Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 407 Preparation before the war (Part 2)

If Ye Feng harvested the entire middle area, it would take about 10 hours. In other words, he would be able to obtain 6 billion spiritual energy points in one go.

What's more, Ye Feng did not harvest spiritual energy in a predatory way, but harvested normally like trees in the outside world.

Therefore, the spiritual energy in these trees can be restored within three or four hours, or as slowly as seven or eight hours.

In other words, if Ye Feng wants, he can keep harvesting here.

Of course, Ye Feng couldn't do this.

Because harvesting spiritual energy quickly requires him to accurately control every tree root.

In this case, he needs to concentrate to do it, which means that when harvesting spiritual energy, there is no way to be distracted and do other things.

So for Ye Feng, it is just enough.

After Ye Feng spent three hours harvesting 300 million points of spiritual energy, he stopped.

Then he added some points while thinking about the magical power of law, heaven, and earth.

If Ye Feng wants to continue to improve his combat power, it is undoubtedly the fastest thing to do to cultivate the magic power of Fa Tian Xiang and Earth to a small level.

Cultivation of the magical power of Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth has very high requirements for the realm. Only the seventh-level entry level, the eighth-level minor achievement, the ninth-level great achievement, and the tenth level can be cultivated to the perfect state.

But high requirements often mean that the power is also extremely powerful.

Just at the entry level, all attributes of the body can be increased by 200%.

When you reach the Xiaocheng state, this improvement can reach 400%.

In other words, if Ye Feng can now use the Dharma of the Xiaocheng realm, then he can explode a huge force of 36,000 tons from a tree root.

The ultimate speed can reach 1200 times the speed of sound.

Of course, there is also defense, which can be raised to another level, probably to the late ninth level.

When the time comes to fight against Qiongqi, we will be more confident.

And in addition to the improvement of combat power, for Ye Feng, there is another reason to quickly master the magical powers of heaven, earth, and earth, and start practicing.

Ye Feng needs this magical power, which can enlarge and reduce the size.

You know, with Ye Feng's exaggerated body size that has now broken through to the eighth level, it would be a bit too shocking to return directly to Sunset Valley.

Even the Sunset Valley, which had gone through two rounds of expansion, could not accommodate the width of his trunk.

"The two deities are enlightening together, I hope I can get started soon!" Ye Feng whispered to himself.

Although the human deity is only at the seventh level, the insights of the two deities are common, and their spirits are equally strong, so there is no problem in helping them gain enlightenment.

But even so, Fa Tian Xiang Di is not that easy to improve.

After one night, Ye Feng only got a glimpse of the door.

Morning of the 2nd day.

Ye Feng left the place of inheritance and returned to the hotel.

Because Ye Rou promised to take him to the amusement park yesterday, so of course she would not break her promise.

In the morning, I took Ye Rou to the amusement park and had a good time playing for a long time.

After having lunch with my parents at noon, I planned to return to the inheritance place and continue practicing.

If before leaving, he looked at Ye Rou and said: "Most members of the special operations group have gone to Sunset Town for training. You have also rested for several days. It's time to return to the team for training."

Since Ye Rou achieved third place and joined the genius training program, she was naturally also a member of the special operations team.

However, she was still too young, only 6 years old, so Ye Feng naturally did not let her participate in the clearing operation in Daxinganling.

Of course, this is not because Ye Feng is showing favoritism, but there is indeed such a rule.

Even evolvers and superpowers, such important combat powers, do not need to go to the battlefield as long as they are under 12 years old.

In other words, Ye Rou can at least practice with peace of mind for 6 years.

Of course, not going to the battlefield does not mean that there is no need for training, so Ye Feng made such a request.

"Okay, big pot, I'll add oil." Ye Rou encouraged herself.

"In that case, let's take the special plane back in the afternoon!" Ye Xiangfeng said.

In fact, after being out for so many days, he has long wanted to go back. Now he can only direct the development of the Sunset Inn through the phone every day, which is really inconvenient.

If it hadn't been for this trip, according to the original development plan, Sunset Inn's chain stores would have opened to other cities.

"Actually, I can teleport you back directly." Ye Feng said.

"If you have nothing to do, just go and do your work! I can't let you do such a small thing." Ye Xiangfeng said.

Ye Feng did not insist on this. Now with the rapid development of Yangcheng City, it has completely become a first-tier city. There are direct flights to other cities and there are fighter escorts, which is relatively safe.

Of course, Ye Feng would not leave his family's safety in the hands of others.

In fact, when he left, the Mutated Goshawk Team had been hiding in the mountains and forests near the capital on standby.

When the time comes, the parents can take the plane and let the mutant goshawk team be responsible for escorting them.

After lunch, Ye Feng returned to the inheritance place and continued to practice.

In the blink of an eye, another day passed.

The human being has successfully broken through to the late seventh level, and the World Tree has also reached the mid-eighth level.

The cultivation of the two deities is advancing steadily, but the cultivation of Fa Tian Xiang Di is much more difficult than Ye Feng imagined.

After two days, there was still no success in practicing.

"I feel that you are a little impatient, and you can feel it yourself. You have mastered all the core difficulties, but you are just a little short of being able to use them."

"Actually, what's missing is the essence, or the last bit of aura." Guoduo, who had been watching Ye Feng practice, reminded him at this time.

Ye Feng exhaled slowly. He actually felt a little bit like this. As the time approached, he became more and more anxious and a little confused.

"Then what should I do now?" Ye Feng asked humbly.

"Do something else to divert your attention for a while! For example, understand the rules or something." Guoduo said.

Ye Feng nodded after hearing this, but he had no intention of understanding the rules. He took out his identity token and teleported it directly to the Lei Pond.

His Thunder God Body has only finished cultivating the first six levels. Now that he has broken through to the seventh level, he can start cultivating the seventh level.

If the training is completed, then when using the Thunder Divine Body, his strength and speed can be increased by 7 times on the original basis.

This is equivalent to a direct increase from 21 times to 28 times.

Coupled with his current physical fitness, the increase is not a slight increase.

With the help of Lei Chi, the remaining three days should be enough for him to complete the cultivation of the seventh level.

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