Perhaps ordinary people only see the immediate crisis, but these high-level humans have already focused on the future.

So they know very well where the real crisis for mankind comes from.

Naturally, they are the top experts.

In the past, they were worried about the restricted areas, but now the nine restricted areas were too scared to come out due to the majesty of Dragon King and Ye Feng. Naturally, they breathed a long sigh of relief.

But this only solves the short-term worries. Naturally, they also have long-term worries, which are extraterrestrial creatures.

Although the matter of extraterrestrial creatures has not been made public yet, the top human beings of various forces are actually more or less aware of it.

After all, how did the lords of those restricted areas appear? In fact, as long as you think about this, you should be able to think of many things.

In addition, extraterrestrial creatures have openly appeared directly in the inheritance land, and this matter is not too hidden, so anyone can find out about it as long as there are some channels.

However, that's all they knew. How powerful those extraterrestrial warriors were and how many they had were all unknown.

But what is certain is that the number and threats of strong outsiders are simply not comparable to those in these restricted areas.

Therefore, whether it is worries about the future or other considerations, if you want to gain the power to protect yourself when those extraterrestrial creatures come, cultivating strong people is the only way out now.

Originally, all forces and countries thought that they could cultivate strong men by investing enough resources.

At least before the sixth level, they all thought so. Whether it was slow progress in cultivation or encountering a bottleneck, there was basically no problem that strange flowers and fruits could not solve.

Especially after the fifth spiritual energy recovery, strange flowers and fruits will naturally appear in some places with strong spiritual energy.

Precisely because of the discovery of these resources, everyone is quite optimistic, thinking that with this development momentum, a strong person will be born soon.

After all, after the fifth spiritual energy recovery, the growth of the sixth-level powerhouse was almost explosive.

The number of people in the entire human race who break through to the peak of the sixth level every day is estimated to be no less than 1,000.

In other words, in just these two months, the number of peak sixth-level experts has increased by 60,000.

But two months have passed, and no one among such a huge base can understand the rules and break through to the seventh level.

It can be said that it was only then that everyone realized the reality and how difficult it was to cross the chasm between the sixth and seventh levels.

There have even been some pessimistic messages on the Internet.

What’s even more exaggerated is that there are still some apocalyptic remarks fermenting.

Fortunately, all countries have plans to deal with this, and they deleted posts and provided guidance as soon as possible, so it didn't cause any waves.

But everyone knows that this situation cannot continue forever.

What's more, even if there are no problems within the human race, those extraterritorial creatures exist objectively and will attack as soon as the time comes.

Just when all mankind was feeling gloomy, Ye Feng was in a good mood and came to Liu Zaoxin's office.

"Hey! What kind of wind has brought our General Ye here? And looking at your smile, is there something good going on?" Liu Zaoxin asked Ye Feng to sit down enthusiastically.

Ye Feng is like a sea-dwelling magic needle. Even he doesn't dare to disturb her when nothing happens. He and Ye Feng haven't seen each other for nearly half a month.

"Yeah! There is indeed a good thing." Ye Feng nodded.

Liu Zaoxin originally just asked casually, but when he heard Ye Feng say this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

You must know that with Ye Feng's level and vision, the good things the other party said would definitely be a big deal to others.

"What a good thing? I am able to ask you to come here specially. Is there another breakthrough in your cultivation?" Liu Zaoxin asked expectantly.

"That's not true, but if the next thing goes well, it should be soon." Ye Feng touched his nose and said.

Although in this month, he has upgraded his mastery of space movement rules, illusion rules and thunder rules to the tenth level of the rules realm.

Logically speaking, he could break through to the eighth level at any time, but without understanding the supreme rules, how could he be willing to break through.

Of course, he is also working hard in this area, and he has mastered the rules of space cutting.

However, due to the rules of space tearing and space crushing, he had been using the Void Splitting Divine Gun for a whole month, but he still couldn't get in.

Of course, Ye Feng would not gain nothing in a month. In fact, he had become increasingly familiar with these two rules.

It's just that the road is clearly visible from a distance, but it seems to be separated by a layer of mist. After all, it's just a little bit off.

Of course, Ye Feng also knows that this is basically the case for the rest of the sixth-level experts when they comprehend the rules.

But when can we really get started, even Ye Feng can't tell.

And now the reason why he came to Liu Zaoxin and said it would be soon is because the fruits of the original fruit are about to mature.

You can again feel the violent fluctuations of rules when the world and the earth are in sorrow.

When Liu Zaoxin heard Ye Feng say that he was about to break through, he couldn't help but reveal a look of surprise on his face.

"Okay, okay." Liu Zaoxin clapped his hands excitedly, and then asked: "If you break through to the eighth level, you should be sure to deal with those strong people from outside the territory, right?"

In his mind, if the rest of the people cannot break through to the seventh level, then all bets will be placed on Ye Feng.

With Ye Feng's breakthrough speed and invincible combat power at the same level, he might not be able to protect the earth on his own.

Ye Feng thought for a while and said: "It's probably a bit reluctant for the eighth level, but it should be fine for the ninth level."

"And don't put so much burden on my shoulders! There are still many geniuses in our country, and we need to let them show their talents."

"Alas~" Liu Zaoxin sighed.

Ye Feng is also concerned about certain comments on the Internet, mainly some important information, and Chen Dalong will sort it out and send it to him.

He naturally knew why the other party sighed, so he said without hesitation: "Why don't you ask me what the good news is?"

"Uh... didn't you say you were about to break through? Isn't that the news?" Liu Zaoxin asked in surprise.

In his opinion, there is nothing greater than Ye Feng's breakthrough.

"Yes, and no. An opportunity will indeed arise next. If everything goes well, I will be able to break through to the eighth level."

"But this is not an exclusive opportunity. It can be shared with many people." Ye Feng said with a smile.

Liu Zaoxin was stunned for a moment, as if he just understood what Ye Feng meant.

"You mean this opportunity can be shared so that more people can make breakthroughs?"

Liu Zaoxin's eyes suddenly widened as he spoke. He looked at Ye Feng excitedly and asked, "Can the peak of the sixth level also break through to the seventh level?"

Ye Feng nodded, "This is natural. After all, this is an opportunity for me to break through to the eighth level."

Ye Feng thought for a while and added: "Of course, it also depends on talent. If talent is not good, the probability of breakthrough is also very low, so you'd better not have too high expectations."

"Of course, of course, I just don't know what the probability of this breakthrough is?" Liu Zaoxin asked quickly.

Ye Feng touched his chin and said: "I estimate that if you are lucky, there will be a one-thousandth chance!"

The excited look on Liu Zaoxin's face froze instantly.

He thought that the probability was very low, but he never thought that it was so low!

One in a thousand, and if you are lucky, that means basically no chance!

But at this time, Ye Feng added: "There are 10,000 places."

Liu Zaoxin's darkened eyes lit up again. If there were 10,000 places, even if there was only one thousandth chance, about 10 seventh-level experts would be born.

That's a seventh-level powerhouse. I'm afraid there are only so many seventh-level powerhouses in a restricted area.

Of course, there are still eighth-level experts in the penalty area, but Liu Zaoxin will not take them into consideration for the time being.

"What kind of resource is this! It can be shared by so many people." Liu Zaoxin asked curiously.

"It's some kind of treasure that can cause violent fluctuations in the rules, making it easier for people to understand the rules..."

Ye Feng briefly explained the effect. Of course, he kept the matter of the original fruit secret for the time being. There was no need to talk about it. He just told the other party that it was some kind of special treasure.

Last time, Ye Feng had no idea what would happen when the original fruit withered, so he was naturally unprepared.

Now Ye Feng naturally wants to take advantage of this benefit to the extreme.

After listening to this, Liu Zaoxin felt greatly shocked. He had never expected that there was such a treasure.

However, in Ye Feng's words, there was another thing that concerned him very much, that is, this treasure was not Ye Feng's personal property, but a shared trophy between him and the Dragon King.

"Then how is the distribution between you and the Dragon King?" Liu Zaoxin asked bluntly.

Before coming, Ye Feng had already thought about what to say, so he opened his mouth now.

"Because this treasure needs a lot of resources to be used to be effective, so the Dragon King Palace must occupy the majority."

"All the mutated animals in the Dragon King's Palace will go there to understand the rules. In addition, the Dragon King will also allocate 3,000 quotas to the residents of the Holy City."

After all, the Dragon King Palace is his power, so he will not treat them badly. As for the Ten Holy Cities, which are also the source of his faith, he will not let them suffer.

After deducting these two parties, adding another 10,000 places is almost the limit of what Ye Feng can do.

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Liu Zaoxin naturally had nothing to say. If all the resources were provided by the Dragon King Palace, Ye Feng would still be able to get 10,000 places, which was really not easy.

"Okay, I understand. I will arrange the matter immediately, and I will select the candidate as soon as possible." Liu Zaoxin said.

In fact, 10,000 places are completely sufficient. Although there has been a two-month period of rapid development after the fifth spiritual energy recovery, the number of sixth-level powerhouses in the country is only just over 10,000.

Therefore, most of the sixth-level experts can obtain this quota. At least those in the mid-sixth level and above, as long as they have not done anything illegal or disciplined, can definitely get this opportunity.

Soon, a shocking news was announced directly on the official website of Yangcheng City.

And not only Yangcheng City, but also the official websites of other cities are releasing such news almost simultaneously.

In an instant, the Internet exploded.

# Opportunity to break through to the seventh level! #

# Ye Feng secured 10,000 places for us to break through to the seventh level. #

# With a probability of one in a thousand, who is the real genius? #

One headline after another hit the hot searches, dazzling everyone and making the sixth-level powerhouse even more breathless.

Especially those who are at the peak of the sixth level have the urge to cry with joy.

After all, no matter how difficult it is to break through the previous bottleneck, the bottleneck is still there, and it can be slowly worn out.

But when you break through from the sixth level to the seventh level, you don't understand the rules, but you can't detect the bottleneck.

As for understanding the rules, it’s easy to say, but how difficult is it to do?

Many strong people at the peak of the sixth level are unable to make any progress in their cultivation. They have been comprehending for a month, but they haven't even touched the edge. The feeling is simply crazy.

Under such circumstances, Ye Feng brought them such news, and its impact can be imagined.

Especially the quota, there are still as many as 10,000.

"Look at the international news. The top ten holy cities have also issued similar announcements."

"I also saw it, but they only have 300 places in each holy city, which is really small!"

"Actually, there are quite a few. There are not many sixth-level experts in those holy cities. 300 places are basically enough, and the total of 10 holy cities is 3,000 places."

"But Ye Shen is still amazing! He directly secured 10,000 places for us! Does this compare to the Dragon King Palace?"

"You will know at a glance that you did not read the announcement carefully. All mutant animals in the Dragon King Palace can get this opportunity, but the resources required to activate the treasures are all provided by the Dragon King Palace. We are free prostitutes, 1 Ten thousand places is enough."

People on the Internet were talking a lot, and basically everyone was praising Ye Feng.

Of course, the reason for this is because the truth was not announced here, or it was only partially announced, but it concealed the fact that the special treasure was jointly owned by Ye Feng and the Dragon King.

So under everyone's interpretation, it became that Ye Feng just took advantage of the Dragon King Palace without giving anything.

At this time, Ye Feng was also reading the news, and was a little bit dumbfounded when he saw Liu Zaoxin's operation.

Of course, he didn't stop him, because a large amount of power of faith gathered towards his human form.

Then he closed the web page and looked at the international news. Unlike the harmony here, there was already a lot of noise there.

Although Ye Feng built ten holy cities, the population accommodated by the ten holy cities has only increased to about 40 million, and the total population is only 400 million.

This is less than one-tenth of the global population.

As for the proportion of sixth-level powerhouses, there is even less. After all, the stronger the person, the more capable he is of protecting himself in the face of mutated animals. Therefore, before, those sixth-level powerhouses were not anxious at all.

But now, they are anxious.

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