didn't care at all how they arranged it.

Even if they want to stack up, they have to stay there or leave directly.

At this time, he stayed in the designated restricted area and waited silently.

He was also feeling a little nervous at this time, because this rule fluctuation was more important to him than any one person.

It depends on this time whether the human beings can quickly understand the supreme space rules.

As for the main body of the World Tree, it has also been stuck at the tenth level of the Domain Realm for more than a week, unable to break through to the Heaven and Earth Realm.

This kind of breakthrough into a big realm was really much more difficult than he imagined.

If he could break through to the realm of heaven and earth, there would be a lot that Ye Feng could do.

First, he can break through to the ninth level, making a qualitative leap in strength.

Ye Feng believes that when he reaches the ninth level, coupled with the Wanmu Divine Body that is about to reach the Dacheng state, the defensive power of the tree roots will definitely exceed those of the tenth level experts.

Whether it can reach the realm of true God is hard to say.

But at least when facing the Cyclops, with its terrifying recovery speed, it must be able to protect itself.

What's more, pushing the rules of life to the realm of heaven and earth means that the most difficult test in the inheritance land has been completed, and he can also obtain the quasi-eternal artifact Hidden Sky Boat.

The Eternal Artifact is a level higher than the Supreme Artifact.

Even though there is a certain word in front, Ye Feng feels that holding such a powerful weapon, he might be able to resist head-on and have the strength of a true god.

Ye Feng took a deep breath, abandoned these distracting thoughts, and began to adjust his condition silently.

An hour passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Blu and Qiongqi also came to the original fruit planting area again, and this time, they even called their subordinates over.

Of course, the men they brought over could only stay on the periphery of the planting area.

It is absolutely impossible for Ye Feng to let these people get close to the original fruit, lest they do something irrational.

However, both Qiongqi and Blue were contracted by him using their system abilities, and another month had passed, and their loyalty had almost increased to 90%, so they were naturally qualified to enter the restricted area.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, Blue's strength has returned to the peak of the seventh level, and is only one step away from the eighth level.

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