Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 406 Preparation before the war (Part 1)

Looking at Guoduo who was asking eagerly, Ye Feng did not show off and said directly: "I have successfully condensed the domain, and I feel pretty good."

Guoduo rolled his eyes, "I'm asking for your specific data. Needless to say anything else, just tell me how many kilometers your initial domain diameter has expanded to!"

"10 kilometers." Ye Feng said simply.

Even though Guoduo had been prepared, when he heard what Ye Feng said, his blurry little eyes couldn't help but widen.

"There are actually people whose initial area can reach 10 kilometers! This is the theoretical limit." Guoduo was still shocked.

Hearing what the other party said, Ye Feng couldn't help but become interested and asked: "Listen to what you said, it seems that no one has been able to achieve it before?"

"Yeah!" Guoduo had nothing to hide and nodded directly in affirmation.

"Where's the Lord of Heaven! He should also have mastered the supreme rules, right?" Ye Feng became even more curious.

"Old Master, he only realized the highest rules when he was at the tenth level. If you want to condense the realm of theoretical limits, you must realize the supreme rules at the seventh level."

"No one has done this before, at least not in these eras." Guoduo revealed another secret.

Ye Feng was a little surprised, this also meant that his talent had surpassed that of the Lord of Heaven.

This made Ye Feng's emotions complicated for a moment, but he quickly adjusted.

After all, this is what should be done. If he cannot surpass the Lord of Heaven, then how can he lead the humans on earth to leave here and avoid the catastrophe of the universe.

Next, Guoduo asked in detail about Ye Feng's process of condensing fields to expand his database.

When I learned that the rules of life can actually condense the domain framework on its own.

Guoduo was startled again and sighed repeatedly, incredible.

After describing the entire breakthrough process to Guoduo, Ye Feng had no time to continue chatting with him.

Instead, we need to seize the time and improve our strength.

There are only more than 4 days left. The World Tree has to be promoted to the eighth level peak, and the human being has to be promoted to the seventh level peak. This is not an easy task.

Anyone else would probably not even have such an idea.

Even if Ye Feng wanted to complete it, it would not be easy.

It's okay to say that the World Tree itself has a systematic way of adding abilities and enough aura.

But human beings are different. Without a system, they can only rely on external things.

Like the aura fruit made by World Tree itself, this is definitely not possible, because it can only provide a large amount of aura, but the speed is still too slow.

Therefore, if human beings want to break through quickly, they can only rely on heavenly materials and earthly treasures that can quickly increase their strength.

Does Ye Feng have such a thing?

Of course there is.

Flat peach fruit is an excellent natural and earthly treasure. What Ye Feng has to consider now is whether the quantity of flat peach fruit on hand is enough.

When Ye Feng came in for the first time, he swept away a lot of flat peaches. At the most, he had more than 3,000 flat peaches.

But now, there are only 2,000 pieces left in hand.

Of course, taking one flat peach fruit can increase a full 10,000 points of spiritual energy. 2,000 flat peach fruits are equivalent to having 20 million points of spiritual energy.

For other people, one-tenth of the amount would be enough.

However, Ye Feng cultivates the Thunder Divine Body and has a perfect foundation, so his demand for spiritual energy is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Ye Feng immediately swallowed a flat peach fruit. With his seventh-level super physical constitution, he completely digested the flat peach fruit in just one minute.

With his strong perception, Ye Feng quickly calculated that he had only increased 0.2% of his progress to the next level.

"This is really expensive. One flat peach fruit can only increase the progress by 0.2%, five can increase the progress by 1%, and 500 can reach the bottleneck of the next level." Ye Feng couldn't help but muttered.

Fortunately, the batch of flat peach fruits he had was still enough.

While Ye Feng was taking the Pantao Fruit, the World Tree itself was also adding points.

After reaching the eighth level, now he needs 500 points of spiritual energy once he adds points.

As for other effects, it is almost the same as before.

Adding 1 point will increase the length of all tree roots by 10 cm. If you add points 10 times, you will get 1 evolution point.

Only when the core accumulates 60,000 evolution points can one break through to the next level, which is equivalent to adding 600,000 points.

And adding 500 spiritual energy points at a time means that a total of 300 million spiritual energy points are needed.

To be honest, after calculating this value, Ye Feng was secretly speechless.

This consumption is indeed exaggerated compared to before.

But fortunately, since he had the advanced spirit gathering array, Ye Feng was able to harvest a terrifying number of 200 million points of spiritual energy every day.

However, Ye Feng currently does not have much stored spiritual energy, only 100 million points as a temporary reserve.

The excess spiritual energy was basically used by Ye Feng to open up the world inside his body.

Because of this, during this period of time, the area of ​​​​Ye Feng's inner world has been almost the same size as Sunset Town.

Of course, this is not enough. If the cosmic catastrophe comes, the world inside the body will be Noah's Ark for all human beings.

If possible, Ye Feng plans to put all the creatures on the earth into it.

Of course, this is definitely a long and arduous process, and Ye Feng has planned to spend several years, or even more than ten years, to complete it.

As for now, improving his strength must be the most important thing, so he immediately spoke and asked Guoduo to teleport him back to the land of inheritance.

He wants to go to the dense forest in the middle area to harvest spiritual energy.

If it were in the past, Guoduo would most likely refuse, but it doesn't matter now. As long as it is not allowed by regulations, Guoduo will turn a blind eye.

Even, Ye Feng will be given convenience to a certain extent.

For example, if Ye Feng came in before, because he was too large, he would be suppressed by the place of inheritance and be reduced by 10 times.

But now that this suppression is cancelled, with Ye Feng's more than 200 kilometers of tree roots, we can sweep up here and plunder the spiritual energy at a speed that shouldn't be too easy.

In one minute, Ye Feng harvested a full 10 million points of spiritual energy in just one minute.

Even though Ye Feng was prepared, he was still a little startled by such a fast harvesting of spiritual energy.

This is really an exaggeration, it means that he can harvest 600 million points of spiritual energy in just one hour.

More importantly, the area here in the Land of Inheritance is too vast and cannot be compared to the Dongling Mountains. This means that he can let go and harvest spiritual energy without any scruples.

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